. */ namespace Xibo\OAuth; use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\AccessTokenEntityInterface; use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\ClientEntityInterface; use League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\AccessTokenRepositoryInterface; use Stash\Interfaces\PoolInterface; use Xibo\Factory\ApplicationFactory; /** * Class AccessTokenRepository * @package Xibo\Storage */ class AccessTokenRepository implements AccessTokenRepositoryInterface { /** @var \Xibo\Service\LogServiceInterface*/ private $logger; /** * @var ApplicationFactory */ private $applicationFactory; /** * @var PoolInterface */ private $pool; /** * AccessTokenRepository constructor. * @param \Xibo\Service\LogServiceInterface $logger */ public function __construct($logger, PoolInterface $pool, ApplicationFactory $applicationFactory) { $this->logger = $logger; $this->pool = $pool; $this->applicationFactory = $applicationFactory; } /** @inheritDoc */ public function getNewToken(ClientEntityInterface $clientEntity, array $scopes, $userIdentifier = null) { $this->logger->debug('Getting new Access Token'); $accessToken = new AccessTokenEntity(); $accessToken->setClient($clientEntity); foreach ($scopes as $scope) { $accessToken->addScope($scope); } // client credentials, we take user from the client entity // authentication code, we have userIdentifier already $userIdentifier = $userIdentifier ?? $clientEntity->userId; $accessToken->setUserIdentifier($userIdentifier); // set user and log to audit $this->logger->setUserId($userIdentifier); $this->logger->audit( 'Auth', 0, 'Access Token issued', [ 'Application identifier ends with' => substr($clientEntity->getIdentifier(), -8), 'Application Name' => $clientEntity->getName() ] ); return $accessToken; } /** @inheritDoc */ public function isAccessTokenRevoked($tokenId) { $cache = $this->pool->getItem('C_' . $tokenId); $data = $cache->get(); // if cache is expired if ($cache->isMiss() || empty($data)) { return true; } $cache2 = $this->pool->getItem('C_' . $data['client'] . '/' . $data['userIdentifier']); $data2 = $cache2->get(); // cache manually removed (revoke access, changed secret) if ($cache2->isMiss() || empty($data2)) { return true; } if ($data['client'] !== $data2['client'] || $data['userIdentifier'] !== $data2['userIdentifier']) { return true; } // if it is correctly cached, double check that it is still authorized at the request time // edge case being new access code requested with not yet expired code, // otherwise one of the previous conditions will be met. // Note: we can only do this if one grant type is selected on the client. $client = $this->applicationFactory->getClientEntity($data['client']); if ($client->clientCredentials === 0 && $client->authCode === 1 && !$this->applicationFactory->checkAuthorised($data['client'], $data['userIdentifier']) ) { return true; } return false; } /** @inheritDoc */ public function persistNewAccessToken(AccessTokenEntityInterface $accessTokenEntity) { $date = clone $accessTokenEntity->getExpiryDateTime(); // since stash cache sets expiresAt at up to provided date // with up to 15% less than the provided date // add more time to normal token expire, to ensure cache does not expire before the token. $date = $date->add(new \DateInterval('PT30M')); // cache with token identifier $cache = $this->pool->getItem('C_' . $accessTokenEntity->getIdentifier()); $cache->set( [ 'userIdentifier' => $accessTokenEntity->getUserIdentifier(), 'client' => $accessTokenEntity->getClient()->getIdentifier() ] ); $cache->expiresAt($date); $this->pool->saveDeferred($cache); // double cache with client identifier and user identifier // this will allow us to revoke access to client or for specific client/user combination in the backend $cache2 = $this->pool->getItem( 'C_' . $accessTokenEntity->getClient()->getIdentifier() . '/' . $accessTokenEntity->getUserIdentifier() ); $cache2->set( [ 'userIdentifier' => $accessTokenEntity->getUserIdentifier(), 'client' => $accessTokenEntity->getClient()->getIdentifier() ] ); $cache2->expiresAt($date); $this->pool->saveDeferred($cache2); } /** @inheritDoc */ public function revokeAccessToken($tokenId) { $this->pool->getItem('C_' . $tokenId)->clear(); } }