. */ namespace Xibo\OAuth2\Client\Entity; use Xibo\OAuth2\Client\Exception\XiboApiException; class XiboDataSetView extends XiboWidget { /** @var int The widget ID */ public $widgetId; /** @var int The playlist ID */ public $playlistId; /** @var int The dataSet ID */ public $dataSetId; /** @var int The owner ID */ public $ownerId; /** @var int Widget duration */ public $duration; /** @var int Flag whether to use custom duration */ public $useDuration; /** @var int Widget duration */ public $displayOrder; /** @var array of widget Options */ public $widgetOptions; /** @var array(int) of media Ids */ public $mediaIds; /** @var array of audio details assigned to the widget */ public $audio; /** @var array of permissions to the widget */ public $permissions; /** @var string Optional widget Name */ public $name; /** @var int Widget Update Interval in minutes */ public $updateInterval; /** @var int Number of rows per page (0 for no limit) */ public $rowsPerPage; /** @var int Should the table show Heading? */ public $showHeadings; /** @var int Upper row limit for this dataSet, 0 for no limit */ public $upperLimit; /** @var int Lower row limit for this dataSet, 0 for no limit */ public $lowerLimit; /** @var string SQL clause to filter this dataSet */ public $filter; /** @var string SQL clause for how to order this dataSet */ public $ordering; /** @var string Template you'd like to apply, empty or light-green */ public $templateId; /** @var int Flag to override the template */ public $overrideTemplate; /** @var int Flag to use advanced order clause - set to 1 if the ordering is provided */ public $useOrderingClause; /** @var int Flag to use advanced filter clause - set to 1 if the filter is provided */ public $useFilteringClause; /** @var string A message to display when there is no data returned from the source */ public $noDataMessage; /** * Create a new dataSetView widget. * * @param int $dataSetId The dataSet ID to use as a source for dataSetView widget * @param int $playlistId The playlist ID to which this dataSetView widget should be added * @param string $enableStat The settings to enable the collection of Proof of Play statistics, available options: ON, Off, Inherit * @return XiboDataSetView */ public function create($dataSetId, $playlistId, $enableStat = '') { $this->userId = $this->getEntityProvider()->getMe()->getId(); $this->dataSetId = $dataSetId; $this->playlistId = $playlistId; $this->enableStat = $enableStat; $this->getLogger()->info('Creating DataSet View widget and assigning it to playlist ID ' . $playlistId); $response = $this->doPost('/playlist/widget/dataSetView/' . $playlistId , $this->toArray()); return $this->hydrate($response); } /** * Edit the DataSetView widget. * * @param string $name Optional widget name * @param int $duration Widget Duration * @param int $useDuration Flag whether to use custom duration * @param array $dataSetColumnId An array of dataSetColumnIds to assign * @param int $updateInterval Widget update interval in minutes * @param int $rowsPerPage Number of rows per page, 0 for no pages * @param int $showHeadings Flag Should the table show the Heading? * @param int $upperLimit Upper row limit for this dataSet, 0 for no limit * @param int $lowerLimit Lower row limit for this dataSet, 0 for no limit * @param string $filter SQL clause to filter the dataSet * @param string $ordering SQL clause to order the dataSet * @param string $templateId Template to apply, available options: empty, light-green * @param int $overrideTemplate Flag whether to override the template * @param int $useOrderingClause Flag whether to use advanced ordering, set to 1 if ordring is provided * @param int $useFilteringClause Flag whether to use advanced filer, set to 1 ifd filter is provided * @param string $noDataMessage A message to display when there is no data returned from the source * @param int $widgetId The Widget ID to edit * @param string $enableStat The settings to enable the collection of Proof of Play statistics, available options: ON, Off, Inherit * @return XiboDataSetView */ public function edit($name, $duration, $useDuration, $dataSetColumnId = [], $updateInterval, $rowsPerPage, $showHeadings, $upperLimit = 0, $lowerLimit = 0, $filter = null, $ordering = null, $templateId = 'empty', $overrideTemplate = 0, $useOrderingClause = 0, $useFilteringClause = 0, $noDataMessage = '', $widgetId, $enableStat = '') { $this->userId = $this->getEntityProvider()->getMe()->getId(); $this->name = $name; $this->duration = $duration; $this->useDuration = $useDuration; $this->dataSetColumnId = $dataSetColumnId; $this->updateInterval = $updateInterval; $this->rowsPerPage = $rowsPerPage; $this->showHeadings = $showHeadings; $this->upperLimit = $upperLimit; $this->lowerLimit = $lowerLimit; $this->filter = $filter; $this->ordering = $ordering; $this->templateId = $templateId; $this->overrideTemplate = $overrideTemplate; $this->useOrderingClause = $useOrderingClause; $this->useFilteringClause = $useFilteringClause; $this->noDataMessage = $noDataMessage; $this->widgetId = $widgetId; $this->enableStat = $enableStat; $this->getLogger()->info('Editing widget ID ' . $widgetId); $response = $this->doPut('/playlist/widget/' . $widgetId, $this->toArray()); return $this->hydrate($response); } /** * Delete the widget. */ public function delete() { $this->userId = $this->getEntityProvider()->getMe()->getId(); $this->getLogger()->info('Deleting widget ID' . $this->widgetId); $this->doDelete('/playlist/widget/' . $this->widgetId , $this->toArray()); return true; } }