. */ namespace Xibo\Report; use Carbon\Carbon; use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface; use Xibo\Entity\ReportForm; use Xibo\Entity\ReportResult; use Xibo\Entity\ReportSchedule; use Xibo\Factory\DisplayFactory; use Xibo\Factory\DisplayGroupFactory; use Xibo\Helper\DateFormatHelper; use Xibo\Helper\Translate; use Xibo\Service\ReportServiceInterface; use Xibo\Support\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Xibo\Support\Sanitizer\SanitizerInterface; /** * Class TimeConnected * @package Xibo\Report */ class TimeConnected implements ReportInterface { use ReportDefaultTrait; /** * @var DisplayFactory */ private $displayFactory; /** * @var DisplayGroupFactory */ private $displayGroupFactory; /** * @var ReportServiceInterface */ private $reportService; /** @inheritdoc */ public function setFactories(ContainerInterface $container) { $this->displayFactory = $container->get('displayFactory'); $this->displayGroupFactory = $container->get('displayGroupFactory'); $this->reportService = $container->get('reportService'); return $this; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function getReportEmailTemplate() { return 'timeconnected-email-template.twig'; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function getSavedReportTemplate() { return 'timeconnected-report-preview'; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function getReportForm() { $groups = []; $displays = []; foreach ($this->displayGroupFactory->query(['displayGroup'], ['isDisplaySpecific' => -1]) as $displayGroup) { /* @var \Xibo\Entity\DisplayGroup $displayGroup */ if ($displayGroup->isDisplaySpecific == 1) { $displays[] = $displayGroup; } else { $groups[] = $displayGroup; } } return new ReportForm( 'timeconnected-report-form', 'timeconnected', 'Display', [ 'displays' => $displays, 'displayGroups' => $groups, 'fromDateOneDay' => Carbon::now()->subSeconds(86400)->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()), 'toDate' => Carbon::now()->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()), ], __('Select a type and an item (i.e., layout/media/tag)') ); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function getReportScheduleFormData(SanitizerInterface $sanitizedParams) { $data['hiddenFields'] = '{}'; $data['reportName'] = 'timeconnected'; $groups = []; $displays = []; foreach ($this->displayGroupFactory->query(['displayGroup'], ['isDisplaySpecific' => -1]) as $displayGroup) { /* @var \Xibo\Entity\DisplayGroup $displayGroup */ if ($displayGroup->isDisplaySpecific == 1) { $displays[] = $displayGroup; } else { $groups[] = $displayGroup; } } $data['displays'] = $displays; $data['displayGroups'] = $groups; return [ 'template' => 'timeconnected-schedule-form-add', 'data' => $data ]; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function setReportScheduleFormData(SanitizerInterface $sanitizedParams) { $filter = $sanitizedParams->getString('filter'); $groupByFilter = $sanitizedParams->getString('groupByFilter'); $displayGroupIds = $sanitizedParams->getIntArray('displayGroupIds'); $hiddenFields = json_decode($sanitizedParams->getString('hiddenFields'), true); $filterCriteria['displayGroupIds'] = $displayGroupIds; $filterCriteria['filter'] = $filter; $schedule = ''; if ($filter == 'daily') { $schedule = ReportSchedule::$SCHEDULE_DAILY; $filterCriteria['reportFilter'] = 'yesterday'; $filterCriteria['groupByFilter'] = $groupByFilter; } elseif ($filter == 'weekly') { $schedule = ReportSchedule::$SCHEDULE_WEEKLY; $filterCriteria['reportFilter'] = 'lastweek'; $filterCriteria['groupByFilter'] = $groupByFilter; } elseif ($filter == 'monthly') { $schedule = ReportSchedule::$SCHEDULE_MONTHLY; $filterCriteria['reportFilter'] = 'lastmonth'; $filterCriteria['groupByFilter'] = $groupByFilter; } elseif ($filter == 'yearly') { $schedule = ReportSchedule::$SCHEDULE_YEARLY; $filterCriteria['reportFilter'] = 'lastyear'; $filterCriteria['groupByFilter'] = $groupByFilter; } $filterCriteria['sendEmail'] = $sanitizedParams->getCheckbox('sendEmail'); $filterCriteria['nonusers'] = $sanitizedParams->getString('nonusers'); // Return return [ 'filterCriteria' => json_encode($filterCriteria), 'schedule' => $schedule ]; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function generateSavedReportName(SanitizerInterface $sanitizedParams) { return sprintf(__('%s report for Display', ucfirst($sanitizedParams->getString('filter')))); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function restructureSavedReportOldJson($result) { return $result; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function getSavedReportResults($json, $savedReport) { $metadata = [ 'periodStart' => $json['metadata']['periodStart'], 'periodEnd' => $json['metadata']['periodEnd'], 'generatedOn' => Carbon::createFromTimestamp($savedReport->generatedOn) ->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()), 'title' => $savedReport->saveAs, ]; // Report result object return new ReportResult( $metadata, $json['table'], $json['recordsTotal'], $json['chart'] ); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function getResults(SanitizerInterface $sanitizedParams) { // Get an array of display id this user has access to. $displayIds = $this->getDisplayIdFilter($sanitizedParams); // From and To Date Selection // -------------------------- // Our report has a range filter which determines whether the user has to enter their own from / to dates // check the range filter first and set from/to dates accordingly. $reportFilter = $sanitizedParams->getString('reportFilter'); // Use the current date as a helper $now = Carbon::now(); switch ($reportFilter) { case 'today': $fromDt = $now->copy()->startOfDay(); $toDt = $fromDt->copy()->addDay(); break; case 'yesterday': $fromDt = $now->copy()->startOfDay()->subDay(); $toDt = $now->copy()->startOfDay(); break; case 'thisweek': $fromDt = $now->copy()->locale(Translate::GetLocale())->startOfWeek(); $toDt = $fromDt->copy()->addWeek(); break; case 'thismonth': $fromDt = $now->copy()->startOfMonth(); $toDt = $fromDt->copy()->addMonth(); break; case 'thisyear': $fromDt = $now->copy()->startOfYear(); $toDt = $fromDt->copy()->addYear(); break; case 'lastweek': $fromDt = $now->copy()->locale(Translate::GetLocale())->startOfWeek()->subWeek(); $toDt = $fromDt->copy()->addWeek(); break; case 'lastmonth': $fromDt = $now->copy()->startOfMonth()->subMonth(); $toDt = $fromDt->copy()->addMonth(); break; case 'lastyear': $fromDt = $now->copy()->startOfYear()->subYear(); $toDt = $fromDt->copy()->addYear(); break; case '': default: // Expect dates to be provided. $fromDt = $sanitizedParams->getDate('statsFromDt', ['default' => Carbon::now()->subDay()]); $fromDt->startOfDay(); $toDt = $sanitizedParams->getDate('statsToDt', ['default' => Carbon::now()]); $toDt->addDay()->startOfDay(); // What if the fromdt and todt are exactly the same? // in this case assume an entire day from midnight on the fromdt to midnight on the todt (i.e. add a day to the todt) if ($fromDt == $toDt) { $toDt->addDay(); } // No need to execute the query if fromdt/todt range is not correct if ($fromDt > $toDt) { return []; } break; } // Use the group by filter provided // NB: this differs from the Summary Report where we set the group by according to the range selected $groupByFilter = $sanitizedParams->getString('groupByFilter'); // // Get Results! // with keys "result", "periods", "periodStart", "periodEnd" // ------------- $result = $this->getTimeDisconnectedMySql($fromDt, $toDt, $groupByFilter, $displayIds); // // Output Results // -------------- if ($this->getUser()->isSuperAdmin()) { $sql = 'SELECT displayId, display FROM display WHERE 1 = 1'; if (count($displayIds) > 0) { $sql .= ' AND displayId IN (' . implode(',', $displayIds) . ')'; } } $timeConnected = []; $displays = []; $i = 0; $key = 0; foreach ($this->store->select($sql, []) as $row) { $displayId = intval($row['displayId']); $displayName = $row['display']; // Set the display name for the displays in this row. $displays[$key][$displayId] = $displayName; // Go through each period foreach ($result['periods'] as $resPeriods) { // $temp = $resPeriods['customLabel']; if (empty($timeConnected[$temp][$displayId]['percent'])) { $timeConnected[$key][$temp][$displayId]['percent'] = 100; } if (empty($timeConnected[$temp][$displayId]['label'])) { $timeConnected[$key][$temp][$displayId]['label'] = $resPeriods['customLabel']; } foreach ($result['result'] as $res) { if ($res['displayId'] == $displayId && $res['customLabel'] == $resPeriods['customLabel']) { $timeConnected[$key][$temp][$displayId]['percent'] = 100 - round($res['percent'], 2); $timeConnected[$key][$temp][$displayId]['label'] = $resPeriods['customLabel']; } else { continue; } } } $i++; if ($i >= 3) { $i = 0; $key++; } } // ---- // No grid // Return data to build chart/table // This will get saved to a json file when schedule runs return new ReportResult( [ 'periodStart' => Carbon::createFromTimestamp($fromDt->toDateTime()->format('U'))->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()), 'periodEnd' => Carbon::createFromTimestamp($toDt->toDateTime()->format('U'))->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()), ], [ 'timeConnected' => $timeConnected, 'displays' => $displays ] ); } /** * MySQL distribution report * @param Carbon $fromDt The filter range from date * @param Carbon $toDt The filter range to date * @param string $groupByFilter Grouping, byhour, bydayofweek and bydayofmonth * @param array $displayIds * @return array */ private function getTimeDisconnectedMySql($fromDt, $toDt, $groupByFilter, $displayIds) { if ($groupByFilter == 'bydayofmonth') { $customLabel = 'Y-m-d (D)'; } else { $customLabel = 'Y-m-d g:i A'; } // Create periods covering the from/to dates // ----------------------------------------- try { $periods = $this->getTemporaryPeriodsTable($fromDt, $toDt, $groupByFilter, 'temp_periods', $customLabel); } catch (InvalidArgumentException $invalidArgumentException) { return []; } try { $periods2 = $this->getTemporaryPeriodsTable($fromDt, $toDt, $groupByFilter, 'temp_periods2', $customLabel); } catch (InvalidArgumentException $invalidArgumentException) { return []; } // Join in stats // ------------- $query = ' SELECT periods.id, periods.start, periods.end, periods.label, periods.customLabel, display, displayId, SUM(duration) AS downtime, periods.end - periods.start AS periodDuration, SUM(duration) / (periods.end - periods.start) * 100 AS percent FROM ' . $periods2 . ' AS periods INNER JOIN ( SELECT id, label, customLabel, display, displayId, GREATEST(periods.start, down.start) AS actualStart, LEAST(periods.end, down.end) AS actualEnd, LEAST(periods.end, down.end) - GREATEST(periods.start, down.start) AS duration, periods.end - periods.start AS periodDuration, (LEAST(periods.end, down.end) - GREATEST(periods.start, down.start)) / (periods.end - periods.start) * 100 AS percent FROM ' . $periods . ' AS periods LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT start, IFNULL(end, UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) AS end, displayevent.displayId, display.display FROM displayevent INNER JOIN display ON display.displayId = displayevent.displayId '; // Displays if (count($displayIds) > 0) { $query .= ' WHERE display.displayID IN (' . implode(',', $displayIds) . ') '; } $query .= ' ) down ON down.start < periods.`end` AND down.end > periods.`start` ) joined ON joined.customLabel = periods.customLabel GROUP BY periods.id, periods.start, periods.end, periods.label, periods.customLabel, joined.display, joined.displayId ORDER BY id, display '; return [ 'result' => $this->getStore()->select($query, []), 'periods' => $this->getStore()->select('SELECT * from ' . $periods, []), 'periodStart' => $fromDt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'periodEnd' => $toDt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') ]; } }