. */ namespace Xibo\Middleware; use Illuminate\Support\Str; use League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\OAuthServerException; use Nyholm\Psr7\Factory\Psr17Factory; use Slim\Exception\HttpNotFoundException; use Slim\Exception\HttpSpecializedException; use Slim\Http\Factory\DecoratedResponseFactory; use Slim\Http\Response as Response; use Slim\Http\ServerRequest as Request; use Xibo\Helper\Environment; use Xibo\Helper\HttpsDetect; use Xibo\Helper\Translate; use Xibo\Support\Exception\AccessDeniedException; use Xibo\Support\Exception\ExpiredException; use Xibo\Support\Exception\GeneralException; use Xibo\Support\Exception\InstanceSuspendedException; use Xibo\Support\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Xibo\Support\Exception\UpgradePendingException; /** * Class Handlers * @package Xibo\Middleware */ class Handlers { /** * A JSON error handler to format and output a JSON response and HTTP status code depending on the error received. * @param \Psr\Container\ContainerInterface $container * @return \Closure */ public static function jsonErrorHandler($container) { return function (Request $request, \Throwable $exception, bool $displayErrorDetails, bool $logErrors, bool $logErrorDetails) use ($container) { self::rollbackAndCloseStore($container); self::writeLog($request, $logErrors, $logErrorDetails, $exception, $container); // Generate a response (start with a 500) $nyholmFactory = new Psr17Factory(); $decoratedResponseFactory = new DecoratedResponseFactory($nyholmFactory, $nyholmFactory); /** @var Response $response */ $response = $decoratedResponseFactory->createResponse(500); if ($exception instanceof GeneralException || $exception instanceof OAuthServerException) { return $exception->generateHttpResponse($response); } else if ($exception instanceof HttpSpecializedException) { return $response->withJson([ 'success' => false, 'error' => $exception->getCode(), 'message' => $exception->getTitle(), 'help' => $exception->getDescription() ]); } else { // Any other exception, check to see if we hide the real message return $response->withJson([ 'success' => false, 'error' => 500, 'message' => $displayErrorDetails ? $exception->getMessage() : __('Unexpected Error, please contact support.') ]); } }; } /** * @param \Psr\Container\ContainerInterface $container * @return \Closure */ public static function webErrorHandler($container) { return function (Request $request, \Throwable $exception, bool $displayErrorDetails, bool $logErrors, bool $logErrorDetails) use ($container) { self::rollbackAndCloseStore($container); self::writeLog($request, $logErrors, $logErrorDetails, $exception, $container); // Create a response // we're outside Slim's middleware here, so we have to handle the response ourselves. $nyholmFactory = new Psr17Factory(); $decoratedResponseFactory = new DecoratedResponseFactory($nyholmFactory, $nyholmFactory); $response = $decoratedResponseFactory->createResponse(); // We need to build all the functions required in the views manually because our middleware stack will // not have been built for this handler. // Slim4 has made this much more difficult! // Terrible in fact. // Get the Twig view /** @var \Slim\Views\Twig $twig */ $twig = $container->get('view'); /** @var \Xibo\Service\ConfigService $configService */ $configService = $container->get('configService'); $configService->setDependencies($container->get('store'), $container->get('rootUri')); $configService->loadTheme(); // Do we need to issue STS? $response = HttpsDetect::decorateWithStsIfNecessary($configService, $request, $response); // Prepend our theme files to the view path // Does this theme provide an alternative view path? if ($configService->getThemeConfig('view_path') != '') { $twig->getLoader()->prependPath(Str::replaceFirst('..', PROJECT_ROOT, $configService->getThemeConfig('view_path'))); } // We have translated error/not-found Translate::InitLocale($configService); // Build up our own params to pass to Twig $viewParams = [ 'theme' => $configService, 'homeUrl' => $configService->rootUri(), 'aboutUrl' => $configService->rootUri() . 'about', 'loginUrl' => $configService->rootUri() . 'login', 'version' => Environment::$WEBSITE_VERSION_NAME ]; // Handle 404's if ($exception instanceof HttpNotFoundException) { if ($request->isXhr()) { return $response->withJson([ 'success' => false, 'error' => 404, 'message' => __('Sorry we could not find that page.') ], 404); } else { return $twig->render($response, 'not-found.twig', $viewParams)->withStatus(404); } } else { // Make a friendly message if ($displayErrorDetails || $exception instanceof GeneralException) { $message = $exception->getMessage(); } else { $message = __('Unexpected Error, please contact support.'); } // Parse out data for the exception $exceptionData = [ 'success' => false, 'error' => $exception->getCode(), 'message' => $message ]; // TODO: we need to update the support library to make getErrorData public /*if ($exception instanceof GeneralException) { array_merge($exception->getErrorData(), $exceptionData); }*/ if ($request->isXhr()) { // Note: these are currently served as 200's, which is expected by the FE. return $response->withJson($exceptionData); } else { // What status code? $statusCode = 500; if ($exception instanceof GeneralException) { $statusCode = $exception->getHttpStatusCode(); } if ($exception instanceof HttpSpecializedException) { $statusCode = $exception->getCode(); } // Decide which error page we should load $exceptionClass = 'error-' . strtolower(str_replace('\\', '-', get_class($exception))); // Override the page for an Upgrade Pending Exception if ($exception instanceof UpgradePendingException) { $exceptionClass = 'upgrade-in-progress-page'; } if (file_exists(PROJECT_ROOT . '/views/' . $exceptionClass . '.twig')) { $template = $exceptionClass; } else { $template = 'error'; } try { return $twig->render($response, $template . '.twig', array_merge($viewParams, $exceptionData)) ->withStatus($statusCode); } catch (\Exception $exception) { $response->getBody()->write('Fatal error'); return $response->withStatus(500); } } } }; } /** * @param \Psr\Container\ContainerInterface $container * @return \Closure */ public static function testErrorHandler($container) { return function (Request $request, \Throwable $exception, bool $displayErrorDetails, bool $logErrors, bool $logErrorDetails) use ($container) { self::rollbackAndCloseStore($container); $nyholmFactory = new Psr17Factory(); $decoratedResponseFactory = new DecoratedResponseFactory($nyholmFactory, $nyholmFactory); /** @var Response $response */ $response = $decoratedResponseFactory->createResponse($exception->getCode()); return $response->withJson([ 'success' => false, 'error' => $exception->getMessage(), 'httpStatus' => $exception->getCode(), 'data' => [] ]); }; } /** * Determine if we are a handled exception * @param $e * @return bool */ private static function handledError($e): bool { return ($e instanceof InvalidArgumentException || $e instanceof ExpiredException || $e instanceof AccessDeniedException || $e instanceof InstanceSuspendedException || $e instanceof UpgradePendingException ); } /** * @param \Psr\Container\ContainerInterface $container */ private static function rollbackAndCloseStore($container) { // If we are in a transaction, then we should rollback. if ($container->get('store')->getConnection()->inTransaction()) { $container->get('store')->getConnection()->rollBack(); } $container->get('store')->close(); } /** * @param Request $request * @param bool $logErrors * @param bool $logErrorDetails * @param \Throwable $exception * @param \Psr\Container\ContainerInterface $container */ private static function writeLog($request, bool $logErrors, bool $logErrorDetails, \Throwable $exception, $container) { /** @var \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger */ $logger = $container->get('logger'); // Add a processor to our log handler Log::addLogProcessorToLogger($logger, $request); // Handle logging the error. if ($logErrors && !self::handledError($exception)) { $logger->error($exception->getMessage()); if ($logErrorDetails) { $logger->debug($exception->getTraceAsString()); $previous = $exception->getPrevious(); if ($previous !== null) { $logger->debug(get_class($previous) . ': ' . $previous->getMessage()); } } } } }