hasTable('version')) { // We do have a version table, so we're an upgrade from anything 1.7.0 onward. $row = $this->fetchRow('SELECT * FROM `version`'); $dbVersion = $row['DBVersion']; // Are we on the relevent step for this upgrade? if ($dbVersion < $STEP) { // Perform the upgrade $display = $this->table('display'); $display ->addColumn('xmrChannel', 'string', ['limit' => 254, 'null' => true]) ->addColumn('xmrPubKey', 'text', ['null' => true]) ->addColumn('lastCommandSuccess', 'integer', ['limit' => \Phinx\Db\Adapter\MysqlAdapter::INT_TINY, 'default' => 2]) ->save(); $settings = $this->table('setting'); $settings ->insert([ [ 'setting' => 'XMR_ADDRESS', 'title' => 'XMR Private Address', 'helptext' => 'Please enter the private address for XMR.', 'value' => 'tcp:://localhost:5555', 'fieldType' => 'checkbox', 'options' => '', 'cat' => 'displays', 'userChange' => '1', 'type' => 'string', 'validation' => '', 'ordering' => '5', 'default' => 'tcp:://localhost:5555', 'userSee' => '1', ], [ 'setting' => 'XMR_PUB_ADDRESS', 'title' => 'XMR Public Address', 'helptext' => 'Please enter the public address for XMR.', 'value' => 'tcp:://localhost:5556', 'fieldType' => 'dropdown', 'options' => 'Checked|Unchecked', 'cat' => 'displays', 'userChange' => '1', 'type' => 'string', 'validation' => '', 'ordering' => '6', 'default' => 'tcp:://localhost:5556', 'userSee' => '1', ] ]) ->save(); $linkLayoutDisplayGroup = $this->table('lklayoutdisplaygroup', ['comment' => 'Layout associations directly to Display Groups']); $linkLayoutDisplayGroup->addColumn('layoutId', 'integer') ->addColumn('displayGroupId', 'integer') ->addIndex(['layoutId', 'displayGroupId'], ['unique' => true]) ->save(); $pages = $this->table('pages'); $pages->insert([ 'name' => 'command', 'title' => 'Commands', 'asHome' => 1 ])->save(); $command = $this->table('command', ['id' => 'commandId']); $command->addColumn('command', 'string', ['limit' => 254]) ->addColumn('code', 'string', ['limit' => 50]) ->addColumn('description', 'string', ['limit' => 1000, 'null' => true]) ->addColumn('userId', 'integer') ->save(); $linkCommandDisplayProfile = $this->table('lkcommanddisplayprofile', ['id' => false, 'primary_key' => ['commandId', 'displayProfileId']]); $linkCommandDisplayProfile->addColumn('commandId', 'integer') ->addColumn('displayProfileId', 'integer') ->addColumn('commandString', 'string', ['limit' => 1000]) ->addColumn('validationString', 'string', ['limit' => 1000]) ->save(); $schedule = $this->table('schedule'); $schedule->changeColumn('campaignId', 'integer', ['null' => true]) ->addColumn('eventTypeId', 'integer', ['limit' => \Phinx\Db\Adapter\MysqlAdapter::INT_TINY, 'after' => 'eventId', 'default' => 1]) ->addColumn('commandId', 'integer', ['after' => 'campaignId']) ->changeColumn('toDt', 'integer', ['limit' => \Phinx\Db\Adapter\MysqlAdapter::INT_BIG, 'null' => true]) ->save(); $this->execute('UPDATE `schedule` SET `eventTypeId` = 1;'); $scheduleDetail = $this->table('schedule_detail'); $scheduleDetail->changeColumn('toDt', 'integer', ['limit' => \Phinx\Db\Adapter\MysqlAdapter::INT_BIG, 'null' => true]) ->save(); $media = $this->table('media'); $media->addColumn('released', 'integer', ['limit' => \Phinx\Db\Adapter\MysqlAdapter::INT_TINY, 'default' => 1]) ->addColumn('apiRef', 'string', ['limit' => 254, 'null' => true]) ->save(); $user = $this->table('user'); $user->addColumn('firstName', 'string', ['limit' => 254, 'null' => true]) ->addColumn('lastName', 'string', ['limit' => 254, 'null' => true]) ->addColumn('phone', 'string', ['limit' => 254, 'null' => true]) ->addColumn('ref1', 'string', ['limit' => 254, 'null' => true]) ->addColumn('ref2', 'string', ['limit' => 254, 'null' => true]) ->addColumn('ref3', 'string', ['limit' => 254, 'null' => true]) ->addColumn('ref4', 'string', ['limit' => 254, 'null' => true]) ->addColumn('ref5', 'string', ['limit' => 254, 'null' => true]) ->save(); // Bump our version $this->execute('UPDATE `version` SET DBVersion = ' . $STEP); } } } }