. */ namespace Xibo\Widget; use Carbon\Carbon; use Respect\Validation\Validator as v; use Slim\Http\Response as Response; use Slim\Http\ServerRequest as Request; use Xibo\Entity\DataSetColumn; use Xibo\Support\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Xibo\Support\Exception\NotFoundException; /** * Class Chart * @package Xibo\Widget */ class Chart extends ModuleWidget { public $codeSchemaVersion = 1; /** * Graph constructor. * @override */ public function init() { v::with('Xibo\\Validation\\Rules\\'); } /** * @inheritdoc * @Override */ public function installOrUpdate($moduleFactory) { // Install if ($this->module == null) { $module = $moduleFactory->createEmpty(); $module->name = 'Chart'; $module->type = 'chart'; $module->class = 'Xibo\Widget\Chart'; $module->description = 'Graphical data visualization'; $module->enabled = 1; $module->previewEnabled = 1; $module->assignable = 1; $module->regionSpecific = 1; $module->renderAs = 'html'; $module->schemaVersion = $this->codeSchemaVersion; $module->defaultDuration = 240; $module->settings = []; $module->installName = 'chart'; $this->setModule($module); $this->installModule(); } // Check we are all installed $this->installFiles(); } /** * @inheritdoc * @override */ public function installFiles() { // Extends parent's method parent::installFiles(); $this->mediaFactory->createModuleSystemFile(PROJECT_ROOT . '/modules/vendor/moment.js')->save(); $this->mediaFactory->createModuleSystemFile(PROJECT_ROOT . '/modules/vendor/Chart.min.js')->save(); } /** * Form for updating the module settings * @return string Name of the Settings-Form * @override */ public function settingsForm() { return 'chart-form-settings'; } /** * @return string */ public function layoutDesignerJavaScript() { return 'chart-designer-javascript'; } /** * @inheritDoc * @override */ public function settings(Request $request, Response $response): Response { $this->module->settings['defaultColors'] = explode(',', $this->getSanitizer($request->getParams())->getString('defaultColors')); return $response; } /** * Get DataSet object, used by TWIG template. * * @return array * @throws NotFoundException */ public function getDataSet() { if ($this->getOption('dataSetId') != 0) { return [$this->dataSetFactory->getById($this->getOption('dataSetId'))]; } else { return null; } } /** @var DataSetColumn[] */ private $columnsCache = null; /** * Get DataSet Columns * Used by the TWIG template to show a list of available dataSetColumns * @return DataSetColumn[] */ public function dataSetColumns() { if ($this->columnsCache === null) { $this->columnsCache = $this->dataSetColumnFactory->getByDataSetId($this->getOption('dataSetId')); } return $this->columnsCache; } /** * Get the currently configured chart columns * @return mixed */ public function getColumnConfig() { return json_decode($this->getOption('config', "[]"), true); } /** * Get the column configuration for a particular type of column * @param string $type The Type of Column you want * @return null|string|string[] */ private function getColumnType($type) { $columnType = []; foreach ($this->getColumnConfig() as $config) { if ($config['columnType'] == $type) { foreach ($this->dataSetColumns() as $dataSetColumn) { if ($dataSetColumn->dataSetColumnId == (int)$config['dataSetColumnId']) { $columnType[] = $dataSetColumn->heading; } } } } $found = count($columnType); if ($found <= 0) { return null; } else if ($found === 1) { return $columnType[0]; } else { return $columnType; } } /** * Get the Order Clause * @return mixed */ public function getOrderClause() { return json_decode($this->getOption('orderClauses', "[]"), true); } /** * Get the Filter Clause * @return mixed */ public function getFilterClause() { return json_decode($this->getOption('filterClauses', "[]"), true); } /** * Get the configured colours * @return array */ public function getColors() { return json_decode($this->getOption('seriesColors', "[]"), true); } /** * Get Extra content for the form * @return array * @throws NotFoundException */ public function getExtra() { return [ 'config' => $this->getColumnConfig(), 'seriesColors' => $this->getColors(), 'orderClause' => $this->getOrderClause(), 'filterClause' => $this->getFilterClause(), 'columns' => $this->dataSetColumns(), 'dataSet' => ($this->getOption('dataSetId', 0) != 0) ? $this->dataSetFactory->getById($this->getOption('dataSetId')) : null ]; } /** @inheritdoc @override */ public function editForm(Request $request) { $sanitizedParams = $this->getSanitizer($request->getParams()); // Do we have a step provided? $step = $sanitizedParams->getInt('step', ['default' => 2]); if ($step == 1 || !$this->hasDataSet()) { return 'chart-form-edit-step1'; } else { return 'chart-form-edit'; } } /** * Edit the Widget * * @SWG\Put( * path="/playlist/widget/{widgetId}?chart", * operationId="widgetChartEdit", * tags={"widget"}, * summary="Edit a Chart Widget", * description="Edit Chart Widget. This call will replace existing Widget object, all not supplied parameters will be set to default.", * @SWG\Parameter( * name="widgetId", * in="path", * description="The WidgetId to Edit", * type="integer", * required=true * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="step", * in="formData", * description="The Step Number being edited", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="name", * in="formData", * description="Optional Widget Name", * type="string", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="dataSetId", * in="formData", * description="Required for step 1. Create Chart Widget using provided dataSetId of an existing dataSet", * type="integer", * required=true * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="graphType", * in="formData", * description="Chart Type", * type="string", * required=true * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="columnType", * in="formData", * description="Array of Column Types (x-axis, y-axis, series-identifier) to assign", * type="array", * required=false, * @SWG\Items(type="integer") * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="dataSetColumnId", * in="formData", * description="Array of dataSetColumn IDs to assign", * type="array", * required=false, * @SWG\Items(type="integer") * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="duration", * in="formData", * description="The Chart Duration", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="useDuration", * in="formData", * description="Edit Only - (0, 1) Select 1 only if you will provide duration parameter as well", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="enableStat", * in="formData", * description="The option (On, Off, Inherit) to enable the collection of Widget Proof of Play statistics", * type="string", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="updateInterval", * in="formData", * description="Update interval in minutes", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="filter", * in="formData", * description="SQL clause for filter this dataSet", * type="string", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="ordering", * in="formData", * description="SQL clause for how this dataSet should be ordered", * type="string", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="useOrderingClause", * in="formData", * description="flag (0,1) Use advanced order clause - set to 1 if ordering is provided", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="useFilteringClause", * in="formData", * description="flag (0,1) Use advanced filter clause - set to 1 if filter is provided", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="backgroundColor", * in="formData", * description="Background Color", * type="string", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="fontColor", * in="formData", * description="Font Color", * type="string", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="fontSize", * in="formData", * description="Font Size", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="showLegend", * in="formData", * description="Should the Legend be Shown", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="legendPosition", * in="formData", * description="Where should the Legend be Shown (top, left, right, bottom)", * type="string", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="startYAtZero", * in="formData", * description="Start the Y-Axis at 0", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="title", * in="formData", * description="Chart title", * type="string", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="x-axis-label", * in="formData", * description="Chart x-axis label", * type="string", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="y-axis-label", * in="formData", * description="Chart y-axis label", * type="string", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Response( * response=204, * description="successful operation" * ) * ) * * @inheritDoc */ public function edit(Request $request, Response $response): Response { // Do we have a step provided? $sanitizedParams = $this->getSanitizer($request->getParams()); $step = $sanitizedParams->getInt('step', ['default' => 2]); if ($step == 1 || !$this->hasDataSet()) { $dataSetId = $sanitizedParams->getInt('dataSetId'); // Do we already have a DataSet? if($this->hasDataSet() && $dataSetId != $this->getOption('dataSetId')) { // Reset the fields that are dependent on the dataSetId $this->setOption('config', '[]'); $this->setOption('filterClauses', '[]'); $this->setOption('orderClauses', '[]'); } $this->setOption('dataSetId', $dataSetId); // Validate Data Set Selected if ($dataSetId == 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Please select a DataSet'), 'dataSetId'); } // Check we have permission to use this DataSetId if (!$this->getUser()->checkViewable($this->dataSetFactory->getById($this->getOption('dataSetId')))) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('You do not have permission to use that dataset'), 'dataSetId'); } } else { // Check we have permission to use this DataSetId if (!$this->getUser()->checkViewable($this->dataSetFactory->getById($this->getOption('dataSetId')))) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('You do not have permission to use that DataSet'), 'dataSetId'); } $this->setOption('name', $sanitizedParams->getString('name')); $this->setUseDuration($sanitizedParams->getCheckbox('useDuration')); $this->setDuration($sanitizedParams->getInt('duration', ['default' => $this->getDuration()])); $this->setOption('enableStat', $sanitizedParams->getString('enableStat')); $this->setOption('graphType', $sanitizedParams->getString('graphType')); $this->setOption('updateInterval', $sanitizedParams->getInt('updateInterval', ['default' => 120])); $this->setOption('backgroundColor', $sanitizedParams->getString('backgroundColor')); $this->setOption('fontColor', $sanitizedParams->getString('fontColor')); $this->setOption('fontSize', $sanitizedParams->getInt('fontSize')); $this->setOption('showLegend', $sanitizedParams->getCheckbox('showLegend')); $this->setOption('legendPosition', $sanitizedParams->getString('legendPosition')); $this->setOption('startYAtZero', $sanitizedParams->getCheckbox('startYAtZero')); $this->setOption('title', $sanitizedParams->getString('title')); $this->setOption('x-axis-label', $sanitizedParams->getString('x-axis-label')); $this->setOption('y-axis-label', $sanitizedParams->getString('y-axis-label')); // Handle the config $columnTypes = $sanitizedParams->getArray('columnType'); $dataSetColumnIds = $sanitizedParams->getArray('dataSetColumnId'); $config = []; $i = -1; foreach ($columnTypes as $columnType) { $i++; if ($columnType == '') continue; // Store this column configuration $config[] = [ 'columnType' => $columnType, 'dataSetColumnId' => isset($dataSetColumnIds[$i]) ? $dataSetColumnIds[$i] : '' ]; } $this->setOption('config', json_encode($config)); // Handle colours $seriesColors = $sanitizedParams->getArray('seriesColor'); $this->setOption('seriesColors', json_encode(array_filter($seriesColors))); // Order and Filter criteria $this->setOption('useOrderingClause', $sanitizedParams->getCheckbox('useOrderingClause')); $this->setOption('useFilteringClause', $sanitizedParams->getCheckbox('useFilteringClause')); $orderClauses = $sanitizedParams->getArray('orderClause'); $orderClauseDirections = $sanitizedParams->getArray('orderClauseDirection'); $orderClauseMapping = []; $i = -1; foreach ($orderClauses as $orderClause) { $i++; if ($orderClause == '') continue; // Map the stop code received to the stop ref (if there is one) $orderClauseMapping[] = [ 'orderClause' => $orderClause, 'orderClauseDirection' => isset($orderClauseDirections[$i]) ? $orderClauseDirections[$i] : '', ]; } $this->setOption('orderClauses', json_encode($orderClauseMapping)); $filterClauses = $sanitizedParams->getArray('filterClause'); $filterClauseOperator = $sanitizedParams->getArray('filterClauseOperator'); $filterClauseCriteria = $sanitizedParams->getArray('filterClauseCriteria'); $filterClauseValue = $sanitizedParams->getArray('filterClauseValue'); $filterClauseMapping = []; $i = -1; foreach ($filterClauses as $filterClause) { $i++; if ($filterClause == '') continue; // Map the stop code received to the stop ref (if there is one) $filterClauseMapping[] = [ 'filterClause' => $filterClause, 'filterClauseOperator' => isset($filterClauseOperator[$i]) ? $filterClauseOperator[$i] : '', 'filterClauseCriteria' => isset($filterClauseCriteria[$i]) ? $filterClauseCriteria[$i] : '', 'filterClauseValue' => isset($filterClauseValue[$i]) ? $filterClauseValue[$i] : '', ]; } $this->setOption('filterClauses', json_encode($filterClauseMapping)); $this->isValid(); } $this->saveWidget(); return $response; } /** * @inheritdoc * @override */ public function getResource($displayId = 0) { $containerId = 'graph-' . $displayId; $chartType = $this->getOption('graphType'); // Avoid rendering if the chart type isn't selected if($chartType == null) { $this->getLog()->debug('A dataset needs to be selected for widget: ' . $this->getWidgetId() . ' and displayId: ' . $displayId); return ''; } $this->getLog()->debug('Render graph for widgetId: ' . $this->getWidgetId() . ' and displayId: ' . $displayId); // Replace the View Port Width if we are in Preview-Mode $data['viewPortWidth'] = $this->isPreview() ? $this->region->width : '[[ViewPortWidth]]'; // Options XIBO needs for rendering - see JavaScript at the end of this function $options = array( 'type' => $this->getModuleType(), 'useDuration' => $this->getUseDuration(), 'duration' => $this->getDuration(), 'originalWidth' => $this->region->width, 'originalHeight' => $this->region->height ); // Background for the Graph and the legend $backgroundColor = $this->getOption('backgroundColor'); $backgroundColor = ($backgroundColor == '') ? '' : 'background-color: ' . $backgroundColor . ';'; // Body content $data['body'] = '
[No Canvas support]
'; // After body content - mostly XIBO-Stuff for scaling and so on $javaScriptContent = ''; $javaScriptContent .= ''; $javaScriptContent .= ''; $javaScriptContent .= ''; $javaScriptContent .= ''; $javaScriptContent .= ''; $javaScriptContent .= ''; // Get data $chartData = $this->getChartData($displayId); $chartData->type = $chartType; // Do we have any chart options to take into consideration? $chartData->options = $this->getChartOptions(); $this->getLog()->debug(json_encode($chartData, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); // Add all Chart Javascript $javaScriptContent .= ' '; // Replace the After body Content $data['body'] .= $javaScriptContent; return $this->renderTemplate($data); } /** * Load all possible Columns and data from the selected DataSet * @param int $displayId * @return Object { data: { datasets: [], labels: [] } } * @throws NotFoundException */ protected function getChartData($displayId) { $chartType = $this->getOption('graphType'); $xAxis = $this->getColumnType('x-axis'); $yAxis = $this->getColumnType('y-axis'); $seriesIdentifier = $this->getColumnType('series-identifier'); if (!is_array($yAxis)) $yAxis = [$yAxis]; // Do we have a series identifier? // if we do, then we should treat those as a separate X axis (for the purposes of R.Graph's data requirements) // we might have more than 1 :o if ($seriesIdentifier !== null && !is_array($seriesIdentifier)) $seriesIdentifier = [$seriesIdentifier]; // Set some query options $queryOptions = $this->getQueryOptions($displayId); // Create an object we json_encode into the HTML for this RGraph $graphData = new \stdClass(); $graphData->data = new \stdClass(); $graphData->data->datasets = []; $graphData->data->labels = []; // Get the DataSet $dataSet = $this->dataSetFactory->getById($this->getOption('dataSetId')); // Pull out the Data $results = $dataSet->getData($queryOptions, ['requireTotal' => false]); // transform the query results into the data array expected by r-graph $data = []; // Build an array keyed by the x-axis value configured foreach ($results as $row) { $data[$row[$xAxis]][] = $row; } $this->getLog()->debug(json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); // Set our labels to be our x-axis keys $graphData->data->labels = array_keys($data); // Calculate a DataSet for each x-axis that has been provided, taking care to enumerate through any // series identifiers that have also been provided. // we aggregate out duplicate keys $axisData = []; // Process each Y-Axis, adding a new point per X foreach ($yAxis as $axis) { $axisDataTemp = []; foreach ($data as $key => $rows) { foreach ($rows as $row) { // If we have a series identifier, do this one time for each if ($seriesIdentifier !== null) { foreach ($seriesIdentifier as $identifier) { // Keep track of the axis we're on if (isset($axisDataTemp[$row[$identifier]][$key])) { // Can we add them together? if (is_numeric($axisDataTemp[$row[$identifier]][$key]) && is_numeric($row[$axis])) { $axisDataTemp[$row[$identifier]][$key] = $axisDataTemp[$row[$identifier]][$key] + $row[$axis]; } else { $this->getLog()->debug('Cannot add non-numeric series together'); } } else { $axisDataTemp[$row[$identifier]][$key] = $row[$axis]; } } } else { // Keep track of the axis we're on if (isset($axisDataTemp[$key])) { if (is_numeric($axisDataTemp[$key]) && is_numeric($row[$axis])) { $axisDataTemp[$key] = $axisDataTemp[$key] + $row[$axis]; } else { $this->getLog()->debug('Cannot add non-numeric series together'); } } else { $axisDataTemp[$key] = $row[$axis]; } } } } $this->getLog()->debug('Axis Data Temp is: ' . json_encode($axisDataTemp, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); // We should have an array of data points for the first Y-axis on each X-Axis // e.g. for y1 [x1, x2, x3] if ($seriesIdentifier !== null) { // Split by series foreach ($axisDataTemp as $key => $value) { // Values $temp = [ 'label' => $key, 'data' => array_values($value) ]; // Special handling for colors if ($chartType === 'line' || $chartType === 'radar') { $temp['borderColor'] = $this->getColorPallet()[count($axisData)]; } else { $temp['backgroundColor'] = $this->getColorPallet()[count($axisData)]; } $axisData[] = $temp; } } else { // No series identifiers $temp = [ 'label' => $axis, 'data' => array_values($axisDataTemp) ]; // We could consider having a "colour per bar" if ($chartType === 'line' || $chartType === 'radar') { $temp['borderColor'] = $this->getColorPallet()[count($axisData)]; } else if ($chartType === 'pie' || $chartType === 'doughnut') { for ($i = 0; $i < count($axisDataTemp); $i++) { $temp['backgroundColor'][] = $this->getColorPallet()[$i]; } } else { $temp['backgroundColor'] = $this->getColorPallet()[count($axisData)]; } $axisData[] = $temp; } } $graphData->data->datasets = $axisData; return $graphData; } /** * Get Chart Options * @return array */ protected function getChartOptions() { $chartType = $this->getOption('graphType'); $options = []; if ($this->getOption('showLegend') !== '1') { $options['legend'] = []; $options['legend']['display'] = false; } else { $options['legend']['position'] = $this->getOption('legendPosition', 'top'); } if ($this->getOption('title') != '') { $options['title'] = [ 'display' => true, 'text' => $this->getOption('title') ]; } // Axis are only applicable for charts with a cartesan axis if ($chartType !== 'pie' && $chartType !== 'doughnut' && $chartType !== 'radar') { // Options effecting the Y-Axis $yAxis = []; $xAxis = []; if ($this->getOption('x-axis-label') != '') { $xAxis['scaleLabel'] = [ 'display' => true, 'labelString' => $this->getOption('x-axis-label') ]; } if ($this->getOption('y-axis-label') != '') { $yAxis['scaleLabel'] = [ 'display' => true, 'labelString' => $this->getOption('y-axis-label') ]; } if ($this->getOption('startYAtZero') == '1') { if ($chartType === 'horizontalBar') { $xAxis['ticks']['beginAtZero'] = true; } else { $yAxis['ticks']['beginAtZero'] = true; } } $options['scales']['yAxes'][] = $yAxis; $options['scales']['xAxes'][] = $xAxis; } return $options; } /** * Get the Query Options * @param $displayId * @return array */ private function getQueryOptions($displayId) { // Ordering $ordering = ''; if ($this->getOption('useOrderingClause', 1) == 1) { $ordering = $this->getOption('ordering'); } else { // Build an order string foreach (json_decode($this->getOption('orderClauses', '[]'), true) as $clause) { $ordering .= $clause['orderClause'] . ' ' . $clause['orderClauseDirection'] . ','; } $ordering = rtrim($ordering, ','); } // Filtering $filter = ''; if ($this->getOption('useFilteringClause', 1) == 1) { $filter = $this->getOption('filter'); } else { // Build $i = 0; foreach (json_decode($this->getOption('filterClauses', '[]'), true) as $clause) { $i++; $criteria = ''; switch ($clause['filterClauseCriteria']) { case 'starts-with': $criteria = 'LIKE \'' . $clause['filterClauseValue'] . '%\''; break; case 'ends-with': $criteria = 'LIKE \'%' . $clause['filterClauseValue'] . '\''; break; case 'contains': $criteria = 'LIKE \'%' . $clause['filterClauseValue'] . '%\''; break; case 'equals': $criteria = '= \'' . $clause['filterClauseValue'] . '\''; break; case 'not-contains': $criteria = 'NOT LIKE \'%' . $clause['filterClauseValue'] . '%\''; break; case 'not-starts-with': $criteria = 'NOT LIKE \'' . $clause['filterClauseValue'] . '%\''; break; case 'not-ends-with': $criteria = 'NOT LIKE \'%' . $clause['filterClauseValue'] . '\''; break; case 'not-equals': $criteria = '<> \'' . $clause['filterClauseValue'] . '\''; break; case 'greater-than': $criteria = '> \'' . $clause['filterClauseValue'] . '\''; break; case 'less-than': $criteria = '< \'' . $clause['filterClauseValue'] . '\''; break; default: continue 2; } if ($i > 1) $filter .= ' ' . $clause['filterClauseOperator'] . ' '; $filter .= $clause['filterClause'] . ' ' . $criteria; } } return [ 'filter' => $filter, 'order' => $ordering, 'displayId' => $displayId ]; } private $colorPallet = null; /** * Get Color Pallet * @return array|null */ private function getColorPallet() { if ($this->colorPallet === null) { // Get the combination of the widget, module and default color array. $this->colorPallet = [ '#7293CB', '#E1974C', '#84BA5B', '#D35E60', '#808585', '#9067A7', '#AB6857', '#CCC210', '#396AB1', '#DA7C30', '#3E9651', '#CC2529', '#535154', '#6B4C9A', '#922428', '#948B3D' ]; $widgetColors = $this->getColors(); $moduleColors = $this->getSetting('defaultColors', []); if (count($widgetColors) > 0) $this->colorPallet = array_merge($widgetColors, $this->colorPallet); if (count($moduleColors) > 0) $this->colorPallet = array_merge($moduleColors, $this->colorPallet); $this->getLog()->debug('Colour palette is ' . var_export($this->colorPallet, true)); } return $this->colorPallet; } /** * Does this module have a DataSet yet? * @return bool */ private function hasDataSet() { return (v::notEmpty()->validate($this->getOption('dataSetId'))); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function isValid() { if ($this->getUseDuration() == 1 && $this->getDuration() == 0) throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('You must enter a duration.'), 'duration'); if ($this->getWidgetId() != 0) { // We must always have an X if ($this->getColumnType('x-axis') === null) throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Please make sure you select an X-Axis'), 'config'); // We must always have a Y if ($this->getColumnType('y-axis') === null) throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Please make sure you select an Y-Axis'), 'config'); // TODO: validate the contents of the config object to ensure we have all we need (an X and Y for example) switch ($this->getOption('graphType')) { case 'pie': case 'doughnut': // Make sure we have an X and a Y and nothing else if ($this->getColumnType('series-identifier') !== null) throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('This type of chart does not support a Series Identifier'), 'config'); break; case '': throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Please select a graph type'), 'graphType'); } } // depends on whether we have a dataSet yet or not. return ($this->hasDataSet()) ? self::$STATUS_VALID : self::$STATUS_INVALID; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function getCacheDuration() { return $this->getOption('updateInterval', 120) * 60; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function getCacheKey($displayId) { // DataSetViews are display specific return $this->getWidgetId() . '_' . $displayId; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function isCacheDisplaySpecific() { return true; } /** * @inheritdoc * @override */ public function getModifiedDate($displayId) { // Either the Widget Modified Date or the DataSet Edit Date, whichever happens sooner $widgetModifiedDt = $this->widget->modifiedDt; $dataSetId = $this->getOption('dataSetId'); $dataSet = $this->dataSetFactory->getById($dataSetId); // Set the timestamp $widgetModifiedDt = ($dataSet->lastDataEdit > $widgetModifiedDt) ? $dataSet->lastDataEdit : $widgetModifiedDt; // Remote dataSets are kept "active" by required files $dataSet->setActive(); return Carbon::createFromTimestamp($widgetModifiedDt); } }