boundingBox; } /** * Return the CoordinateReferenceSystem for this GeoJson object. * * @return CoordinateReferenceSystem */ public function getCrs() { return $this->crs; } /** * Return the type for this GeoJson object. * * @return string */ public function getType() { return $this->type; } /** * @see http://php.net/manual/en/jsonserializable.jsonserialize.php */ public function jsonSerialize() { $json = array('type' => $this->type); if (isset($this->crs)) { $json['crs'] = $this->crs->jsonSerialize(); } if (isset($this->boundingBox)) { $json['bbox'] = $this->boundingBox->jsonSerialize(); } return $json; } /** * @see JsonUnserializable::jsonUnserialize() */ final public static function jsonUnserialize($json) { if ( ! is_array($json) && ! is_object($json)) { throw UnserializationException::invalidValue('GeoJson', $json, 'array or object'); } $json = new \ArrayObject($json); if ( ! $json->offsetExists('type')) { throw UnserializationException::missingProperty('GeoJson', 'type', 'string'); } $type = (string) $json['type']; $args = array(); switch ($type) { case 'LineString': case 'MultiLineString': case 'MultiPoint': case 'MultiPolygon': case 'Point': case 'Polygon': if ( ! $json->offsetExists('coordinates')) { throw UnserializationException::missingProperty($type, 'coordinates', 'array'); } if ( ! is_array($json['coordinates'])) { throw UnserializationException::invalidProperty($type, 'coordinates', $json['coordinates'], 'array'); } $args[] = $json['coordinates']; break; case 'Feature': $geometry = isset($json['geometry']) ? $json['geometry'] : null; $properties = isset($json['properties']) ? $json['properties'] : null; if (isset($geometry) && ! is_array($geometry) && ! is_object($geometry)) { throw UnserializationException::invalidProperty($type, 'geometry', $geometry, 'array or object'); } if (isset($properties) && ! is_array($properties) && ! is_object($properties)) { throw UnserializationException::invalidProperty($type, 'properties', $properties, 'array or object'); } $args[] = isset($geometry) ? self::jsonUnserialize($geometry) : null; $args[] = isset($properties) ? (array) $properties : null; $args[] = isset($json['id']) ? $json['id'] : null; break; case 'FeatureCollection': if ( ! $json->offsetExists('features')) { throw UnserializationException::missingProperty($type, 'features', 'array'); } if ( ! is_array($json['features'])) { throw UnserializationException::invalidProperty($type, 'features', $json['features'], 'array'); } $args[] = array_map(array('self', 'jsonUnserialize'), $json['features']); break; case 'GeometryCollection': if ( ! $json->offsetExists('geometries')) { throw UnserializationException::missingProperty($type, 'geometries', 'array'); } if ( ! is_array($json['geometries'])) { throw UnserializationException::invalidProperty($type, 'geometries', $json['geometries'], 'array'); } $args[] = array_map(array('self', 'jsonUnserialize'), $json['geometries']); break; default: throw UnserializationException::unsupportedType('GeoJson', $type); } if (isset($json['bbox'])) { $args[] = BoundingBox::jsonUnserialize($json['bbox']); } if (isset($json['crs'])) { $args[] = CoordinateReferenceSystem::jsonUnserialize($json['crs']); } $class = sprintf('GeoJson\%s\%s', (strncmp('Feature', $type, 7) === 0 ? 'Feature' : 'Geometry'), $type); $class = new \ReflectionClass($class); return $class->newInstanceArgs($args); } /** * Set optional CRS and BoundingBox arguments passed to a constructor. * * @todo Decide if multiple CRS or BoundingBox instances should override a * previous value or be ignored */ protected function setOptionalConstructorArgs(array $args) { foreach ($args as $arg) { if ($arg instanceof CoordinateReferenceSystem) { $this->crs = $arg; } if ($arg instanceof BoundingBox) { $this->boundingBox = $arg; } } } }