array('controls', 'src'), 'video' => array('poster', 'controls', 'height', 'width', 'src'), 'source' => array('src', 'type'), 'dt' => array(), 'dd' => array(), 'dl' => array(), 'table' => array(), 'caption' => array(), 'tr' => array(), 'th' => array(), 'td' => array(), 'tbody' => array(), 'thead' => array(), 'h1' => array(), 'h2' => array(), 'h3' => array(), 'h4' => array(), 'h5' => array(), 'h6' => array(), 'strong' => array(), 'em' => array(), 'code' => array(), 'pre' => array(), 'blockquote' => array(), 'p' => array(), 'ul' => array(), 'li' => array(), 'ol' => array(), 'br' => array(), 'del' => array(), 'a' => array('href'), 'img' => array('src', 'title', 'alt'), 'figure' => array(), 'figcaption' => array(), 'cite' => array(), 'time' => array('datetime'), 'abbr' => array('title'), 'iframe' => array('width', 'height', 'frameborder', 'src', 'allowfullscreen'), 'q' => array('cite'), ); /** * Scheme whitelist. * * For a complete list go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URI_scheme * * @var array */ private $scheme_whitelist = array( 'bitcoin:', 'callto:', 'ed2k://', 'facetime://', 'feed:', 'ftp://', 'geo:', 'git://', 'http://', 'https://', 'irc://', 'irc6://', 'ircs://', 'jabber:', 'magnet:', 'mailto:', 'nntp://', 'rtmp://', 'sftp://', 'sip:', 'sips:', 'skype:', 'smb://', 'sms:', 'spotify:', 'ssh:', 'steam:', 'svn://', 'tel:', ); /** * Iframe source whitelist, everything else is ignored. * * @var array */ private $iframe_whitelist = array( 'http://www.youtube.com', 'https://www.youtube.com', 'http://player.vimeo.com', 'https://player.vimeo.com', 'http://www.dailymotion.com', 'https://www.dailymotion.com', 'http://vk.com', 'https://vk.com', ); /** * Blacklisted resources. * * @var array */ private $media_blacklist = array( 'api.flattr.com', 'feeds.feedburner.com', 'share.feedsportal.com', 'da.feedsportal.com', 'rc.feedsportal.com', 'rss.feedsportal.com', 'res.feedsportal.com', 'res1.feedsportal.com', 'res2.feedsportal.com', 'res3.feedsportal.com', 'pi.feedsportal.com', 'rss.nytimes.com', 'feeds.wordpress.com', 'stats.wordpress.com', 'rss.cnn.com', 'twitter.com/home?status=', 'twitter.com/share', 'twitter_icon_large.png', 'www.facebook.com/sharer.php', 'facebook_icon_large.png', 'plus.google.com/share', 'www.gstatic.com/images/icons/gplus-16.png', 'www.gstatic.com/images/icons/gplus-32.png', 'www.gstatic.com/images/icons/gplus-64.png', ); /** * Attributes used for external resources. * * @var array */ private $media_attributes = array( 'src', 'href', 'poster', ); /** * Attributes that must be integer. * * @var array */ private $integer_attributes = array( 'width', 'height', 'frameborder', ); /** * Mandatory attributes for specified tags. * * @var array */ private $required_attributes = array( 'a' => array('href'), 'img' => array('src'), 'iframe' => array('src'), 'audio' => array('src'), 'source' => array('src'), ); /** * Add attributes to specified tags. * * @var array */ private $add_attributes = array( 'a' => array('rel' => 'noreferrer', 'target' => '_blank'), 'video' => array('controls' => 'true'), ); /** * List of filters to apply. * * @var array */ private $filters = array( 'filterAllowedAttribute', 'filterIntegerAttribute', 'rewriteAbsoluteUrl', 'filterIframeAttribute', 'filterBlacklistResourceAttribute', 'filterProtocolUrlAttribute', 'rewriteImageProxyUrl', 'secureIframeSrc', 'removeYouTubeAutoplay', ); /** * Add attributes to specified tags. * * @var \PicoFeed\Client\Url */ private $website; /** * Constructor. * * @param \PicoFeed\Client\Url $website Website url instance */ public function __construct(Url $website) { $this->website = $website; } /** * Apply filters to the attributes list. * * @param string $tag Tag name * @param array $attributes Attributes dictionary * * @return array Filtered attributes */ public function filter($tag, array $attributes) { foreach ($attributes as $attribute => &$value) { foreach ($this->filters as $filter) { if (!$this->$filter($tag, $attribute, $value)) { unset($attributes[$attribute]); break; } } } return $attributes; } /** * Return true if the value is allowed (remove not allowed attributes). * * @param string $tag Tag name * @param string $attribute Attribute name * @param string $value Attribute value * * @return bool */ public function filterAllowedAttribute($tag, $attribute, $value) { return isset($this->attribute_whitelist[$tag]) && in_array($attribute, $this->attribute_whitelist[$tag]); } /** * Return true if the value is not integer (remove attributes that should have an integer value). * * @param string $tag Tag name * @param string $attribute Attribute name * @param string $value Attribute value * * @return bool */ public function filterIntegerAttribute($tag, $attribute, $value) { if (in_array($attribute, $this->integer_attributes)) { return ctype_digit($value); } return true; } /** * Return true if the iframe source is allowed (remove not allowed iframe). * * @param string $tag Tag name * @param string $attribute Attribute name * @param string $value Attribute value * * @return bool */ public function filterIframeAttribute($tag, $attribute, $value) { if ($tag === 'iframe' && $attribute === 'src') { foreach ($this->iframe_whitelist as $url) { if (strpos($value, $url) === 0) { return true; } } return false; } return true; } /** * Return true if the resource is not blacklisted (remove blacklisted resource attributes). * * @param string $tag Tag name * @param string $attribute Attribute name * @param string $value Attribute value * * @return bool */ public function filterBlacklistResourceAttribute($tag, $attribute, $value) { if ($this->isResource($attribute) && $this->isBlacklistedMedia($value)) { return false; } return true; } /** * Convert all relative links to absolute url. * * @param string $tag Tag name * @param string $attribute Attribute name * @param string $value Attribute value * * @return bool */ public function rewriteAbsoluteUrl($tag, $attribute, &$value) { if ($this->isResource($attribute)) { $value = Url::resolve($value, $this->website); } return true; } /** * Turns iframes' src attribute from http to https to prevent * mixed active content. * * @param string $tag Tag name * @param array $attribute Atttributes name * @param string $value Attribute value * * @return bool */ public function secureIframeSrc($tag, $attribute, &$value) { if ($tag === 'iframe' && $attribute === 'src' && strpos($value, 'http://') === 0) { $value = substr_replace($value, 's', 4, 0); } return true; } /** * Removes YouTube autoplay from iframes. * * @param string $tag Tag name * @param array $attribute Atttributes name * @param string $value Attribute value * * @return bool */ public function removeYouTubeAutoplay($tag, $attribute, &$value) { $regex = '%^(https://(?:www\.)?youtube.com/.*\?.*autoplay=)(1)(.*)%i'; if ($tag === 'iframe' && $attribute === 'src' && preg_match($regex, $value)) { $value = preg_replace($regex, '${1}0$3', $value); } return true; } /** * Rewrite image url to use with a proxy. * * @param string $tag Tag name * @param string $attribute Attribute name * @param string $value Attribute value * * @return bool */ public function rewriteImageProxyUrl($tag, $attribute, &$value) { if ($tag === 'img' && $attribute === 'src' && !($this->image_proxy_limit_protocol !== '' && stripos($value, $this->image_proxy_limit_protocol.':') !== 0)) { if ($this->image_proxy_url) { $value = sprintf($this->image_proxy_url, rawurlencode($value)); } elseif (is_callable($this->image_proxy_callback)) { $value = call_user_func($this->image_proxy_callback, $value); } } return true; } /** * Return true if the scheme is authorized. * * @param string $tag Tag name * @param string $attribute Attribute name * @param string $value Attribute value * * @return bool */ public function filterProtocolUrlAttribute($tag, $attribute, $value) { if ($this->isResource($attribute) && !$this->isAllowedProtocol($value)) { return false; } return true; } /** * Automatically add/override some attributes for specific tags. * * @param string $tag Tag name * @param array $attributes Attributes list * * @return array */ public function addAttributes($tag, array $attributes) { if (isset($this->add_attributes[$tag])) { $attributes += $this->add_attributes[$tag]; } return $attributes; } /** * Return true if all required attributes are present. * * @param string $tag Tag name * @param array $attributes Attributes list * * @return bool */ public function hasRequiredAttributes($tag, array $attributes) { if (isset($this->required_attributes[$tag])) { foreach ($this->required_attributes[$tag] as $attribute) { if (!isset($attributes[$attribute])) { return false; } } } return true; } /** * Check if an attribute name is an external resource. * * @param string $attribute Attribute name * * @return bool */ public function isResource($attribute) { return in_array($attribute, $this->media_attributes); } /** * Detect if the protocol is allowed or not. * * @param string $value Attribute value * * @return bool */ public function isAllowedProtocol($value) { foreach ($this->scheme_whitelist as $protocol) { if (strpos($value, $protocol) === 0) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Detect if an url is blacklisted. * * @param string $resource Attribute value (URL) * * @return bool */ public function isBlacklistedMedia($resource) { foreach ($this->media_blacklist as $name) { if (strpos($resource, $name) !== false) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Convert the attribute list to html. * * @param array $attributes Attributes * * @return string */ public function toHtml(array $attributes) { $html = array(); foreach ($attributes as $attribute => $value) { $html[] = sprintf('%s="%s"', $attribute, Filter::escape($value)); } return implode(' ', $html); } /** * Set whitelisted tags and attributes for each tag. * * @param array $values List of tags: ['video' => ['src', 'cover'], 'img' => ['src']] * * @return Attribute */ public function setWhitelistedAttributes(array $values) { $this->attribute_whitelist = $values ?: $this->attribute_whitelist; return $this; } /** * Set scheme whitelist. * * @param array $values List of scheme: ['http://', 'ftp://'] * * @return Attribute */ public function setSchemeWhitelist(array $values) { $this->scheme_whitelist = $values ?: $this->scheme_whitelist; return $this; } /** * Set media attributes (used to load external resources). * * @param array $values List of values: ['src', 'href'] * * @return Attribute */ public function setMediaAttributes(array $values) { $this->media_attributes = $values ?: $this->media_attributes; return $this; } /** * Set blacklisted external resources. * * @param array $values List of tags: ['http://google.com/', '...'] * * @return Attribute */ public function setMediaBlacklist(array $values) { $this->media_blacklist = $values ?: $this->media_blacklist; return $this; } /** * Set mandatory attributes for whitelisted tags. * * @param array $values List of tags: ['img' => 'src'] * * @return Attribute */ public function setRequiredAttributes(array $values) { $this->required_attributes = $values ?: $this->required_attributes; return $this; } /** * Set attributes to automatically to specific tags. * * @param array $values List of tags: ['a' => 'target="_blank"'] * * @return Attribute */ public function setAttributeOverrides(array $values) { $this->add_attributes = $values ?: $this->add_attributes; return $this; } /** * Set attributes that must be an integer. * * @param array $values List of tags: ['width', 'height'] * * @return Attribute */ public function setIntegerAttributes(array $values) { $this->integer_attributes = $values ?: $this->integer_attributes; return $this; } /** * Set allowed iframe resources. * * @param array $values List of tags: ['http://www.youtube.com'] * * @return Attribute */ public function setIframeWhitelist(array $values) { $this->iframe_whitelist = $values ?: $this->iframe_whitelist; return $this; } /** * Set image proxy URL. * * The original image url will be urlencoded * * @param string $url Proxy URL * * @return Attribute */ public function setImageProxyUrl($url) { $this->image_proxy_url = $url ?: $this->image_proxy_url; return $this; } /** * Set image proxy callback. * * @param \Closure $callback * * @return Attribute */ public function setImageProxyCallback($callback) { $this->image_proxy_callback = $callback ?: $this->image_proxy_callback; return $this; } /** * Set image proxy protocol restriction. * * @param string $value * * @return Attribute */ public function setImageProxyProtocol($value) { $this->image_proxy_limit_protocol = $value ?: $this->image_proxy_limit_protocol; return $this; } }