. */ namespace Xibo\OAuth2\Client\Entity; use Xibo\OAuth2\Client\Exception\XiboApiException; /** * Class XiboDisplay * @package Xibo\OAuth2\Client\Entity */ class XiboDisplay extends XiboEntity { /** @var int The Display ID */ public $displayId; /** @var string The display name */ public $display; /** @var string The display description */ public $description; /** * @var string Tags associated with this Display */ public $tags; /** @var string Date this Display records auditing information until */ public $auditingUntil; /** @var int The ID of the default layout for this display */ public $defaultLayoutId = 0; /** @var string The name of the default for this display */ public $defaultLayout; /** @var int HardwareKey for this Display */ public $license; /** @var string Flag indicating whether this display is authorised with CMS */ public $licensed; /** @var int Display logged in status */ public $loggedIn; /** @var int last accessed timestamp */ public $lastAccessed; /** @var int Flag indicating whether the default layout should be included in the Schedule */ public $incSchedule; /** @var int Flag indicating whether the Display generated up/down email alerts */ public $emailAlert; /** @var int How long in seconds should this display wait before alerting when it hasn't connected - Overrides for the collection interval */ public $alertTimeout; /** @var string display IP address */ public $clientAddress; /** @var int Display Status */ public $mediaInventoryStatus; /** @var string Display MAC address */ public $macAddress; /** @var int Flag indicating whether Wake On Lan is enabled for this display */ public $wakeOnLanEnabled; /** @var string A h:i string representing the time that the Display should receive its Wake on LAN command */ public $wakeOnLanTime; /** @var int Timestamp of the last WoL command sent to the display */ public $lastWakeOnLanCommandSent; /** @var string The BroadCast Address for this display - used by WoL */ public $broadCastAddress; /** @var string The secure on configuration for this display */ public $secureOn; /** @var string The CIDR configuration for this display */ public $cidr; /** @var double The latitude of this display */ public $latitude; /** @var double The longitude of this display */ public $longitude; /** @var string The timezone for this display, leave empty to use CMS timezone */ public $timeZone; /** @var string The Display Type */ public $clientType; /** @var string The Display Version */ public $clientVersion; /** @var int the Display code */ public $clientCode; /** @var int The Display Profile ID */ public $displayProfileId; /** @var int The ID of the current layout */ public $currentLayoutId; /** @var string The name of the current layout */ public $currentLayout; /** @var int the status of Screen Shot Request action */ public $screenShotRequested; /** @var string the available storage */ public $storageAvailableSpace; /** @var string the total storage */ public $storageTotalSpace; /** @var int The display Group ID */ public $displayGroupId; /** @var string The Player Subscription Channel */ public $xmrChannel; /** @var string The Player Public Key */ public $xmrPubKey; /** @var int A flag indicating whether to Clear the cached XMR configuration and send a rekey acction */ public $rekeyXmr; /** @var int A flag indicating whether to Clear all Cached data for this display */ public $clearCachedData; /** @var int The last command success, 0 = failure, 1 = success, 2 = unknown */ public $lastCommandSuccess; /** @var int The Version Media ID to override one set in the Display Profile */ public $versionMediaId; /** * Get a list of displays. * * @param array $params can be filtered by, displayId, displayGropupId, display, macAddress, hardwareKey, clientVersion, clientCode, clientType, authorised, displayProfileId, loggedIn, status and embeddable parameter embed=displaygroups * @return array[XiboDisplay] */ public function get(array $params = []) { $this->getLogger()->info('Getting list of Displays'); $entries = []; $response = $this->doGet('/display', $params); foreach ($response as $item) { $entries[] = clone $this->hydrate($item); } return $entries; } /** * Get Display by Id. * * @param int $id The Display ID * @return $this|XiboDisplay * @throws XiboApiException */ public function getById($id) { $this->getLogger()->info('Getting display ID ' . $id); $response = $this->doGet('/display', [ 'displayId' => $id ]); if (count($response) <= 0) throw new XiboApiException('Expecting a single display, found ' . count($response)); return clone $this->hydrate($response[0]); } /** * Edit * @param string $display Display Name * @param string $description Display Description * @param string $tags A comma separated list of tags * @param string $auditingUntil A Date this Display records auditing information until * @param int $defaultLayoutId The ID of the default layout for this display * @param int $licensed Flag indicating whether this display is authorised with CMS * @param string $license HardwareKey for this Display * @param int $incSchedule Flag indicating whether the default layout should be included in the Schedule * @param int $emailAlert Flag indicating whether the Display generated up/down email alerts * @param int $alertTimeout How long in seconds should this display wait before alerting when it hasn't connected - Overrides for the collection interval * @param int $wakeOnLanEnabled Flag indicating whether Wake On Lan is enabled for this display * @param string $wakeOnLanTime A h:i string representing the time that the display should receive its Wake on Lan command * @param string $broadCastAddress The BroadCast Address for this display - used by WoL * @param string $secureOn The secure on configuration for this display * @param string $cidr The CIDR configuration for this display * @param number $latitude The latitude of this display * @param number $longitude The longitude for this display * @param string $timeZone The timezone for this display, leave empty to use CMS timezone * @param int $displayProfileId The Display Profile ID * @param int $clearCachedData A flag indicating whether to Clear all Cached data for this display * @param int $rekeyXmr A flag indicating whether to Clear the cached XMR configuration and send a rekey acction * @param int $versionMediaId The Version Media ID to override one set in the Display Profile * @return XiboDisplay */ public function edit($display, $description, $tags, $auditingUntil = null, $defaultLayoutId, $licensed, $license, $incSchedule = 0, $emailAlert = 0, $alertTimeout = null, $wakeOnLanEnabled = 0, $wakeOnLanTime = null, $broadCastAddress = null, $secureOn = null, $cidr = null, $latitude = null, $longitude = null, $timeZone = null, $displayProfileId = null, $clearCachedData = 1, $rekeyXmr = 0, $versionMediaId = 0) { $this->display = $display; $this->description = $description; $this->tags = $tags; $this->auditingUntil = $auditingUntil; $this->defaultLayoutId = $defaultLayoutId; $this->licensed = $licensed; $this->license = $license; $this->incSchedule = $incSchedule; $this->emailAlert = $emailAlert; $this->alertTimeout = $alertTimeout; $this->wakeOnLanEnabled = $wakeOnLanEnabled; $this->wakeOnLanTime = $wakeOnLanTime; $this->broadCastAddress = $broadCastAddress; $this->secureOn = $secureOn; $this->cidr = $cidr; $this->latitude = $latitude; $this->longitude = $longitude; $this->timeZone = $timeZone; $this->displayProfileId = $displayProfileId; $this->clearCachedData = $clearCachedData; $this->rekeyXmr = $rekeyXmr; $this->versionMediaId = $versionMediaId; $this->getLogger()->info('Editing display ' . $this->display); $response = $this->doPut('/display/' . $this->displayId, $this->toArray()); return $this->hydrate($response); } /** * Delete the display. * * @return bool */ public function delete() { $this->getLogger()->info('Deleting display ID ' . $this->displayId); $this->doDelete('/display/' . $this->displayId); return true; } /** * Request screenshot from this display. * */ public function screenshot() { $this->getLogger()->info('Requesting a screenshot from display ID ' . $this->displayId); $this->doPut('/display/requestscreenshot/' . $this->displayId); } /** * Wake On Lan. * */ public function wol() { $this->getLogger()->info('Sending WoL request to display ID ' . $this->displayId); $this->doPost('/display/wol/' . $this->displayId); } /** * Authorise the display. * */ public function authorise() { $this->getLogger()->info('Setting Authorise for display ID ' . $this->displayId); $this->doPut('/display/authorise/' . $this->displayId); } /** * Set the default layout for the display. * * @param int $layoutId The ID of the default layout * */ public function defaultLayout($layoutId) { $this->getLogger()->info('Setting Default layout ID ' . $layoutId . ' for display ID ' . $this->displayId); $this->doPut('/display/defaultlayout/' . $this->displayId, [ 'layoutId' => $layoutId ]); } }