. */ namespace Xibo\Controller; use Carbon\Carbon; use Illuminate\Support\Str; use Slim\Http\Response as Response; use Slim\Http\ServerRequest as Request; use Slim\Views\Twig; use Stash\Interfaces\PoolInterface; use Xibo\Entity\ScheduleReminder; use Xibo\Factory\CampaignFactory; use Xibo\Factory\CommandFactory; use Xibo\Factory\DayPartFactory; use Xibo\Factory\DisplayFactory; use Xibo\Factory\DisplayGroupFactory; use Xibo\Factory\LayoutFactory; use Xibo\Factory\MediaFactory; use Xibo\Factory\ScheduleExclusionFactory; use Xibo\Factory\ScheduleFactory; use Xibo\Factory\ScheduleReminderFactory; use Xibo\Helper\DateFormatHelper; use Xibo\Helper\SanitizerService; use Xibo\Helper\Session; use Xibo\Service\ConfigServiceInterface; use Xibo\Service\LogServiceInterface; use Xibo\Support\Exception\AccessDeniedException; use Xibo\Support\Exception\ControllerNotImplemented; use Xibo\Support\Exception\GeneralException; use Xibo\Support\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Xibo\Support\Exception\NotFoundException; /** * Class Schedule * @package Xibo\Controller */ class Schedule extends Base { /** * @var Session */ private $session; /** @var PoolInterface */ private $pool; /** * @var ScheduleFactory */ private $scheduleFactory; /** * @var ScheduleReminderFactory */ private $scheduleReminderFactory; /** * @var ScheduleExclusionFactory */ private $scheduleExclusionFactory; /** * @var DisplayGroupFactory */ private $displayGroupFactory; /** * @var CampaignFactory */ private $campaignFactory; /** * @var CommandFactory */ private $commandFactory; /** @var DisplayFactory */ private $displayFactory; /** @var LayoutFactory */ private $layoutFactory; /** @var MediaFactory */ private $mediaFactory; /** @var DayPartFactory */ private $dayPartFactory; /** * Set common dependencies. * @param LogServiceInterface $log * @param SanitizerService $sanitizerService * @param \Xibo\Helper\ApplicationState $state * @param \Xibo\Entity\User $user * @param \Xibo\Service\HelpServiceInterface $help * @param ConfigServiceInterface $config * @param Session $session * @param PoolInterface $pool * @param ScheduleFactory $scheduleFactory * @param DisplayGroupFactory $displayGroupFactory * @param CampaignFactory $campaignFactory * @param CommandFactory $commandFactory * @param DisplayFactory $displayFactory * @param LayoutFactory $layoutFactory * @param MediaFactory $mediaFactory * @param DayPartFactory $dayPartFactory * @param ScheduleReminderFactory $scheduleReminderFactory * @param ScheduleExclusionFactory $scheduleExclusionFactory * @param Twig $view */ public function __construct($log, $sanitizerService, $state, $user, $help, $config, $session, $pool, $scheduleFactory, $displayGroupFactory, $campaignFactory, $commandFactory, $displayFactory, $layoutFactory, $mediaFactory, $dayPartFactory, $scheduleReminderFactory, $scheduleExclusionFactory, Twig $view) { $this->setCommonDependencies($log, $sanitizerService, $state, $user, $help, $config, $view); $this->session = $session; $this->pool = $pool; $this->scheduleFactory = $scheduleFactory; $this->displayGroupFactory = $displayGroupFactory; $this->campaignFactory = $campaignFactory; $this->commandFactory = $commandFactory; $this->displayFactory = $displayFactory; $this->layoutFactory = $layoutFactory; $this->mediaFactory = $mediaFactory; $this->dayPartFactory = $dayPartFactory; $this->scheduleReminderFactory = $scheduleReminderFactory; $this->scheduleExclusionFactory = $scheduleExclusionFactory; } /** * @param Request $request * @param Response $response * @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|Response * @throws GeneralException * @throws ControllerNotImplemented */ function displayPage(Request $request, Response $response) { // We need to provide a list of displays $displayGroupIds = $this->session->get('displayGroupIds'); if (!is_array($displayGroupIds)) { $displayGroupIds = []; } $displayGroups = []; // Boolean to check if the option show all was saved in session $displayGroupsShowAll = false; if (count($displayGroupIds) > 0) { foreach ($displayGroupIds as $displayGroupId) { if ($displayGroupId == -1) { // If we have the show all option selected, go no further. $displayGroupsShowAll = true; break; } try { $displayGroup = $this->displayGroupFactory->getById($displayGroupId); if ($this->getUser()->checkViewable($displayGroup)) { $displayGroups[] = $displayGroup; } } catch (NotFoundException $e) { $this->getLog()->debug('Saved filter option for displayGroupId that no longer exists.'); } } } // get the default longitude and latitude from CMS options $defaultLat = (float)$this->getConfig()->getSetting('DEFAULT_LAT'); $defaultLong = (float)$this->getConfig()->getSetting('DEFAULT_LONG'); $data = [ 'displayGroupIds' => $displayGroupIds, 'displayGroups' => $displayGroups, 'displayGroupsShowAll' => $displayGroupsShowAll, 'defaultLat' => $defaultLat, 'defaultLong' => $defaultLong ]; // Render the Theme and output $this->getState()->template = 'schedule-page'; $this->getState()->setData($data); return $this->render($request, $response); } /** * Generates the calendar that we draw events on * * @SWG\Get( * path="/schedule/data/events", * operationId="scheduleCalendarData", * tags={"schedule"}, * @SWG\Parameter( * name="displayGroupIds", * description="The DisplayGroupIds to return the schedule for. Empty for All.", * in="query", * type="array", * @SWG\Items( * type="integer" * ) * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="from", * in="query", * required=true, * type="integer", * description="From Date Timestamp in Microseconds" * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="to", * in="query", * required=true, * type="integer", * description="To Date Timestamp in Microseconds" * ), * @SWG\Response( * response=200, * description="successful response", * @SWG\Schema( * type="array", * @SWG\Items(ref="#/definitions/ScheduleCalendarData") * ) * ) * ) * @param Request $request * @param Response $response * @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|Response * @throws InvalidArgumentException * @throws NotFoundException */ function eventData(Request $request, Response $response) { $response = $response->withHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); $this->setNoOutput(); $sanitizedParams = $this->getSanitizer($request->getParams()); $displayGroupIds = $sanitizedParams->getIntArray('displayGroupIds', ['default' => []]); $campaignId = $sanitizedParams->getInt('campaignId'); $originalDisplayGroupIds = $displayGroupIds; $start = $sanitizedParams->getDate('from', ['default' => Carbon::now()]); $end = $sanitizedParams->getDate('to', ['default' => Carbon::now()]); // if we have some displayGroupIds then add them to the session info so we can default everything else. $this->session->set('displayGroupIds', $displayGroupIds); if (count($displayGroupIds) <= 0) { return $response->withJson(['success' => 1, 'result' => []]); } // Setting for whether we show Layouts with out permissions $showLayoutName = ($this->getConfig()->getSetting('SCHEDULE_SHOW_LAYOUT_NAME') == 1); // Permissions check the list of display groups with the user accessible list of display groups $displayGroupIds = array_diff($displayGroupIds, [-1]); if (!$this->getUser()->isSuperAdmin()) { $userDisplayGroupIds = array_map(function($element) { /** @var \Xibo\Entity\DisplayGroup $element */ return $element->displayGroupId; }, $this->displayGroupFactory->query(null, ['isDisplaySpecific' => -1])); // Reset the list to only those display groups that intersect and if 0 have been provided, only those from // the user list $displayGroupIds = (count($displayGroupIds) > 0) ? array_intersect($displayGroupIds, $userDisplayGroupIds) : $userDisplayGroupIds; $this->getLog()->debug('Resolved list of display groups [' . json_encode($displayGroupIds) . '] from provided list [' . json_encode($originalDisplayGroupIds) . '] and user list [' . json_encode($userDisplayGroupIds) . ']'); // If we have none, then we do not return any events. if (count($displayGroupIds) <= 0) { return $response->withJson(['success' => 1, 'result' => []]); } } $events = []; $filter = [ 'futureSchedulesFrom' => $start->format('U'), 'futureSchedulesTo' => $end->format('U'), 'displayGroupIds' => $displayGroupIds ]; if ($campaignId != null) { $filter['campaignId'] = $campaignId; } foreach ($this->scheduleFactory->query('FromDT', $filter) as $row) { /* @var \Xibo\Entity\Schedule $row */ // Generate this event try { $scheduleEvents = $row->getEvents($start, $end); } catch (GeneralException $e) { $this->getLog()->error('Unable to getEvents for ' . $row->eventId); continue; } if (count($scheduleEvents) <= 0) { continue; } $this->getLog()->debug('EventId ' . $row->eventId . ' as events: ' . json_encode($scheduleEvents)); // Load the display groups $row->load(); $displayGroupList = ''; if (count($row->displayGroups) >= 0) { $array = array_map(function ($object) { return $object->displayGroup; }, $row->displayGroups); $displayGroupList = implode(', ', $array); } // Event Permissions $editable = $this->getUser()->featureEnabled('schedule.modify') && $this->isEventEditable($row->displayGroups); // Event Title if ($row->campaignId == 0) { // Command $title = __('%s scheduled on %s', $row->command, $displayGroupList); } else { // Should we show the Layout name, or not (depending on permission) // Make sure we only run the below code if we have to, its quite expensive if (!$showLayoutName && !$this->getUser()->isSuperAdmin()) { // Campaign $campaign = $this->campaignFactory->getById($row->campaignId); if (!$this->getUser()->checkViewable($campaign)) $row->campaign = __('Private Item'); } $title = __('%s scheduled on %s', $row->campaign, $displayGroupList); if ($row->eventTypeId === \Xibo\Entity\Schedule::$INTERRUPT_EVENT) { $title .= __(' with Share of Voice %d seconds per hour', $row->shareOfVoice); } } // Day diff from start date to end date $diff = $end->diff($start)->days; // Show all Hourly repeats on the day view if ($row->recurrenceType == 'Minute' || ($diff > 1 && $row->recurrenceType == 'Hour')) { $title .= __(', Repeats every %s %s', $row->recurrenceDetail, $row->recurrenceType); } // Event URL $editUrl = ($this->isApi($request)) ? 'schedule.edit' : 'schedule.edit.form'; $url = ($editable) ? $this->urlFor($request,$editUrl, ['id' => $row->eventId]) : '#'; $days = []; // Event scheduled events foreach ($scheduleEvents as $scheduleEvent) { $this->getLog()->debug(sprintf('Parsing event dates from %s and %s', $scheduleEvent->fromDt, $scheduleEvent->toDt)); // Get the day of schedule start $fromDtDay = Carbon::createFromTimestamp($scheduleEvent->fromDt)->format('Y-m-d'); // Handle command events which do not have a toDt if ($row->eventTypeId == \Xibo\Entity\Schedule::$COMMAND_EVENT) { $scheduleEvent->toDt = $scheduleEvent->fromDt; } // Parse our dates into a Date object, so that we convert to local time correctly. $fromDt = Carbon::createFromTimestamp($scheduleEvent->fromDt); $toDt = Carbon::createFromTimestamp($scheduleEvent->toDt); // Set the row from/to date to be an ISO date for display $scheduleEvent->fromDt = Carbon::createFromTimestamp($scheduleEvent->fromDt)->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()); $scheduleEvent->toDt =Carbon::createFromTimestamp($scheduleEvent->toDt)->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()); $this->getLog()->debug(sprintf('Start date is ' . $fromDt->toRssString() . ' ' . $scheduleEvent->fromDt)); $this->getLog()->debug(sprintf('End date is ' . $toDt->toRssString() . ' ' . $scheduleEvent->toDt)); // For a minute/hourly repeating events show only 1 event per day if ($row->recurrenceType == 'Minute' || ($diff > 1 && $row->recurrenceType == 'Hour')) { if (array_key_exists($fromDtDay, $days)) { continue; } else { $days[$fromDtDay] = $scheduleEvent->fromDt; } } /** * @SWG\Definition( * definition="ScheduleCalendarData", * @SWG\Property( * property="id", * type="integer", * description="Event ID" * ), * @SWG\Property( * property="title", * type="string", * description="Event Title" * ), * @SWG\Property( * property="sameDay", * type="integer", * description="Does this event happen only on 1 day" * ), * @SWG\Property( * property="event", * ref="#/definitions/Schedule" * ) * ) */ $events[] = [ 'id' => $row->eventId, 'title' => $title, 'url' => ($editable) ? $url : null, 'start' => $fromDt->format('U') * 1000, 'end' => $toDt->format('U') * 1000, 'sameDay' => ($fromDt->day == $toDt->day && $fromDt->month == $toDt->month && $fromDt->year == $toDt->year), 'editable' => $editable, 'event' => $row, 'scheduleEvent' => $scheduleEvent, 'recurringEvent' => $row->recurrenceType != '' ]; } } return $response->withJson(['success' => 1, 'result' => $events]); } /** * Event List * @param Request $request * @param Response $response * @param $id * @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|Response * @throws AccessDeniedException * @throws GeneralException * @throws NotFoundException * @throws ControllerNotImplemented * @SWG\Get( * path="/schedule/{displayGroupId}/events", * operationId="scheduleCalendarDataDisplayGroup", * tags={"schedule"}, * @SWG\Parameter( * name="displayGroupId", * description="The DisplayGroupId to return the event list for.", * in="path", * type="integer", * required=true * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="date", * in="query", * required=true, * type="string", * description="Date in Y-m-d H:i:s" * ), * @SWG\Response( * response=200, * description="successful response" * ) * ) */ public function eventList(Request $request, Response $response, $id) { $displayGroup = $this->displayGroupFactory->getById($id); $sanitizedParams = $this->getSanitizer($request->getParams()); if (!$this->getUser()->checkViewable($displayGroup)) { throw new AccessDeniedException(); } // Setting for whether we show Layouts with out permissions $showLayoutName = ($this->getConfig()->getSetting('SCHEDULE_SHOW_LAYOUT_NAME') == 1); $date = $sanitizedParams->getDate('date'); // Reset the seconds $date->second(0); $this->getLog()->debug(sprintf('Generating eventList for DisplayGroupId ' . $id . ' on date ' . $date->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()))); // Get a list of scheduled events $events = []; $displayGroups = []; $layouts = []; $campaigns = []; // Add the displayGroupId I am filtering for to the displayGroup object $displayGroups[$displayGroup->displayGroupId] = $displayGroup; // Is this group a display specific group, or a standalone? $options = []; /** @var \Xibo\Entity\Display $display */ $display = null; if ($displayGroup->isDisplaySpecific == 1) { // We should lookup the displayId for this group. $display = $this->displayFactory->getByDisplayGroupId($id)[0]; } else { $options['useGroupId'] = true; $options['displayGroupId'] = $id; } // Get list of events $scheduleForXmds = $this->scheduleFactory->getForXmds(($display === null) ? null : $display->displayId, $date, $date, $options); $this->getLog()->debug(count($scheduleForXmds) . ' events returned for displaygroup and date'); foreach ($scheduleForXmds as $event) { // Ignore command events if ($event['eventTypeId'] == \Xibo\Entity\Schedule::$COMMAND_EVENT) continue; // Ignore events that have a campaignId, but no layoutId (empty Campaigns) if ($event['layoutId'] == 0 && $event['campaignId'] != 0) continue; // Assess schedules $schedule = $this->scheduleFactory->createEmpty()->hydrate($event, ['intProperties' => ['isPriority', 'syncTimezone', 'displayOrder', 'fromDt', 'toDt']]); $schedule->load(); $this->getLog()->debug('EventId ' . $schedule->eventId . ' exists in the schedule window, checking its instances for activity'); // Get scheduled events based on recurrence try { $scheduleEvents = $schedule->getEvents($date, $date); } catch (GeneralException $e) { $this->getLog()->error('Unable to getEvents for ' . $schedule->eventId); continue; } // If this event is active, collect extra information and add to the events list if (count($scheduleEvents) > 0) { // Add the link to the schedule if (!$this->isApi($request)) $schedule->link = $this->urlFor($request,'schedule.edit.form', ['id' => $schedule->eventId]); // Add the Layout $layoutId = $event['layoutId']; $this->getLog()->debug('Adding this events layoutId [' . $layoutId . '] to list'); if ($layoutId != 0 && !array_key_exists($layoutId, $layouts)) { // Look up the layout details $layout = $this->layoutFactory->getById($layoutId); // Add the link to the layout if (!$this->isApi($request)) $layout->link = $this->urlFor($request,'layout.designer', ['id' => $layout->layoutId]); if ($showLayoutName || $this->getUser()->checkViewable($layout)) $layouts[$layoutId] = $layout; else { $layouts[$layoutId] = [ 'layout' => __('Private Item') ]; } // Add the Campaign $layout->campaigns = $this->campaignFactory->getByLayoutId($layout->layoutId); if (count($layout->campaigns) > 0) { // Add to the campaigns array foreach ($layout->campaigns as $campaign) { if (!array_key_exists($campaign->campaignId, $campaigns)) { $campaigns[$campaign->campaignId] = $campaign; } } } } $event['campaign'] = is_object($layouts[$layoutId]) ? $layouts[$layoutId]->layout : $layouts[$layoutId]; // Display Group details $this->getLog()->debug('Adding this events displayGroupIds to list'); $schedule->excludeProperty('displayGroups'); foreach ($schedule->displayGroups as $scheduleDisplayGroup) { if (!array_key_exists($scheduleDisplayGroup->displayGroupId, $displayGroups)) { $displayGroups[$scheduleDisplayGroup->displayGroupId] = $scheduleDisplayGroup; } } // Determine the intermediate display groups $this->getLog()->debug('Adding this events intermediateDisplayGroupIds to list'); $schedule->intermediateDisplayGroupIds = $this->calculateIntermediates($display, $displayGroup, $event['displayGroupId']); foreach ($schedule->intermediateDisplayGroupIds as $intermediate) { if (!array_key_exists($intermediate, $displayGroups)) { $displayGroups[$intermediate] = $this->displayGroupFactory->getById($intermediate); } } $this->getLog()->debug(sprintf('Adding scheduled events: ' . json_encode($scheduleEvents))); // We will never save this and we need the eventId on the agenda view $eventId = $schedule->eventId; foreach ($scheduleEvents as $scheduleEvent) { $schedule = clone $schedule; $schedule->eventId = $eventId; $schedule->fromDt = $scheduleEvent->fromDt; $schedule->toDt = $scheduleEvent->toDt; $schedule->layoutId = intval($event['layoutId']); $schedule->displayGroupId = intval($event['displayGroupId']); $events[] = $schedule; } } else { $this->getLog()->debug('No activity inside window'); } } $this->getState()->hydrate([ 'data' => [ 'events' => $events, 'displayGroups' => $displayGroups, 'layouts' => $layouts, 'campaigns' => $campaigns ] ]); return $this->render($request, $response); } /** * @param \Xibo\Entity\Display $display * @param \Xibo\Entity\DisplayGroup $displayGroup * @param int $eventDisplayGroupId * @return array * @throws NotFoundException */ private function calculateIntermediates($display, $displayGroup, $eventDisplayGroupId) { $this->getLog()->debug('Calculating intermediates for events displayGroupId ' . $eventDisplayGroupId . ' viewing displayGroupId ' . $displayGroup->displayGroupId); $intermediates = []; $eventDisplayGroup = $this->displayGroupFactory->getById($eventDisplayGroupId); // Is the event scheduled directly on the displayGroup in question? if ($displayGroup->displayGroupId == $eventDisplayGroupId) return $intermediates; // Is the event scheduled directly on the display in question? if ($eventDisplayGroup->isDisplaySpecific == 1) return $intermediates; $this->getLog()->debug('Event isnt directly scheduled to a display or to the current displaygroup '); // There are nested groups involved, so we need to trace the relationship tree. if ($display === null) { $this->getLog()->debug('We are looking at a DisplayGroup'); // We are on a group. // Get the relationship tree for this display group $tree = $this->displayGroupFactory->getRelationShipTree($displayGroup->displayGroupId); foreach ($tree as $branch) { $this->getLog()->debug('Branch found: ' . $branch->displayGroup . ' [' . $branch->displayGroupId . '], ' . $branch->depth . '-' . $branch->level); if ($branch->depth < 0 && $branch->displayGroupId != $eventDisplayGroup->displayGroupId) { $intermediates[] = $branch->displayGroupId; } } } else { // We are on a display. $this->getLog()->debug('We are looking at a Display'); // We will need to get all of this displays groups and then add only those ones that give us an eventual // match on the events display group (complicated or what!) $display->load(); foreach ($display->displayGroups as $displayDisplayGroup) { // Ignore the display specific group if ($displayDisplayGroup->isDisplaySpecific == 1) continue; // Get the relationship tree for this display group $tree = $this->displayGroupFactory->getRelationShipTree($displayDisplayGroup->displayGroupId); $found = false; $possibleIntermediates = []; foreach ($tree as $branch) { $this->getLog()->debug('Branch found: ' . $branch->displayGroup . ' [' . $branch->displayGroupId . '], ' . $branch->depth . '-' . $branch->level); if ($branch->displayGroupId != $eventDisplayGroup->displayGroupId) { $possibleIntermediates[] = $branch->displayGroupId; } if ($branch->displayGroupId != $eventDisplayGroup->displayGroupId && count($possibleIntermediates) > 0) $found = true; } if ($found) { $this->getLog()->debug('We have found intermediates ' . json_encode($possibleIntermediates) . ' for display when looking at displayGroupId ' . $displayDisplayGroup->displayGroupId); $intermediates = array_merge($intermediates, $possibleIntermediates); } } } $this->getLog()->debug('Returning intermediates: ' . json_encode($intermediates)); return $intermediates; } /** * Shows a form to add an event * @param Request $request * @param Response $response * @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|Response * @throws GeneralException * @throws NotFoundException * @throws ControllerNotImplemented */ function addForm(Request $request, Response $response) { // Get the display groups added to the session (if there are some) $displayGroupIds = $this->session->get('displayGroupIds'); $displayGroups = []; if (count($displayGroupIds) > 0) { foreach ($displayGroupIds as $displayGroupId) { if ($displayGroupId == -1) continue; $displayGroup = $this->displayGroupFactory->getById($displayGroupId); if ($this->getUser()->checkViewable($displayGroup)) { $displayGroups[] = $displayGroup; } } } // get the default longitude and latitude from CMS options $defaultLat = (float)$this->getConfig()->getSetting('DEFAULT_LAT'); $defaultLong = (float)$this->getConfig()->getSetting('DEFAULT_LONG'); $this->getState()->template = 'schedule-form-add'; $this->getState()->setData([ 'commands' => $this->commandFactory->query(), 'dayParts' => $this->dayPartFactory->allWithSystem(), 'displayGroupIds' => $displayGroupIds, 'displayGroups' => $displayGroups, 'help' => $this->getHelp()->link('Schedule', 'Add'), 'reminders' => [], 'defaultLat' => $defaultLat, 'defaultLong' => $defaultLong ]); return $this->render($request, $response); } /** * Model to use for supplying key/value pairs to arrays * @SWG\Definition( * definition="ScheduleReminderArray", * @SWG\Property( * property="reminder_value", * type="integer" * ), * @SWG\Property( * property="reminder_type", * type="integer" * ), * @SWG\Property( * property="reminder_option", * type="integer" * ), * @SWG\Property( * property="reminder_isEmailHidden", * type="integer" * ) * ) */ /** * Add Event * @SWG\Post( * path="/schedule", * operationId="scheduleAdd", * tags={"schedule"}, * summary="Add Schedule Event", * description="Add a new scheduled event for a Campaign/Layout to be shown on a Display Group/Display.", * @SWG\Parameter( * name="eventTypeId", * in="formData", * description="The Event Type Id to use for this Event. 1=Campaign, 2=Command, 3=Overlay", * type="integer", * required=true * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="campaignId", * in="formData", * description="The Campaign ID to use for this Event. If a Layout is needed then the Campaign specific ID for that Layout should be used.", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="commandId", * in="formData", * description="The Command ID to use for this Event.", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="displayOrder", * in="formData", * description="The display order for this event. ", * type="integer", * required=true * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="isPriority", * in="formData", * description="An integer indicating the priority of this event. Normal events have a priority of 0.", * type="integer", * required=true * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="displayGroupIds", * in="formData", * description="The Display Group IDs for this event. Display specific Group IDs should be used to schedule on single displays.", * type="array", * required=true, * @SWG\Items(type="integer") * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="dayPartId", * in="formData", * description="The Day Part for this event. Overrides supported are 0(custom) and 1(always). Defaulted to 0.", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="syncTimezone", * in="formData", * description="Should this schedule be synced to the resulting Display timezone?", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="fromDt", * in="formData", * description="The from date for this event.", * type="string", * format="date-time", * required=true * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="toDt", * in="formData", * description="The to date for this event.", * type="string", * format="date-time", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="recurrenceType", * in="formData", * description="The type of recurrence to apply to this event.", * type="string", * required=false, * enum={"", "Minute", "Hour", "Day", "Week", "Month", "Year"} * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="recurrenceDetail", * in="formData", * description="The interval for the recurrence.", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="recurrenceRange", * in="formData", * description="The end date for this events recurrence.", * type="string", * format="date-time", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="recurrenceRepeatsOn", * in="formData", * description="The days of the week that this event repeats - weekly only", * type="string", * format="array", * required=false, * @SWG\Items(type="integer") * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="scheduleReminders", * in="formData", * description="Array of Reminders for this event", * type="array", * required=false, * @SWG\Items( * ref="#/definitions/ScheduleReminderArray" * ) * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="isGeoAware", * in="formData", * description="Flag (0-1), whether this event is using Geo Location", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="geoLocation", * in="formData", * description="Array of comma separated strings each with comma separated pair of coordinates", * type="array", * required=false, * @SWG\Items(type="string") * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="geoLocationJson", * in="formData", * description="Valid GeoJSON string, use as an alternative to geoLocation parameter", * type="string", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Response( * response=201, * description="successful operation", * @SWG\Schema(ref="#/definitions/Schedule"), * @SWG\Header( * header="Location", * description="Location of the new record", * type="string" * ) * ) * ) * * @param Request $request * @param Response $response * @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|Response * @throws ControllerNotImplemented * @throws GeneralException * @throws NotFoundException */ public function add(Request $request, Response $response) { $this->getLog()->debug('Add Schedule'); $sanitizedParams = $this->getSanitizer($request->getParams()); $embed = ($sanitizedParams->getString('embed') != null) ? explode(',', $sanitizedParams->getString('embed')) : []; // Get the custom day part to use as a default day part $customDayPart = $this->dayPartFactory->getCustomDayPart(); $schedule = $this->scheduleFactory->createEmpty(); $schedule->userId = $this->getUser()->userId; $schedule->eventTypeId = $sanitizedParams->getInt('eventTypeId'); $schedule->campaignId = $sanitizedParams->getInt('campaignId'); $schedule->commandId = $sanitizedParams->getInt('commandId'); $schedule->displayOrder = $sanitizedParams->getInt('displayOrder', ['default' => 0]); $schedule->isPriority = $sanitizedParams->getInt('isPriority', ['default' => 0]); $schedule->dayPartId = $sanitizedParams->getInt('dayPartId', ['default' => $customDayPart->dayPartId]); $schedule->shareOfVoice = ($schedule->eventTypeId == 4) ? $sanitizedParams->getInt('shareOfVoice', ['throw' => new InvalidArgumentException(__('Share of Voice must be a whole number between 0 and 3600'), 'shareOfVoice')]) : null; $schedule->isGeoAware = $sanitizedParams->getCheckbox('isGeoAware'); // API request can provide an array of coordinates or valid GeoJSON, handle both cases here. if ($this->isApi($request) && $schedule->isGeoAware === 1) { if ($sanitizedParams->getArray('geoLocation') != null) { // get string array from API $coordinates = $sanitizedParams->getArray('geoLocation'); // generate GeoJSON and assign to Schedule $schedule->geoLocation = $this->createGeoJson($coordinates); } else { // we were provided with GeoJSON $schedule->geoLocation = $sanitizedParams->getString('geoLocationJson'); } } else { // if we are not using API, then valid GeoJSON is created in the front end. $schedule->geoLocation = $sanitizedParams->getString('geoLocation'); } // Workaround for cases where we're supplied 0 as the dayPartId (legacy custom dayPart) if ($schedule->dayPartId === 0) { $schedule->dayPartId = $customDayPart->dayPartId; } $schedule->syncTimezone = $sanitizedParams->getCheckbox('syncTimezone'); $schedule->syncEvent = $sanitizedParams->getCheckbox('syncEvent'); $schedule->recurrenceType = $sanitizedParams->getString('recurrenceType'); $schedule->recurrenceDetail = $sanitizedParams->getInt('recurrenceDetail'); $recurrenceRepeatsOn = $sanitizedParams->getIntArray('recurrenceRepeatsOn'); $schedule->recurrenceRepeatsOn = (empty($recurrenceRepeatsOn)) ? null : implode(',', $recurrenceRepeatsOn); $schedule->recurrenceMonthlyRepeatsOn = $sanitizedParams->getInt('recurrenceMonthlyRepeatsOn', ['default' => 0]); foreach ($sanitizedParams->getIntArray('displayGroupIds') as $displayGroupId) { $schedule->assignDisplayGroup($this->displayGroupFactory->getById($displayGroupId)); } if (!$schedule->isAlwaysDayPart()) { // Handle the dates $fromDt = $sanitizedParams->getDate('fromDt'); $toDt = $sanitizedParams->getDate('toDt'); $recurrenceRange = $sanitizedParams->getDate('recurrenceRange'); if ($fromDt === null) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Please enter a from date'), 'fromDt'); } $logToDt = isset($toDt) ? $toDt->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()) : null; $logRecurrenceRange = isset($recurrenceRange) ? $recurrenceRange->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()) : null; $this->getLog()->debug('Times received are: FromDt=' . $fromDt->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()) . '. ToDt=' . $logToDt . '. recurrenceRange=' . $logRecurrenceRange); if (!$schedule->isCustomDayPart() && !$schedule->isAlwaysDayPart()) { // Daypart selected // expect only a start date (no time) $schedule->fromDt = $fromDt->startOfDay()->format('U'); $schedule->toDt = null; if ($recurrenceRange != null) { $schedule->recurrenceRange = $recurrenceRange->format('U'); } } else if (!($this->isApi($request) || Str::contains($this->getConfig()->getSetting('DATE_FORMAT'), 's'))) { // In some circumstances we want to trim the seconds from the provided dates. // this happens when the date format provided does not include seconds and when the add // event comes from the UI. $this->getLog()->debug('Date format does not include seconds, removing them'); $schedule->fromDt = $fromDt->setTime($fromDt->hour, $fromDt->minute, 0)->format('U'); if ($toDt !== null) { $schedule->toDt = $toDt->setTime($toDt->hour, $toDt->minute, 0)->format('U'); } if ($recurrenceRange != null) { $schedule->recurrenceRange = $recurrenceRange->setTime($recurrenceRange->hour, $recurrenceRange->minute, 0)->format('U'); } } else { $schedule->fromDt = $fromDt->format('U'); if ($toDt !== null) { $schedule->toDt = $toDt->format('U'); } if ($recurrenceRange != null) { $schedule->recurrenceRange = $recurrenceRange->format('U'); } } $logToDt = isset($toDt) ? $toDt->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()) : null; $logRecurrenceRange = isset($recurrenceRange) ? $recurrenceRange->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()) : null; $this->getLog()->debug('Processed times are: FromDt=' . $fromDt->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()) . '. ToDt=' . $logToDt . '. recurrenceRange=' . $logRecurrenceRange ); } // Ready to do the add $schedule->setDisplayFactory($this->displayFactory); if ($schedule->campaignId != null) { $schedule->setCampaignFactory($this->campaignFactory); } $schedule->save(); $this->getLog()->debug('Add Schedule Reminder'); // API Request $rows = []; if ($this->isApi($request)) { $reminders = $sanitizedParams->getArray('scheduleReminders', ['default' => []]); foreach ($reminders as $i => $reminder) { $rows[$i]['reminder_value'] = (int) $reminder['reminder_value']; $rows[$i]['reminder_type'] = (int) $reminder['reminder_type']; $rows[$i]['reminder_option'] = (int) $reminder['reminder_option']; $rows[$i]['reminder_isEmailHidden'] = (int) $reminder['reminder_isEmailHidden']; } } else { for ($i=0; $i < count($sanitizedParams->getIntArray('reminder_value', ['default' => []])); $i++) { $rows[$i]['reminder_value'] = $sanitizedParams->getIntArray('reminder_value')[$i]; $rows[$i]['reminder_type'] = $sanitizedParams->getIntArray('reminder_type')[$i]; $rows[$i]['reminder_option'] = $sanitizedParams->getIntArray('reminder_option')[$i]; $rows[$i]['reminder_isEmailHidden'] = $sanitizedParams->getIntArray('reminder_isEmailHidden')[$i]; } } // Save new reminders foreach ($rows as $reminder) { // Do not add reminder if empty value provided for number of minute/hour if ($reminder['reminder_value'] == 0) { continue; } $scheduleReminder = $this->scheduleReminderFactory->createEmpty(); $scheduleReminder->scheduleReminderId = null; $scheduleReminder->eventId = $schedule->eventId; $scheduleReminder->value = $reminder['reminder_value']; $scheduleReminder->type = $reminder['reminder_type']; $scheduleReminder->option = $reminder['reminder_option']; $scheduleReminder->isEmail = $reminder['reminder_isEmailHidden']; $this->saveReminder($schedule, $scheduleReminder); } // We can get schedule reminders in an array if ($this->isApi($request)) { $schedule = $this->scheduleFactory->getById($schedule->eventId); $schedule->load([ 'loadScheduleReminders' => in_array('scheduleReminders', $embed), ]); } // Return $this->getState()->hydrate([ 'httpStatus' => 201, 'message' => __('Added Event'), 'id' => $schedule->eventId, 'data' => $schedule ]); return $this->render($request, $response); } /** * Shows a form to edit an event * @param Request $request * @param Response $response * @param $id * @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|Response * @throws AccessDeniedException * @throws GeneralException * @throws NotFoundException * @throws ControllerNotImplemented */ function editForm(Request $request, Response $response, $id) { $sanitizedParams = $this->getSanitizer($request->getParams()); // Recurring event start/end $eventStart = $sanitizedParams->getInt('eventStart', ['default' => 1000]) / 1000; $eventEnd = $sanitizedParams->getInt('eventEnd', ['default' => 1000]) / 1000; $schedule = $this->scheduleFactory->getById($id); $schedule->load(); if (!$this->isEventEditable($schedule->displayGroups)) { throw new AccessDeniedException(); } // Fix the event dates for display if ($schedule->isAlwaysDayPart()) { $schedule->fromDt = ''; $schedule->toDt = ''; } else { $schedule->fromDt = Carbon::createFromTimestamp($schedule->fromDt)->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()); $schedule->toDt = Carbon::createFromTimestamp($schedule->toDt)->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()); } if ($schedule->recurrenceRange != null) $schedule->recurrenceRange = Carbon::createFromTimestamp($schedule->recurrenceRange)->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()); // Get all reminders $scheduleReminders = $this->scheduleReminderFactory->query(null, ['eventId' => $id]); // get the default longitude and latitude from CMS options $defaultLat = (float)$this->getConfig()->getSetting('DEFAULT_LAT'); $defaultLong = (float)$this->getConfig()->getSetting('DEFAULT_LONG'); $this->getState()->template = 'schedule-form-edit'; $this->getState()->setData([ 'event' => $schedule, 'campaigns' => $this->campaignFactory->query(null, ['isLayoutSpecific' => -1, 'retired' => 0, 'includeCampaignId' => $schedule->campaignId]), 'commands' => $this->commandFactory->query(), 'dayParts' => $this->dayPartFactory->allWithSystem(), 'displayGroups' => $schedule->displayGroups, 'campaign' => ($schedule->campaignId != '') ? $this->campaignFactory->getById($schedule->campaignId) : null, 'displayGroupIds' => array_map(function($element) { return $element->displayGroupId; }, $schedule->displayGroups), 'help' => $this->getHelp()->link('Schedule', 'Edit'), 'reminders' => $scheduleReminders, 'defaultLat' => $defaultLat, 'defaultLong' => $defaultLong, 'recurringEvent' => ($schedule->recurrenceType != '') ? true : false, 'eventStart' => $eventStart, 'eventEnd' => $eventEnd, ]); return $this->render($request, $response); } /** * Shows the Delete a Recurring Event form * @param Request $request * @param Response $response * @param $id * @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|Response * @throws AccessDeniedException * @throws GeneralException * @throws NotFoundException * @throws ControllerNotImplemented */ function deleteRecurrenceForm(Request $request, Response $response, $id) { $sanitizedParams = $this->getSanitizer($request->getParams()); // Recurring event start/end $eventStart = $sanitizedParams->getInt('eventStart', ['default' => 1000]); $eventEnd = $sanitizedParams->getInt('eventEnd', ['default' => 1000]); $schedule = $this->scheduleFactory->getById($id); $schedule->load(); if (!$this->isEventEditable($schedule->displayGroups)) { throw new AccessDeniedException(); } $this->getState()->template = 'schedule-recurrence-form-delete'; $this->getState()->setData([ 'event' => $schedule, 'help' => $this->getHelp()->link('Schedule', 'Delete'), 'eventStart' => $eventStart, 'eventEnd' => $eventEnd, ]); return $this->render($request, $response); } /** * Deletes a recurring Event from all displays * @param Request $request * @param Response $response * @param $id * @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|Response * @throws AccessDeniedException * @throws GeneralException * @throws NotFoundException * @throws ControllerNotImplemented * @SWG\Delete( * path="/schedulerecurrence/{eventId}", * operationId="schedulerecurrenceDelete", * tags={"schedule"}, * summary="Delete a Recurring Event", * description="Delete a Recurring Event of a Scheduled Event", * @SWG\Parameter( * name="eventId", * in="path", * description="The Scheduled Event ID", * type="integer", * required=true * ), * @SWG\Response( * response=204, * description="successful operation" * ) * ) */ public function deleteRecurrence(Request $request, Response $response, $id) { $schedule = $this->scheduleFactory->getById($id); $schedule->load(); if (!$this->isEventEditable($schedule->displayGroups)) { throw new AccessDeniedException(); } $sanitizedParams = $this->getSanitizer($request->getParams()); // Recurring event start/end $eventStart = $sanitizedParams->getInt('eventStart', ['default' => 1000]); $eventEnd = $sanitizedParams->getInt('eventEnd', ['default' => 1000]); $scheduleExclusion = $this->scheduleExclusionFactory->create($schedule->eventId, $eventStart, $eventEnd); $this->getLog()->debug('Create a schedule exclusion record'); $scheduleExclusion->save(); // Return $this->getState()->hydrate([ 'httpStatus' => 204, 'message' => __('Deleted Event') ]); return $this->render($request, $response); } /** * Edits an event * @param Request $request * @param Response $response * @param $id * @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|Response * @throws AccessDeniedException * @throws GeneralException * @throws NotFoundException * @throws ControllerNotImplemented * @SWG\Put( * path="/schedule/{eventId}", * operationId="scheduleEdit", * tags={"schedule"}, * summary="Edit Schedule Event", * description="Edit a scheduled event for a Campaign/Layout to be shown on a Display Group/Display.", * @SWG\Parameter( * name="eventId", * in="path", * description="The Scheduled Event ID", * type="integer", * required=true * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="eventTypeId", * in="formData", * description="The Event Type Id to use for this Event. 1=Campaign, 2=Command, 3=Overlay", * type="integer", * required=true * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="campaignId", * in="formData", * description="The Campaign ID to use for this Event. If a Layout is needed then the Campaign specific ID for that Layout should be used.", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="commandId", * in="formData", * description="The Command ID to use for this Event.", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="displayOrder", * in="formData", * description="The display order for this event. ", * type="integer", * required=true * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="isPriority", * in="formData", * description="An integer indicating the priority of this event. Normal events have a priority of 0.", * type="integer", * required=true * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="displayGroupIds", * in="formData", * description="The Display Group IDs for this event. Display specific Group IDs should be used to schedule on single displays.", * type="array", * required=true, * @SWG\Items(type="integer") * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="dayPartId", * in="formData", * description="The Day Part for this event. Overrides supported are 0(custom) and 1(always). Defaulted to 0.", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="syncTimezone", * in="formData", * description="Should this schedule be synced to the resulting Display timezone?", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="fromDt", * in="formData", * description="The from date for this event.", * type="string", * format="date-time", * required=true * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="toDt", * in="formData", * description="The to date for this event.", * type="string", * format="date-time", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="recurrenceType", * in="formData", * description="The type of recurrence to apply to this event.", * type="string", * required=false, * enum={"", "Minute", "Hour", "Day", "Week", "Month", "Year"} * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="recurrenceDetail", * in="formData", * description="The interval for the recurrence.", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="recurrenceRange", * in="formData", * description="The end date for this events recurrence.", * type="string", * format="date-time", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="recurrenceRepeatsOn", * in="formData", * description="The days of the week that this event repeats - weekly only", * type="string", * format="array", * required=false, * @SWG\Items(type="integer") * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="scheduleReminders", * in="formData", * description="Array of Reminders for this event", * type="array", * required=false, * @SWG\Items( * ref="#/definitions/ScheduleReminderArray" * ) * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="isGeoAware", * in="formData", * description="Flag (0-1), whether this event is using Geo Location", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="geoLocation", * in="formData", * description="Array of comma separated strings each with comma separated pair of coordinates", * type="array", * required=false, * @SWG\Items(type="string") * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="geoLocationJson", * in="formData", * description="Valid GeoJSON string, use as an alternative to geoLocation parameter", * type="string", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Response( * response=200, * description="successful operation", * @SWG\Schema(ref="#/definitions/Schedule") * ) * ) */ public function edit(Request $request, Response $response, $id) { $sanitizedParams = $this->getSanitizer($request->getParams()); $embed = ($sanitizedParams->getString('embed') != null) ? explode(',', $sanitizedParams->getString('embed')) : []; $schedule = $this->scheduleFactory->getById($id); $schedule->load([ 'loadScheduleReminders' => in_array('scheduleReminders', $embed), ]); if (!$this->isEventEditable($schedule->displayGroups)) { throw new AccessDeniedException(); } $schedule->eventTypeId = $sanitizedParams->getInt('eventTypeId'); $schedule->campaignId = $sanitizedParams->getInt('campaignId'); $schedule->commandId = $sanitizedParams->getInt('commandId'); $schedule->displayOrder = $sanitizedParams->getInt('displayOrder',['default' => $schedule->displayOrder]); $schedule->isPriority = $sanitizedParams->getInt('isPriority', ['default' => $schedule->isPriority]); $schedule->dayPartId = $sanitizedParams->getInt('dayPartId',['default' => $schedule->dayPartId]); $schedule->syncTimezone = $sanitizedParams->getCheckbox('syncTimezone'); $schedule->syncEvent = $sanitizedParams->getCheckbox('syncEvent'); $schedule->recurrenceType = $sanitizedParams->getString('recurrenceType'); $schedule->recurrenceDetail = $sanitizedParams->getInt('recurrenceDetail'); $recurrenceRepeatsOn = $sanitizedParams->getIntArray('recurrenceRepeatsOn'); $schedule->recurrenceRepeatsOn = (empty($recurrenceRepeatsOn)) ? null : implode(',', $recurrenceRepeatsOn); $schedule->recurrenceMonthlyRepeatsOn = $sanitizedParams->getInt('recurrenceMonthlyRepeatsOn', ['default' => 0]); $schedule->displayGroups = []; $schedule->shareOfVoice = ($schedule->eventTypeId == 4) ? $sanitizedParams->getInt('shareOfVoice', ['throw' => new InvalidArgumentException(__('Share of Voice must be a whole number between 0 and 3600'), 'shareOfVoice')]) : null; $schedule->isGeoAware = $sanitizedParams->getCheckbox('isGeoAware'); // API request can provide an array of coordinates or valid GeoJSON, handle both cases here. if ($this->isApi($request) && $schedule->isGeoAware === 1) { if ($sanitizedParams->getArray('geoLocation') != null) { // get string array from API $coordinates = $sanitizedParams->getArray('geoLocation'); // generate GeoJSON and assign to Schedule $schedule->geoLocation = $this->createGeoJson($coordinates); } else { // we were provided with GeoJSON $schedule->geoLocation = $sanitizedParams->getString('geoLocationJson'); } } else { // if we are not using API, then valid GeoJSON is created in the front end. $schedule->geoLocation = $sanitizedParams->getString('geoLocation'); } // if we are editing Layout/Campaign event that was set with Always daypart and change it to Command event type // the daypartId will remain as always, which will then cause the event to "disappear" from calendar // https://github.com/xibosignage/xibo/issues/1982 if ($schedule->eventTypeId == \Xibo\Entity\Schedule::$COMMAND_EVENT) { $schedule->dayPartId = $this->dayPartFactory->getCustomDayPart()->dayPartId; } foreach ($sanitizedParams->getIntArray('displayGroupIds') as $displayGroupId) { $schedule->assignDisplayGroup($this->displayGroupFactory->getById($displayGroupId)); } if (!$schedule->isAlwaysDayPart()) { // Handle the dates $fromDt = $sanitizedParams->getDate('fromDt'); $toDt = $sanitizedParams->getDate('toDt'); $recurrenceRange = $sanitizedParams->getDate('recurrenceRange'); if ($fromDt === null) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Please enter a from date'). 'fromDt'); } $logToDt = isset($toDt) ? $toDt->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()) : null; $logRecurrenceRange = isset($recurrenceRange) ? $recurrenceRange->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()) : null; $this->getLog()->debug('Times received are: FromDt=' . $fromDt->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()) . '. ToDt=' . $logToDt . '. recurrenceRange=' . $logRecurrenceRange); if (!$schedule->isCustomDayPart() && !$schedule->isAlwaysDayPart()) { // Daypart selected // expect only a start date (no time) $schedule->fromDt = $fromDt->startOfDay()->format('U'); $schedule->toDt = null; $schedule->recurrenceRange = ($recurrenceRange === null) ? null : $recurrenceRange->format('U'); } else if (!($this->isApi($request) || Str::contains($this->getConfig()->getSetting('DATE_FORMAT'), 's'))) { // In some circumstances we want to trim the seconds from the provided dates. // this happens when the date format provided does not include seconds and when the add // event comes from the UI. $this->getLog()->debug('Date format does not include seconds, removing them'); $schedule->fromDt = $fromDt->setTime($fromDt->hour, $fromDt->minute, 0)->format('U'); // If we have a toDt if ($toDt !== null) { $schedule->toDt = $toDt->setTime($toDt->hour, $toDt->minute, 0)->format('U'); } $schedule->recurrenceRange = ($recurrenceRange === null) ? null : $recurrenceRange->setTime($recurrenceRange->hour, $recurrenceRange->minute, 0)->format('U'); } else { $schedule->fromDt = $fromDt->format('U'); if ($toDt !== null) { $schedule->toDt = $toDt->format('U'); } $schedule->recurrenceRange = ($recurrenceRange === null) ? null : $recurrenceRange->format('U'); } $this->getLog()->debug('Processed start is: FromDt=' . $fromDt->toRssString()); } else { // This is an always day part, which cannot be recurring, make sure we clear the recurring type if it has been set $schedule->recurrenceType = null; } // Ready to do the add $schedule->setDisplayFactory($this->displayFactory); if ($schedule->campaignId != null) { $schedule->setCampaignFactory($this->campaignFactory); } $schedule->save(); // Get form reminders $rows = []; for ($i=0; $i < count($sanitizedParams->getIntArray('reminder_value',['default' => []])); $i++) { $entry = []; if ($sanitizedParams->getIntArray('reminder_scheduleReminderId')[$i] == null ) { continue; } $entry['reminder_scheduleReminderId'] = $sanitizedParams->getIntArray('reminder_scheduleReminderId')[$i]; $entry['reminder_value'] = $sanitizedParams->getIntArray('reminder_value')[$i]; $entry['reminder_type'] = $sanitizedParams->getIntArray('reminder_type')[$i]; $entry['reminder_option'] = $sanitizedParams->getIntArray('reminder_option')[$i]; $entry['reminder_isEmail'] = $sanitizedParams->getIntArray('reminder_isEmailHidden')[$i]; $rows[$sanitizedParams->getIntArray('reminder_scheduleReminderId')[$i]] = $entry; } $formReminders = $rows; // Compare to delete // Get existing db reminders $scheduleReminders = $this->scheduleReminderFactory->query(null, ['eventId' => $id]); $rows = []; foreach ($scheduleReminders as $reminder) { $entry = []; $entry['reminder_scheduleReminderId'] = $reminder->scheduleReminderId; $entry['reminder_value'] = $reminder->value; $entry['reminder_type'] = $reminder->type; $entry['reminder_option'] = $reminder->option; $entry['reminder_isEmail'] = $reminder->isEmail; $rows[$reminder->scheduleReminderId] = $entry; } $dbReminders = $rows; $deleteReminders = $schedule->compareMultidimensionalArrays($dbReminders, $formReminders, false); foreach ($deleteReminders as $reminder) { $reminder = $this->scheduleReminderFactory->getById($reminder['reminder_scheduleReminderId']); $reminder->delete(); } // API Request $rows = []; if ($this->isApi($request)) { $reminders = $sanitizedParams->getArray('scheduleReminders', ['default' => []]); foreach ($reminders as $i => $reminder) { $rows[$i]['reminder_scheduleReminderId'] = isset($reminder['reminder_scheduleReminderId']) ? (int) $reminder['reminder_scheduleReminderId'] : null; $rows[$i]['reminder_value'] = (int) $reminder['reminder_value']; $rows[$i]['reminder_type'] = (int) $reminder['reminder_type']; $rows[$i]['reminder_option'] = (int) $reminder['reminder_option']; $rows[$i]['reminder_isEmailHidden'] = (int) $reminder['reminder_isEmailHidden']; } } else { for ($i=0; $i < count($sanitizedParams->getIntArray('reminder_value')); $i++) { $rows[$i]['reminder_scheduleReminderId'] = $sanitizedParams->getIntArray('reminder_scheduleReminderId')[$i]; $rows[$i]['reminder_value'] = $sanitizedParams->getIntArray('reminder_value')[$i]; $rows[$i]['reminder_type'] = $sanitizedParams->getIntArray('reminder_type')[$i]; $rows[$i]['reminder_option'] = $sanitizedParams->getIntArray('reminder_option')[$i]; $rows[$i]['reminder_isEmailHidden'] = $sanitizedParams->getIntArray('reminder_isEmailHidden')[$i]; } } // Save rest of the reminders foreach ($rows as $reminder) { // Do not add reminder if empty value provided for number of minute/hour if ($reminder['reminder_value'] == 0) { continue; } $scheduleReminderId = isset($reminder['reminder_scheduleReminderId']) ? $reminder['reminder_scheduleReminderId'] : null; try { $scheduleReminder = $this->scheduleReminderFactory->getById($scheduleReminderId); $scheduleReminder->load(); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { $scheduleReminder = $this->scheduleReminderFactory->createEmpty(); $scheduleReminder->scheduleReminderId = null; $scheduleReminder->eventId = $id; } $scheduleReminder->value = $reminder['reminder_value']; $scheduleReminder->type = $reminder['reminder_type']; $scheduleReminder->option = $reminder['reminder_option']; $scheduleReminder->isEmail = $reminder['reminder_isEmailHidden']; $this->saveReminder($schedule, $scheduleReminder); } // If this is a recurring event delete all schedule exclusions if ($schedule->recurrenceType != '') { // Delete schedule exclusions $scheduleExclusions = $this->scheduleExclusionFactory->query(null, ['eventId' => $schedule->eventId]); foreach ($scheduleExclusions as $exclusion) { $exclusion->delete(); } } // Return $this->getState()->hydrate([ 'message' => __('Edited Event'), 'id' => $schedule->eventId, 'data' => $schedule ]); return $this->render($request, $response); } /** * Shows the DeleteEvent form * @param Request $request * @param Response $response * @param $id * @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|Response * @throws AccessDeniedException * @throws GeneralException * @throws NotFoundException * @throws ControllerNotImplemented */ function deleteForm(Request $request, Response $response, $id) { $schedule = $this->scheduleFactory->getById($id); $schedule->load(); if (!$this->isEventEditable($schedule->displayGroups)) { throw new AccessDeniedException(); } $this->getState()->template = 'schedule-form-delete'; $this->getState()->setData([ 'event' => $schedule, 'help' => $this->getHelp()->link('Schedule', 'Delete') ]); return $this->render($request,$response); } /** * Deletes an Event from all displays * @param Request $request * @param Response $response * @param $id * @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|Response * @throws AccessDeniedException * @throws GeneralException * @throws NotFoundException * @throws ControllerNotImplemented * @SWG\Delete( * path="/schedule/{eventId}", * operationId="scheduleDelete", * tags={"schedule"}, * summary="Delete Event", * description="Delete a Scheduled Event", * @SWG\Parameter( * name="eventId", * in="path", * description="The Scheduled Event ID", * type="integer", * required=true * ), * @SWG\Response( * response=204, * description="successful operation" * ) * ) */ public function delete(Request $request, Response $response, $id) { $schedule = $this->scheduleFactory->getById($id); $schedule->load(); if (!$this->isEventEditable($schedule->displayGroups)) { throw new AccessDeniedException(); } $schedule ->setDisplayFactory($this->displayFactory) ->delete(); // Return $this->getState()->hydrate([ 'httpStatus' => 204, 'message' => __('Deleted Event') ]); return $this->render($request, $response); } /** * Is this event editable? * @param array[\Xibo\Entity\DisplayGroup] $displayGroups * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ private function isEventEditable($displayGroups) { if (!$this->getUser()->featureEnabled('schedule.modify')) { return false; } $scheduleWithView = ($this->getConfig()->getSetting('SCHEDULE_WITH_VIEW_PERMISSION') == 1); // Work out if this event is editable or not. To do this we need to compare the permissions // of each display group this event is associated with foreach ($displayGroups as $displayGroup) { /* @var \Xibo\Entity\DisplayGroup $\Xibo\Entity\DisplayGroup */ // Can schedule with view, but no view permissions if ($scheduleWithView && !$this->getUser()->checkViewable($displayGroup)) return false; // Can't schedule with view, but no edit permissions if (!$scheduleWithView && !$this->getUser()->checkEditable($displayGroup)) return false; } return true; } /** * Schedule Now Form * @param Request $request * @param Response $response * @param string $from The object that called this form * @param int $id The Id * * @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|Response * @throws GeneralException * @throws NotFoundException * @throws ControllerNotImplemented */ public function scheduleNowForm(Request $request, Response $response,$from, $id) { $this->getState()->template = 'schedule-form-now'; $this->getState()->setData([ 'eventTypeId' => (($from == 'Campaign') ? \Xibo\Entity\Schedule::$CAMPAIGN_EVENT : \Xibo\Entity\Schedule::$LAYOUT_EVENT), 'campaign' => (($from == 'Campaign' || $from == 'Layout') ? $this->campaignFactory->getById($id) : null), 'displayGroup' => (($from == 'DisplayGroup') ? [$this->displayGroupFactory->getById($id)] : null), 'displayGroupId' => (($from == 'DisplayGroup') ? (int)$id : 0), 'alwaysDayPart' => $this->dayPartFactory->getAlwaysDayPart(), 'customDayPart' => $this->dayPartFactory->getCustomDayPart(), 'help' => $this->getHelp()->link('Schedule', 'ScheduleNow') ]); return $this->render($request, $response); } /** * @param \Xibo\Entity\Schedule $schedule * @param ScheduleReminder $scheduleReminder * @throws GeneralException * @throws NotFoundException * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\ConfigurationException * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\InvalidArgumentException */ private function saveReminder($schedule, $scheduleReminder) { // if someone changes from custom to always // we should keep the definitions, but make sure they don't get executed in the task if ($schedule->isAlwaysDayPart()) { $scheduleReminder->reminderDt = 0; $scheduleReminder->save(); return; } switch ($scheduleReminder->type) { case ScheduleReminder::$TYPE_MINUTE: $type = ScheduleReminder::$MINUTE; break; case ScheduleReminder::$TYPE_HOUR: $type = ScheduleReminder::$HOUR; break; case ScheduleReminder::$TYPE_DAY: $type = ScheduleReminder::$DAY; break; case ScheduleReminder::$TYPE_WEEK: $type = ScheduleReminder::$WEEK; break; case ScheduleReminder::$TYPE_MONTH: $type = ScheduleReminder::$MONTH; break; default: throw new NotFoundException(__('Unknown type')); } // Remind seconds that we will subtract/add from schedule fromDt/toDt to get reminderDt $remindSeconds = $scheduleReminder->value * $type; // Set reminder date if ($scheduleReminder->option == ScheduleReminder::$OPTION_BEFORE_START) { $scheduleReminder->reminderDt = $schedule->fromDt - $remindSeconds; } elseif ($scheduleReminder->option == ScheduleReminder::$OPTION_AFTER_START) { $scheduleReminder->reminderDt = $schedule->fromDt + $remindSeconds; } elseif ($scheduleReminder->option == ScheduleReminder::$OPTION_BEFORE_END) { $scheduleReminder->reminderDt = $schedule->toDt - $remindSeconds; } elseif ($scheduleReminder->option == ScheduleReminder::$OPTION_AFTER_END) { $scheduleReminder->reminderDt = $schedule->toDt + $remindSeconds; } // Is recurring event? $now = Carbon::now(); if ($schedule->recurrenceType != '') { // find the next event from now try { $nextReminderDate = $schedule->getNextReminderDate($now, $scheduleReminder, $remindSeconds); } catch (NotFoundException $error) { $nextReminderDate = 0; $this->getLog()->debug('No next occurrence of reminderDt found. ReminderDt set to 0.'); } if ($nextReminderDate != 0) { if ($nextReminderDate < $scheduleReminder->lastReminderDt) { // handle if someone edit in frontend after notifications were created // we cannot have a reminderDt set to below the lastReminderDt // so we make the lastReminderDt 0 $scheduleReminder->lastReminderDt = 0; $scheduleReminder->reminderDt = $nextReminderDate; } else { $scheduleReminder->reminderDt = $nextReminderDate; } } else { // next event is not found // we make the reminderDt and lastReminderDt as 0 $scheduleReminder->lastReminderDt = 0; $scheduleReminder->reminderDt = 0; } // Save $scheduleReminder->save(); } else { // one off event $scheduleReminder->save(); } } private function createGeoJson($coordinates) { $properties = new \StdClass(); $convertedCoordinates = []; // coordinates come as array of strings, we need convert that to array of arrays with float values for the Geo JSON foreach ($coordinates as $coordinate) { // each $coordinate is a comma separated string with 2 coordinates // make it into an array $explodedCords = explode(',', $coordinate); // prepare a new array, we will add float values to it, need to be cleared for each set of coordinates $floatCords = []; // iterate through the exploded array, change the type to float store in a new array foreach ($explodedCords as $explodedCord) { $explodedCord = (float)$explodedCord; $floatCords[] = $explodedCord; } // each set of coordinates will be added to this new array, which we will use in the geo json $convertedCoordinates[] = $floatCords; } $geometry = [ 'type' => 'Polygon', 'coordinates' => [ $convertedCoordinates ] ]; $geoJson = [ 'type' => 'Feature', 'properties' => $properties, 'geometry' => $geometry ]; return json_encode($geoJson); } }