. */ namespace Xibo\Factory; use Xibo\Entity\Region; use Xibo\Support\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Xibo\Support\Exception\NotFoundException; /** * Class RegionFactory * @package Xibo\Factory */ class RegionFactory extends BaseFactory { /** * @var RegionOptionFactory */ private $regionOptionFactory; /** * @var PermissionFactory */ private $permissionFactory; /** * @var PlaylistFactory */ private $playlistFactory; /** @var ActionFactory */ private $actionFactory; /** @var CampaignFactory */ private $campaignFactory; /** * Construct a factory * @param PermissionFactory $permissionFactory * @param RegionOptionFactory $regionOptionFactory * @param PlaylistFactory $playlistFactory * @param ActionFactory $actionFactory */ public function __construct($permissionFactory, $regionOptionFactory, $playlistFactory, $actionFactory, $campaignFactory) { $this->permissionFactory = $permissionFactory; $this->regionOptionFactory = $regionOptionFactory; $this->playlistFactory = $playlistFactory; $this->actionFactory = $actionFactory; $this->campaignFactory = $campaignFactory; } /** * @return Region */ public function createEmpty() { return new Region( $this->getStore(), $this->getLog(), $this->getDispatcher(), $this, $this->permissionFactory, $this->regionOptionFactory, $this->playlistFactory, $this->actionFactory, $this->campaignFactory ); } /** * Create a new region * @param int $ownerId ; * @param string $name * @param int $width * @param int $height * @param int $top * @param int $left * @param int $zIndex * @param int $isDrawer * @return Region * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function create($ownerId, $name, $width, $height, $top, $left, $zIndex = 0, $isDrawer = 0) { // Validation if (!is_numeric($width) || !is_numeric($height) || !is_numeric($top) || !is_numeric($left)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Size and coordinates must be generic')); } if ($width <= 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Width must be greater than 0')); } if ($height <= 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Height must be greater than 0')); } return $this->hydrate($this->createEmpty(), [ 'ownerId' => $ownerId, 'name' => $name, 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'top' => $top, 'left' => $left, 'zIndex' => $zIndex, 'isDrawer' => $isDrawer, ]); } /** * Get the regions for a layout * @param int $layoutId * @return array[\Xibo\Entity\Region] */ public function getByLayoutId($layoutId) { // Get all regions for this layout return $this->query([], ['disableUserCheck' => 1, 'layoutId' => $layoutId, 'isDrawer' => 0]); } /** * Get the drawer regions for a layout * @param int $layoutId * @return array[\Xibo\Entity\Region] */ public function getDrawersByLayoutId($layoutId) { // Get all regions for this layout return $this->query([], ['disableUserCheck' => 1, 'layoutId' => $layoutId, 'isDrawer' => 1]); } /** * Get the regions for a playlist * @param int $playlistId * @return array[\Xibo\Entity\Region] */ public function getByPlaylistId($playlistId) { // Get all regions for this layout return $this->query([], ['disableUserCheck' => 1, 'playlistId' => $playlistId]); } /** * Load a region * @param int $regionId * @return Region * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\NotFoundException */ public function loadByRegionId($regionId) { $region = $this->getById($regionId); $region->load(); return $region; } /** * Get by RegionId * @param int $regionId * @return Region * @throws NotFoundException */ public function getById($regionId) { // Get a region by its ID $regions = $this->query(array(), array('disableUserCheck' => 1, 'regionId' => $regionId)); if (count($regions) <= 0) throw new NotFoundException(__('Region not found')); return $regions[0]; } /** * @param $ownerId * @return Region[] */ public function getByOwnerId($ownerId) { return $this->query(null, ['disableUserCheck' => 1, 'userId' => $ownerId]); } /** * @param array $sortOrder * @param array $filterBy * @return Region[] */ public function query($sortOrder = [], $filterBy = []) { $entries = []; $sanitizedFilter = $this->getSanitizer($filterBy); $params = []; $sql = ' SELECT `region`.regionId, `region`.layoutId, `region`.ownerId, `region`.name, `region`.width, `region`.height, `region`.top, `region`.left, `region`.zIndex, `region`.duration, `region`.isDrawer '; $sql .= ' FROM `region` '; $sql .= ' WHERE 1 = 1 '; if ($sanitizedFilter->getInt('regionId') != 0) { $sql .= ' AND regionId = :regionId '; $params['regionId'] = $sanitizedFilter->getInt('regionId'); } if ($sanitizedFilter->getInt('layoutId') != 0) { $sql .= ' AND layoutId = :layoutId '; $params['layoutId'] = $sanitizedFilter->getInt('layoutId'); } if ($sanitizedFilter->getInt('playlistId') !== null) { $sql .= ' AND regionId IN (SELECT regionId FROM playlist WHERE playlistId = :playlistId) '; $params['playlistId'] = $sanitizedFilter->getInt('playlistId'); } if ($sanitizedFilter->getInt('isDrawer') !== null) { $sql .= ' AND region.isDrawer = :isDrawer '; $params['isDrawer'] = $sanitizedFilter->getInt('isDrawer'); } if ($sanitizedFilter->getInt('userId') !== null) { $sql .= ' AND region.ownerId = :userId '; $params['userId'] = $sanitizedFilter->getInt('userId'); } // Order by Name $sql .= ' ORDER BY `region`.name '; foreach ($this->getStore()->select($sql, $params) as $row) { $entries[] = $this->hydrate($this->createEmpty(), $row); } return $entries; } /** * @param Region $region * @param array $row * @return Region */ private function hydrate($region, $row) { return $region->hydrate($row, [ 'intProperties' => ['zIndex', 'duration', 'isDrawer'], 'doubleProperties' => ['width', 'height', 'top', 'left'] ]); } }