* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie * @license http://mit-license.org/ * @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server */ namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Grant; use League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\AccessTokenEntity; use League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\AuthCodeEntity; use League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\ClientEntity; use League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\RefreshTokenEntity; use League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\SessionEntity; use League\OAuth2\Server\Event; use League\OAuth2\Server\Exception; use League\OAuth2\Server\Util\SecureKey; /** * Auth code grant class */ class AuthCodeGrant extends AbstractGrant { /** * Grant identifier * * @var string */ protected $identifier = 'authorization_code'; /** * Response type * * @var string */ protected $responseType = 'code'; /** * AuthServer instance * * @var \League\OAuth2\Server\AuthorizationServer */ protected $server = null; /** * Access token expires in override * * @var int */ protected $accessTokenTTL = null; /** * The TTL of the auth token * * @var integer */ protected $authTokenTTL = 600; /** * Whether to require the client secret when * completing the flow. * * @var boolean */ protected $requireClientSecret = true; /** * Override the default access token expire time * * @param int $authTokenTTL * * @return void */ public function setAuthTokenTTL($authTokenTTL) { $this->authTokenTTL = $authTokenTTL; } /** * * @param bool $required True to require client secret during access * token request. False if not. Default = true */ public function setRequireClientSecret($required) { $this->requireClientSecret = $required; } /** * True if client secret is required during * access token request. False if it isn't. * * @return bool */ public function shouldRequireClientSecret() { return $this->requireClientSecret; } /** * Check authorize parameters * * @return array Authorize request parameters * * @throws */ public function checkAuthorizeParams() { // Get required params $clientId = $this->server->getRequest()->query->get('client_id', null); if (is_null($clientId)) { throw new Exception\InvalidRequestException('client_id'); } $redirectUri = $this->server->getRequest()->query->get('redirect_uri', null); if (is_null($redirectUri)) { throw new Exception\InvalidRequestException('redirect_uri'); } // Validate client ID and redirect URI $client = $this->server->getClientStorage()->get( $clientId, null, $redirectUri, $this->getIdentifier() ); if (($client instanceof ClientEntity) === false) { $this->server->getEventEmitter()->emit(new Event\ClientAuthenticationFailedEvent($this->server->getRequest())); throw new Exception\InvalidClientException(); } $state = $this->server->getRequest()->query->get('state', null); if ($this->server->stateParamRequired() === true && is_null($state)) { throw new Exception\InvalidRequestException('state', $redirectUri); } $responseType = $this->server->getRequest()->query->get('response_type', null); if (is_null($responseType)) { throw new Exception\InvalidRequestException('response_type', $redirectUri); } // Ensure response type is one that is recognised if (!in_array($responseType, $this->server->getResponseTypes())) { throw new Exception\UnsupportedResponseTypeException($responseType, $redirectUri); } // Validate any scopes that are in the request $scopeParam = $this->server->getRequest()->query->get('scope', ''); $scopes = $this->validateScopes($scopeParam, $client, $redirectUri); return [ 'client' => $client, 'redirect_uri' => $redirectUri, 'state' => $state, 'response_type' => $responseType, 'scopes' => $scopes ]; } /** * Parse a new authorize request * * @param string $type The session owner's type * @param string $typeId The session owner's ID * @param array $authParams The authorize request $_GET parameters * * @return string An authorisation code */ public function newAuthorizeRequest($type, $typeId, $authParams = []) { // Create a new session $session = new SessionEntity($this->server); $session->setOwner($type, $typeId); $session->associateClient($authParams['client']); // Create a new auth code $authCode = new AuthCodeEntity($this->server); $authCode->setId(SecureKey::generate()); $authCode->setRedirectUri($authParams['redirect_uri']); $authCode->setExpireTime(time() + $this->authTokenTTL); foreach ($authParams['scopes'] as $scope) { $authCode->associateScope($scope); $session->associateScope($scope); } $session->save(); $authCode->setSession($session); $authCode->save(); return $authCode->generateRedirectUri($authParams['state']); } /** * Complete the auth code grant * * @return array * * @throws */ public function completeFlow() { // Get the required params $clientId = $this->server->getRequest()->request->get('client_id', $this->server->getRequest()->getUser()); if (is_null($clientId)) { throw new Exception\InvalidRequestException('client_id'); } $clientSecret = $this->server->getRequest()->request->get('client_secret', $this->server->getRequest()->getPassword()); if ($this->shouldRequireClientSecret() && is_null($clientSecret)) { throw new Exception\InvalidRequestException('client_secret'); } $redirectUri = $this->server->getRequest()->request->get('redirect_uri', null); if (is_null($redirectUri)) { throw new Exception\InvalidRequestException('redirect_uri'); } // Validate client ID and client secret $client = $this->server->getClientStorage()->get( $clientId, $clientSecret, $redirectUri, $this->getIdentifier() ); if (($client instanceof ClientEntity) === false) { $this->server->getEventEmitter()->emit(new Event\ClientAuthenticationFailedEvent($this->server->getRequest())); throw new Exception\InvalidClientException(); } // Validate the auth code $authCode = $this->server->getRequest()->request->get('code', null); if (is_null($authCode)) { throw new Exception\InvalidRequestException('code'); } $code = $this->server->getAuthCodeStorage()->get($authCode); if (($code instanceof AuthCodeEntity) === false) { throw new Exception\InvalidRequestException('code'); } // Ensure the auth code hasn't expired if ($code->isExpired() === true) { throw new Exception\InvalidRequestException('code'); } // Check redirect URI presented matches redirect URI originally used in authorize request if ($code->getRedirectUri() !== $redirectUri) { throw new Exception\InvalidRequestException('redirect_uri'); } $session = $code->getSession(); $session->associateClient($client); $authCodeScopes = $code->getScopes(); // Generate the access token $accessToken = new AccessTokenEntity($this->server); $accessToken->setId(SecureKey::generate()); $accessToken->setExpireTime($this->getAccessTokenTTL() + time()); foreach ($authCodeScopes as $authCodeScope) { $session->associateScope($authCodeScope); } foreach ($session->getScopes() as $scope) { $accessToken->associateScope($scope); } $this->server->getTokenType()->setSession($session); $this->server->getTokenType()->setParam('access_token', $accessToken->getId()); $this->server->getTokenType()->setParam('expires_in', $this->getAccessTokenTTL()); // Associate a refresh token if set if ($this->server->hasGrantType('refresh_token')) { $refreshToken = new RefreshTokenEntity($this->server); $refreshToken->setId(SecureKey::generate()); $refreshToken->setExpireTime($this->server->getGrantType('refresh_token')->getRefreshTokenTTL() + time()); $this->server->getTokenType()->setParam('refresh_token', $refreshToken->getId()); } // Expire the auth code $code->expire(); // Save all the things $accessToken->setSession($session); $accessToken->save(); if (isset($refreshToken) && $this->server->hasGrantType('refresh_token')) { $refreshToken->setAccessToken($accessToken); $refreshToken->save(); } return $this->server->getTokenType()->generateResponse(); } }