{% set title %}{% trans "ID" %}{% endset %}
{{ inline.number("displayId", title) }}
{% set title %}{% trans "Status" %}{% endset %}
{% set check %}{% trans "Up to date" %}{% endset %}
{% set cloud %}{% trans "Out of date" %}{% endset %}
{% set cross %}{% trans "Downloading" %}{% endset %}
{% set options = [
{ optionid: "", option: "" },
{ optionid: "1", option: check},
{ optionid: "3", option: cloud},
{ optionid: "2", option: cross}
] %}
{{ inline.dropdown("mediaInventoryStatus", "single", title, "", options, "optionid", "option") }}
{% set title %}{% trans "Logged In?" %}{% endset %}
{% set yesOption %}{% trans "Yes" %}{% endset %}
{% set noOption %}{% trans "No" %}{% endset %}
{% set options = [
{ optionid: "", option: "" },
{ optionid: "1", option: yesOption},
{ optionid: "0", option: noOption}
] %}
{{ inline.dropdown("loggedIn", "single", title, "", options, "optionid", "option") }}
{% set title %}{% trans "Authorised?" %}{% endset %}
{% set yesOption %}{% trans "Yes" %}{% endset %}
{% set noOption %}{% trans "No" %}{% endset %}
{% set options = [
{ optionid: "", option: "" },
{ optionid: "1", option: yesOption },
{ optionid: "0", option: noOption},
] %}
{{ inline.dropdown("authorised", "single", title, "", options, "optionid", "option") }}
{% if currentUser.featureEnabled("tag.tagging") %}
{% set title %}{% trans "Tags" %}{% endset %}
{% set exactTagTitle %}{% trans "Exact match?" %}{% endset %}
{% set logicalOperatorTitle %}{% trans "When filtering by multiple Tags, which logical operator should be used?" %}{% endset %}
{% set helpText %}{% trans "A comma separated list of tags to filter by. Enter a Tag value preceded with | to filter by Tag values. Enter --no-tag to see items without tags." %}{% endset %}
{{ inline.inputWithTags("tags", title, null, helpText, null, null, null, "exactTags", exactTagTitle, logicalOperatorTitle) }}
{% endif %}
{% if currentUser.featureEnabled("displaygroup.view") %}
{% set title %}{% trans "Display Group" %}{% endset %}
{{ inline.dropdown("displayGroupId", "single", title, "", [{displayGroupId:null, displayGroup:""}]|merge(displayGroups), "displayGroupId", "displayGroup") }}
{% endif %}
{% if currentUser.featureEnabled("displayprofile.view") %}
{% set title %}{% trans "Display Profile" %}{% endset %}
{{ inline.dropdown("displayProfileId", "single", title, "", [{displayProfileId:null, name:""}]|merge(displayProfiles), "displayProfileId", "name") }}
{% endif %}
{{ inline.hidden("folderId") }}
{% set title %}{% trans "Last Accessed" %}{% endset %}
{{ inline.date("lastAccessed", title) }}
{% set title %}{% trans "Player Type" %}{% endset %}
{% set android %}{% trans "Android" %}{% endset %}
{% set windows %}{% trans "Windows" %}{% endset %}
{% set webos %}{% trans "webOS" %}{% endset %}
{% set sssp %}{% trans "Tizen" %}{% endset %}
{% set linux %}{% trans "Linux" %}{% endset %}
{% set options = [
{ optionid: "", option: "" },
{ optionid: "android", option: android},
{ optionid: "windows", option: windows},
{ optionid: "lg", option: webos},
{ optionid: "sssp", option: sssp},
{ optionid: "linux", option: linux},
] %}
{{ inline.dropdown("clientType", "single", title, "", options, "optionid", "option") }}
{% set title %}{% trans "Player Code" %}{% endset %}
{{ inline.input("clientCode", title) }}
{% set title %}{% trans "Mac Address" %}{% endset %}
{{ inline.input("macAddress", title) }}
{% set title %}{% trans "IP Address" %}{% endset %}
{{ inline.input("clientAddress", title) }}
{% set title %}{% trans "Orientation" %}{% endset %}
{% set landscape %}{% trans "Landscape" %}{% endset %}
{% set portrait %}{% trans "Portrait" %}{% endset %}
{% set options = [
{ optionid: "", option: "" },
{ optionid: "landscape", option: landscape},
{ optionid: "portrait", option: portrait}
] %}
{{ inline.dropdown("orientation", "single", title, "", options, "optionid", "option") }}
{% set title %}{% trans "Commercial Licence" %}{% endset %}
{% set licensed %}{% trans "Licensed fully" %}{% endset %}
{% set trial %}{% trans "Trial" %}{% endset %}
{% set notLinceced %}{% trans "Not licenced" %}{% endset %}
{% set notApplicable %}{% trans "Not applicable" %}{% endset %}
{% set options = [
{ optionid: "", option: "" },
{ optionid: "1", option: licensed},
{ optionid: "2", option: trial},
{ optionid: "0", option: notLinceced},
{ optionid: "3", option: notApplicable}
] %}
{{ inline.dropdown("commercialLicence", "single", title, "", options, "optionid", "option") }}