{# /** * Copyright (C) 2020 Xibo Signage Ltd * * Xibo - Digital Signage - http://www.xibo.org.uk * * This file is part of Xibo. * * Xibo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * Xibo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with Xibo. If not, see
. */ #} {% extends "form-base.twig" %} {% import "forms.twig" as forms %} {% block formTitle %} {% trans "Schedule Now" %} {% endblock %} {% block formButtons %} {% trans "Help" %}, XiboHelpRender("{{ help }}") {% trans "Cancel" %}, XiboDialogClose() {% trans "Save" %}, scheduleNowFormSubmit($("#scheduleNowForm")) {% endblock %} {% block callBack %}setupScheduleNowForm{% endblock %} {% block formHtml %}
{{ forms.hidden("eventTypeId", eventTypeId) }} {{ forms.hidden("dayPartId", customDayPart.dayPartId) }} {{ forms.hidden("alwaysDayPartId", alwaysDayPart.dayPartId) }} {{ forms.hidden("customDayPartId", customDayPart.dayPartId) }} {{ forms.hidden("fromDt", "") }} {{ forms.hidden("toDt", "") }} {{ forms.hidden("syncTimezone", "1") }} {# Campaign / Layout list. We want to build two arrays for us to use. #} {% set attributes = [ { name: "data-search-url", value: url_for("campaign.search") }, { name: "data-search-is-layout-specific", value: -1 }, { name: "data-trans-layout", value: "Layout"|trans }, { name: "data-trans-layout-help-text", value: "Please select a Layout for this Event to show"|trans }, { name: "data-trans-campaign", value: "Campaign"|trans }, { name: "data-trans-campaign-help-text", value: "Please select a Campaign for this Event to show"|trans }, ] %} {% set title %}{% trans "Layout" %}{% endset %} {% set helpText %}{% trans "Please select a Layout for this Event to show" %}{% endset %} {{ forms.dropdown("campaignId", "single", title, campaign.campaignId, [campaign], "campaignId", "campaign", helpText, "layout-control", "", "", "", attributes) }} {% set title %}{% trans "Always?" %}{% endset %} {% set helpText %}{% trans "Run this event from now and dont stop." %}{% endset %} {{ forms.checkbox("always", title, "", helpText) }} {% set title %}{% trans "Hours" %}{% endset %} {% set helpText %}{% trans "Hours this event should be scheduled for" %}{% endset %} {{ forms.number("hours", title, "", helpText, "duration-part") }} {% set title %}{% trans "Minutes" %}{% endset %} {% set helpText %}{% trans "Minutes this event should be scheduled for" %}{% endset %} {{ forms.number("minutes", title, "", helpText, "duration-part") }} {% set title %}{% trans "Seconds" %}{% endset %} {% set helpText %}{% trans "Seconds this event should be scheduled for" %}{% endset %} {{ forms.number("seconds", title, "", helpText, "schedule-now-seconds-field duration-part") }} {% set title %}{% trans %}Your event will be scheduled from [fromDt] to [toDt] in the CMS timezone, please check this covers each of your Displays in their respective timezones.{% endtrans %}{% endset %}
{% set title %}{% trans "Display" %}{% endset %} {% set helpText %}{% trans "Please select one or more displays / groups for this event to be shown on." %}{% endset %} {% set attributes = [ { name: "data-search-url", value: url_for("displayGroup.search") }, { name: "data-trans-groups", value: "Groups"|trans }, { name: "data-trans-display", value: "Display"|trans } ] %} {{ forms.dropdown("displayGroupIds[]", "dropdownmulti", title, [displayGroupId], displayGroup, "displayGroupId", "displayGroup", helpText, "", "", "", "", attributes) }} {% set title %}{% trans "Display Order" %}{% endset %} {% set helpText %}{% trans "Should this event have an order?" %}{% endset %} {{ forms.number("displayOrder", title, displayOrder, helpText) }} {% set title %}{% trans "Priority" %}{% endset %} {% set helpText %}{% trans "Sets the event priority - events with the highest priority play in preference to lower priority events." %}{% endset %} {{ forms.number("isPriority", title, isPriority, helpText) }} {% if settings.EVENT_SYNC == 1 %} {% set title %}{% trans "Synchronise this event?" %}{% endset %} {% set helpText %}{% trans "When selected, all selected players will attempt to synchronise the output (Supported on Android player only)" %}{% endset %} {{ forms.checkbox("syncEvent", title, 0, helpText, "sync-schedule-control") }} {% endif %}
{% endblock %}