. */ namespace Xibo\Report; use Carbon\Carbon; use MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime; use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface; use Slim\Http\ServerRequest as Request; use Xibo\Entity\ReportSchedule; use Xibo\Factory\DisplayFactory; use Xibo\Factory\DisplayGroupFactory; use Xibo\Factory\LayoutFactory; use Xibo\Factory\MediaFactory; use Xibo\Factory\ReportScheduleFactory; use Xibo\Factory\SavedReportFactory; use Xibo\Factory\UserFactory; use Xibo\Helper\DateFormatHelper; use Xibo\Helper\SanitizerService; use Xibo\Helper\Translate; use Xibo\Service\ConfigServiceInterface; use Xibo\Service\LogServiceInterface; use Xibo\Service\ReportServiceInterface; use Xibo\Storage\StorageServiceInterface; use Xibo\Storage\TimeSeriesStoreInterface; use Xibo\Support\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Xibo\Support\Exception\NotFoundException; /** * Class ProofOfPlay * @package Xibo\Report */ class ProofOfPlay implements ReportInterface { use ReportTrait; /** * @var DisplayFactory */ private $displayFactory; /** * @var MediaFactory */ private $mediaFactory; /** * @var LayoutFactory */ private $layoutFactory; /** * @var SavedReportFactory */ private $savedReportFactory; /** * @var ReportScheduleFactory */ private $reportScheduleFactory; /** * @var UserFactory */ private $userFactory; /** * @var DisplayGroupFactory */ private $displayGroupFactory; /** * @var ReportServiceInterface */ private $reportService; private $table = 'stat'; private $tagsType = [ 'dg' => 'Display group', 'media' => 'Media', 'layout' => 'Layout' ]; /** * Report Constructor. * @param \Xibo\Helper\ApplicationState $state * @param StorageServiceInterface $store * @param TimeSeriesStoreInterface $timeSeriesStore * @param LogServiceInterface $log * @param ConfigServiceInterface $config * @param SanitizerService $sanitizer */ public function __construct($state, $store, $timeSeriesStore, $log, $config, $sanitizer) { $this->setCommonDependencies($state, $store, $timeSeriesStore, $log, $config, $sanitizer); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function setFactories(ContainerInterface $container) { $this->displayFactory = $container->get('displayFactory'); $this->mediaFactory = $container->get('mediaFactory'); $this->layoutFactory = $container->get('layoutFactory'); $this->savedReportFactory = $container->get('savedReportFactory'); $this->reportScheduleFactory = $container->get('reportScheduleFactory'); $this->userFactory = $container->get('userFactory'); $this->displayGroupFactory = $container->get('displayGroupFactory'); $this->reportService = $container->get('reportService'); return $this; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function getReportChartScript($results) { return null; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function getReportEmailTemplate() { return 'proofofplay-email-template.twig'; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function getReportForm() { return [ 'template' => 'proofofplay-report-form', 'data' => [ 'fromDate' => Carbon::now()->subSeconds(86400 * 35)->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()), 'fromDateOneDay' => Carbon::now()->subSeconds(86400)->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()), 'toDate' => Carbon::now()->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()), 'availableReports' => $this->reportService->listReports() ] ]; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function getReportScheduleFormData(Request $request) { $data = []; $title = 'Add Report Schedule'; $data['formTitle'] = $title; $data['type'] = $request->getParam('type', ''); $data['tagsType'] = $request->getParam('tagsType', ''); $exactTags = $request->getParam('exactTags', false); $data['exactTags'] = ($exactTags == 'true') ? true : false; $tags = $request->getParam('tags', ''); $data['tags'] = $tags; $data['hiddenFields'] = ''; $data['reportName'] = 'proofofplayReport'; return [ 'template' => 'proofofplay-schedule-form-add', 'data' => $data ]; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function setReportScheduleFormData(Request $request) { $sanitizedParams = $this->getSanitizer($request->getParams()); // We use the following variables in temp array $filter = $sanitizedParams->getString('filter'); $displayId = $sanitizedParams->getInt('displayId'); $layoutIds = $sanitizedParams->getIntArray('layoutId'); $mediaIds = $sanitizedParams->getIntArray('mediaId'); $type = $sanitizedParams->getString('type'); $sortBy = $sanitizedParams->getString('sortBy'); $tagsType = $sanitizedParams->getString('tagsType'); $tags = $sanitizedParams->getString('tags'); $exactTags = $sanitizedParams->getCheckbox('exactTags'); $temp = ['filter', 'displayId', 'layoutIds', 'mediaIds', 'type', 'sortBy', 'tagsType', 'tags', 'exactTags']; $filterCriteria = []; foreach ($temp as $value) { $filterCriteria[$value] = $$value; } $schedule = ''; if ($filter == 'daily') { $schedule = ReportSchedule::$SCHEDULE_DAILY; $filterCriteria['reportFilter'] = 'yesterday'; } else if ($filter == 'weekly') { $schedule = ReportSchedule::$SCHEDULE_WEEKLY; $filterCriteria['reportFilter'] = 'lastweek'; } else if ($filter == 'monthly') { $schedule = ReportSchedule::$SCHEDULE_MONTHLY; $filterCriteria['reportFilter'] = 'lastmonth'; } else if ($filter == 'yearly') { $schedule = ReportSchedule::$SCHEDULE_YEARLY; $filterCriteria['reportFilter'] = 'lastyear'; } $filterCriteria['sendEmail'] = $sanitizedParams->getCheckbox('sendEmail'); $filterCriteria['nonusers'] = $sanitizedParams->getString('nonusers'); // Return return [ 'filterCriteria' => json_encode($filterCriteria), 'schedule' => $schedule ]; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function generateSavedReportName($filterCriteria) { $saveAs = sprintf(__('%s report for ', ucfirst($filterCriteria['filter']))); switch ($filterCriteria['type']) { case 'layout': $saveAs .= 'Type: Layout. '; break; case 'media': $saveAs .= 'Type: Media. '; break; case 'widget': $saveAs .= 'Type: Widget. '; break; case 'event': $saveAs .= 'Type: Event. '; break; default: $saveAs .= 'Type: All. '; break; } if (isset($filterCriteria['layoutIds'])) { if (count($filterCriteria['layoutIds']) > 0) { $layouts = ''; foreach ($filterCriteria['layoutIds'] as $id) { try { $layout = $this->layoutFactory->getById($id); } catch (NotFoundException $error) { // Get the campaign ID $campaignId = $this->layoutFactory->getCampaignIdFromLayoutHistory($id); $layoutId = $this->layoutFactory->getLatestLayoutIdFromLayoutHistory($campaignId); $layout = $this->layoutFactory->getById($layoutId); } $layouts .= $layout->layout . ', '; } $saveAs .= 'Layouts: '. $layouts; } } if (isset($filterCriteria['mediaIds'])) { if (count($filterCriteria['mediaIds']) > 0) { $medias = ''; foreach ($filterCriteria['mediaIds'] as $id) { try { $media = $this->mediaFactory->getById($id); $name = $media->name; } catch (NotFoundException $error) { $name = 'Media not found'; } $medias .= $name . ', '; } $saveAs .= 'Media: ' . $medias; } } if (!empty($filterCriteria['displayId'])) { // Get display try{ $displayName = $this->displayFactory->getById($filterCriteria['displayId'])->display; $saveAs .= '(Display: '. $displayName . ')'; } catch (NotFoundException $error){ $saveAs .= '(DisplayId: Not Found )'; } } return $saveAs; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function getSavedReportResults($json, $savedReport) { // Get filter criteria $rs = $this->reportScheduleFactory->getById($savedReport->reportScheduleId, 1)->filterCriteria; $filterCriteria = json_decode($rs, true); $tagsType = $filterCriteria['tagsType']; $tags = $filterCriteria['tags']; $exactTags = ($filterCriteria['exactTags'] == 1) ? ' (exact match)': ''; // Show filter criteria $filterInfo = ''; if ($tags != null) { $filterInfo = 'Tags from: '. $this->tagsType[$tagsType]. ', Tags: '. $tags. $exactTags; } // Return data to build chart return array_merge($json, [ 'template' => 'proofofplay-report-preview', 'filterInfo' => $filterInfo, 'savedReport' => $savedReport, 'generatedOn' => Carbon::createFromTimestamp($savedReport->generatedOn)->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()) ]); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function getResults($filterCriteria) { $this->getLog()->debug('Filter criteria: '. json_encode($filterCriteria, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); $sanitizedParams = $this->getSanitizer($filterCriteria); $displayId = $sanitizedParams->getInt('displayId'); $layoutIds = $sanitizedParams->getIntArray('layoutId', ['default' => [] ]); $mediaIds = $sanitizedParams->getIntArray('mediaId', ['default' => [] ]); $type = strtolower($sanitizedParams->getString('type')); $tags = $sanitizedParams->getString('tags'); $tagsType = $sanitizedParams->getString('tagsType'); $exactTags = $sanitizedParams->getCheckbox('exactTags'); // Do not filter by display if super admin and no display is selected // Super admin will be able to see stat records of deleted display, we will not filter by display later $displayIds = []; // Get user $userId = $this->getUserId(); if ($userId == null) { $user = $this->userFactory->getUser(); } else { $user = $this->userFactory->getById($userId); } $displayFactory = clone $this->displayFactory; $displayFactory->setAclDependencies($user, $this->userFactory); if ($user->userTypeId != 1) { // Get an array of display id this user has access to. foreach ($displayFactory->query() as $display) { $displayIds[] = $display->displayId; } if (count($displayIds) <= 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('No displays with View permissions'), 'displays'); } // Set displayIds as [-1] if the user selected a display for which they don't have permission if ($displayId != 0) { if (!in_array($displayId, $displayIds)) { $displayIds = [-1]; } else { $displayIds = [$displayId]; } } } else { if ($displayId != 0) { $displayIds = [$displayId]; } } // web if ($sanitizedParams->getString('sortBy') == null) { // Sorting? $sortOrder = $this->gridRenderSort($filterCriteria); $columns = []; if (is_array($sortOrder)) { $columns = $sortOrder; } // Paging $start = intval($sanitizedParams->getInt('start'), 0); $length = $sanitizedParams->getInt('length', ['default' => 10]); } else { // xtr $start = 0; $length = -1; $sortBy = $sanitizedParams->getString('sortBy'); $columns = ($sortBy == '') ? ['widgetId'] : [$sortBy]; } // // From and To Date Selection // -------------------------- // Our report has a range filter which determins whether or not the user has to enter their own from / to dates // check the range filter first and set from/to dates accordingly. $reportFilter = $sanitizedParams->getString('reportFilter'); // Use the current date as a helper $now = Carbon::now(); switch ($reportFilter) { case 'today': $fromDt = $now->copy()->startOfDay(); $toDt = $fromDt->copy()->addDay(); break; case 'yesterday': $fromDt = $now->copy()->startOfDay()->subDay(); $toDt = $now->copy()->startOfDay(); break; case 'thisweek': $fromDt = $now->copy()->locale(Translate::GetLocale())->startOfWeek(); $toDt = $fromDt->copy()->addWeek(); break; case 'thismonth': $fromDt = $now->copy()->startOfMonth(); $toDt = $fromDt->copy()->addMonth(); break; case 'thisyear': $fromDt = $now->copy()->startOfYear(); $toDt = $fromDt->copy()->addYear(); break; case 'lastweek': $fromDt = $now->copy()->locale(Translate::GetLocale())->startOfWeek()->subWeek(); $toDt = $fromDt->copy()->addWeek(); break; case 'lastmonth': $fromDt = $now->copy()->startOfMonth()->subMonth(); $toDt = $fromDt->copy()->addMonth(); break; case 'lastyear': $fromDt = $now->copy()->startOfYear()->subYear(); $toDt = $fromDt->copy()->addYear(); break; case '': default: // Expect dates to be provided. $fromDt = $sanitizedParams->getDate('statsFromDt', ['default' => Carbon::now()->subDay()]); $fromDt->startOfDay(); $toDt = $sanitizedParams->getDate('statsToDt', ['default' => Carbon::now()]); $toDt->startOfDay(); $fromDtTime = $sanitizedParams->getString('statsFromDtTime'); $toDtTime = $sanitizedParams->getString('statsToDtTime'); if ($fromDtTime !== null && $toDtTime !== null) { $startTimeArray = explode(':', $fromDtTime); $fromDt->setTime(intval($startTimeArray[0]), intval($startTimeArray[1])); $toTimeArray = explode(':', $toDtTime); $toDt->setTime(intval($toTimeArray[0]), intval($toTimeArray[1])); } // What if the fromdt and todt are exactly the same? // in this case assume an entire day from midnight on the fromdt to midnight on the todt (i.e. add a day to the todt) if ($fromDt == $toDt) { $toDt->addDay(); } break; } // // Get Results! // ------------- $timeSeriesStore = $this->getTimeSeriesStore()->getEngine(); if ($timeSeriesStore == 'mongodb') { $result = $this->getProofOfPlayReportMongoDb($fromDt, $toDt, $displayIds, $layoutIds, $mediaIds, $type, $columns, $tags, $tagsType, $exactTags, $start, $length); } else { $result = $this->getProofOfPlayReportMySql($fromDt, $toDt, $displayIds, $layoutIds, $mediaIds, $type, $columns, $tags, $tagsType, $exactTags, $start, $length); } // Sanitize results $rows = []; foreach ($result['result'] as $row) { $entry = []; $sanitizedRow = $this->getSanitizer($row); $widgetId = $sanitizedRow->getInt('widgetId'); $widgetName = $sanitizedRow->getString('media'); // If the media name is empty, and the widgetid is not, then we can assume it has been deleted. $widgetName = ($widgetName == '' && $widgetId != 0) ? __('Deleted from Layout') : $widgetName; $displayName = $sanitizedRow->getString('display'); $layoutName = $sanitizedRow->getString('layout'); $entry['type'] = $sanitizedRow->getString('type'); $entry['displayId'] = $sanitizedRow->getInt('displayId'); $entry['display'] = ($displayName != '') ? $displayName : __('Not Found'); $entry['layoutId'] = $sanitizedRow->getInt('layoutId'); $entry['layout'] = ($layoutName != '') ? $layoutName : __('Not Found'); $entry['widgetId'] = $sanitizedRow->getInt('widgetId'); $entry['media'] = $widgetName; $entry['tag'] = $sanitizedRow->getString('tag'); $entry['numberPlays'] = $sanitizedRow->getInt('numberPlays'); $entry['duration'] = $sanitizedRow->getInt('duration'); $entry['minStart'] = Carbon::createFromTimestamp($row['minStart'])->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()); $entry['maxEnd'] = Carbon::createFromTimestamp($row['maxEnd'])->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()); $entry['mediaId'] = $sanitizedRow->getInt('mediaId'); $rows[] = $entry; } // Paging if ($result['count'] > 0) { $this->getState()->recordsTotal = intval($result['totalStats']); } // // Output Results // -------------- $this->getState()->template = 'grid'; $this->getState()->setData($rows); return [ 'periodStart' => $fromDt->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()), 'periodEnd' => $toDt->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()), 'table' => $rows, ]; } /** * MySQL proof of play report * @param Carbon $fromDt The filter range from date * @param Carbon $toDt The filter range to date * @param $displayIds array * @param $layoutIds array * @param $mediaIds array * @param $type string * @param $columns array * @param $tags string * @param $tagsType string * @param $exactTags mixed * @param $start int * @param $length int * @return array[array result, date periodStart, date periodEnd, int count, int totalStats] */ private function getProofOfPlayReportMySql($fromDt, $toDt, $displayIds, $layoutIds, $mediaIds, $type, $columns, $tags, $tagsType, $exactTags, $start, $length) { $fromDt = $fromDt->format('U'); $toDt = $toDt->format('U'); // Media on Layouts Ran $select = ' SELECT stat.type, display.Display, IFNULL(layout.Layout, (SELECT MAX(`layout`) AS layout FROM `layout` INNER JOIN `layouthistory` ON `layout`.layoutId = `layouthistory`.layoutId WHERE `layouthistory`.campaignId = `stat`.campaignId) ) AS Layout, IFNULL(`media`.name, IFNULL(`widgetoption`.value, `widget`.type)) AS Media, SUM(stat.count) AS NumberPlays, SUM(stat.duration) AS Duration, MIN(start) AS MinStart, MAX(end) AS MaxEnd, stat.tag, stat.layoutId, stat.mediaId, stat.widgetId, stat.displayId '; $body = ' FROM stat LEFT OUTER JOIN display ON stat.DisplayID = display.DisplayID LEFT OUTER JOIN layouthistory ON layouthistory.LayoutID = stat.LayoutID LEFT OUTER JOIN layout ON layout.LayoutID = layouthistory.layoutId LEFT OUTER JOIN `widget` ON `widget`.widgetId = stat.widgetId LEFT OUTER JOIN `widgetoption` ON `widgetoption`.widgetId = `widget`.widgetId AND `widgetoption`.type = \'attrib\' AND `widgetoption`.option = \'name\' LEFT OUTER JOIN `media` ON `media`.mediaId = `stat`.mediaId '; if ($tags != '' ) { if ($tagsType === 'dg') { $body .= 'INNER JOIN `lkdisplaydg` ON lkdisplaydg.DisplayID = display.displayid INNER JOIN `displaygroup` ON displaygroup.displaygroupId = lkdisplaydg.displaygroupId AND `displaygroup`.isDisplaySpecific = 1 '; } } $body .= ' WHERE stat.type <> \'displaydown\' AND stat.end > :fromDt AND stat.start < :toDt '; // Filter by display if (count($displayIds) > 0 ) { $body .= ' AND stat.displayID IN (' . implode(',', $displayIds) . ') '; } $params = [ 'fromDt' => $fromDt, 'toDt' => $toDt ]; if ($tags != '') { if (trim($tags) === '--no-tag') { if ($tagsType === 'dg') { $body .= ' AND `displaygroup`.displaygroupId NOT IN ( SELECT `lktagdisplaygroup`.displaygroupId FROM tag INNER JOIN `lktagdisplaygroup` ON `lktagdisplaygroup`.tagId = tag.tagId ) '; } // old layout and latest layout have same tags // old layoutId replaced with latest layoutId in the lktaglayout table and // join with layout history to get campaignId then we can show old layouts that have no tag if ($tagsType === 'layout') { $body .= ' AND `stat`.campaignId NOT IN ( SELECT `layouthistory`.campaignId FROM ( SELECT `lktaglayout`.layoutId FROM tag INNER JOIN `lktaglayout` ON `lktaglayout`.tagId = tag.tagId ) B LEFT OUTER JOIN `layouthistory` ON `layouthistory`.layoutId = B.layoutId ) '; } if ($tagsType === 'media') { $body .= ' AND `media`.mediaId NOT IN ( SELECT `lktagmedia`.mediaId FROM tag INNER JOIN `lktagmedia` ON `lktagmedia`.tagId = tag.tagId ) '; } } else { $operator = $exactTags == 1 ? '=' : 'LIKE'; if ($tagsType === 'dg') { $body .= " AND `displaygroup`.displaygroupId IN ( SELECT `lktagdisplaygroup`.displaygroupId FROM tag INNER JOIN `lktagdisplaygroup` ON `lktagdisplaygroup`.tagId = tag.tagId "; } // old layout and latest layout have same tags // old layoutId replaced with latest layoutId in the lktaglayout table and // join with layout history to get campaignId then we can show old layouts that have given tag if ($tagsType === 'layout') { $body .= " AND `stat`.campaignId IN ( SELECT `layouthistory`.campaignId FROM ( SELECT `lktaglayout`.layoutId FROM tag INNER JOIN `lktaglayout` ON `lktaglayout`.tagId = tag.tagId "; } if ($tagsType === 'media') { $body .= " AND `media`.mediaId IN ( SELECT `lktagmedia`.mediaId FROM tag INNER JOIN `lktagmedia` ON `lktagmedia`.tagId = tag.tagId "; } $i = 0; foreach (explode(',', $tags) as $tag) { $i++; $tagV = explode('|', $tag); // search tag without value if (!isset($tagV[1])) { if ($i == 1) { $body .= ' WHERE `tag` ' . $operator . ' :tags' . $i; } else { $body .= ' OR `tag` ' . $operator . ' :tags' . $i; } if ($operator === '=') { $params['tags' . $i] = $tag; } else { $params['tags' . $i] = '%' . $tag . '%'; } // search tag only by value } elseif ($tagV[0] == '') { if ($i == 1) { $body .= ' WHERE `value` ' . $operator . ' :value' . $i; } else { $body .= ' OR `value` ' . $operator . ' :value' . $i; } if ($operator === '=') { $params['value' . $i] = $tagV[1]; } else { $params['value' . $i] = '%' . $tagV[1] . '%'; } // search tag by both tag and value } else { if ($i == 1) { $body .= ' WHERE `tag` ' . $operator . ' :tags' . $i . ' AND value ' . $operator . ' :value' . $i; } else { $body .= ' OR `tag` ' . $operator . ' :tags' . $i . ' AND value ' . $operator . ' :value' . $i; } if ($operator === '=') { $params['tags' . $i] = $tagV[0]; $params['value' . $i] = $tagV[1]; } else { $params['tags' . $i] = '%' . $tagV[0] . '%'; $params['value' . $i] = '%' . $tagV[1] . '%'; } } } if ($tagsType === 'layout') { $body .= " ) B LEFT OUTER JOIN `layouthistory` ON `layouthistory`.layoutId = B.layoutId ) "; } else { $body .= " ) "; } } } // Type filter if ($type == 'layout') { $body .= ' AND `stat`.type = \'layout\' '; } else if ($type == 'media') { $body .= ' AND `stat`.type = \'media\' AND IFNULL(`media`.mediaId, 0) <> 0 '; } else if ($type == 'widget') { $body .= ' AND `stat`.type = \'widget\' AND IFNULL(`widget`.widgetId, 0) <> 0 '; } else if ($type == 'event') { $body .= ' AND `stat`.type = \'event\' '; } // Layout Filter if (count($layoutIds) != 0) { $layoutSql = ''; $i = 0; foreach ($layoutIds as $layoutId) { $i++; $layoutSql .= ':layoutId_' . $i . ','; $params['layoutId_' . $i] = $layoutId; } $body .= ' AND `stat`.campaignId IN (SELECT campaignId from layouthistory where layoutId IN (' . trim($layoutSql, ',') . ')) '; } // Media Filter if (count($mediaIds) != 0) { $mediaSql = ''; $i = 0; foreach ($mediaIds as $mediaId) { $i++; $mediaSql .= ':mediaId_' . $i . ','; $params['mediaId_' . $i] = $mediaId; } $body .= ' AND `media`.mediaId IN (' . trim($mediaSql, ',') . ')'; } $body .= ' GROUP BY stat.type, stat.tag, display.Display, stat.displayId, stat.campaignId, layout.layout, IFNULL(stat.mediaId, stat.widgetId), IFNULL(`media`.name, IFNULL(`widgetoption`.value, `widget`.type)), stat.tag, stat.layoutId, stat.mediaId, stat.widgetId, stat.displayId '; $order = ''; if ($columns != null) $order = 'ORDER BY ' . implode(',', $columns); $limit= ''; if (($length != null) && ($length != -1)) $limit = ' LIMIT ' . $start . ', ' . $length; /*Execute sql statement*/ $sql = $select . $body . $order . $limit; $rows = []; foreach ($this->store->select($sql, $params) as $row) { $entry = []; $entry['type'] = $row['type']; $entry['displayId'] = $row['displayId']; $entry['display'] = $row['Display']; $entry['layout'] = $row['Layout']; $entry['media'] = $row['Media']; $entry['numberPlays'] = $row['NumberPlays']; $entry['duration'] = $row['Duration']; $entry['minStart'] = $row['MinStart']; $entry['maxEnd'] = $row['MaxEnd']; $entry['layoutId'] = $row['layoutId']; $entry['widgetId'] = $row['widgetId']; $entry['mediaId'] = $row['mediaId']; $entry['tag'] = $row['tag']; $rows[] = $entry; } // Paging $results = []; if ($limit != '' && count($rows) > 0) { $results = $this->store->select(' SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM (SELECT stat.type, display.Display, layout.Layout, IFNULL(`media`.name, IFNULL(`widgetoption`.value, `widget`.type)) ' . $body . ') total ', $params); } return [ 'result' => $rows, 'periodStart' => Carbon::createFromTimestamp($fromDt)->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()), 'periodEnd' => Carbon::createFromTimestamp($toDt)->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()), 'count' => count($rows), 'totalStats' => isset($results[0]['total']) ? $results[0]['total'] : 0, ]; } /** * MongoDB proof of play report * @param Carbon $fromDt The filter range from date * @param Carbon $toDt The filter range to date * @param $displayIds array * @param $layoutIds array * @param $mediaIds array * @param $type string * @param $columns array * @param $tags string * @param $tagsType string * @param $exactTags mixed * @param $start int * @param $length int * @return array[array result, date periodStart, date periodEnd, int count, int totalStats] * @throws InvalidArgumentException * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\GeneralException */ private function getProofOfPlayReportMongoDb($fromDt, $toDt, $displayIds, $layoutIds, $mediaIds, $type, $columns, $tags, $tagsType, $exactTags, $start, $length) { $fromDt = new UTCDateTime($fromDt->format('U')*1000); $toDt = new UTCDateTime($toDt->format('U')*1000); // Filters the documents to pass only the documents that // match the specified condition(s) to the next pipeline stage. $match = [ '$match' => [ 'end' => ['$gt' => $fromDt], 'start' => ['$lt' => $toDt] ] ]; // Display Filter if (count($displayIds) > 0) { $match['$match']['displayId'] = [ '$in' => $displayIds ]; } // Type Filter if ($type != null) { $match['$match']['type'] = $type; } $tagsArray = []; // Tag Filter if ($tags != null) { $i = 0; foreach (explode(',', $tags) as $tag ) { $tagV = explode('|', $tag); if (!isset($tagV[1])) { $tagsArray[$i]['tag'] = $tag; } elseif ($tagV[0] == '') { $tagsArray[$i]['val'] = $tagV[1]; } else { $tagsArray[$i]['tag'] = $tagV[0]; $tagsArray[$i]['val'] = $tagV[1]; } $i++; } if ($exactTags != 1) { $tagsArray = array_map(function ($tagValue) { return array_map(function ($tag) { return new \MongoDB\BSON\Regex('.*'.$tag. '.*', 'i'); }, $tagValue); }, $tagsArray); } // When exact match is not desired if (count($tagsArray) > 0) { $match['$match']['tagFilter.' . $tagsType] = [ '$elemMatch' => [ '$or' => $tagsArray ] ]; } } // Layout Filter if (count($layoutIds) != 0) { $this->getLog()->debug(json_encode($layoutIds, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); // Get campaignIds for selected layoutIds $campaignIds = []; foreach ($layoutIds as $layoutId) { try { $campaignIds[] = $this->layoutFactory->getCampaignIdFromLayoutHistory($layoutId); } catch (NotFoundException $notFoundException) { // Ignore the missing one $this->getLog()->debug('Filter for Layout without Layout History Record, layoutId is ' . $layoutId); } } $match['$match']['campaignId'] = [ '$in' => $campaignIds ]; } // Media Filter if (count($mediaIds) != 0) { $this->getLog()->debug(json_encode($mediaIds, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); $match['$match']['mediaId'] = [ '$in' => $mediaIds ]; } // For sorting // The selected column has a key $temp = [ '_id.type' => 'type', '_id.display' => 'display', 'layout' => 'layout', 'media' => 'media', 'eventName' => 'eventName', 'layoutId' => 'layoutId', 'widgetId' => 'widgetId', '_id.displayId' => 'displayId', 'numberPlays' => 'numberPlays', 'minStart' => 'minStart', 'maxEnd' => 'maxEnd', 'duration' => 'duration', ]; // Remove ` and DESC from the array strings $cols = []; foreach ($columns as $column) { $str = str_replace("`","",str_replace(" DESC","",$column)); if (\strpos($column, 'DESC') !== false) { $cols[$str] = -1; } else { $cols[$str] = 1; } } // The selected column key gets stored in an array with value 1 or -1 (for DESC) $array = []; foreach ($cols as $k => $v) { if (array_search($k, $temp)) $array[array_search($k, $temp)] = $v; } $order = ['_id.type'=> 1]; // default sorting by type if ($array != null) { $order = $array; } $project = [ '$project' => [ 'campaignId' => 1, 'mediaId' => 1, 'mediaName'=> 1, 'media'=> [ '$ifNull' => [ '$mediaName', '$widgetName' ] ], 'eventName' => 1, 'widgetId' => 1, 'widgetName' => 1, 'layoutId' => 1, 'layoutName' => 1, 'displayId' => 1, 'displayName' => 1, 'start' => 1, 'end' => 1, 'type' => 1, 'duration' => 1, 'count' => 1, 'total' => ['$sum' => 1], ] ]; $group = [ '$group' => [ '_id' => [ 'type' => '$type', 'campaignId'=> [ '$ifNull' => [ '$campaignId', '$layoutId' ] ], 'mediaorwidget'=> [ '$ifNull' => [ '$mediaId', '$widgetId' ] ], 'displayId'=> [ '$ifNull' => [ '$displayId', null ] ], 'display'=> '$displayName', 'eventName'=> '$eventName', // we don't need to group by media name and widget name ], 'media'=> [ '$first' => '$media'], 'eventName'=> [ '$first' => '$eventName'], 'mediaId' => ['$first' => '$mediaId'], 'widgetId' => ['$first' => '$widgetId' ], 'layout' => ['$first' => '$layoutName'], // use the last layoutId to say that is the latest layoutId 'layoutId' => ['$last' => '$layoutId'], 'minStart' => ['$min' => '$start'], 'maxEnd' => ['$max' => '$end'], 'numberPlays' => ['$sum' => '$count'], 'duration' => ['$sum' => '$duration'], 'total' => ['$max' => '$total'], ], ]; // Task run if ($length == -1) { $query = [ $match, $project, $group, [ '$facet' => [ 'totalData' => [ ['$sort' => $order], ] ] ], ]; } else { // Frontend $query = [ $match, $project, $group, [ '$facet' => [ 'totalData' => [ ['$skip' => $start], ['$limit' => $length], ['$sort' => $order], ], 'totalCount' => [ [ '$group' => [ '_id' => [], 'totals' => ['$sum' => '$total'], ], ] ] ] ], ]; } $result = $this->getTimeSeriesStore()->executeQuery(['collection' => $this->table, 'query' => $query]); $totalStats = 0; $rows = []; if (count($result) > 0) { if ($length == -1) { // Task run $totalCount = []; } else { // Get total for pagination in UI (grid) $totalCount = $result[0]['totalCount']; } if (count($totalCount) > 0) { $totalStats = $totalCount[0]['totals']; } // Grid results foreach ($result[0]['totalData'] as $row) { $entry = []; $entry['type'] = $row['_id']['type']; $entry['displayId'] = $row['_id']['displayId']; $entry['display'] = isset($row['_id']['display']) ? $row['_id']['display']: 'No display'; $entry['layout'] = isset($row['layout']) ? $row['layout']: 'No layout'; $entry['media'] = isset($row['media']) ? $row['media'] : 'No media' ; $entry['numberPlays'] = $row['numberPlays']; $entry['duration'] = $row['duration']; $entry['minStart'] = $row['minStart']->toDateTime()->format('U'); $entry['maxEnd'] = $row['maxEnd']->toDateTime()->format('U'); $entry['layoutId'] = $row['layoutId']; $entry['widgetId'] = $row['widgetId']; $entry['mediaId'] = $row['mediaId']; $entry['tag'] = $row['eventName']; $rows[] = $entry; } } return [ 'result' => $rows, 'periodStart' => Carbon::createFromTimestamp($fromDt->toDateTime()->format('U'))->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()), 'periodEnd' => Carbon::createFromTimestamp($toDt->toDateTime()->format('U'))->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()), 'count' => count($rows), 'totalStats' => $totalStats, ]; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function restructureSavedReportOldJson($result) { $periodStart = $result['periodStart']; $periodEnd = $result['periodEnd']; $table = $result['result']; return [ 'periodStart' => $periodStart, 'periodEnd' => $periodEnd, 'table' => $table, ]; } }