{% set title %}{% trans "Name" %}{% endset %}
{% set helpText %}{% trans "An optional name for this widget" %}{% endset %}
{{ forms.input("name", title, module.getOption("name"), helpText) }}
{% set title %}{% trans "Set a duration?" %}{% endset %}
{% set helpText %}{% trans "Select to provide a specific duration for this Widget" %}{% endset %}
{{ forms.checkbox("useDuration", title, module.getUseDuration(), helpText) }}
{% set title %}{% trans "Duration" %}{% endset %}
{% set helpText %}{% trans "The duration in seconds this should be displayed" %}{% endset %}
{{ forms.number("duration", title, module.getDuration(), helpText, "duration-fields", "required") }}
{% set title %}{% trans "Enable Stats Collection?" %}{% endset %}
{% set helpText %}{% trans "Enable the collection of Proof of Play statistics for this Widget. Ensure that ‘Enable Stats Collection’ is set to ‘On’ in the Display Settings." %}{% endset %}
{% set offOption %}{% trans "Off" %}{% endset %}
{% set onOption %}{% trans "On" %}{% endset %}
{% set inheritOption %}{% trans "Inherit" %}{% endset %}
{% set options = [
{ id: "Off", value: offOption },
{ id: "On", value: onOption },
{ id: "Inherit", value: inheritOption }
] %}
{{ forms.dropdown("enableStat", "single", title, module.getOption("enableStat", theme.getSetting("WIDGET_STATS_ENABLED_DEFAULT")), options, "id", "value", helpText) }}
{% set title %}{% trans "Background transparent?" %} {{ forms.playerCompat("", "", "", "", "v2 R253+") }}{% endset %}
{% set helpText %}{% trans "Should the Widget be shown with a transparent background? Also requires the embedded content to have a transparent background." %}{% endset %}
{{ forms.checkbox("transparency", title, module.getOption("transparency"), helpText) }}
{% set title %}{% trans "Scale Content?" %}{% endset %}
{% set helpText %}{% trans "Should the embedded content be scaled along with the layout?" %}{% endset %}
{{ forms.checkbox("scaleContent", title, module.getOption("scaleContent"), helpText) }}
{% set title %}{% trans "Preload?" %} {{ forms.playerCompat("v2 R207+") }}{% endset %}
{% set helpText %}{% trans "Should this Widget be loaded entirely off screen so that it is ready when shown? Dynamic content will start running off screen." %}{% endset %}
{{ forms.checkbox("isPreNavigate", title, module.getOption("isPreNavigate"), helpText) }}
{% set simpleTextEditorMessage %}
{% trans "Enter text or HTML in the box below." %}
{% endset %}
{{ forms.message(simpleTextEditorMessage, 'embedHtml-advanced-editor-hide inline-editor-hide') }}
{# Layout Designer messages #}
{% set layoutEditorMessage %}
{% trans "Enter text to display using the inline editor which can be opened by clicking in the preview on the left." %}
{% trans "When using the inline editor Shift+Enter will drop a single line. Enter alone starts a new paragraph." %}
{% endset %}
{{ forms.message(layoutEditorMessage, 'layout-designer-message inline-editor-show') }}
{# Playlist Editor messages #}
{% set playlistEditorMessage %}
{% trans "Enter the text to display. The red rectangle reflects the size of the region you are editing." %}
{% trans "Shift+Enter will drop a single line. Enter alone starts a new paragraph." %}
{% endset %}
{{ forms.message(playlistEditorMessage, 'playlist-editor-message embedHtml-advanced-editor-show') }}
{{ forms.textarea("embedHtml", "", module.getRawNode('embedHtml'), "", "inline-editor-hide", "", 10) }}
{% trans "Custom Style Sheets" %}
{{ forms.textarea("embedStyle", "", module.getRawNode('embedStyle'), "", "", "", 10) }}
{% trans "HEAD content to Embed" %}
{% set helpText %}{% trans "HEAD content to Embed (including script tags)" %}{% endset %}
{{ forms.textarea("embedScript", "", module.getRawNode('embedScript'), helpText, "", "", 10) }}