getContainer(); if ($container === null) { throw new RuntimeException('The app does not have a container.'); } if (!$container->has($containerKey)) { throw new RuntimeException( "The specified container key does not exist: $containerKey" ); } $twig = $container->get($containerKey); if (!($twig instanceof Twig)) { throw new RuntimeException( "Twig instance could not be resolved via container key: $containerKey" ); } return new self( $twig, $app->getRouteCollector()->getRouteParser(), $app->getBasePath() ); } /** * @param App $app * @param Twig $twig * @param string $attributeName * * @return TwigMiddleware */ public static function create(App $app, Twig $twig, string $attributeName = 'view'): self { return new self( $twig, $app->getRouteCollector()->getRouteParser(), $app->getBasePath(), $attributeName ); } /** * @param Twig $twig * @param RouteParserInterface $routeParser * @param string $basePath * @param string|null $attributeName */ public function __construct( Twig $twig, RouteParserInterface $routeParser, string $basePath = '', ?string $attributeName = null ) { $this->twig = $twig; $this->routeParser = $routeParser; $this->basePath = $basePath; $this->attributeName = $attributeName; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function process(ServerRequestInterface $request, RequestHandlerInterface $handler): ResponseInterface { $runtimeLoader = new TwigRuntimeLoader($this->routeParser, $request->getUri(), $this->basePath); $this->twig->addRuntimeLoader($runtimeLoader); $extension = new TwigExtension(); $this->twig->addExtension($extension); if ($this->attributeName !== null) { $request = $request->withAttribute($this->attributeName, $this->twig); } return $handler->handle($request); } }