setCommonDependencies($store, $log); $this->userGroupFactory = $userGroupFactory; $this->displayGroupFactory = $displayGroupFactory; } /** * Get Id * @return int */ public function getId() { return $this->notificationId; } /** * Get Owner */ public function getOwnerId() { return $this->userId; } /** * Add User Group Notification * @param UserGroup $userGroup */ public function assignUserGroup($userGroup) { $this->load(); if (!in_array($userGroup, $this->userGroups)) $this->userGroups[] = $userGroup; } /** * Add Display Group * @param DisplayGroup $displayGroup */ public function assignDisplayGroup($displayGroup) { $this->load(); if (!in_array($displayGroup, $this->displayGroups)) $this->displayGroups[] = $displayGroup; } /** * Validate */ public function validate() { if (empty($this->subject)) throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Please provide a subject'), 'subject'); if (empty($this->body)) throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Please provide a body'), 'body'); } /** * Load */ public function load() { if ($this->loaded || $this->notificationId == null) return; // Load the Display Groups and User Group Notifications $this->userGroups = $this->userGroupFactory->getByNotificationId($this->notificationId); $this->displayGroups = $this->displayGroupFactory->getByNotificationId($this->notificationId); $this->loaded = true; } /** * Save Notification */ public function save() { $this->validate(); if ($this->notificationId == null) $this->add(); else $this->edit(); $this->manageAssignments(); } /** * Delete Notification */ public function delete() { // Remove all links $this->getStore()->update('DELETE FROM `lknotificationuser` WHERE `notificationId` = :notificationId', ['notificationId' => $this->notificationId]); $this->getStore()->update('DELETE FROM `lknotificationgroup` WHERE `notificationId` = :notificationId', ['notificationId' => $this->notificationId]); $this->getStore()->update('DELETE FROM `lknotificationdg` WHERE `notificationId` = :notificationId', ['notificationId' => $this->notificationId]); // Remove the notification $this->getStore()->update('DELETE FROM `notification` WHERE `notificationId` = :notificationId', ['notificationId' => $this->notificationId]); } /** * Add to DB */ private function add() { $this->notificationId = $this->getStore()->insert(' INSERT INTO `notification` (`subject`, `body`, `createDt`, `releaseDt`, `isEmail`, `isInterrupt`, `isSystem`, `userId`) VALUES (:subject, :body, :createDt, :releaseDt, :isEmail, :isInterrupt, :isSystem, :userId) ', [ 'subject' => $this->subject, 'body' => $this->body, 'createDt' => $this->createdDt, 'releaseDt' => $this->releaseDt, 'isEmail' => $this->isEmail, 'isInterrupt' => $this->isInterrupt, 'isSystem' => $this->isSystem, 'userId' => $this->userId ]); } /** * Update in DB */ private function edit() { $this->getStore()->update(' UPDATE `notification` SET `subject` = :subject, `body` = :body, `createDt` = :createDt, `releaseDt` = :releaseDt, `isEmail` = :isEmail, `isInterrupt` = :isInterrupt, `isSystem` = :isSystem, `userId` = :userId WHERE `notificationId` = :notificationId ', [ 'subject' => $this->subject, 'body' => $this->body, 'createDt' => $this->createdDt, 'releaseDt' => $this->releaseDt, 'isEmail' => $this->isEmail, 'isInterrupt' => $this->isInterrupt, 'isSystem' => $this->isSystem, 'userId' => $this->userId, 'notificationId' => $this->notificationId ]); } /** * Manage assignements in DB */ private function manageAssignments() { $this->linkUserGroups(); $this->unlinkUserGroups(); $this->linkDisplayGroups(); $this->unlinkDisplayGroups(); $this->manageRealisedUserLinks(); } /** * Manage the links in the User notification table */ private function manageRealisedUserLinks() { // Delete links that no longer exist $this->getStore()->update(' DELETE FROM `lknotificationuser` WHERE `notificationId` = :notificationId AND `userId` NOT IN ( SELECT `userId` FROM `lkusergroup` INNER JOIN `lknotificationgroup` ON `lknotificationgroup`.groupId = `lkusergroup`.groupId WHERE `lknotificationgroup`.notificationId = :notificationId2 ) AND userId <> 0 ', [ 'notificationId' => $this->notificationId, 'notificationId2' => $this->notificationId ]); // Pop in new links following from this adjustment $this->getStore()->update(' INSERT INTO `lknotificationuser` (`notificationId`, `userId`, `read`, `readDt`, `emailDt`) SELECT DISTINCT :notificationId, `userId`, 0, 0, 0 FROM `lkusergroup` INNER JOIN `lknotificationgroup` ON `lknotificationgroup`.groupId = `lkusergroup`.groupId WHERE `lknotificationgroup`.notificationId = :notificationId2 ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE userId = `lknotificationuser`.userId ', [ 'notificationId' => $this->notificationId, 'notificationId2' => $this->notificationId ]); if ($this->isSystem) { $this->getStore()->insert(' INSERT INTO `lknotificationuser` (`notificationId`, `userId`, `read`, `readDt`, `emailDt`) VALUES (:notificationId, 0, 0, 0, 0) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE userId = `lknotificationuser`.userId ', [ 'notificationId' => $this->notificationId ]); } } /** * Link User Groups */ private function linkUserGroups() { foreach ($this->userGroups as $userGroup) { /* @var UserGroup $userGroup */ $this->getStore()->update('INSERT INTO `lknotificationgroup` (notificationId, groupId) VALUES (:notificationId, :userGroupId) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE groupId = groupId', [ 'notificationId' => $this->notificationId, 'userGroupId' => $userGroup->groupId ]); } } /** * Unlink User Groups */ private function unlinkUserGroups() { // Unlink any userGroup that is NOT in the collection $params = ['notificationId' => $this->notificationId]; $sql = 'DELETE FROM `lknotificationgroup` WHERE notificationId = :notificationId AND groupId NOT IN (0'; $i = 0; foreach ($this->userGroups as $userGroup) { /* @var UserGroup $userGroup */ $i++; $sql .= ',:userGroupId' . $i; $params['userGroupId' . $i] = $userGroup->groupId; } $sql .= ')'; $this->getStore()->update($sql, $params); } /** * Link Display Groups */ private function linkDisplayGroups() { foreach ($this->displayGroups as $displayGroup) { /* @var DisplayGroup $displayGroup */ $this->getStore()->update('INSERT INTO `lknotificationdg` (notificationId, displayGroupId) VALUES (:notificationId, :displayGroupId) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE displayGroupId = displayGroupId', [ 'notificationId' => $this->notificationId, 'displayGroupId' => $displayGroup->displayGroupId ]); } } /** * Unlink Display Groups */ private function unlinkDisplayGroups() { // Unlink any displayGroup that is NOT in the collection $params = ['notificationId' => $this->notificationId]; $sql = 'DELETE FROM `lknotificationdg` WHERE notificationId = :notificationId AND displayGroupId NOT IN (0'; $i = 0; foreach ($this->displayGroups as $displayGroup) { /* @var DisplayGroup $displayGroup */ $i++; $sql .= ',:displayGroupId' . $i; $params['displayGroupId' . $i] = $displayGroup->displayGroupId; } $sql .= ')'; $this->getStore()->update($sql, $params); } }