. */ namespace Xibo\Factory; use League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\ClientRepositoryInterface; use Xibo\Entity\Application; use Xibo\Entity\User; use Xibo\Support\Exception\NotFoundException; /** * Class ApplicationFactory * @package Xibo\Factory */ class ApplicationFactory extends BaseFactory implements ClientRepositoryInterface { /** * @var ApplicationRedirectUriFactory */ private $applicationRedirectUriFactory; /** @var ApplicationScopeFactory */ private $applicationScopeFactory; /** * Construct a factory * @param User $user * @param ApplicationRedirectUriFactory $applicationRedirectUriFactory * @param ApplicationScopeFactory $applicationScopeFactory */ public function __construct($user, $applicationRedirectUriFactory, $applicationScopeFactory) { $this->setAclDependencies($user, null); $this->applicationRedirectUriFactory = $applicationRedirectUriFactory; $this->applicationScopeFactory = $applicationScopeFactory; if ($this->applicationRedirectUriFactory == null) { throw new \RuntimeException('Missing dependency: ApplicationRedirectUriFactory'); } } /** * @return Application */ public function create() { $application = $this->createEmpty(); $application->userId = $this->getUser()->userId; return $application; } /** * Create an empty application * @return Application */ public function createEmpty() { if ($this->applicationRedirectUriFactory == null) { throw new \RuntimeException('Missing dependency: ApplicationRedirectUriFactory'); } if ($this->applicationScopeFactory == null) { throw new \RuntimeException('Missing dependency: ApplicationScopeFactory'); } return new Application( $this->getStore(), $this->getLog(), $this->getDispatcher(), $this->applicationRedirectUriFactory, $this->applicationScopeFactory ); } /** * Get by ID * @param $clientId * @return Application * @throws NotFoundException */ public function getById($clientId) { $client = $this->query(null, ['clientId' => $clientId]); if (count($client) <= 0) { throw new NotFoundException(); } return $client[0]; } /** * Get by Name * @param $name * @return Application * @throws NotFoundException */ public function getByName($name) { $client = $this->query(null, ['name' => $name]); if (count($client) <= 0) { throw new NotFoundException(); } return $client[0]; } /** * @param int $userId * @return Application[] */ public function getByUserId($userId) { return $this->query(null, ['userId' => $userId]); } /** * @param null $sortOrder * @param array $filterBy * @return Application[] */ public function query($sortOrder = null, $filterBy = []) { $sanitizedFilter = $this->getSanitizer($filterBy); $entries = []; $params = []; $select = ' SELECT `oauth_clients`.id AS `key`, `oauth_clients`.secret, `oauth_clients`.name, `user`.UserName AS owner, `oauth_clients`.authCode, `oauth_clients`.clientCredentials, `oauth_clients`.userId, `oauth_clients`.isConfidential, `oauth_clients`.description, `oauth_clients`.logo, `oauth_clients`.coverImage, `oauth_clients`.companyName, `oauth_clients`.termsUrl, `oauth_clients`.privacyUrl '; $body = ' FROM `oauth_clients` '; $body .= ' INNER JOIN `user` ON `user`.userId = `oauth_clients`.userId '; $body .= ' WHERE 1 = 1 '; if ($sanitizedFilter->getString('clientId') != null) { $body .= ' AND `oauth_clients`.id = :clientId '; $params['clientId'] = $sanitizedFilter->getString('clientId'); } if ($sanitizedFilter->getString('name') != null) { $body .= ' AND `oauth_clients`.name = :name'; $params['name'] = $sanitizedFilter->getString('name'); } if ($sanitizedFilter->getInt('userId') !== null) { $body .= ' AND `oauth_clients`.userId = :userId '; $params['userId'] = $sanitizedFilter->getInt('userId'); } // Sorting? $order = ''; if (is_array($sortOrder)) { $order .= 'ORDER BY ' . implode(',', $sortOrder); } $limit = ''; // Paging if ($filterBy !== null && $sanitizedFilter->getInt('start') !== null && $sanitizedFilter->getInt('length') !== null) { $limit = ' LIMIT ' . $sanitizedFilter->getInt('start', ['default' => 0]) . ', ' . $sanitizedFilter->getInt('length', ['default' => 10]); } // The final statements $sql = $select . $body . $order . $limit; foreach ($this->getStore()->select($sql, $params) as $row) { $entries[] = $this->createEmpty()->hydrate($row, [ 'intProperties' => ['isConfidential', 'authCode', 'clientCredentials'] ]); } // Paging if ($limit != '' && count($entries) > 0) { $results = $this->getStore()->select('SELECT COUNT(*) AS total ' . $body, $params); $this->_countLast = intval($results[0]['total']); } return $entries; } /** * @inheritDoc * @return Application */ public function getClientEntity($clientIdentifier) { $this->getLog()->debug('getClientEntity for clientId: ' . $clientIdentifier); try { return $this->getById($clientIdentifier)->load(); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { $this->getLog()->debug('getClientEntity: Unable to find ' . $clientIdentifier); return null; } } /** @inheritDoc */ public function validateClient($clientIdentifier, $clientSecret, $grantType) { $this->getLog()->debug('validateClient for clientId: ' . $clientIdentifier . ' grant is ' . $grantType); $client = $this->getClientEntity($clientIdentifier); if ($client === null) { $this->getLog()->debug('Client does not exist'); return false; } if ($client->isConfidential() === true && password_verify($clientSecret, $client->getHash()) === false ) { $this->getLog()->debug('Client secret does not match'); return false; } $this->getLog()->debug('Grant Type '. $grantType . ' being tested. Client is condifential = ' . $client->isConfidential()); // Check to see if this grant_type is allowed for this client switch ($grantType) { case 'authorization_code': case 'refresh_token': if ($client->authCode != 1) { return false; } break; case 'client_credentials': case 'mcaas': if ($client->clientCredentials != 1) { return false; } break; default: return false; } $this->getLog()->debug('Grant Type is allowed.'); return true; } /** * Insert approval record for provided clientId/userId pair with current date and IP address * @param $clientId * @param $userId * @param $approvedDate * @param $approvedIp */ public function setApplicationApproved($clientId, $userId, $approvedDate, $approvedIp) { $this->getLog()->debug('Adding approved Access for Application ' . $clientId . ' for User ' . $userId); $this->getStore()->insert(' INSERT INTO `oauth_lkclientuser` (`clientId`, `userId`, `approvedDate`, `approvedIp`) VALUES (:clientId, :userId, :approvedDate, :approvedIp) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clientId = clientId, userId = userId, approvedDate = :approvedDate, approvedIp = :approvedIp ', [ 'clientId' => $clientId, 'userId' => $userId, 'approvedDate' => $approvedDate, 'approvedIp' => $approvedIp ]); } /** * Check if provided clientId and userId pair are still authorised * @param $clientId * @param $userId * @return bool */ public function checkAuthorised($clientId, $userId): bool { $results = $this->getStore()->select('SELECT clientId, userId FROM `oauth_lkclientuser` WHERE clientId = :clientId AND userId = :userId', [ 'userId' => $userId, 'clientId' => $clientId ]); if (count($results) <= 0) { return false; } return true; } /** * Get applications authorised by specific user * @param $userId * @return array */ public function getAuthorisedByUserId($userId): array { return $this->getStore()->select('SELECT oauth_clients.name, oauth_clients.id, approvedDate, approvedIp FROM `oauth_lkclientuser` INNER JOIN `oauth_clients` on `oauth_lkclientuser`.clientId = `oauth_clients`.id WHERE `oauth_lkclientuser`.userId = :userId', [ 'userId' => $userId ]); } /** * Remove provided clientId and userId pair from link table * @param $userId * @param $clientId */ public function revokeAuthorised($userId, $clientId) { $this->getStore()->update('DELETE FROM `oauth_lkclientuser` WHERE clientId = :clientId AND userId = :userId', [ 'userId' => $userId, 'clientId' => $clientId ]); } }