. */ namespace Xibo\Factory; use Xibo\Entity\MenuBoardCategory; use Xibo\Entity\MenuBoardProduct; use Xibo\Support\Exception\NotFoundException; class MenuBoardCategoryFactory extends BaseFactory { /** @var MenuBoardProductOptionFactory */ private $menuBoardProductOptionFactory; /** * Construct a factory * @param MenuBoardProductOptionFactory $menuBoardProductOptionFactory */ public function __construct($menuBoardProductOptionFactory) { $this->menuBoardProductOptionFactory = $menuBoardProductOptionFactory; } /** * Create Empty * @return MenuBoardCategory */ public function createEmpty() { return new MenuBoardCategory( $this->getStore(), $this->getLog(), $this->getDispatcher(), $this ); } /** * Create Empty * @return MenuBoardProduct */ public function createEmptyProduct() { return new MenuBoardProduct( $this->getStore(), $this->getLog(), $this->getDispatcher(), $this->menuBoardProductOptionFactory ); } /** * Create a new Category * @param int $menuId * @param string $name * @param int $mediaId * @param string $code * @return MenuBoardCategory */ public function create($menuId, $name, $mediaId, $code) { $menuBoardCategory = $this->createEmpty(); $menuBoardCategory->menuId = $menuId; $menuBoardCategory->name = $name; $menuBoardCategory->mediaId = $mediaId; $menuBoardCategory->code = $code; return $menuBoardCategory; } /** * Create a new Product * @param int $menuId * @param int $menuCategoryId * @param string $name * @param string $price * @param string $description * @param string $allergyInfo * @param int $availability * @param int $mediaId * @param string $code * @return MenuBoardProduct */ public function createProduct( $menuId, $menuCategoryId, $name, $price, $description, $allergyInfo, $availability, $mediaId, $code ) { $menuBoardProduct = $this->createEmptyProduct(); $menuBoardProduct->menuId = $menuId; $menuBoardProduct->menuCategoryId = $menuCategoryId; $menuBoardProduct->name = $name; $menuBoardProduct->price = $price; $menuBoardProduct->description = $description; $menuBoardProduct->allergyInfo = $allergyInfo; $menuBoardProduct->availability = $availability; $menuBoardProduct->mediaId = $mediaId; $menuBoardProduct->code = $code; return $menuBoardProduct; } /** * @param int $menuCategoryId * @return MenuBoardCategory * @throws NotFoundException */ public function getById(int $menuCategoryId) { $this->getLog()->debug('MenuBoardCategoryFactory getById ' . $menuCategoryId); $menuCategories = $this->query(null, ['disableUserCheck' => 1, 'menuCategoryId' => $menuCategoryId]); if (count($menuCategories) <= 0) { $this->getLog()->debug('Menu Board Category not found with ID ' . $menuCategoryId); throw new NotFoundException(__('Menu Board Category not found')); } return $menuCategories[0]; } /** * @param int $menuId * @return MenuBoardCategory[] * @throws NotFoundException */ public function getByMenuId(int $menuId) { $this->getLog()->debug('MenuBoardCategoryFactory getById ' . $menuId); $menuCategories = $this->query(null, ['disableUserCheck' => 1, 'menuId' => $menuId]); if (count($menuCategories) <= 0) { $this->getLog()->debug('Menu Board Category not found for Menu Board ID ' . $menuId); } return $menuCategories; } /** * @param int $menuProductId * @return MenuBoardProduct * @throws NotFoundException */ public function getByProductId(int $menuProductId) { $this->getLog()->debug('MenuBoardCategoryFactory getByProductId ' . $menuProductId); $menuProducts = $this->getProductData(null, ['disableUserCheck' => 1, 'menuProductId' => $menuProductId]); if (count($menuProducts) <= 0) { $this->getLog()->debug('Menu Board Product not found with ID ' . $menuProductId); throw new NotFoundException(__('Menu Board Product not found')); } return $menuProducts[0]; } /** * @param null $sortOrder * @param array $filterBy * @return MenuBoardCategory[] */ public function query($sortOrder = null, $filterBy = []) { if ($sortOrder === null) { $sortOrder = ['menuCategoryId DESC']; } $sanitizedFilter = $this->getSanitizer($filterBy); $params = []; $entries = []; $select = ' SELECT menu_category.menuCategoryId, `menu_category`.menuId, `menu_category`.name, `menu_category`.code, `menu_category`.mediaId '; $body = ' FROM menu_category WHERE 1 = 1 '; if ($sanitizedFilter->getInt('menuCategoryId') !== null) { $body .= ' AND `menu_category`.menuCategoryId = :menuCategoryId '; $params['menuCategoryId'] = $sanitizedFilter->getInt('menuCategoryId'); } if ($sanitizedFilter->getInt('menuId') !== null) { $body .= ' AND `menu_category`.menuId = :menuId '; $params['menuId'] = $sanitizedFilter->getInt('menuId'); } if ($sanitizedFilter->getInt('userId') !== null) { $body .= ' AND `menu_category`.userId = :userId '; $params['userId'] = $sanitizedFilter->getInt('userId'); } if ($sanitizedFilter->getString('name') != '') { $terms = explode(',', $sanitizedFilter->getString('name')); $this->nameFilter('menu_category', 'name', $terms, $body, $params, ($sanitizedFilter->getCheckbox('useRegexForName') == 1)); } if ($sanitizedFilter->getString('code') != '') { $body.= ' AND `menu_category`.code LIKE :code '; $params['code'] = '%' . $sanitizedFilter->getString('code') . '%'; } if ($sanitizedFilter->getInt('mediaId') !== null) { $body .= ' AND `menu_category`.mediaId = :mediaId '; $params['mediaId'] = $sanitizedFilter->getInt('mediaId'); } // Sorting? $order = ''; if (is_array($sortOrder)) { $order .= 'ORDER BY ' . implode(',', $sortOrder); } $limit = ''; // Paging if ($filterBy !== null && $sanitizedFilter->getInt('start') !== null && $sanitizedFilter->getInt('length') !== null) { $limit = ' LIMIT ' . $sanitizedFilter->getInt('start', ['default' => 0]) . ', ' . $sanitizedFilter->getInt('length', ['default' => 10]); } $sql = $select . $body . $order . $limit; foreach ($this->getStore()->select($sql, $params) as $row) { $menuCategory = $this->createEmpty()->hydrate($row); $entries[] = $menuCategory; } // Paging if ($limit != '' && count($entries) > 0) { $results = $this->getStore()->select('SELECT COUNT(*) AS total ' . $body, $params); $this->_countLast = intval($results[0]['total']); } return $entries; } /** * @param null $sortOrder * @param array $filterBy * @return MenuBoardProduct[] */ public function getProductData($sortOrder = null, $filterBy = []) { if ($sortOrder === null) { $sortOrder = ['availability DESC, menuProductId']; } $sanitizedFilter = $this->getSanitizer($filterBy); $params = []; $entries = []; $select = ' SELECT `menu_product`.menuProductId, `menu_product`.menuId, `menu_product`.menuCategoryId, `menu_product`.name, `menu_product`.price, `menu_product`.description, `menu_product`.mediaId, `menu_product`.availability, `menu_product`.allergyInfo, `menu_product`.code '; $body = ' FROM menu_product WHERE 1 = 1 '; if ($sanitizedFilter->getInt('menuProductId') !== null) { $body .= ' AND `menu_product`.menuProductId = :menuProductId '; $params['menuProductId'] = $sanitizedFilter->getInt('menuProductId'); } if ($sanitizedFilter->getInt('menuId') !== null) { $body .= ' AND `menu_product`.menuId = :menuId '; $params['menuId'] = $sanitizedFilter->getInt('menuId'); } if ($sanitizedFilter->getInt('menuCategoryId') !== null) { $body .= ' AND `menu_product`.menuCategoryId = :menuCategoryId '; $params['menuCategoryId'] = $sanitizedFilter->getInt('menuCategoryId'); } if ($sanitizedFilter->getString('name') != '') { $terms = explode(',', $sanitizedFilter->getString('name')); $this->nameFilter('menu_product', 'name', $terms, $body, $params, ($sanitizedFilter->getCheckbox('useRegexForName') == 1)); } if ($sanitizedFilter->getInt('availability') !== null) { $body .= ' AND `menu_product`.availability = :availability '; $params['availability'] = $sanitizedFilter->getInt('availability'); } if ($sanitizedFilter->getString('categories') != null) { $categories = implode('","', array_map('intval', explode(',', $sanitizedFilter->getString('categories')))); $body .= ' AND `menu_product`.menuCategoryId IN ("' . $categories . '") '; } if ($sanitizedFilter->getInt('mediaId') !== null) { $body .= ' AND `menu_product`.mediaId = :mediaId '; $params['mediaId'] = $sanitizedFilter->getInt('mediaId'); } if ($sanitizedFilter->getString('code') != '') { $body.= ' AND `menu_product`.code LIKE :code '; $params['code'] = '%' . $sanitizedFilter->getString('code') . '%'; } // Sorting? $order = ''; if (is_array($sortOrder)) { $order .= 'ORDER BY ' . implode(',', $sortOrder); } $limit = ''; // Paging if ($filterBy !== null && $sanitizedFilter->getInt('start') !== null && $sanitizedFilter->getInt('length') !== null) { $limit = ' LIMIT ' . $sanitizedFilter->getInt('start', ['default' => 0]) . ', ' . $sanitizedFilter->getInt('length', ['default' => 10]); } $sql = $select . $body . $order . $limit; foreach ($this->getStore()->select($sql, $params) as $row) { $menuProduct = $this->createEmptyProduct()->hydrate($row, ['intProperties' => ['availability']]); $entries[] = $menuProduct; } // Paging if ($limit != '' && count($entries) > 0) { $results = $this->getStore()->select('SELECT COUNT(*) AS total ' . $body, $params); $this->_countLast = intval($results[0]['total']); } return $entries; } }