. */ namespace Xibo\Report; use Carbon\Carbon; use http\Exception\RuntimeException; use Psr\Log\NullLogger; use Slim\Http\ServerRequest as Request; use Xibo\Entity\ReportResult; use Xibo\Helper\Translate; use Xibo\Service\LogServiceInterface; use Xibo\Storage\StorageServiceInterface; use Xibo\Storage\TimeSeriesStoreInterface; use Xibo\Support\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Xibo\Support\Sanitizer\SanitizerInterface; /** * Trait ReportDefaultTrait * @package Xibo\Report */ trait ReportDefaultTrait { /** * @var StorageServiceInterface */ private $store; /** * @var TimeSeriesStoreInterface */ private $timeSeriesStore; /** * @var LogServiceInterface */ private $logService; /** * @var Request */ private $request; /** @var \Xibo\Entity\User */ private $user; /** * Set common dependencies. * @param StorageServiceInterface $store * @param TimeSeriesStoreInterface $timeSeriesStore * @return $this */ public function setCommonDependencies($store, $timeSeriesStore) { $this->store = $store; $this->timeSeriesStore = $timeSeriesStore; $this->logService = new NullLogger(); return $this; } /** * @param LogServiceInterface $logService * @return $this */ public function useLogger(LogServiceInterface $logService) { $this->logService = $logService; return $this; } /** * Get Store * @return StorageServiceInterface */ protected function getStore() { return $this->store; } /** * Get TimeSeriesStore * @return TimeSeriesStoreInterface */ protected function getTimeSeriesStore() { return $this->timeSeriesStore; } /** * Get Log * @return LogServiceInterface */ protected function getLog() { return $this->logService; } /** * @return \Xibo\Entity\User * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\NotFoundException */ public function getUser() { return $this->user; } /** * Set user Id * @param \Xibo\Entity\User $user * @return $this */ public function setUser($user) { $this->user = $user; return $this; } /** * Get chart script * @param ReportResult $results * @return string */ public function getReportChartScript($results) { return null; } /** * Generate saved report name * @param SanitizerInterface $sanitizedParams * @return string */ public function generateSavedReportName(SanitizerInterface $sanitizedParams) { $saveAs = sprintf(__('%s report'), ucfirst($sanitizedParams->getString('filter'))); return $saveAs. ' '. Carbon::now()->format('Y-m-d'); } /** * Get a temporary table representing the periods covered * @param Carbon $fromDt * @param Carbon $toDt * @param string $groupByFilter * @param string $table * @param string $customLabel Custom Label * @return string * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function getTemporaryPeriodsTable($fromDt, $toDt, $groupByFilter, $table = 'temp_periods', $customLabel = 'Y-m-d H:i:s') { // My from/to dt represent the entire range we're interested in. // we need to generate periods according to our grouping, within that range. // Clone them so as to not effect the calling object $fromDt = $fromDt->copy(); $toDt = $toDt->copy(); // our from/to dates might not sit nicely inside our period groupings // for example if we look at June, by week, the 1st of June is a Saturday, week 22. // NB: // FromDT/ToDt should always be at the start of the day. switch ($groupByFilter) { case 'byweek': $fromDt->locale(Translate::GetLocale())->startOfWeek(); break; case 'bymonth': $fromDt->startOfMonth(); break; } // Temporary Periods Table // ----------------------- // we will use a temporary table for this. // Drop table if exists $this->getStore()->getConnection()->exec(' DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `' . $table . '`'); $this->getStore()->getConnection()->exec(' CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `' . $table . '` ( id INT, customLabel VARCHAR(20), label VARCHAR(20), start INT, end INT ); '); // Prepare an insert statement $periods = $this->getStore()->getConnection()->prepare(' INSERT INTO `' . $table . '` (id, customLabel, label, start, end) VALUES (:id, :customLabel, :label, :start, :end) '); // Loop until we've covered all periods needed $loopDate = $fromDt->copy(); while ($toDt > $loopDate) { // We add different periods for each type of grouping if ($groupByFilter == 'byhour') { $periods->execute([ 'id' => $loopDate->hour, 'customLabel' => $loopDate->format($customLabel), 'label' => $loopDate->format('g:i A'), 'start' => $loopDate->format('U'), 'end' => $loopDate->addHour()->format('U') ]); } elseif ($groupByFilter == 'byday') { $periods->execute([ 'id' => $loopDate->year . $loopDate->month . $loopDate->day, 'customLabel' => $loopDate->format($customLabel), 'label' => $loopDate->format('Y-m-d'), 'start' => $loopDate->format('U'), 'end' => $loopDate->addDay()->format('U') ]); } elseif ($groupByFilter == 'byweek') { $weekNo = $loopDate->locale(Translate::GetLocale())->week(); $periods->execute([ 'id' => $loopDate->weekOfYear . $loopDate->year, 'customLabel' => $loopDate->format($customLabel), 'label' => $loopDate->format('Y-m-d') . '(w' . $weekNo . ')', 'start' => $loopDate->format('U'), 'end' => $loopDate->addWeek()->format('U') ]); } elseif ($groupByFilter == 'bymonth') { $periods->execute([ 'id' => $loopDate->year . $loopDate->month, 'customLabel' => $loopDate->format($customLabel), 'label' => $loopDate->format('M'), 'start' => $loopDate->format('U'), 'end' => $loopDate->addMonth()->format('U') ]); } elseif ($groupByFilter == 'bydayofweek') { $periods->execute([ 'id' => $loopDate->dayOfWeek, 'customLabel' => $loopDate->format($customLabel), 'label' => $loopDate->format('D'), 'start' => $loopDate->format('U'), 'end' => $loopDate->addDay()->format('U') ]); } elseif ($groupByFilter == 'bydayofmonth') { $periods->execute([ 'id' => $loopDate->day, 'customLabel' => $loopDate->format($customLabel), 'label' => $loopDate->format('d'), 'start' => $loopDate->format('U'), 'end' => $loopDate->addDay()->format('U') ]); } else { $this->getLog()->error('Unknown Grouping Selected ' . $groupByFilter); throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Unknown Grouping ') . $groupByFilter, 'groupByFilter'); } } $this->getLog()->debug(json_encode($this->store->select('SELECT * FROM ' . $table, []), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); return $table; } /** * Get an array of displayIds we should pass into the query, * if an exception is thrown, we should stop the report and return no results. * @param \Xibo\Support\Sanitizer\SanitizerInterface $params * @return array displayIds * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\GeneralException */ private function getDisplayIdFilter(SanitizerInterface $params): array { $displayIds = []; // Filters $displayId = $params->getInt('displayId'); $displayGroupIds = $params->getIntArray('displayGroupId', ['default' => null]); if ($displayId !== null) { // Don't bother checking if we are a super admin if (!$this->getUser()->isSuperAdmin()) { $display = $this->displayFactory->getById($displayId); if ($this->getUser()->checkViewable($display)) { $displayIds[] = $displayId; } } else { $displayIds[] = $displayId; } } else { // If we are NOT a super admin OR we have some display group filters // get an array of display id this user has access to. // we cannot rely on the logged-in user because this will be run by the task runner which is a sysadmin if (!$this->getUser()->isSuperAdmin() || $displayGroupIds !== null) { // This will be the displayIds the user has access to, and are in the displayGroupIds provided. foreach ($this->displayFactory->query( null, [ 'userCheckUserId' => $this->getUser()->userId, 'displayGroupIds' => $displayGroupIds, ] ) as $display) { $displayIds[] = $display->displayId; } } } // If we are a super admin without anything filtered, the object of this method is to return an empty // array. // If we are any other user, we must return something in the array. if (!$this->getUser()->isSuperAdmin() && count($displayIds) <= 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('No displays with View permissions'), 'displays'); } return $displayIds; } }