store = $store; $this->log = $log; $this->config = $config; } /** * @param \Slim\Helper\Set $container * @throws \Xibo\Exception\NotFoundException */ public function doStep($container) { if (!$this->checkIndexExists('lkdisplaydg', ['displayGroupId', 'displayId'], 1)) $this->addUniqueIndexForLkDisplayDg(); $this->addForeignKeyToOAuthClients(); } /** * Check if an index exists * @param string $table * @param string[] $columns * @param bool $isUnique * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ private function checkIndexExists($table, $columns, $isUnique) { if (!is_array($columns) || count($columns) <= 0) throw new InvalidArgumentException('Incorrect call to checkIndexExists', 'columns'); // Use the information schema to see if the index exists or not. // all users have permission to the information schema $sql = ' SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.STATISTICS WHERE table_schema=DATABASE() AND table_name = :table AND non_unique = :non_unique AND ( '; $params = [ 'table' => $table, 'non_unique' => ($isUnique) ? 0 : 1 ]; $i = 0; foreach ($columns as $column) { $i++; $sql .= (($i == 1) ? '' : ' OR') . ' (seq_in_index = :seq_' . $i . ' AND column_name = :col_' . $i . ') '; $params['seq_' . $i] = $i; $params['col_' . $i] = $column; } $sql .= ' )'; $indexes = $this->store->select($sql, $params); return (count($indexes) === count($columns)); } /** * Adds a unique index to lkdisplaydg */ private function addUniqueIndexForLkDisplayDg() { $index = 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX lkdisplaydg_displayGroupId_displayId_uindex ON `lkdisplaydg` (displayGroupId, displayId);'; // Try to create the index, if we fail, assume duplicates try { $this->store->update($index, []); } catch (\PDOException $e) { $this->log->info('Unable to create missing index, duplicate keys in table'); // Create a verify table $this->store->update('CREATE TABLE lkdisplaydg_verify AS SELECT * FROM lkdisplaydg WHERE 1 GROUP BY displaygroupId, displayId;', []); // Delete from original table $this->store->update('DELETE FROM lkdisplaydg;', []); // Insert the de-duped records $this->store->update('INSERT INTO lkdisplaydg SELECT * FROM lkdisplaydg_verify;', []); // Drop the verify table $this->store->update('DROP TABLE lkdisplaydg_verify;', []); // Create the index fresh, now that duplicates removed $this->store->update($index, []); } } private function addForeignKeyToOAuthClients() { // Does the constraint already exist? if ($this->store->exists(' SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.STATISTICS WHERE table_schema=DATABASE() AND table_name = \'oauth_clients\' AND index_name LIKE \'%_fk\' AND column_name = \'userId\' ;', [])) { return; } // Detect any client records that have userIds which do not exist and update them $this->store->update(' UPDATE `oauth_clients` SET userId = (SELECT userId FROM `user` WHERE userTypeId = 1 LIMIT 1) WHERE userId NOT IN (SELECT userId FROM `user`); ', []); // Create the index fresh, now that duplicates removed $this->store->update('ALTER TABLE `oauth_clients` ADD CONSTRAINT oauth_clients_user_UserID_fk FOREIGN KEY (userId) REFERENCES `user` (UserID);', []); } }