. */ namespace Xibo\OAuth2\Client\Entity; use Xibo\OAuth2\Client\Exception\XiboApiException; class XiboDataSet extends XiboEntity { private $url = '/dataset'; /** @var int The dataSet ID */ public $dataSetId; /** @var string The dataSet name */ public $dataSet; /** @var string The dataSet description */ public $description; /** @var int The user (owner) ID */ public $userId; /** @var int time of the last edit made to the dataSet */ public $lastDataEdit; /** @var string owner name */ public $owner; /** @var string list of groups with permissions to this dataSet */ public $groupsWithPermissions; /** @var string DataSet code */ public $code; /** @var int Flag to indicate whether this DataSet is a lookup table */ public $isLookup; /** @var int Flag to indicate whether this DataSet is a remote dataSet */ public $isRemote; /** @var string The Request Method GET or POST */ public $method; /** @var string URI to call to fetch Data from. Replacements are {{DATE}}, {{TIME}} and, in case this is a sequencial used DataSet, {{COL.NAME}} where NAME is a ColumnName from the underlying DataSet. */ public $uri; /** @var string Data to send as POST-Data to the remote host with the same Replacements as in the URI */ public $postData; /** @var string Authentication method, can be none, digest, basic */ public $authentication; /** @var string Username to authenticate with */ public $username; /** @var string Password to authenticate with */ public $password; /** @var int Time in seconds this DataSet should fetch new Datas from the remote host */ public $refreshRate; /** @var int Time in seconds when this Dataset should be cleared. If here is a lower value than in RefreshRate it will be cleared when the data is refreshed */ public $clearRate; /** @var int DataSetID of the DataSet which should be fetched and present before the Data from this DataSet are fetched */ public $runsAfter; /** @var int Last Synchronisation Timestamp */ public $lastSync; /** @var int Last Clear Timestamp */ public $lastClear; /** @var string Root-Element form JSON where the data are stored in */ public $dataRoot; /** @var string Optional function to use for summarize or count unique fields in a remote request */ public $summarize; /** @var string JSON-Element below the Root-Element on which the consolidation should be applied on */ public $summarizeField; /** @var array DataSetColumn[] */ public $columns; /** @var int The row Id */ public $rowId; /** * Get the list of dataSets. * * @param array $params filter the results by: dataSetId, dataSet, code, embeddable parameter embed=columns * @return array|XiboDataSet */ public function get(array $params = []) { $entries = []; $this->getLogger()->info('Getting list of dataSets '); $response = $this->doGet($this->url, $params); foreach ($response as $item) { $entries[] = clone $this->hydrate($item); } return $entries; } /** * Get the DataSet by DataSetId. * * @param int $id the DataSetId to find * @return XiboDataSet * @throws XiboApiException */ public function getById($id) { $this->getLogger()->info('Getting dataSet ID ' . $id); $response = $this->doGet($this->url, [ 'dataSetId' => $id ]); if (count($response) <= 0) throw new XiboApiException('Expecting a single record, found ' . count($response)); return clone $this->hydrate($response[0]); } /** * Create the DataSet. * * @param string $name New name for the dataSet * @param string $description New Description for the dataSet * @param string $code New code for this DataSet * @param int $isRemote Flag (0, 1) is this remote DataSet? * @param string $method For isRemote=1, The Request Method GET or POST * @param string $uri For isRemote=1, The URI, without query parameters * @param string $postData For isRemote=1, Query parameter encoded data to add to the request * @param string $authentication For isRemote=1, HTTP Authentication method None|Basic|Digest * @param string $username for isRemote=1, HTTP Authentication User Name * @param string $password for isRemote=1, HTTP Authentication Password * @param int $refreshRate for isRemote=1, How often in seconds should this remote DataSet be refreshed * @param int $clearRate for isRemote=1, How often in seconds should this remote DataSet be truncated * @param int $runsAfter for isRemote=1, Optional dataSetId which should be run before this remote DataSet * @param string $dataRoot for isRemote=1, The root of the data in the Remote source which is used as the base for all remote columns * @param string $summarize for isRemote=1, Should the data be aggregated? None|Summarize|Count * @param string $summarizeField for isRemote=1, Which field should be used to summarize * @return XiboDataSet */ public function create($name, $description, $code = '', $isRemote = 0, $method = '', $uri = '', $postData = '', $authentication = '', $username = '', $password = '', $refreshRate = null, $clearRate = null, $runsAfter = null, $dataRoot = '', $summarize = '', $summarizeField = '') { $this->userId = $this->getEntityProvider()->getMe()->getId(); $this->dataSet = $name; $this->description = $description; $this->code = $code; $this->isRemote = $isRemote; $this->method = $method; $this->uri = $uri; $this->postData = $postData; $this->authentication = $authentication; $this->username = $username; $this->password = $password; $this->refreshRate = $refreshRate; $this->clearRate = $clearRate; $this->runsAfter = $runsAfter; $this->dataRoot = $dataRoot; $this->summarize = $summarize; $this->summarizeField = $summarizeField; $this->getLogger()->info('Creating dataSet ' . $name); $response = $this->doPost('/dataset', $this->toArray()); return $this->hydrate($response); } /** * Edit the DataSet. * * @param int $dataSetId The Id of the dataSet to edit * @param string $name New name for the dataSet * @param string $description New Description for the dataSet * @param string $code New code for this DataSet * @param int $isRemote Flag (0, 1) is this remote DataSet? * @param string $method For isRemote=1, The Request Method GET or POST * @param string $uri For isRemote=1, The URI, without query parameters * @param string $postData For isRemote=1, Query parameter encoded data to add to the request * @param string $authentication For isRemote=1, HTTP Authentication method None|Basic|Digest * @param string $username for isRemote=1, HTTP Authentication User Name * @param string $password for isRemote=1, HTTP Authentication Password * @param int $refreshRate for isRemote=1, How often in seconds should this remote DataSet be refreshed * @param int $clearRate for isRemote=1, How often in seconds should this remote DataSet be truncated * @param int $runsAfter for isRemote=1, Optional dataSetId which should be run before this remote DataSet * @param string $dataRoot for isRemote=1, The root of the data in the Remote source which is used as the base for all remote columns * @param string $summarize for isRemote=1, Should the data be aggregated? None|Summarize|Count * @param string $summarizeField for isRemote=1, Which field should be used to summarize * @return XiboDataSet */ public function edit($dataSetId, $name, $description, $code = '', $isRemote = 0, $method = '', $uri = '', $postData = '', $authentication = '', $username = '', $password = '', $refreshRate = null, $clearRate = null, $runsAfter = null, $dataRoot = '', $summarize = '', $summarizeField = '') { $this->dataSetId = $dataSetId; $this->dataSet = $name; $this->description = $description; $this->code = $code; $this->isRemote = $isRemote; $this->method = $method; $this->uri = $uri; $this->postData = $postData; $this->authentication = $authentication; $this->username = $username; $this->password = $password; $this->refreshRate = $refreshRate; $this->clearRate = $clearRate; $this->runsAfter = $runsAfter; $this->dataRoot = $dataRoot; $this->summarize = $summarize; $this->summarizeField = $summarizeField; $this->getLogger()->info('Editing dataSet ID ' . $this->dataSetId); $response = $this->doPut('/dataset/' . $dataSetId, $this->toArray()); return $this->hydrate($response); } /** * Delete the dataSet. * * @return bool */ public function delete() { $this->getLogger()->info('Deleting dataSet ID ' . $this->dataSetId); $this->doDelete('/dataset/' . $this->dataSetId); return true; } /** * Force delete dataSet that contains a data in it. * * @return bool */ public function deleteWData() { $this->getLogger()->info('Forcefully deleting dataSet ID ' . $this->dataSetId); $this->doDelete('/dataset/' . $this->dataSetId, [ 'deleteData' => 1 ]); return true; } /** * Copy DataSet. * * @param int $dataSetId Id of the dataSet to copy * @param string $dataSet Name of the copied dataSet * @param string $description Description of the copied dataSet * @param string $code Code for the new dataSet * @return XiboDataSet */ public function copy($dataSetId, $dataSet, $description = '', $code ='') { $this->dataSetId = $dataSetId; $this->dataSet = $dataSet; $this->description = $description; $this->code = $code; $this->getLogger()->info('Copy dataSet ID ' . $dataSetId); $response = $this->doPost('/dataset/copy/' . $dataSetId, $this->toArray()); return $this->hydrate($response); } /** * Create Column. * * @param string $heading The heading for the column * @param string $listContent A comma separated list of content for dropdowns * @param int $columnOrder Display order for this column * @param int $dataTypeId The data type ID for this column 1 - String, 2 - Number, 3 - Date, 4 - External Image, 5 - Internal Image * @param int $dataSetColumnTypeId The column type for this column 1 - Value, 2 - Formula, 3 - Remote * @param string $formula MySQL SELECT syntax formula for this column if the column type is set to formula * @param string $remoteField Only for dataSetColumnTypeId=3, JSON-String to select Data from the remote DataSet * @param int $showFilter Flag indicating whether this column should present a filter on DataEntry * @param int $showSort Flag indicating whether this column should allow sorting on DataEntry * @return XiboDataSet */ public function createColumn($heading, $listContent, $columnOrder, $dataTypeId, $dataSetColumnTypeId, $formula, $remoteField = '', $showFilter = 0, $showSort = 0) { $this->userId = $this->getEntityProvider()->getMe()->getId(); $this->heading = $heading; $this->listContent = $listContent; $this->columnOrder = $columnOrder; $this->dataTypeId = $dataTypeId; $this->dataSetColumnTypeId = $dataSetColumnTypeId; $this->formula = $formula; $this->remoteField = $remoteField; $this->showFilter = $showFilter; $this->showSort = $showSort; $this->getLogger()->info('Creating a new column ' . $heading . ' In dataSet ID ' . $this->dataSetId); $response = $this->doPost('/dataset/'. $this->dataSetId . '/column', $this->toArray()); return $this->hydrate($response); } /** * Get columns for this DataSet. * * @return XiboDataSetColumn * @throws XiboApiException */ public function getColumns() { return (new XiboDataSetColumn($this->getEntityProvider()))->get($this->dataSetId); } /** * Get a specific column by dataSetColumnId for this DataSet. * * @param $id * @return XiboDataSetColumn * @throws XiboApiException */ public function getByColumnId($id) { return (new XiboDataSetColumn($this->getEntityProvider()))->getById($this->dataSetId, $id); } /** * Edit Column. * * @param string $heading The heading for the column * @param string $listContent A comma separated list of content for dropdowns * @param int $columnOrder Display order for this column * @param int $dataTypeId The data type ID for this column 1 - String, 2 - Number, 3 - Date, 4 - External Image, 5 - Internal Image * @param int $dataSetColumnTypeId The column type for this column 1 - Value, 2 - Formula, 3 - Remote * @param string $formula MySQL SELECT syntax formula for this column if the column type is set to formula * @param string $remoteField Only for dataSetColumnTypeId=3, JSON-String to select Data from the remote DataSet * @param int $showFilter Flag indicating whether this column should present a filter on DataEntry * @param int $showSort Flag indicating whether this column should allow sorting on DataEntry * @return XiboDataSet * @return XiboDataSet */ public function editColumn($heading, $listContent, $columnOrder, $dataTypeId, $dataSetColumnTypeId, $formula, $remoteField = '', $showFilter = 0, $showSort = 0) { $this->userId = $this->getEntityProvider()->getMe()->getId(); $this->heading = $heading; $this->listContent = $listContent; $this->columnOrder = $columnOrder; $this->dataTypeId = $dataTypeId; $this->dataSetColumnTypeId = $dataSetColumnTypeId; $this->formula = $formula; $this->remoteField = $remoteField; $this->showFilter = $showFilter; $this->showSort = $showSort; $this->getLogger()->info('Editing column ID ' . $this->dataSetColumnId . ' From dataSet ID ' . $this->dataSetId); $response = $this->doPut('/dataset/'. $this->dataSetId . '/column/' . $this->dataSetColumnId, $this->toArray()); return $this->hydrate($response); } /** * Delete Column. * * @return bool */ public function deleteColumn() { $this->getLogger()->info('Deleting column ID ' . $this->dataSetColumnId . ' From dataSet ID ' . $this->dataSetId); $this->doDelete('/dataset/' . $this->dataSetId . '/column/' . $this->dataSetColumnId); return true; } /** * Get DataSet row Data. * * @return XiboDataSetRow * @throws XiboApiException */ public function getData() { return (new XiboDataSetRow($this->getEntityProvider()))->get($this->dataSetId); } /** * Create Row. * * @param $rowData * @return mixed */ public function createRow($columnId, $rowData) { $this->userId = $this->getEntityProvider()->getMe()->getId(); $this->getLogger()->info('Creating row in dataSet ID ' . $this->dataSetId); $response = $this->doPost('/dataset/data/'. $this->dataSetId, [ 'dataSetColumnId_' . $columnId => $rowData ]); return $response; } /** * Edit Row. * * @param $columnId * @param $rowData * @return mixed */ public function editRow($columnId, $rowData) { $this->userId = $this->getEntityProvider()->getMe()->getId(); $this->getLogger()->info('Editing row ID ' . $this->rowId . ' From dataSet ID ' . $this->dataSetId); $response = $this->doPut('/dataset/data/'. $this->dataSetId . $this->rowId, [ 'dataSetColumnId_' . $columnId => $rowData ]); return $response; } /** * Delete Row. * * @return bool */ public function deleteRow() { $this->getLogger()->info('Deleting row ID ' . $this->rowId . ' From dataSet ID ' . $this->dataSetId); $this->doDelete('/dataset/data/' . $this->dataSetId . $this->rowId); return true; } }