request->get('callback', null); // Don't envelope unless requested if ($jsonPCallback != null || $app->request()->get('envelope', 0) == 1 || $app->getName() == 'test') { // Envelope $response = $this->all(); // append error bool if (!$this->has('success') || !$this->get('success')) { $response['success'] = false; } // append status code $response['status'] = $app->response()->getStatus(); // add flash messages if (isset($this->data->flash) && is_object($this->data->flash)){ $flash = $this->data->flash->getMessages(); if (count($flash)) { $response['flash'] = $flash; } else { unset($response['flash']); } } // Enveloped responses always return 200 $app->status(200); } else { // Don't envelope // Set status $app->status(intval($this->get('status'))); // Are we successful? if (!$this->has('success') || !$this->get('success')) { // Error condition $response = [ 'error' => [ 'message' => $this->get('message'), 'code' => intval($this->get('status')), 'data' => $this->get('data') ] ]; } else { // Are we a grid? if ($this->get('grid') == true) { // Set the response to our data['data'] object $grid = $this->get('data'); $response = $grid['data']; // Total Number of Rows $totalRows = $grid['recordsTotal']; // Set some headers indicating our next/previous pages $start = $app->sanitizerService->getInt('start', 0); $size = $app->sanitizerService->getInt('length', 10); $linkHeader = ''; $url = (new HttpsDetect())->getUrl() . $app->request()->getPath(); // Is there a next page? if ($start + $size < $totalRows) $linkHeader .= '<' . $url . '?start=' . ($start + $size * 2) . '&length=' . $size . '>; rel="next", '; // Is there a previous page? if ($start > 0) $linkHeader .= '<' . $url . '?start=' . ($start - $size) . '&length=' . $size . '>; rel="prev", '; // The first page $linkHeader .= '<' . $url . '?start=0&length=' . $size . '>; rel="first"'; $app->response()->header('X-Total-Count', $totalRows); $app->response()->header('Link', $linkHeader); } else { // Set the response to our data object $response = $this->get('data'); } } } // JSON header $app->response()->header('Content-Type', 'application/json'); if ($jsonPCallback !== null) { $app->response()->body($jsonPCallback.'('.json_encode($response).')'); } else { $app->response()->body(json_encode($response, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); } $app->stop(); } }