. */ namespace Xibo\Factory; use Xibo\Entity\Homepage; use Xibo\Entity\User; use Xibo\Entity\UserGroup; use Xibo\Support\Exception\NotFoundException; /** * Class UserGroupFactory * @package Xibo\Factory */ class UserGroupFactory extends BaseFactory { /** @var array */ private $features = null; /** @var array */ private $homepages = null; /** * Construct a factory * @param User $user * @param UserFactory $userFactory */ public function __construct($user, $userFactory) { $this->setAclDependencies($user, $userFactory); } /** * Create Empty User Group Object * @return UserGroup */ public function createEmpty() { return new UserGroup($this->getStore(), $this->getLog(), $this->getDispatcher(), $this, $this->getUserFactory()); } /** * Create User Group * @param $userGroup * @param $libraryQuota * @return UserGroup */ public function create($userGroup, $libraryQuota) { $group = $this->createEmpty(); $group->group = $userGroup; $group->libraryQuota = $libraryQuota; return $group; } /** * Get by Group Id * @param int $groupId * @return UserGroup * @throws NotFoundException */ public function getById($groupId) { $groups = $this->query(null, ['disableUserCheck' => 1, 'groupId' => $groupId, 'isUserSpecific' => -1]); if (count($groups) <= 0) throw new NotFoundException(__('Group not found')); return $groups[0]; } /** * Get by Group Name * @param string $group * @param int $isUserSpecific * @return UserGroup * @throws NotFoundException */ public function getByName($group, $isUserSpecific = 0) { $groups = $this->query(null, ['disableUserCheck' => 1, 'exactGroup' => $group, 'isUserSpecific' => $isUserSpecific]); if (count($groups) <= 0) throw new NotFoundException(__('Group not found')); return $groups[0]; } /** * Get Everyone Group * @return UserGroup * @throws NotFoundException */ public function getEveryone() { $groups = $this->query(null, ['disableUserCheck' => 1, 'isEveryone' => 1]); if (count($groups) <= 0) throw new NotFoundException(__('Group not found')); return $groups[0]; } /** * Get isSystemNotification Group * @return UserGroup[] */ public function getSystemNotificationGroups() { return $this->query(null, ['disableUserCheck' => 1, 'isSystemNotification' => 1, 'isUserSpecific' => -1, 'checkRetired' => 1]); } /** * Get isDisplayNotification Group * @param int|null $displayGroupId Optionally provide a displayGroupId to restrict to view permissions. * @return UserGroup[] */ public function getDisplayNotificationGroups($displayGroupId = null) { return $this->query(null, [ 'disableUserCheck' => 1, 'isDisplayNotification' => 1, 'isUserSpecific' => -1, 'displayGroupId' => $displayGroupId, 'checkRetired' => 1 ]); } /** * Get by User Id * @param int $userId * @return \Xibo\Entity\UserGroup[] */ public function getByUserId($userId) { return $this->query(null, ['disableUserCheck' => 1, 'userId' => $userId, 'isUserSpecific' => 0]); } /** * Get User Groups assigned to Notifications * @param int $notificationId * @return array[UserGroup] */ public function getByNotificationId($notificationId) { return $this->query(null, ['disableUserCheck' => 1, 'notificationId' => $notificationId, 'isUserSpecific' => -1]); } /** * Get by Display Group * @param int $displayGroupId * @return UserGroup[] */ public function getByDisplayGroupId($displayGroupId) { return $this->query(null, ['disableUserCheck' => 1, 'displayGroupId' => $displayGroupId]); } /** * @param array $sortOrder * @param array $filterBy * @return UserGroup[] */ public function query($sortOrder = null, $filterBy = []) { $parsedFilter = $this->getSanitizer($filterBy); $entries = []; $params = []; if ($sortOrder === null) { $sortOrder = ['`group`']; } $select = ' SELECT `group`.group, `group`.description, `group`.groupId, `group`.isUserSpecific, `group`.isEveryone, `group`.libraryQuota, `group`.isSystemNotification, `group`.isDisplayNotification, `group`.isShownForAddUser, `group`.defaultHomepageId, `group`.features '; $body = ' FROM `group` WHERE 1 = 1 '; // Permissions if ($parsedFilter->getCheckbox('disableUserCheck') == 0) { // Normal users can only see their group if ($this->getUser()->userTypeId != 1) { $body .= ' AND `group`.groupId IN ( SELECT `group`.groupId FROM `lkusergroup` INNER JOIN `group` ON `group`.groupId = `lkusergroup`.groupId AND `group`.isUserSpecific = 0 WHERE `lkusergroup`.userId = :currentUserId ) '; $params['currentUserId'] = $this->getUser()->userId; } } if ($parsedFilter->getInt('checkRetired') === 1) { $body .= ' AND `group`.groupId NOT IN ( SELECT `group`.groupId FROM `user` INNER JOIN `lkusergroup` ON `lkusergroup`.userId = `user`.userId INNER JOIN `group` ON `group`.groupId = `lkusergroup`.groupId AND isUserSpecific = 1 WHERE user.retired = 1 ) '; } // Filter by Group Id if ($parsedFilter->getInt('groupId') !== null) { $body .= ' AND `group`.groupId = :groupId '; $params['groupId'] = $parsedFilter->getInt('groupId'); } // Filter by Group Name if ($parsedFilter->getString('group') != null) { $terms = explode(',', $parsedFilter->getString('group')); $logicalOperator = $parsedFilter->getString('logicalOperatorName', ['default' => 'OR']); $this->nameFilter( 'group', 'group', $terms, $body, $params, ($parsedFilter->getCheckbox('useRegexForName') == 1), $logicalOperator ); } if ($parsedFilter->getString('exactGroup') != null) { $body .= ' AND `group`.group = :exactGroup '; $params['exactGroup'] = $parsedFilter->getString('exactGroup'); } // Filter by User Id if ($parsedFilter->getInt('userId') !== null) { $body .= ' AND `group`.groupId IN (SELECT groupId FROM `lkusergroup` WHERE userId = :userId) '; $params['userId'] = $parsedFilter->getInt('userId'); } if ($parsedFilter->getInt('isUserSpecific') !== -1) { $body .= ' AND isUserSpecific = :isUserSpecific '; $params['isUserSpecific'] = $parsedFilter->getInt('isUserSpecific', ['default' => 0]); } // Always apply isEveryone=0 unless its been provided otherwise. $body .= ' AND isEveryone = :isEveryone '; $params['isEveryone'] = $parsedFilter->getInt('isEveryone', ['default' => 0]); if ($parsedFilter->getInt('isSystemNotification') !== null) { $body .= ' AND isSystemNotification = :isSystemNotification '; $params['isSystemNotification'] = $parsedFilter->getInt('isSystemNotification'); } if ($parsedFilter->getInt('isDisplayNotification') !== null) { $body .= ' AND isDisplayNotification = :isDisplayNotification '; $params['isDisplayNotification'] = $parsedFilter->getInt('isDisplayNotification'); } if ($parsedFilter->getInt('notificationId') !== null) { $body .= ' AND `group`.groupId IN (SELECT groupId FROM `lknotificationgroup` WHERE notificationId = :notificationId) '; $params['notificationId'] = $parsedFilter->getInt('notificationId'); } if ($parsedFilter->getInt('isShownForAddUser') !== null) { $body .= ' AND `group`.isShownForAddUser = :isShownForAddUser '; $params['isShownForAddUser'] = $parsedFilter->getInt('isShownForAddUser'); } if ($parsedFilter->getInt('displayGroupId') !== null) { $body .= ' AND `group`.groupId IN ( SELECT DISTINCT `permission`.groupId FROM `permission` INNER JOIN `permissionentity` ON `permissionentity`.entityId = permission.entityId AND `permissionentity`.entity = \'Xibo\\Entity\\DisplayGroup\' WHERE `permission`.objectId = :displayGroupId AND `permission`.view = 1 ) '; $params['displayGroupId'] = $parsedFilter->getInt('displayGroupId'); } // Sorting? $order = ''; if (is_array($sortOrder)) $order .= ' ORDER BY ' . implode(',', $sortOrder); $limit = ''; // Paging if ($parsedFilter->hasParam('start') && $parsedFilter->hasParam('length')) { $limit = ' LIMIT ' . $parsedFilter->getInt('start', ['default' => 0]) . ', ' . $parsedFilter->getInt('length', ['default' => 10]); } $sql = $select . $body . $order . $limit; foreach ($this->getStore()->select($sql, $params) as $row) { $group = $this->createEmpty()->hydrate($row, [ 'intProperties' => [ 'isUserSpecific', 'isEveryone', 'libraryQuota', 'isSystemNotification', 'isDisplayNotification', 'isShownForAddUser' ], 'stringProperties' => [ 'defaultHomepageId' ] ]); // Parse the features JSON string stored in database $group->features = ($group->features === null) ? [] : json_decode($group->features, true); $entries[] = $group; } // Paging if ($limit != '' && count($entries) > 0) { $results = $this->getStore()->select('SELECT COUNT(*) AS total ' . $body, $params); $this->_countLast = intval($results[0]['total']); } return $entries; } /** * @param \Xibo\Entity\User $user The User * @param bool $includeIsUser * @return array */ public function getGroupFeaturesForUser($user, $includeIsUser = true) { $features = []; foreach ($this->getStore()->select(' SELECT `group`.groupId, `group`.features FROM `group` INNER JOIN `lkusergroup` ON `lkusergroup`.groupId = `group`.groupId WHERE `group`.groupId = :groupId OR `group`.groupId IN (SELECT groupId FROM lkusergroup WHERE userId = :userId) ', [ 'userId' => $user->userId, 'groupId' => $user->groupId ]) as $featureString ) { if (!$includeIsUser && $user->groupId == $featureString['groupId']) { continue; } $feature = ($featureString['features'] == null) ? [] : json_decode($featureString['features'], true); $features = array_merge($feature, $features); } return $features; } /** * @param string $group * @return array */ public function getFeaturesByGroup(string $group) { $groupFeatures = []; foreach ($this->getFeatures() as $feature) { if ($feature['group'] === $group) { $groupFeatures[] = $feature; } } return $groupFeatures; } /** * Populate the core system features and homepages * @return array */ public function getFeatures() { if ($this->features === null) { $this->features = [ 'schedule.view' => [ 'feature' => 'schedule.view', 'group' => 'scheduling', 'title' => __('Page which shows all Events added to the Calendar for the purposes of Schedule Management') ], 'schedule.agenda' => [ 'feature' => 'schedule.agenda', 'group' => 'scheduling', 'title' => __('Include the Agenda View on the Calendar') ], 'schedule.add' => [ 'feature' => 'schedule.add', 'group' => 'scheduling', 'title' => __('Include "Add Event" button to allow for the creation of new Scheduled Events') ], 'schedule.modify' => [ 'feature' => 'schedule.modify', 'group' => 'scheduling', 'title' => __('Allow edits including deletion of existing Scheduled Events') ], 'schedule.now' => [ 'feature' => 'schedule.now', 'group' => 'scheduling', 'title' => __('Add "Schedule Now" function to allow for the creation of short events to play immediately') ], 'daypart.view' => [ 'feature' => 'daypart.view', 'group' => 'scheduling', 'title' => __('Page which shows all Dayparts that have been created') ], 'daypart.add' => [ 'feature' => 'daypart.add', 'group' => 'scheduling', 'title' => __('Include "Add Daypart" button to allow for the creation of new Dayparts') ], 'daypart.modify' => [ 'feature' => 'daypart.modify', 'group' => 'scheduling', 'title' => __('Allow edits including deletion to be made to all created Dayparts') ], 'library.view' => [ 'feature' => 'library.view', 'group' => 'library', 'title' => __('Page which shows all items that have been uploaded to the Library for the purposes of Media Management') ], 'library.add' => [ 'feature' => 'library.add', 'group' => 'library', 'title' => __('Include "Add Media" buttons to allow for additional content to be uploaded to the Media Library') ], 'library.modify' => [ 'feature' => 'library.modify', 'group' => 'library', 'title' => __('Allow edits including deletion to all items uploaded to the Media Library') ], 'dataset.view' => [ 'feature' => 'dataset.view', 'group' => 'library', 'title' => __('Page which shows all DataSets that have been created which can be used in multiple Layouts') ], 'dataset.add' => [ 'feature' => 'dataset.add', 'group' => 'library', 'title' => __('Include "Add DataSet" button to allow for additional DataSets to be created independently to Layouts') ], 'dataset.modify' => [ 'feature' => 'dataset.modify', 'group' => 'library', 'title' => __('Allow edits including deletion to all created DataSets independently to Layouts') ], 'dataset.data' => [ 'feature' => 'dataset.data', 'group' => 'library', 'title' => __('Allow edits including deletion to all data contained within a DataSet independently to Layouts') ], 'layout.view' => [ 'feature' => 'layout.view', 'group' => 'layout-design', 'title' => __('Page which shows all Layouts that have been created for the purposes of Layout Management') ], 'layout.add' => [ 'feature' => 'layout.add', 'group' => 'layout-design', 'title' => __('Include "Add Layout" button to allow for additional Layouts to be created') ], 'layout.modify' => [ 'feature' => 'layout.modify', 'group' => 'layout-design', 'title' => __('Allow edits including deletion to be made to all created Layouts') ], 'layout.export' => [ 'feature' => 'layout.export', 'group' => 'layout-design', 'title' => __('Include the Export function for all editable Layouts to allow a User to export a Layout and its contents regardless of the share options that have been set') ], 'campaign.view' => [ 'feature' => 'campaign.view', 'group' => 'campaigns', 'title' => __('Page which shows all Campaigns that have been created for the purposes of Campaign Management') ], 'campaign.add' => [ 'feature' => 'campaign.add', 'group' => 'campaigns', 'title' => __('Include "Add Campaign" button to allow for additional Campaigns to be created') ], 'campaign.modify' => [ 'feature' => 'campaign.modify', 'group' => 'campaigns', 'title' => __('Allow edits including deletion to all created Campaigns') ], 'ad.campaign' => [ 'feature' => 'ad.campaign', 'group' => 'campaigns', 'title' => __('Access to Ad Campaigns') ], 'template.view' => [ 'feature' => 'template.view', 'group' => 'layout-design', 'title' => __('Page which shows all Templates that have been saved') ], 'template.add' => [ 'feature' => 'template.add', 'group' => 'layout-design', 'title' => __('Add "Save Template" function for all Layouts') ], 'template.modify' => [ 'feature' => 'template.modify', 'group' => 'layout-design', 'title' => __('Allow edits to be made to all saved Templates') ], 'resolution.view' => [ 'feature' => 'resolution.view', 'group' => 'layout-design', 'title' => __('Page which shows all Resolutions that have been added to the platform') ], 'resolution.add' => [ 'feature' => 'resolution.add', 'group' => 'layout-design', 'title' => __('Add Resolution button to allow for additional Resolutions to be added') ], 'resolution.modify' => [ 'feature' => 'resolution.modify', 'group' => 'layout-design', 'title' => __('Allow edits including deletion to all added Resolutions') ], 'tag.view' => [ 'feature' => 'tag.view', 'group' => 'tagging', 'title' => __('Page which shows all Tags that have been added for the purposes of Tag Management') ], 'tag.tagging' => [ 'feature' => 'tag.tagging', 'group' => 'tagging', 'title' => __('Ability to add and edit Tags when assigning to items') ], 'playlist.view' => [ 'feature' => 'playlist.view', 'group' => 'playlist-design', 'title' => __('Page which shows all Playlists that have been created which can be used in multiple Layouts') ], 'playlist.add' => [ 'feature' => 'playlist.add', 'group' => 'playlist-design', 'title' => __('Include "Add Playlist" button to allow for additional Playlists to be created independently to Layouts') ], 'playlist.modify' => [ 'feature' => 'playlist.modify', 'group' => 'playlist-design', 'title' => __('Allow edits including deletion to all created Playlists independently to Layouts') ], 'user.profile' => [ 'feature' => 'user.profile', 'group' => 'users', 'title' => __('Ability to update own Profile, including changing passwords and authentication preferences') ], 'drawer' => [ 'feature' => 'drawer', 'group' => 'users', 'title' => __('Notifications appear in the navigation bar') ], 'notification.centre' => [ 'feature' => 'notification.centre', 'group' => 'notifications', 'title' => __('Access to the Notification Centre to view past notifications') ], 'application.view' => [ 'feature' => 'application.view', 'group' => 'users', 'title' => __('Access to API applications') ], 'user.sharing' => [ 'feature' => 'user.sharing', 'group' => 'users', 'title' => __('Allow Sharing capabilities for all User objects') ], 'notification.add' => [ 'feature' => 'notification.add', 'group' => 'notifications', 'title' => __('Include "Add Notification" button to allow for the creation of new notifications') ], 'notification.modify' => [ 'feature' => 'notification.modify', 'group' => 'notifications', 'title' => __('Allow edits including deletion for all notifications in the Notification Centre') ], 'users.view' => [ 'feature' => 'users.view', 'group' => 'users-management', 'title' => __('Page which shows all Users in the platform for the purposes of User Management') ], 'users.add' => [ 'feature' => 'users.add', 'group' => 'users-management', 'title' => __('Include "Add User" button to allow for additional Users to be added to the platform') ], 'users.modify' => [ 'feature' => 'users.modify', 'group' => 'users-management', 'title' => __('Allow Group Admins to edit including deletion, for all added Users within their group') ], 'usergroup.view' => [ 'feature' => 'usergroup.view', 'group' => 'users-management', 'title' => __('Page which shows all User Groups that have been created') ], 'usergroup.modify' => [ 'feature' => 'usergroup.modify', 'group' => 'users-management', 'title' => __('Allow edits including deletion for all created User Groups') ], 'dashboard.status' => [ 'feature' => 'dashboard.status', 'group' => 'dashboards', 'title' => __('Status Dashboard showing key platform metrics, suitable for an Administrator.') ], 'dashboard.media.manager' => [ 'feature' => 'dashboard.media.manager', 'group' => 'dashboards', 'title' => __('Media Manager Dashboard showing only the Widgets the user has access to modify.') ], 'dashboard.playlist' => [ 'feature' => 'dashboard.playlist', 'group' => 'dashboards', 'title' => __('Playlist Dashboard showing only the Playlists configured in Layouts the user has access to modify.') ], 'displays.view' => [ 'feature' => 'displays.view', 'group' => 'displays', 'title' => __('Page which shows all Displays added to the platform for the purposes of Display Management') ], 'displays.add' => [ 'feature' => 'displays.add', 'group' => 'displays', 'title' => __('Include "Add Display" button to allow additional Displays to be added to the platform') ], 'displays.modify' => [ 'feature' => 'displays.modify', 'group' => 'displays', 'title' => __('Allow edits including deletion for all added Displays') ], 'displaygroup.view' => [ 'feature' => 'displaygroup.view', 'group' => 'displays', 'title' => __('Page which shows all Display Groups that have been created') ], 'displaygroup.add' => [ 'feature' => 'displaygroup.add', 'group' => 'displays', 'title' => __('Include "Add Display Group" button to allow for the creation of additional Display Groups') ], 'displaygroup.modify' => [ 'feature' => 'displaygroup.modify', 'group' => 'displays', 'title' => __('Allow edits including deletion for all created Display Groups') ], 'displayprofile.view' => [ 'feature' => 'displayprofile.view', 'group' => 'displays', 'title' => __('Page which shows all Display Setting Profiles that have been added') ], 'displayprofile.add' => [ 'feature' => 'displayprofile.add', 'group' => 'displays', 'title' => __('Include "Add Profile" button to allow for additional Display Setting Profiles to be added to the platform') ], 'displayprofile.modify' => [ 'feature' => 'displayprofile.modify', 'group' => 'displays', 'title' => __('Allow edits including deletion for all created Display Setting Profiles') ], 'playersoftware.view' => [ 'feature' => 'playersoftware.view', 'group' => 'displays', 'title' => __('Page to view/add/edit/delete/download Player Software Versions') ], 'command.view' => [ 'feature' => 'command.view', 'group' => 'displays', 'title' => __('Page to view/add/edit/delete Commands') ], 'fault.view' => [ 'feature' => 'fault.view', 'group' => 'troubleshooting', 'title' => __('Access to a Report Fault wizard for collecting reports to forward to the support team for analysis, which may contain sensitive data.') ], 'log.view' => [ 'feature' => 'log.view', 'group' => 'troubleshooting', 'title' => __('Page to show debug and error logging which may contain sensitive data') ], 'session.view' => [ 'feature' => 'session.view', 'group' => 'troubleshooting', 'title' => __('Page to show all User Sessions throughout the platform') ], 'auditlog.view' => [ 'feature' => 'auditlog.view', 'group' => 'troubleshooting', 'title' => __('Page to show the Audit Trail for all created/modified and removed items throughout the platform') ], 'module.view' => [ 'feature' => 'module.view', 'group' => 'system', 'title' => __('Page which allows for Module Management for the platform') ], 'transition.view' => [ 'feature' => 'transition.view', 'group' => 'system', 'title' => __('Page which allows for Transition Management for the platform') ], 'task.view' => [ 'feature' => 'task.view', 'group' => 'system', 'title' => __('Page which allows for Task Management for the platform') ], 'help.view' => [ 'feature' => 'help.view', 'group' => 'system', 'title' => __('Page which allows for Help Link Management for the platform') ], 'report.view' => [ 'feature' => 'report.view', 'group' => 'reporting', 'title' => __('Dashboard which shows all available Reports') ], 'displays.reporting' => [ 'feature' => 'displays.reporting', 'group' => 'reporting', 'title' => __('Display Reports to show bandwidth usage and time connected / disconnected') ], 'proof-of-play' => [ 'feature' => 'proof-of-play', 'group' => 'reporting', 'title' => __('Proof of Play Reports which include summary and distribution by Layout, Media or Event') ], 'report.scheduling' => [ 'feature' => 'report.scheduling', 'group' => 'reporting', 'title' => __('Page which shows all Reports that have been Scheduled') ], 'report.saving' => [ 'feature' => 'report.saving', 'group' => 'reporting', 'title' => __('Page which shows all Reports that have been Saved') ], 'folder.view' => [ 'feature' => 'folder.view', 'group' => 'folders', 'title' => __('View Folder Tree on Grids and Forms') ], 'folder.add' => [ 'feature' => 'folder.add', 'group' => 'folders', 'title' => __('Allow users to create Sub-Folders under Folders they have access to. (Except the Root Folder)') ], 'folder.modify' => [ 'feature' => 'folder.modify', 'group' => 'folders', 'title' => __('Rename and Delete existing Folders') ], 'folder.userHome' => [ 'feature' => 'folder.userHome', 'group' => 'folders', 'title' => __('Set a home folder for a user') ], 'menuBoard.view' => [ 'feature' => 'menuBoard.view', 'group' => 'menuboard-design', 'title' => __('View the Menu Board page') ], 'menuBoard.add' => [ 'feature' => 'menuBoard.add', 'group' => 'menuboard-design', 'title' => __('Include "Add Menu Board" button to allow for additional Menu Boards to be added to the platform') ], 'menuBoard.modify' => [ 'feature' => 'menuBoard.modify', 'group' => 'menuboard-design', 'title' => __('Allow edits, creation of Menu Board Categories and Products including deletion for all created Menu Board content') ], ]; } return $this->features; } /** * @param string $homepage The home page id * @return array|mixed * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\NotFoundException */ public function getHomepageByName(string $homepage) { $homepages = $this->getHomepages(); if (!array_key_exists($homepage, $homepages)) { throw new NotFoundException(sprintf(__('Homepage %s not found.'), $homepage)); } return $homepages[$homepage]; } /** * @return \Xibo\Entity\Homepage[] */ public function getHomepages() { if ($this->homepages === null) { $this->homepages = [ 'statusdashboard.view' => new Homepage( 'statusdashboard.view', 'dashboard.status', __('Status Dashboard'), __('Status Dashboard showing key platform metrics, usually for an administrator.') ), 'icondashboard.view' => new Homepage( 'icondashboard.view', '', __('Icon Dashboard'), __('Icon Dashboard showing an easy access set of feature icons the user can access.') ), 'mediamanager.view' => new Homepage( 'mediamanager.view', 'dashboard.media.manager', __('Media Manager Dashboard'), __('Media Manager Dashboard showing all Widgets the user has access to modify.') ), 'playlistdashboard.view' => new Homepage( 'playlistdashboard.view', 'dashboard.playlist', __('Playlist Dashboard'), __('Playlist Dashboard showing all Playlists configured in Layouts the user has access to modify.') ), ]; } return $this->homepages; } /** * @param string $feature * @param string $title * @return $this */ public function registerCustomFeature(string $feature, string $title) { $this->getFeatures(); if (!array_key_exists($feature, $this->features)) { $this->features[$feature] = [ 'feature' => $feature, 'group' => 'custom', 'title' => $title ]; } return $this; } /** * @param string $homepage * @param string $title * @param string $description * @param string $feature * @return $this */ public function registerCustomHomepage(string $homepage, string $title, string $description, string $feature) { $this->getHomepages(); if (!array_key_exists($homepage, $this->homepages)) { $this->homepages[$homepage] = new Homepage( $homepage, $feature, $title, $description ); } return $this; } }