/** * Verify the AWS IAM EC2 hosted auth works */ load("lib/aws_e2e_lib.js"); (function() { "use strict"; // This varies based on hosting EC2 as the account id and role name can vary const AWS_ACCOUNT_ARN = "arn:aws:sts::557821124784:assumed-role/authtest_instance_profile_role/*"; function assignInstanceProfile() { const config = readSetupJson(); const env = { AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: config["iam_auth_ec2_instance_account"], AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: config["iam_auth_ec2_instance_secret_access_key"], }; const instanceProfileName = config["iam_auth_ec2_instance_profile"]; const python_command = getPython3Binary() + ` -u lib/aws_assign_instance_profile.py --instance_profile_arn=${instanceProfileName}`; const ret = runShellCmdWithEnv(python_command, env); if (ret == 2) { print("WARNING: Request limit exceeded for AWS API"); return false; } assert.eq(ret, 0, "Failed to assign an instance profile to the current machine"); return true; } if (!assignInstanceProfile()) { return; } const admin = Mongo().getDB("admin"); const external = admin.getMongo().getDB("$external"); assert(admin.auth("bob", "pwd123")); assert.commandWorked(external.runCommand({createUser: AWS_ACCOUNT_ARN, roles:[{role: 'read', db: "aws"}]})); // Try the command line const smoke = runMongoProgram("mongo", "--host", "localhost", '--authenticationMechanism', 'MONGODB-AWS', '--authenticationDatabase', '$external', "--eval", "1"); assert.eq(smoke, 0, "Could not auth with smoke user"); // Try the auth function assert(external.auth({mechanism: 'MONGODB-AWS'})); }());