= 4.4. Using this option in * other contexts will result in an exception at execution time. * * * maxTimeMS (integer): The maximum amount of time to allow the query to * run. * * * new (boolean): When true, returns the modified document rather than * the original. This option is ignored for remove operations. The * The default is false. * * * query (document): Query by which to filter documents. * * * remove (boolean): When true, removes the matched document. This option * cannot be true if the update option is set. The default is false. * * * session (MongoDB\Driver\Session): Client session. * * Sessions are not supported for server versions < 3.6. * * * sort (document): Determines which document the operation modifies if * the query selects multiple documents. * * * typeMap (array): Type map for BSON deserialization. * * * update (document): Update or replacement to apply to the matched * document. This option cannot be set if the remove option is true. * * * upsert (boolean): When true, a new document is created if no document * matches the query. This option is ignored for remove operations. The * default is false. * * * writeConcern (MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern): Write concern. * * This is not supported for server versions < 3.2 and will result in an * exception at execution time if used. * * @param string $databaseName Database name * @param string $collectionName Collection name * @param array $options Command options * @throws InvalidArgumentException for parameter/option parsing errors */ public function __construct($databaseName, $collectionName, array $options) { $options += [ 'new' => false, 'remove' => false, 'upsert' => false, ]; if (isset($options['arrayFilters']) && ! is_array($options['arrayFilters'])) { throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"arrayFilters" option', $options['arrayFilters'], 'array'); } if (isset($options['bypassDocumentValidation']) && ! is_bool($options['bypassDocumentValidation'])) { throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"bypassDocumentValidation" option', $options['bypassDocumentValidation'], 'boolean'); } if (isset($options['collation']) && ! is_array($options['collation']) && ! is_object($options['collation'])) { throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"collation" option', $options['collation'], 'array or object'); } if (isset($options['fields']) && ! is_array($options['fields']) && ! is_object($options['fields'])) { throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"fields" option', $options['fields'], 'array or object'); } if (isset($options['hint']) && ! is_string($options['hint']) && ! is_array($options['hint']) && ! is_object($options['hint'])) { throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"hint" option', $options['hint'], ['string', 'array', 'object']); } if (isset($options['maxTimeMS']) && ! is_integer($options['maxTimeMS'])) { throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"maxTimeMS" option', $options['maxTimeMS'], 'integer'); } if (! is_bool($options['new'])) { throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"new" option', $options['new'], 'boolean'); } if (isset($options['query']) && ! is_array($options['query']) && ! is_object($options['query'])) { throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"query" option', $options['query'], 'array or object'); } if (! is_bool($options['remove'])) { throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"remove" option', $options['remove'], 'boolean'); } if (isset($options['session']) && ! $options['session'] instanceof Session) { throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"session" option', $options['session'], Session::class); } if (isset($options['sort']) && ! is_array($options['sort']) && ! is_object($options['sort'])) { throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"sort" option', $options['sort'], 'array or object'); } if (isset($options['typeMap']) && ! is_array($options['typeMap'])) { throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"typeMap" option', $options['typeMap'], 'array'); } if (isset($options['update']) && ! is_array($options['update']) && ! is_object($options['update'])) { throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"update" option', $options['update'], 'array or object'); } if (isset($options['writeConcern']) && ! $options['writeConcern'] instanceof WriteConcern) { throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"writeConcern" option', $options['writeConcern'], WriteConcern::class); } if (! is_bool($options['upsert'])) { throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"upsert" option', $options['upsert'], 'boolean'); } if (! (isset($options['update']) xor $options['remove'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('The "remove" option must be true or an "update" document must be specified, but not both'); } if (isset($options['writeConcern']) && $options['writeConcern']->isDefault()) { unset($options['writeConcern']); } $this->databaseName = (string) $databaseName; $this->collectionName = (string) $collectionName; $this->options = $options; } /** * Execute the operation. * * @see Executable::execute() * @param Server $server * @return array|object|null * @throws UnexpectedValueException if the command response was malformed * @throws UnsupportedException if array filters, collation, or write concern is used and unsupported * @throws DriverRuntimeException for other driver errors (e.g. connection errors) */ public function execute(Server $server) { if (isset($this->options['arrayFilters']) && ! server_supports_feature($server, self::$wireVersionForArrayFilters)) { throw UnsupportedException::arrayFiltersNotSupported(); } if (isset($this->options['collation']) && ! server_supports_feature($server, self::$wireVersionForCollation)) { throw UnsupportedException::collationNotSupported(); } /* Server versions >= 4.2.0 raise errors for unsupported update options. * For previous versions, the CRUD spec requires a client-side error. */ if (isset($this->options['hint']) && ! server_supports_feature($server, self::$wireVersionForUnsupportedOptionServerSideError)) { throw UnsupportedException::hintNotSupported(); } /* CRUD spec requires a client-side error when using "hint" with an * unacknowledged write concern on an unsupported server. */ if ( isset($this->options['writeConcern']) && ! is_write_concern_acknowledged($this->options['writeConcern']) && isset($this->options['hint']) && ! server_supports_feature($server, self::$wireVersionForHint) ) { throw UnsupportedException::hintNotSupported(); } if (isset($this->options['writeConcern']) && ! server_supports_feature($server, self::$wireVersionForWriteConcern)) { throw UnsupportedException::writeConcernNotSupported(); } $inTransaction = isset($this->options['session']) && $this->options['session']->isInTransaction(); if ($inTransaction && isset($this->options['writeConcern'])) { throw UnsupportedException::writeConcernNotSupportedInTransaction(); } $cursor = $server->executeWriteCommand($this->databaseName, new Command($this->createCommandDocument($server)), $this->createOptions()); if (isset($this->options['typeMap'])) { $cursor->setTypeMap(create_field_path_type_map($this->options['typeMap'], 'value')); } $result = current($cursor->toArray()); return $result->value ?? null; } /** * Returns the command document for this operation. * * @see Explainable::getCommandDocument() * @param Server $server * @return array */ public function getCommandDocument(Server $server) { return $this->createCommandDocument($server); } /** * Create the findAndModify command document. * * @param Server $server * @return array */ private function createCommandDocument(Server $server) { $cmd = ['findAndModify' => $this->collectionName]; if ($this->options['remove']) { $cmd['remove'] = true; } else { $cmd['new'] = $this->options['new']; $cmd['upsert'] = $this->options['upsert']; } foreach (['collation', 'fields', 'query', 'sort'] as $option) { if (isset($this->options[$option])) { $cmd[$option] = (object) $this->options[$option]; } } if (isset($this->options['update'])) { $cmd['update'] = is_pipeline($this->options['update']) ? $this->options['update'] : (object) $this->options['update']; } foreach (['arrayFilters', 'hint', 'maxTimeMS'] as $option) { if (isset($this->options[$option])) { $cmd[$option] = $this->options[$option]; } } if ( ! empty($this->options['bypassDocumentValidation']) && server_supports_feature($server, self::$wireVersionForDocumentLevelValidation) ) { $cmd['bypassDocumentValidation'] = $this->options['bypassDocumentValidation']; } return $cmd; } /** * Create options for executing the command. * * @see http://php.net/manual/en/mongodb-driver-server.executewritecommand.php * @return array */ private function createOptions() { $options = []; if (isset($this->options['session'])) { $options['session'] = $this->options['session']; } if (isset($this->options['writeConcern'])) { $options['writeConcern'] = $this->options['writeConcern']; } return $options; } }