table('group') ->addColumn('description', 'string', [ 'default' => null, 'null' => true, 'limit' => 500 ]) ->addColumn('isShownForAddUser', 'integer', [ 'default' => 0, 'limit' => \Phinx\Db\Adapter\MysqlAdapter::INT_TINY ]) ->addColumn('defaultHomepageId', 'string', [ 'null' => true, 'default' => null, 'limit' => '255' ]) ->save(); // If we only have the preset user groups, add some more. // We add a total of 3 preset groups by this point $countGroups = $this->fetchRow(' SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM `group` WHERE `group`.isUserSpecific = 0 AND `group`.isEveryone = 0 AND `group`.group NOT IN (\'Users\', \'System Notifications\', \'Playlist Dashboard User\') '); if ($countGroups['cnt'] <= 0) { // These can't be translated out the box as we don't know language on install? $this->table('group') ->insert([ [ 'group' => 'Content Manager', 'description' => 'Management of all features related to Content Creation only.', 'defaultHomepageId' => 'icondashboard.view', 'isUserSpecific' => 0, 'isEveryone' => 0, 'isSystemNotification' => 0, 'isDisplayNotification' => 0, 'isShownForAddUser' => 1, 'features' => '["folder.view","folder.add","folder.modify","library.view","library.add","library.modify","dataset.view","dataset.add","dataset.modify","dataset.data","playlist.view","playlist.add","playlist.modify","layout.view","layout.add","layout.modify","layout.export","template.view","template.add","template.modify","resolution.view","resolution.add","resolution.modify","campaign.view","campaign.add","campaign.modify","tag.view","tag.tagging","user.profile"]' ], [ 'group' => 'Playlist Manager', 'description' => 'Management of specific Playlists to edit / replace Media only.', 'defaultHomepageId' => 'playlistdashboard.view', 'isUserSpecific' => 0, 'isEveryone' => 0, 'isSystemNotification' => 0, 'isDisplayNotification' => 0, 'isShownForAddUser' => 1, 'features' => '["user.profile","dashboard.playlist"]' ], [ 'group' => 'Schedule Manager', 'description' => 'Management of all features for the purpose of Event Scheduling only.', 'defaultHomepageId' => 'icondashboard.view', 'isUserSpecific' => 0, 'isEveryone' => 0, 'isSystemNotification' => 0, 'isDisplayNotification' => 0, 'isShownForAddUser' => 1, 'features' => '["folder.view","schedule.view","schedule.agenda","schedule.add","schedule.modify","schedule.now","daypart.view","daypart.add","daypart.modify","user.profile"]' ], [ 'group' => 'Display Manager', 'description' => 'Management of all features for the purpose of Display Administration only.', 'defaultHomepageId' => 'statusdashboard.view', 'isUserSpecific' => 0, 'isEveryone' => 0, 'isSystemNotification' => 0, 'isDisplayNotification' => 1, 'isShownForAddUser' => 1, 'features' => '["report.view","displays.reporting","proof-of-play","folder.view","folder.add","folder.modify","tag.tagging","schedule.view","schedule.agenda","displays.view","displays.add","displays.modify","displaygroup.view","displaygroup.add","displaygroup.modify","displayprofile.view","displayprofile.add","displayprofile.modify","playersoftware.view","command.view","user.profile","notification.centre","notification.add","notification.modify","dashboard.status","log.view"]' ], ]) ->save(); } else { // We should add something, otherwise we won't have any options when it comes to the new wizard $this->execute('UPDATE `group` SET isShownForAddUser = 1 WHERE isUserSpecific = 0 AND isEveryone = 0 AND isSystemNotification = 0'); } } }