[29-Nov-2024 22:18:55 UTC] PHP Warning: Unterminated comment starting line 148 in /home/mgatv524/medcenter.mgaplay.com.br/web/api/authorize/authorize/authorize/authorize/index.php on line 148 [29-Nov-2024 22:18:55 UTC] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file, expecting ',' or ')' in /home/mgatv524/medcenter.mgaplay.com.br/web/api/authorize/authorize/authorize/authorize/index.php on line 151 [30-Nov-2024 07:16:57 UTC] PHP Warning: Unterminated comment starting line 889 in /home/mgatv524/medcenter.mgaplay.com.br/web/install/media/media/index.php on line 889 [30-Nov-2024 07:16:57 UTC] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file, expecting ']' in /home/mgatv524/medcenter.mgaplay.com.br/web/install/media/media/index.php on line 893 [30-Nov-2024 15:55:58 UTC] PHP Warning: Unterminated comment starting line 889 in /home/mgatv524/medcenter.mgaplay.com.br/web/install/media/media/index.php on line 889 [30-Nov-2024 15:55:58 UTC] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file, expecting ']' in /home/mgatv524/medcenter.mgaplay.com.br/web/install/media/media/index.php on line 893 [01-Dec-2024 00:37:51 UTC] PHP Warning: Unterminated comment starting line 643 in /home/mgatv524/medcenter.mgaplay.com.br/web/api/authorize/authorize/authorize/index.php on line 643 [01-Dec-2024 00:37:51 UTC] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in /home/mgatv524/medcenter.mgaplay.com.br/web/api/authorize/authorize/authorize/index.php on line 646 [01-Dec-2024 09:20:32 UTC] PHP Warning: Unterminated comment starting line 643 in /home/mgatv524/medcenter.mgaplay.com.br/web/api/authorize/authorize/authorize/index.php on line 643 [01-Dec-2024 09:20:32 UTC] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in /home/mgatv524/medcenter.mgaplay.com.br/web/api/authorize/authorize/authorize/index.php on line 646