*/ protected $errorRenderers = [ 'application/json' => JsonErrorRenderer::class, 'application/xml' => XmlErrorRenderer::class, 'text/xml' => XmlErrorRenderer::class, 'text/html' => HtmlErrorRenderer::class, 'text/plain' => PlainTextErrorRenderer::class, ]; /** * @var bool */ protected $displayErrorDetails; /** * @var bool */ protected $logErrors; /** * @var bool */ protected $logErrorDetails; /** * @var string|null */ protected $contentType; /** * @var string */ protected $method; /** * @var ServerRequestInterface */ protected $request; /** * @var Throwable */ protected $exception; /** * @var int */ protected $statusCode; /** * @var CallableResolverInterface */ protected $callableResolver; /** * @var ResponseFactoryInterface */ protected $responseFactory; /** * @var LoggerInterface */ protected $logger; /** * @param CallableResolverInterface $callableResolver * @param ResponseFactoryInterface $responseFactory * @param LoggerInterface|null $logger */ public function __construct( CallableResolverInterface $callableResolver, ResponseFactoryInterface $responseFactory, ?LoggerInterface $logger = null ) { $this->callableResolver = $callableResolver; $this->responseFactory = $responseFactory; $this->logger = $logger ?: $this->getDefaultLogger(); } /** * Invoke error handler * * @param ServerRequestInterface $request The most recent Request object * @param Throwable $exception The caught Exception object * @param bool $displayErrorDetails Whether or not to display the error details * @param bool $logErrors Whether or not to log errors * @param bool $logErrorDetails Whether or not to log error details * * @return ResponseInterface */ public function __invoke( ServerRequestInterface $request, Throwable $exception, bool $displayErrorDetails, bool $logErrors, bool $logErrorDetails ): ResponseInterface { $this->displayErrorDetails = $displayErrorDetails; $this->logErrors = $logErrors; $this->logErrorDetails = $logErrorDetails; $this->request = $request; $this->exception = $exception; $this->method = $request->getMethod(); $this->statusCode = $this->determineStatusCode(); if ($this->contentType === null) { $this->contentType = $this->determineContentType($request); } if ($logErrors) { $this->writeToErrorLog(); } return $this->respond(); } /** * Force the content type for all error handler responses. * * @param string|null $contentType The content type */ public function forceContentType(?string $contentType): void { $this->contentType = $contentType; } /** * @return int */ protected function determineStatusCode(): int { if ($this->method === 'OPTIONS') { return 200; } if ($this->exception instanceof HttpException) { return $this->exception->getCode(); } return 500; } /** * Determine which content type we know about is wanted using Accept header * * Note: This method is a bare-bones implementation designed specifically for * Slim's error handling requirements. Consider a fully-feature solution such * as willdurand/negotiation for any other situation. * * @param ServerRequestInterface $request * @return string|null */ protected function determineContentType(ServerRequestInterface $request): ?string { $acceptHeader = $request->getHeaderLine('Accept'); $selectedContentTypes = array_intersect( explode(',', $acceptHeader), array_keys($this->errorRenderers) ); $count = count($selectedContentTypes); if ($count) { $current = current($selectedContentTypes); /** * Ensure other supported content types take precedence over text/plain * when multiple content types are provided via Accept header. */ if ($current === 'text/plain' && $count > 1) { $next = next($selectedContentTypes); if (is_string($next)) { return $next; } } if (is_string($current)) { return $current; } } if (preg_match('/\+(json|xml)/', $acceptHeader, $matches)) { $mediaType = 'application/' . $matches[1]; if (array_key_exists($mediaType, $this->errorRenderers)) { return $mediaType; } } return null; } /** * Determine which renderer to use based on content type * * @return callable * * @throws RuntimeException */ protected function determineRenderer(): callable { if ($this->contentType !== null && array_key_exists($this->contentType, $this->errorRenderers)) { $renderer = $this->errorRenderers[$this->contentType]; } else { $renderer = $this->defaultErrorRenderer; } return $this->callableResolver->resolve($renderer); } /** * Register an error renderer for a specific content-type * * @param string $contentType The content-type this renderer should be registered to * @param ErrorRendererInterface|string|callable $errorRenderer The error renderer */ public function registerErrorRenderer(string $contentType, $errorRenderer): void { $this->errorRenderers[$contentType] = $errorRenderer; } /** * Set the default error renderer * * @param string $contentType The content type of the default error renderer * @param ErrorRendererInterface|string|callable $errorRenderer The default error renderer */ public function setDefaultErrorRenderer(string $contentType, $errorRenderer): void { $this->defaultErrorRendererContentType = $contentType; $this->defaultErrorRenderer = $errorRenderer; } /** * Set the renderer for the error logger * * @param ErrorRendererInterface|string|callable $logErrorRenderer */ public function setLogErrorRenderer($logErrorRenderer): void { $this->logErrorRenderer = $logErrorRenderer; } /** * Write to the error log if $logErrors has been set to true * * @return void */ protected function writeToErrorLog(): void { $renderer = $this->callableResolver->resolve($this->logErrorRenderer); $error = $renderer($this->exception, $this->logErrorDetails); if (!$this->displayErrorDetails) { $error .= "\nTips: To display error details in HTTP response "; $error .= 'set "displayErrorDetails" to true in the ErrorHandler constructor.'; } $this->logError($error); } /** * Wraps the error_log function so that this can be easily tested * * @param string $error * @return void */ protected function logError(string $error): void { $this->logger->error($error); } /** * Returns a default logger implementation. * * @return LoggerInterface */ protected function getDefaultLogger(): LoggerInterface { return new Logger(); } /** * @return ResponseInterface */ protected function respond(): ResponseInterface { $response = $this->responseFactory->createResponse($this->statusCode); if ($this->contentType !== null && array_key_exists($this->contentType, $this->errorRenderers)) { $response = $response->withHeader('Content-type', $this->contentType); } else { $response = $response->withHeader('Content-type', $this->defaultErrorRendererContentType); } if ($this->exception instanceof HttpMethodNotAllowedException) { $allowedMethods = implode(', ', $this->exception->getAllowedMethods()); $response = $response->withHeader('Allow', $allowedMethods); } $renderer = $this->determineRenderer(); $body = call_user_func($renderer, $this->exception, $this->displayErrorDetails); $response->getBody()->write($body); return $response; } }