{% set title %}{% trans "Name" %}{% endset %}
{% set helpText %}{% trans "The Name of the Layout - (1 - 50 characters)" %}{% endset %}
{% set layoutName %}{{ layout.layout }} 2{% endset %}
{{ forms.input("name", title, layoutName, helpText) }}
{% set title %}{% trans "Make new copies of all media on this layout?" %}{% endset %}
{% set helpText %}{% trans "This will duplicate all media that is currently assigned to the Layout being copied." %}{% endset %}
{% if config.LAYOUT_COPY_MEDIA_CHECKB == "Checked" %}
{% set checked = 1 %}
{% else %}
{% set checked = 0 %}
{% endif %}
{{ forms.checkbox("copyMediaFiles", title, checked, helpText) }}
{% set title %}{% trans "Description" %}{% endset %}
{% set helpText %}{% trans "An optional description of the Layout. (1 - 250 characters)" %}{% endset %}
{{ forms.textarea("description", title, layout.description, helpText) }}