{% set title %}{% trans "Tag value" %}{% endset %}
{% set helpText %}{% trans "Please provide the value for this Tag and confirm by pressing enter on your keyboard." %}{% endset %}
{{ forms.input("tagValueInput", title, "", helpText) }}
{% trans "This tag requires a set value, please select one from the Tag value dropdown or provide Tag value in the dedicated field." %}
{% endif %}
{% set title %}{% trans "Enable cycle based playback" %}{% endset %}
{% set helpText %}{% trans "When cycle based playback is enabled only 1 Layout from this Campaign will be played each time it is in a Schedule loop. The same Layout will be shown until the 'Play count' is achieved." %}{% endset %}
{{ forms.checkbox("cyclePlaybackEnabled", title, 0, helpText, "campaign-type-list", null, false, "input-cycle-playback-enabled") }}
{% set title %}{% trans "Play count" %}{% endset %}
{% set helpText %}{% trans "In cycle based playback, how many plays should each Layout have before moving on?" %}{% endset %}
{{ forms.number("playCount", title, "", helpText, "cycle-based-playback campaign-type-list") }}
{% set title %}{% trans "List play order" %}{% endset %}
{% set helpText %}{% trans "When this campaign is scheduled alongside another campaign with the same display order, how should the layouts in both campaigns be ordered?" %}{% endset %}
{% set options = [
{ id: "round", name: "Round-robin"|trans },
{ id: "block", name: "Block"|trans },
] %}
{{ forms.dropdown("listPlayOrder", "single", title, "round", options, "id", "name", helpText, "campaign-type-list") }}
{% set title %}{% trans "Target Type" %}{% endset %}
{% set helpText %}{% trans "How would you like to set the target for this campaign?" %}{% endset %}
{% set options = [
{ id: "plays", name: "Plays"|trans },
{ id: "budget", name: "Budget"|trans },
{ id: "impressions", name: "Impressions"|trans },
] %}
{{ forms.dropdown("targetType", "single", title, "both", options, "id", "name", helpText, "campaign-type-ad") }}
{% set title %}{% trans "Target" %}{% endset %}
{% set helpText %}{% trans "What is the target number for this Campaign over its entire playtime" %}{% endset %}
{{ forms.number("target", title, null, helpText, "campaign-type-ad") }}