. */ namespace Xibo\OAuth2\Client\Entity; use Xibo\OAuth2\Client\Exception\XiboApiException; class XiboStats extends XiboEntity { private $url = '/stats'; /** @var string The type of stat to return. Layout|Media|Widget or All */ public $type; /** @var string Display name */ public $display; /** @var int The Display ID */ public $displayId; /** @var string Layout name */ public $layout; /** @var int The Layout ID */ public $layoutId; /** @var string Media name */ public $media; /** @var int The Media ID */ public $mediaId; /** @var int The number of times media/layout has played */ public $numberPlays; /** @var int the total duration in seconds the media/layout were displayed */ public $duration; /** @var string Date the first time the media/layout were displayed */ public $minStart; /** @var string Date the last time the media/layout were displayed */ public $maxEnd; /** * @param array $params can be filtered by: type, fromDt, toDt, displayId, layoutId, mediaId * @return array|XiboStats */ public function get(array $params = []) { $this->getLogger()->info('Getting list of statistics '); $entries = []; $response = $this->doGet($this->url, $params); foreach ($response as $item) { $entries[] = clone $this->hydrate($item); } return $entries; } }