getOption('periodSizeInDays', 7); $maxPeriods = $this->getOption('maxPeriods', 4); $periodsToKeep = $this->getOption('periodsToKeep', 1); $this->setArchiveOwner(); $this->runMessage = '# ' . __('Stats Archive') . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; // Get the earliest $earliestDate = $this->store->select('SELECT MIN(statDate) AS minDate FROM `stat`', []); if (count($earliestDate) <= 0) { $this->runMessage = __('Nothing to archive'); return; } /** @var Date $earliestDate */ $earliestDate = $this->date->parse($earliestDate[0]['minDate'])->setTime(0, 0, 0); // Take the earliest date and roll forward until the current time /** @var Date $now */ $now = $this->date->parse()->subDay($periodSizeInDays * $periodsToKeep)->setTime(0, 0, 0); $i = 0; while ($earliestDate < $now && $i < $maxPeriods) { $i++; $this->log->debug('Running archive number ' . $i); // Push forward $fromDt = $earliestDate->copy(); $earliestDate->addDays($periodSizeInDays); $this->exportStatsToLibrary($fromDt, $earliestDate); $this->store->commitIfNecessary(); } $this->runMessage .= __('Done') . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; } /** * Export stats to the library * @param Date $fromDt * @param Date $toDt */ private function exportStatsToLibrary($fromDt, $toDt) { $this->runMessage .= ' - ' . $fromDt . ' / ' . $toDt . PHP_EOL; $select = 'SELECT stat.*, display.Display, layout.Layout, media.Name AS MediaName'; $countSelect = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt'; $sql = ' FROM stat INNER JOIN display ON stat.DisplayID = display.DisplayID LEFT OUTER JOIN layout ON layout.LayoutID = stat.LayoutID LEFT OUTER JOIN media ON media.mediaID = stat.mediaID WHERE 1 = 1 AND stat.statDate >= :fromDt AND stat.statDate < :toDt ORDER BY stat.statDate '; $params = [ 'fromDt' => $this->date->getLocalDate($fromDt), 'toDt' => $this->date->getLocalDate($toDt) ]; // How many records are we expecting? $records = $this->store->select($countSelect . $sql, $params); if (count($records) <= 0) return; $records = $this->sanitizer->int($records[0]['cnt']); // Create a temporary file for this $fileName = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'stats'); $out = fopen($fileName, 'w'); fputcsv($out, ['Type', 'FromDT', 'ToDT', 'Layout', 'Display', 'Media', 'Tag', 'DisplayId', 'LayoutId', 'WidgetId', 'MediaId']); // Get records in blocks of 1000 $i = 0; while ($i < $records) { $rows = $this->store->select($select . $sql . ' LIMIT ' . $i . ', 1000 ', $params); // Do some post processing foreach ($rows as $row) { // Read the columns fputcsv($out, [ $this->sanitizer->string($row['Type']), $this->sanitizer->string($row['start']), $this->sanitizer->string($row['end']), $this->sanitizer->string($row['Layout']), $this->sanitizer->string($row['Display']), $this->sanitizer->string($row['MediaName']), $this->sanitizer->string($row['Tag']), $this->sanitizer->int($row['displayID']), $this->sanitizer->int($row['layoutID']), $this->sanitizer->int($row['widgetId']), $this->sanitizer->int($row['mediaID']) ]); } $i = $i + 1000; } fclose($out); // Create a ZIP file and add our temporary file $zipName = $this->config->GetSetting('LIBRARY_LOCATION') . 'temp/stats.csv.zip'; $zip = new \ZipArchive(); $result = $zip->open($zipName, \ZipArchive::CREATE | \ZipArchive::OVERWRITE); if ($result !== true) throw new \InvalidArgumentException(__('Can\'t create ZIP. Error Code: %s', $result)); $zip->addFile($fileName, 'stats.csv'); $zip->close(); // Remove the CSV file unlink($fileName); // Upload to the library $media = $this->mediaFactory->create(__('Stats Export %s to %s', $fromDt->format('Y-m-d'), $toDt->format('Y-m-d')), 'stats.csv.zip', 'genericfile', $this->archiveOwner->getId()); $media->save(); // Delete the stats $this->store->update('DELETE FROM `stat` WHERE stat.statDate >= :fromDt AND stat.statDate < :toDt', $params); } /** * Set the archive owner * @throws TaskRunException */ private function setArchiveOwner() { $archiveOwner = $this->getOption('archiveOwner', null); if ($archiveOwner == null) { $admins = $this->userFactory->getSuperAdmins(); if (count($admins) <= 0) throw new TaskRunException(__('No super admins to use as the archive owner, please set one in the configuration.')); $this->archiveOwner = $admins[0]; } else { try { $this->archiveOwner = $this->userFactory->getByName($archiveOwner); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { throw new TaskRunException(__('Archive Owner not found')); } } } }