. */ namespace Xibo\OAuth2\Client\Entity; use Xibo\OAuth2\Client\Exception\XiboApiException; class XiboDaypart extends XiboEntity { private $url = '/daypart'; /** @var int The dayPrt ID */ public $dayPartId; /** @var string The dayPart name */ public $name; /** @var string The dayPart description */ public $description; /** @var string The start time for this dayPart */ public $startTime; /** @var string The end time for this dayPart */ public $endTime; /** @var array[string] String array of exception days*/ public $exceptionDays; /** @var array[]string] String array of exception start times to match the exception days */ public $exceptionStartTimes; /** @var array[]string] String array of exception end times to match the exception days */ public $exceptionEndTimes; /** * Get a list of dayparts. * * @param array $params ccan be filtered by dayPartId, name and embeddable parameter embed=exceptions * @return array|XiboDaypart */ public function get(array $params = []) { $entries = []; $this->getLogger()->info('Getting dayparts ' . $this->name); $response = $this->doGet($this->url, $params); foreach ($response as $item) { $entries[] = clone $this->hydrate($item); } return $entries; } /** * Get the DayPart by dayPartId. * * @param int $id The DayPart ID * @return XiboDaypart * @throws XiboApiException */ public function getById($id) { $this->getLogger()->info('Getting dayPart ID ' . $id); $response = $this->doGet($this->url, [ 'dayPartId' => $id ]); if (count($response) <= 0) throw new XiboApiException('Expecting a single record, found ' . count($response)); return clone $this->hydrate($response[0]); } /** * Create a new DayPrt. * * @param string $name The name for the daypart * @param string $description The description for the daypart * @param string $startTime The start time for this daypart * @param string $endTime The end time for this daypart * @param array[string] $exceptionDays String array of exception days * @param array[string] $exceptionStartTimes String array of start times to match the exception days * @param array[string] $exceptionEndTimes String array of end times to match the exception days * @return XiboDaypart */ public function create($name, $description, $startTime, $endTime, $exceptionDays = [], $exceptionStartTimes = [], $exceptionEndTimes = []) { $this->name = $name; $this->description = $description; $this->startTime = $startTime; $this->endTime = $endTime; $this->exceptionDays = $exceptionDays; $this->exceptionStartTimes = $exceptionStartTimes; $this->exceptionEndTimes = $exceptionEndTimes; $this->getLogger()->info('Creating dayPart ' . $name); $response = $this->doPost('/daypart', $this->toArray()); return $this->hydrate($response); } /** * Edit Daypart. * * @param string $name The name for the daypart * @param string $description The description for the daypart * @param string $startTime The start time for this daypart * @param string $endTime The end time for this daypart * @param array[string] $exceptionDays String array of exception days * @param array[string] $exceptionStartTimes String array of start times to match the exception days * @param array[string] $exceptionEndTimes String array of end times to match the exception days * @return XiboDaypart */ public function edit($name, $description, $startTime, $endTime, $exceptionDays = [], $exceptionStartTimes = [], $exceptionEndTimes = []) { $this->userId = $this->getEntityProvider()->getMe()->getId(); $this->name = $name; $this->description = $description; $this->startTime = $startTime; $this->endTime = $endTime; $this->exceptionDays = $exceptionDays; $this->exceptionStartTimes = $exceptionStartTimes; $this->exceptionEndTimes = $exceptionEndTimes; $this->getLogger()->info('Editing dayPart ID ' . $this->dayPartId); $response = $this->doPut('/daypart/' . $this->dayPartId, $this->toArray()); return $this->hydrate($response); } /** * Delete the daypart. * * @return bool */ public function delete() { $this->getLogger()->info('Deleting dayPart ID ' . $this->dayPartId); $this->doDelete('/daypart/' . $this->dayPartId); return true; } }