{ "dbVersion": 133, "appVersion": "1.8.2", "steps": [ { "step": "Add an index to the link table between Regions and Playlists", "action": "CREATE INDEX idx_lkregionplaylist_playlistId ON lkregionplaylist (playlistId);" }, { "step": "Add a setting to lock the display name to the device name", "action": "INSERT INTO `setting` (`setting`, `value`, `fieldType`, `helptext`, `options`, `cat`, `userChange`, `title`, `validation`, `ordering`, `default`, `userSee`, `type`) VALUES ('DISPLAY_LOCK_NAME_TO_DEVICENAME', '0', 'checkbox', NULL, NULL, 'displays', 1, 'Lock the Display Name to the device name provided by the Player?', '', 80, '0', 1, 'checkbox');" }, { "step": "Add last run start date to tasks", "action": "ALTER TABLE `task` ADD lastRunStartDt INT NULL;" } ] }