. */ namespace Xibo\Storage; use Xibo\Service\ConfigService; use Xibo\Service\LogService; use Xibo\Support\Exception\DeadlockException; /** * Class PDOConnect * Manages global connection state and the creation of connections * @package Xibo\Storage */ class PdoStorageService implements StorageServiceInterface { /** @var \PDO[] An array of connections */ private static $conn = []; /** @var array Statistics */ private static $stats = []; /** @var string */ private static $version; /** * Logger * @var LogService */ private $log; /** * PDOConnect constructor. * @param LogService $logger */ public function __construct($logger = null) { $this->log = $logger; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function setConnection($name = 'default') { // Create a new connection self::$conn[$name] = PdoStorageService::newConnection($name); return $this; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function close($name = null) { if ($name !== null && isset(self::$conn[$name])) { self::$conn[$name] = null; unset(self::$conn[$name]); } else { foreach (self::$conn as &$conn) { $conn = null; } self::$conn = []; } } /** * Create a DSN from the host/db name * @param string $host * @param string|null $name * @return string */ private static function createDsn($host, $name = null) { if (strstr($host, ':')) { $hostParts = explode(':', $host); $dsn = 'mysql:host=' . $hostParts[0] . ';port=' . $hostParts[1] . ';'; } else { $dsn = 'mysql:host=' . $host . ';'; } if ($name != null) { $dsn .= 'dbname=' . $name . ';'; } return $dsn; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public static function newConnection(string $name) { // If we already have a connection, return it. if (isset(self::$conn[$name])) { return self::$conn[$name]; } $dsn = PdoStorageService::createDsn(ConfigService::$dbConfig['host'], ConfigService::$dbConfig['name']); $opts = []; if (!empty(ConfigService::$dbConfig['ssl']) && ConfigService::$dbConfig['ssl'] !== 'none') { $opts[\PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CA] = ConfigService::$dbConfig['ssl']; $opts[\PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT] = ConfigService::$dbConfig['sslVerify']; } // Open the connection and set the error mode $conn = new \PDO( $dsn, ConfigService::$dbConfig['user'], ConfigService::$dbConfig['password'], $opts ); $conn->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $conn->query("SET NAMES 'utf8'"); return $conn; } /** @inheritDoc */ public function connect($host, $user, $pass, $name = null, $ssl = null, $sslVerify = true) { if (!isset(self::$conn['default'])) { $this->close('default'); } $dsn = PdoStorageService::createDsn($host, $name); $opts = []; if (!empty($ssl) && $ssl !== 'none') { $opts[\PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CA] = $ssl; $opts[\PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT] = $sslVerify; } // Open the connection and set the error mode self::$conn['default'] = new \PDO($dsn, $user, $pass, $opts); self::$conn['default']->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); self::$conn['default']->query("SET NAMES 'utf8'"); return self::$conn['default']; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function getConnection($name = 'default') { if (!isset(self::$conn[$name])) { self::$conn[$name] = PdoStorageService::newConnection($name); } return self::$conn[$name]; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function exists($sql, $params, $connection = 'default', $reconnect = false, $close = false) { if ($this->log != null) { $this->log->sql($sql, $params); } try { $sth = $this->getConnection($connection)->prepare($sql); $sth->execute($params); $exists = $sth->fetch(); $this->incrementStat($connection, 'exists'); if ($close) { $this->close($connection); } if ($exists) { return true; } else { return false; } } catch (\PDOException $PDOException) { // Throw if we're not expected to reconnect. if (!$reconnect) { throw $PDOException; } $errorCode = $PDOException->errorInfo[1] ?? $PDOException->getCode(); if ($errorCode != 2006) { throw $PDOException; } else { $this->close($connection); return $this->exists($sql, $params, $connection, false, $close); } } catch (\ErrorException $exception) { // Super odd we'd get one of these // we're trying to catch "Error while sending QUERY packet." if (!$reconnect) { throw $exception; } // Try again $this->close($connection); return $this->exists($sql, $params, $connection, false, $close); } } /** @inheritdoc */ public function insert($sql, $params, $connection = 'default', $reconnect = false, $transaction = true, $close = false) { if ($this->log != null) { $this->log->sql($sql, $params); } try { if ($transaction && !$this->getConnection($connection)->inTransaction()) { $this->getConnection($connection)->beginTransaction(); } $sth = $this->getConnection($connection)->prepare($sql); $sth->execute($params); $id = intval($this->getConnection($connection)->lastInsertId()); $this->incrementStat($connection, 'insert'); if ($close) { $this->close($connection); } return $id; } catch (\PDOException $PDOException) { // Throw if we're not expected to reconnect. if (!$reconnect) { throw $PDOException; } $errorCode = $PDOException->errorInfo[1] ?? $PDOException->getCode(); if ($errorCode != 2006) { throw $PDOException; } else { $this->close($connection); return $this->insert($sql, $params, $connection, false, $transaction, $close); } } catch (\ErrorException $exception) { // Super odd we'd get one of these // we're trying to catch "Error while sending QUERY packet." if (!$reconnect) { throw $exception; } // Try again $this->close($connection); return $this->insert($sql, $params, $connection, false, $transaction, $close); } } /** @inheritdoc */ public function update($sql, $params, $connection = 'default', $reconnect = false, $transaction = true, $close = false) { if ($this->log != null) { $this->log->sql($sql, $params); } try { if ($transaction && !$this->getConnection($connection)->inTransaction()) { $this->getConnection($connection)->beginTransaction(); } $sth = $this->getConnection($connection)->prepare($sql); $sth->execute($params); $rows = $sth->rowCount(); $this->incrementStat($connection, 'update'); if ($close) { $this->close($connection); } return $rows; } catch (\PDOException $PDOException) { // Throw if we're not expected to reconnect. if (!$reconnect) { throw $PDOException; } $errorCode = $PDOException->errorInfo[1] ?? $PDOException->getCode(); if ($errorCode != 2006) { throw $PDOException; } else { $this->close($connection); return $this->update($sql, $params, $connection, false, $transaction, $close); } } catch (\ErrorException $exception) { // Super odd we'd get one of these // we're trying to catch "Error while sending QUERY packet." if (!$reconnect) { throw $exception; } // Try again $this->close($connection); return $this->update($sql, $params, $connection, false, $transaction, $close); } } /** @inheritdoc */ public function select($sql, $params, $connection = 'default', $reconnect = false, $close = false) { if ($this->log != null) { $this->log->sql($sql, $params); } try { $sth = $this->getConnection($connection)->prepare($sql); $sth->execute($params); $records = $sth->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $this->incrementStat($connection, 'select'); if ($close) { $this->close($connection); } return $records; } catch (\PDOException $PDOException) { // Throw if we're not expected to reconnect. if (!$reconnect) { throw $PDOException; } $errorCode = $PDOException->errorInfo[1] ?? $PDOException->getCode(); if ($errorCode != 2006) { throw $PDOException; } else { $this->close($connection); return $this->select($sql, $params, $connection, false, $close); } } catch (\ErrorException $exception) { // Super odd we'd get one of these // we're trying to catch "Error while sending QUERY packet." if (!$reconnect) { throw $exception; } // Try again $this->close($connection); return $this->select($sql, $params, $connection, false, $close); } } /** @inheritdoc */ public function updateWithDeadlockLoop($sql, $params, $connection = 'default', $transaction = true, $close = false) { $maxRetries = 2; // Should we log? if ($this->log != null) { $this->log->sql($sql, $params); } // Start a transaction? if ($transaction && !$this->getConnection($connection)->inTransaction()) { $this->getConnection($connection)->beginTransaction(); } // Prepare the statement $statement = $this->getConnection($connection)->prepare($sql); // Deadlock protect this statement $success = false; $retries = $maxRetries; do { try { $this->incrementStat($connection, 'update'); $statement->execute($params); // Successful $success = true; } catch (\PDOException $PDOException) { $errorCode = $PDOException->errorInfo[1] ?? $PDOException->getCode(); if ($errorCode != 1213 && $errorCode != 1205) { throw $PDOException; } } if ($success) { break; } // Sleep a bit, give the DB time to breathe $queryHash = substr($sql, 0, 15) . '... [' . md5($sql . json_encode($params)) . ']'; $this->log->debug('Retrying query after a short nap, try: ' . (3 - $retries) . '. Query Hash: ' . $queryHash); usleep(10000); } while ($retries--); if (!$success) { throw new DeadlockException(sprintf( __('Failed to write to database after %d retries. Please try again later.'), $maxRetries )); } if ($close) { $this->close($connection); } } /** @inheritdoc */ public function commitIfNecessary($name = 'default', $close = false) { if ($this->getConnection($name)->inTransaction()) { $this->incrementStat($name, 'commit'); $this->getConnection($name)->commit(); } } /** * Set the TimeZone for this connection * @param string $timeZone e.g. -8:00 * @param string $connection */ public function setTimeZone($timeZone, $connection = 'default') { $this->getConnection($connection)->query('SET time_zone = \'' . $timeZone . '\';'); $this->incrementStat($connection, 'utility'); } /** * PDO stats * @return array */ public function stats() { self::$stats['connections'] = count(self::$conn); return self::$stats; } /** @inheritdoc */ public static function incrementStat($connection, $key) { $currentCount = (isset(self::$stats[$connection][$key])) ? self::$stats[$connection][$key] : 0; self::$stats[$connection][$key] = $currentCount + 1; } /** * @inheritdoc */ public function getVersion() { if (self::$version === null) { $results = $this->select('SELECT version() AS v', []); if (count($results) <= 0) { return null; } self::$version = explode('-', $results[0]['v'])[0]; } return self::$version; } }