/** * Xibo - Digital Signage - http://www.xibo.org.uk * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Daniel Garner * * This file is part of Xibo. * * Xibo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * Xibo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with Xibo. If not, see
. */ jQuery.fn.extend({ xiboMetroRender: function(options, items, colors) { // Default options var defaults = { "fx": "none", "duration": "60", "numItems": 0, "speed": "2", "previewWidth": 0, "previewHeight": 0, "scaleOverride": 0, "cellsPerRow": 6, "cellsPerPage": 18, "numberItemsLarge": 1, "numberItemsMedium": 2, "maxItemsLarge": 3, "maxItemsMedium": 4, "smallItemSize": 1, "mediumItemSize": 2, "largeItemSize": 3, "randomizeSizeRatio": false }; options = $.extend({}, defaults, options); options.randomizeSizeRatio = false; // Calculate the dimensions of this item based on the preview/original dimensions var width = height = 0; if (options.previewWidth === 0 || options.previewHeight === 0) { width = options.originalWidth; height = options.originalHeight; } else { width = options.previewWidth; height = options.previewHeight; } if (options.scaleOverride !== 0) { width = width / options.scaleOverride; height = height / options.scaleOverride; } if (options.widgetDesignWidth > 0 && options.widgetDesignHeight > 0) { options.widgetDesignWidth = options.widgetDesignWidth; options.widgetDesignHeight = options.widgetDesignHeight; width = options.widgetDesignWidth; height = options.widgetDesignHeight; } // Set the cells per row according to the widgets original orientation options.cellsPerRow = (options.widgetDesignWidth < options.widgetDesignHeight) ? 3 : 6; // For each matched element this.each(function() { // 1st objective - create an array that defines the positions of the items on the layout // settings involved: // positionsArray (the array that stores the positions of the items according to size) // largeItems (number of large items to appear on the layout) // mediumItems (number of medium items to appear on the layout) // cellsPerPage (number of cells for each page) // cellsPerRow (number of cells for each row) // Create the positions array with size equal to the number of cells per page, and each positions starts as undefined var positionsArray = new Array(options.cellsPerPage); // Get the page small/medium/large Ratio ( by random or percentage ) if (options.randomizeSizeRatio) { // START OPTION 1 - RANDOM //Randomize values so each one can have values from default to default+X var largeItems = options.numberItemsLarge + Math.floor(Math.random() * 2); var mediumItems = options.numberItemsMedium + Math.floor(Math.random() * 3); } else { // OPTION 2 - PERCENTAGE // Count image tweets ratio var tweetsWithImageCount = 0; for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { if (checkBackgroundImage(items, i)) tweetsWithImageCount++; } var imageTweetsRatio = tweetsWithImageCount / items.length; var imageTweetsCellsPerPage = Math.floor(options.cellsPerPage * imageTweetsRatio); // Calculate the large/medium quantity according to the ratio of withImage/all tweets // Try to get a number of large items that fit on the calculated cells per page var largeItems = Math.floor(imageTweetsCellsPerPage / options.largeItemSize); // Get the number of medium items by the remaining cells per page "space" left by the large items var mediumItems = Math.floor((imageTweetsCellsPerPage - (largeItems*options.largeItemSize))/options.mediumItemSize); // If the reulting medium/large values are 0 give them the default option values if (largeItems == 0) largeItems = options.numberItemsLarge; if (mediumItems == 0) mediumItems = options.numberItemsMedium; // If the reulting medium/large values are over the maximum values set them to max if(largeItems > options.maxItemsLarge) largeItems = options.maxItemsLarge; if(mediumItems > options.maxItemsMedium) mediumItems = options.maxItemsMedium; } // Number of items displayed in each page var numberOfItems = 0; // Var to prevent the placement loop to run indefinitley var loopMaxValue = 100; // Try to place the large and medium items until theres none of those left while (mediumItems + largeItems > 0 && loopMaxValue > 0) { // Calculate a random position inside the array var positionRandom = Math.floor(Math.random() * options.cellsPerPage); // I f we still have large items to place if (largeItems > 0) { if (checkFitPosition(positionsArray, positionRandom, options.largeItemSize, options.cellsPerRow) && checkCellEmpty(positionsArray, positionRandom, options.largeItemSize)) { // Set the array positions to the pretended item type for (var i = 0; i < options.largeItemSize; i++) { positionsArray[positionRandom + i] = options.largeItemSize; } numberOfItems++; // Decrease the items to place var largeItems--; } } else if (mediumItems > 0) { if (checkFitPosition(positionsArray, positionRandom, options.mediumItemSize, options.cellsPerRow) && checkCellEmpty(positionsArray, positionRandom, options.mediumItemSize)) { // Set the array positions to the pretended item type for (var i = 0; i < options.mediumItemSize; i++) { positionsArray[positionRandom + i] = options.mediumItemSize; } // Decrease the items to place var numberOfItems++; mediumItems--; } } loopMaxValue--; } // Fill the rest of the array with small size items for (var i = 0; i < positionsArray.length; i++) { if (positionsArray[i] == undefined) { numberOfItems++; positionsArray[i] = options.smallItemSize; } } // 2nd objective - put the items on the respective rows, add the rows to each page and build the resulting html // settings involved: // positionsArray (the array that stores the positions of the items according to size) // How many pages to we need? var numberOfPages = (options.numItems > numberOfItems) ? Math.floor(options.numItems / numberOfItems) : 1; var rowNumber = 0; var itemId = 0; var pageId = 0; // If we dont have enough items to fill a page, change the items array to have dummy position between items if (items.length < numberOfItems) { // Create a new array var newItems = new Array(); // Distance between items so they can be spread in the page var distance = Math.round(numberOfItems / items.length); var idAux = 0; for (var i = 0; i < numberOfItems; i++) { if (i % distance == 0) { // Place a real item newItems.push(items[idAux]); idAux++; } else { // Place a dummy item newItems.push(undefined); } } items = newItems; } // Create an auxiliary items array, so we can place the tweets at the same time we remove them from the new array var itemsAux = items; // Cycle through all the positions on the positionsArray for (var i = 0; i < positionsArray.length; i++) { // If we are on the first cell position, create a row if (i % options.cellsPerRow == 0) { rowNumber += 1; $("#content").append("
"); } // Create a page and add it to the content div $("#content").append("
"); for (var j = 0; j < numberOfPages; j++) { // Pass the item to a variable and replace some tags, if there's no item we create a dummy item var stringHTML; // Search for the item to remove regarding the type of the tweet (with/without image) var indexToRemove = checkImageTweet(itemsAux, (positionsArray[i] > 1)); if (itemsAux[indexToRemove] != undefined) { stringHTML = itemsAux[indexToRemove]; } else { var randomColorNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length); stringHTML = "
"; } // Remove the element that we used to create the new html itemsAux.splice(indexToRemove, 1); // Increase the item ID itemId++; // Replace the item ID and Type on its html stringHTML = stringHTML.replace('[itemId]', itemId); stringHTML = stringHTML.replace('[itemType]', positionsArray[i]); // Append item to the current page $("#page-" + pageId).append(stringHTML).addClass("page"); } // Move the created page into the respective row $("#idrow-" + rowNumber).append($("#page-" + pageId)); // Increase the page ID var pageId++; // Increase the iterator so it can move forward the number of cells that the current item occupies i += positionsArray[i] - 1; } // 3rd objective - move the items around, start the timer // settings involved: // fx (the way we are moving effects the HTML required) // speed (how fast we need to move // Make sure the speed is something sensible options.speed = (options.speed <= 200) ? 1000 : options.speed; var slides = ".cell"; var numberOfSlides = (numberOfItems > 1) ? numberOfPages : numberOfItems; // Duration of each page var pageDuration = options.duration / numberOfPages; // Use cycle in all pages of items ( to cycle individually ) for (var i = 0; i < numberOfItems; i++) { // Timeout is the duration in ms var timeout = (pageDuration * 1000); // The delay is calulated usign the distance between items ( random from 1 to 5 ) // that animate almost at the same time, and a part of the timeout duration var delayDistance = 1 + Math.random() * 4; var delay = (timeout / delayDistance) * ((i+1) % delayDistance); $("#page-" + i).cycle({ fx: options.fx, speed: options.speed, delay: -delay, timeout: timeout, slides: "> " + slides }); } // Protect against images that don't load $(this).find("img").on("error", function() { $(this).unbind("error").attr("src", ""); }); }); return $(this); } }); /** * Check if a set of given cells of an array are empty (undefined) */ function checkCellEmpty(array, index, size) { var check = true; for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (array[index + i] != undefined) check = false; } return check; } /** * Check if a given position of an array is good to fit an item given it's size and position */ function checkFitPosition(array, index, size, cellsPerRow) { return (index % cellsPerRow <= cellsPerRow - size); } /** * Check if a given item has background image */ function checkBackgroundImage(array, index) { return (array[index].indexOf("background-image") >= 0); } /** * Find a tweet with image (or one without image), if not return 0 */ function checkImageTweet(array, withImage) { // Default return var var returnVar = 0; for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { // Find a tweet with image if (withImage && checkBackgroundImage(array, i)) { returnVar = i; break; } // Find a tweet without image if (!withImage && !checkBackgroundImage(array, i)) { returnVar = i; break; } } return returnVar; }