doGet($this->url, $params); foreach ($response as $item) { $entries[] = clone $this->hydrate($item); } return $entries; } /** * @param $id * @return XiboLibrary * @throws XiboApiException */ public function getById($id) { $response = $this->doGet($this->url, [ 'mediaId' => $id ]); if (count($response) <= 0) throw new XiboApiException('Expecting a single record, found ' . count($response)); return clone $this->hydrate($response[0]); } public function create($name, $fileLocation, $oldMediaId = null, $updateInLayouts = null, $deleteOldRevisions = null) { $payload = [ [ 'name' => 'name', 'contents' => $name ], [ 'name' => 'files', 'contents' => fopen($fileLocation, 'r') ] ]; if ($oldMediaId != null) { $payload[] = [ 'name' => 'oldMediaId', 'contents' => $oldMediaId ]; $payload[] = [ 'name' => 'updateInLayouts', 'contents' => $updateInLayouts ]; $payload[] = [ 'name' => 'deleteOldRevisions', 'contents' => $deleteOldRevisions ]; } $response = $this->doPost('/library', ['multipart' => $payload]); // Response will have the format: /*{ "files":[{ "name": "Name", "size": 52770969, "type": "video/mp4", "mediaId": 2344, "storedas": "2344.mp4", "error": "" }] }*/ if (!isset($response['files']) || count($response['files']) != 1) throw new XiboApiException('Invalid return from library add'); if (!empty($response['files'][0]['error'])) throw new XiboApiException($response['files'][0]['error']); // Modify some of the return unset($response['files'][0]['url']); $response['files'][0]['storedAs'] = $response['files'][0]['storedas']; $media = new XiboLibrary($this->getEntityProvider()); return $media->hydrate($response['files'][0]); } public function revise($fileLocation) { return $this->create($this->name, $fileLocation, $this->mediaId, $this->updateInLayouts, $this->deleteOldRevisions); } /** * Edit * @param $name * @param $duration * @param $retired * @param $tags * @param $updateInLayouts * @return XiboLibrary */ public function edit($name, $duration, $retired, $tags, $updateInLayouts) { $this->name = $name; $this->duration = $duration; $this->retired = $retired; $this->tags = $tags; $this->updateInLayouts = $updateInLayouts; $response = $this->doPut('/library/' . $this->mediaId, $this->toArray()); return $this->hydrate($response); } /** * Delete * @return bool */ public function delete() { $this->doDelete('/library/' . $this->mediaId); return true; } /** * Delete assigned media * @return bool */ public function deleteAssigned() { $this->doDelete('/library/' . $this->mediaId, [ 'forceDelete' => 1 ]); return true; } /** * Add tag * @param $tags * @return XiboLibrary */ public function AddTag($tags) { $this->tag = $tags; $response = $this->doPost('/library/' . $this->mediaId . '/tag', [ 'tag' => [$tags] ]); $tags = $this->hydrate($response); foreach ($response['tags'] as $item) { $tag = new XiboLibrary($this->getEntityProvider()); $tag->hydrate($item); $tags->tags[] = $tag; } return $this; } }