. */ namespace Xibo\Entity; use Carbon\Carbon; use Respect\Validation\Validator as v; use Xibo\Factory\MediaFactory; use Xibo\Factory\PermissionFactory; use Xibo\Factory\TagFactory; use Xibo\Helper\DateFormatHelper; use Xibo\Service\ConfigServiceInterface; use Xibo\Service\LogServiceInterface; use Xibo\Storage\StorageServiceInterface; use Xibo\Support\Exception\ConfigurationException; use Xibo\Support\Exception\DuplicateEntityException; use Xibo\Support\Exception\GeneralException; use Xibo\Support\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; /** * Class Media * @package Xibo\Entity * * @SWG\Definition() * @property $extension * @property $thumbnail */ class Media implements \JsonSerializable { use EntityTrait; /** * @SWG\Property(description="The Media ID") * @var int */ public $mediaId; /** * @SWG\Property(description="The ID of the User that owns this Media") * @var int */ public $ownerId; /** * @SWG\Property(description="The Parent ID of this Media if it has been revised") * @var int */ public $parentId; /** * @SWG\Property(description="The Name of this Media") * @var string */ public $name; /** * @SWG\Property(description="The module type of this Media") * @var string */ public $mediaType; /** * @SWG\Property(description="The file name of the media as stored in the library") * @var string */ public $storedAs; /** * @SWG\Property(description="The original file name as it was uploaded") * @var string */ public $fileName; // Thing that might be referred to /** * @SWG\Property(description="Tags associated with this Media") * @var Tag[] */ public $tags = []; /** * @SWG\Property(description="The file size in bytes") * @var int */ public $fileSize; /** * @SWG\Property(description="The duration to use when assigning this media to a Layout widget") * @var int */ public $duration = 0; /** * @SWG\Property(description="Flag indicating whether this media is valid.") * @var int */ public $valid = 0; /** * @SWG\Property(description="Flag indicating whether this media is a system file or not") * @var int */ public $moduleSystemFile = 0; /** * @SWG\Property(description="Timestamp indicating when this media should expire") * @var int */ public $expires = 0; /** * @SWG\Property(description="Flag indicating whether this media is retired") * @var int */ public $retired = 0; /** * @SWG\Property(description="Flag indicating whether this media has been edited and replaced with a newer file") * @var int */ public $isEdited = 0; /** * @SWG\Property(description="A MD5 checksum of the stored media file") * @var string */ public $md5; /** * @SWG\Property(description="The username of the User that owns this media") * @var string */ public $owner; /** * @SWG\Property(description="A comma separated list of groups/users with permissions to this Media") * @var string */ public $groupsWithPermissions; /** * @SWG\Property(description="A flag indicating whether this media has been released") * @var int */ public $released = 1; /** * @SWG\Property(description="An API reference") * @var string */ public $apiRef; /** * @var string * @SWG\Property( * description="The datetime the Media was created" * ) */ public $createdDt; /** * @var string * @SWG\Property( * description="The datetime the Media was last modified" * ) */ public $modifiedDt; /** * @var string * @SWG\Property( * description="The option to enable the collection of Media Proof of Play statistics" * ) */ public $enableStat; /** * @var string * @SWG\Property( * description="The orientation of the Media file" * ) */ public $orientation; /** * @var int * @SWG\Property(description="The width of the Media file") */ public $width; /** * @var int * @SWG\Property(description="The height of the Media file") */ public $height; // Private private $unassignTags = []; private $requestOptions = []; private $datesToFormat = ['expires']; // New file revision public $isSaveRequired; public $isRemote; public $cloned = false; public $newExpiry; public $alwaysCopy = false; /** * @SWG\Property(description="The id of the Folder this Media belongs to") * @var int */ public $folderId; /** * @SWG\Property(description="The id of the Folder responsible for providing permissions for this Media") * @var int */ public $permissionsFolderId; public $widgets = []; public $displayGroups = []; public $layoutBackgroundImages = []; private $permissions = []; /** * @var ConfigServiceInterface */ private $config; /** * @var MediaFactory */ private $mediaFactory; /** * @var TagFactory */ private $tagFactory; /** * @var PermissionFactory */ private $permissionFactory; /** * Entity constructor. * @param StorageServiceInterface $store * @param LogServiceInterface $log * @param \Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher * @param ConfigServiceInterface $config * @param MediaFactory $mediaFactory * @param PermissionFactory $permissionFactory * @param TagFactory $tagFactory */ public function __construct($store, $log, $dispatcher, $config, $mediaFactory, $permissionFactory, $tagFactory) { $this->setCommonDependencies($store, $log, $dispatcher); $this->config = $config; $this->mediaFactory = $mediaFactory; $this->permissionFactory = $permissionFactory; $this->tagFactory = $tagFactory; } public function __clone() { // Clear the ID's and all widget/displayGroup assignments $this->mediaId = null; $this->widgets = []; $this->displayGroups = []; $this->layoutBackgroundImages = []; $this->permissions = []; // We need to do something with the name $this->name = sprintf(__('Copy of %s on %s'), $this->name, Carbon::now()->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat())); // Set so that when we add, we copy the existing file in the library $this->fileName = $this->storedAs; $this->storedAs = null; $this->cloned = true; } /** * Get Id * @return int */ public function getId() { return $this->mediaId; } public function getPermissionFolderId() { return $this->permissionsFolderId; } /** * Get Owner Id * @return int */ public function getOwnerId() { return $this->ownerId; } /** * Sets the Owner * @param int $ownerId */ public function setOwner($ownerId) { $this->ownerId = $ownerId; } /** * @return int * @throws GeneralException */ private function countUsages() { $this->load(['fullInfo' => true]); return count($this->widgets) + count($this->displayGroups) + count($this->layoutBackgroundImages); } /** * Is this media used * @param int $usages threshold * @return bool * @throws GeneralException */ public function isUsed($usages = 0) { return $this->countUsages() > $usages; } /** * Assign Tag * @param Tag $tag * @return $this * @throws GeneralException */ public function assignTag($tag): Media { $this->load(); $this->handleTagAssign($tag); $this->getLog()->debug(sprintf('Tags after assignment %s', json_encode($this->tags))); return $this; } /** * Unassign tag * @param Tag $tag * @return $this * @throws GeneralException */ public function unassignTag($tag) { $this->load(); foreach ($this->tags as $key => $currentTag) { if ($currentTag->tagId === $tag->tagId && $currentTag->value === $tag->value) { $this->unassignTags[] = $tag; array_splice($this->tags, $key, 1); } } $this->getLog()->debug(sprintf('Tags after removal %s', json_encode($this->tags))); return $this; } /** * @param array[Tag] $tags */ public function replaceTags($tags = []) { if (!is_array($this->tags) || count($this->tags) <= 0) $this->tags = $this->tagFactory->loadByMediaId($this->mediaId); if ($this->tags != $tags) { $this->unassignTags = array_udiff($this->tags, $tags, function ($a, $b) { /* @var Tag $a */ /* @var Tag $b */ return $a->tagId - $b->tagId; }); $this->getLog()->debug(sprintf('Tags to be removed: %s', json_encode($this->unassignTags))); // Replace the arrays $this->tags = $tags; $this->getLog()->debug(sprintf('Tags remaining: %s', json_encode($this->tags))); } else { $this->getLog()->debug('Tags were not changed'); } } /** * Validate * @param array $options * @throws GeneralException */ public function validate($options) { if (!v::stringType()->notEmpty()->validate($this->mediaType)) throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Unknown Module Type'), 'type'); if (!v::stringType()->notEmpty()->length(1, 100)->validate($this->name)) throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('The name must be between 1 and 100 characters'), 'name'); // Check the naming of this item to ensure it doesn't conflict $params = array(); $checkSQL = 'SELECT `name` FROM `media` WHERE `name` = :name AND userid = :userId'; if ($this->mediaId != 0) { $checkSQL .= ' AND mediaId <> :mediaId AND IsEdited = 0 '; $params['mediaId'] = $this->mediaId; } else if ($options['oldMedia'] != null && $this->name == $options['oldMedia']->name) { $checkSQL .= ' AND IsEdited = 0 '; } $params['name'] = $this->name; $params['userId'] = $this->ownerId; $result = $this->getStore()->select($checkSQL, $params); if (count($result) > 0) throw new DuplicateEntityException(__('Media you own already has this name. Please choose another.')); } /** * Load * @param array $options * @throws GeneralException */ public function load($options = []) { if ($this->loaded || $this->mediaId == null) { return; } $options = array_merge([ 'deleting' => false, 'fullInfo' => false ], $options); $this->getLog()->debug(sprintf('Loading Media. Options = %s', json_encode($options))); // Tags $this->tags = $this->tagFactory->loadByMediaId($this->mediaId); // Are we loading for a delete? If so load the child models, unless we're a module file in which case // we've no need. if ($this->mediaType !== 'module' && ($options['deleting'] || $options['fullInfo'])) { // Permissions $this->permissions = $this->permissionFactory->getByObjectId(get_class($this), $this->mediaId); } $this->loaded = true; } /** * Save this media * @param array $options * @throws ConfigurationException * @throws DuplicateEntityException * @throws InvalidArgumentException * @throws GeneralException */ public function save($options = []) { $this->getLog()->debug('Save for mediaId: ' . $this->mediaId); $options = array_merge([ 'validate' => true, 'oldMedia' => null, 'deferred' => false, 'saveTags' => true ], $options); if ($options['validate'] && $this->mediaType !== 'module') { $this->validate($options); } // Add or edit if ($this->mediaId == null || $this->mediaId == 0) { $this->add(); // Always set force to true as we always want to save new files $this->isSaveRequired = true; $this->audit($this->mediaId, 'Added', [ 'mediaId' => $this->mediaId, 'name' => $this->name, 'mediaType' => $this->mediaType, 'fileName' => $this->fileName, 'folderId' => $this->folderId ]); } else { $this->edit(); // If the media file is invalid, then force an update (only applies to module files) $expires = $this->getOriginalValue('expires'); $this->isSaveRequired = $this->isSaveRequired || $this->valid == 0 || ($expires > 0 && $expires < Carbon::now()->format('U')) || ($this->mediaType === 'module' && !file_exists($this->downloadSink(false))); $this->audit($this->mediaId, 'Updated', $this->getChangedProperties()); } if ($options['deferred']) { $this->getLog()->debug('Media Update deferred until later'); } else { $this->getLog()->debug('Media Update happening now'); // Call save file if ($this->isSaveRequired) { $this->saveFile(); } } if ($options['saveTags']) { // Remove unwanted ones if (is_array($this->unassignTags)) { foreach ($this->unassignTags as $tag) { /* @var Tag $tag */ $tag->unassignMedia($this->mediaId); $tag->save(); } } // Save the tags if (is_array($this->tags)) { foreach ($this->tags as $tag) { /* @var Tag $tag */ $tag->assignMedia($this->mediaId); $tag->save(); } } } } /** * Save Async * @param array $options * @return $this * @throws ConfigurationException * @throws DuplicateEntityException * @throws GeneralException * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function saveAsync($options = []) { $options = array_merge([ 'deferred' => true, 'requestOptions' => [] ], $options); $this->requestOptions = $options['requestOptions']; $this->save($options); return $this; } /** * Delete * @param array $options * @throws GeneralException */ public function delete($options = []) { $options = array_merge([ 'rollback' => false ], $options); if ($options['rollback']) { $this->deleteRecord(); $this->deleteFile(); return; } $this->load(['deleting' => true]); foreach ($this->permissions as $permission) { /* @var Permission $permission */ $permission->delete(); } foreach ($this->tags as $tag) { /* @var Tag $tag */ $tag->unassignMedia($this->mediaId); $tag->save(); } $this->deleteRecord(); $this->deleteFile(); $this->audit($this->mediaId, 'Deleted', ['mediaId' => $this->mediaId, 'name' => $this->name, 'mediaType' => $this->mediaType, 'fileName' => $this->fileName]); } /** * Add */ private function add() { // The originalFileName column has limit of 254 characters // if the filename basename that we are about to save is still over the limit, attempt to strip query string // we cannot make any operations directly on $this->fileName, as that might be still needed to processDownloads $fileName = basename($this->fileName); if (strpos(basename($fileName), '?')) { $fileName = substr(basename($fileName), 0, strpos(basename($fileName), '?')); } // Sanitize what we have left. $fileName = htmlspecialchars($fileName); $this->mediaId = $this->getStore()->insert(' INSERT INTO `media` (`name`, `type`, duration, originalFilename, userID, retired, moduleSystemFile, released, apiRef, valid, `createdDt`, `modifiedDt`, `enableStat`, `folderId`, `permissionsFolderId`, `orientation`, `width`, `height`) VALUES (:name, :type, :duration, :originalFileName, :userId, :retired, :moduleSystemFile, :released, :apiRef, :valid, :createdDt, :modifiedDt, :enableStat, :folderId, :permissionsFolderId, :orientation, :width, :height) ', [ 'name' => $this->name, 'type' => $this->mediaType, 'duration' => $this->duration, 'originalFileName' => $fileName, 'userId' => $this->ownerId, 'retired' => $this->retired, 'moduleSystemFile' => (($this->moduleSystemFile) ? 1 : 0), 'released' => $this->released, 'apiRef' => $this->apiRef, 'valid' => $this->valid, 'createdDt' => Carbon::now()->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()), 'modifiedDt' => Carbon::now()->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()), 'enableStat' => $this->enableStat, 'folderId' => ($this->folderId === null) ? 1 : $this->folderId, 'permissionsFolderId' => ($this->permissionsFolderId == null) ? 1 : $this->permissionsFolderId, 'orientation' => $this->orientation, 'width' => ($this->width === null) ? null : $this->width, 'height' => ($this->height === null) ? null : $this->height, ]); } /** * Edit */ private function edit() { $sql = ' UPDATE `media` SET `name` = :name, duration = :duration, retired = :retired, moduleSystemFile = :moduleSystemFile, editedMediaId = :editedMediaId, isEdited = :isEdited, userId = :userId, released = :released, apiRef = :apiRef, modifiedDt = :modifiedDt, `enableStat` = :enableStat, expires = :expires, folderId = :folderId, permissionsFolderId = :permissionsFolderId, orientation = :orientation, width = :width, height = :height WHERE mediaId = :mediaId '; $params = [ 'name' => $this->name, 'duration' => $this->duration, 'retired' => $this->retired, 'moduleSystemFile' => $this->moduleSystemFile, 'editedMediaId' => $this->parentId, 'isEdited' => $this->isEdited, 'userId' => $this->ownerId, 'released' => $this->released, 'apiRef' => $this->apiRef, 'mediaId' => $this->mediaId, 'modifiedDt' => Carbon::now()->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()), 'enableStat' => $this->enableStat, 'expires' => $this->expires, 'folderId' => $this->folderId, 'permissionsFolderId' => $this->permissionsFolderId, 'orientation' => $this->orientation, 'width' => ($this->width === null) ? null : $this->width, 'height' => ($this->height === null) ? null : $this->height, ]; $this->getStore()->update($sql, $params); } /** * Delete record */ private function deleteRecord() { $this->getStore()->update('DELETE FROM media WHERE MediaID = :mediaId', ['mediaId' => $this->mediaId]); } /** * Save File to Library * works on files that are already in the File system * @throws ConfigurationException */ public function saveFile() { $libraryFolder = $this->config->getSetting('LIBRARY_LOCATION'); // Work out the extension $lastPeriod = strrchr($this->fileName, '.'); // Determine the save name if ($lastPeriod === false) { $saveName = $this->mediaId; } else { $saveName = $this->mediaId . '.' . strtolower(substr($lastPeriod, 1)); } if (isset($this->urlDownload) && $this->urlDownload === true) { // for upload via URL, handle cases where URL do not have specified extension in url // we either have a long string after lastPeriod or nothing if (isset($this->extension) && (strlen($lastPeriod) > 3 || $lastPeriod === false)) { $saveName = $this->mediaId . '.' . $this->extension; } // if needed strip any not needed characters from the storedAs, this should be just
if (strpos(basename($saveName), '?')) { $saveName = substr(basename($saveName), 0, strpos(basename($saveName), '?')); } $this->storedAs = $saveName; } $this->getLog()->debug('saveFile for "' . $this->name . '" [' . $this->mediaId . '] with storedAs = "' . $this->storedAs . '", fileName = "' . $this->fileName . '" to "' . $saveName . '". Always Copy = "' . $this->alwaysCopy . '", Cloned = "' . $this->cloned . '"'); // If the storesAs is empty, then set it to be the moved file name if (empty($this->storedAs) && !$this->alwaysCopy) { // We could be a fresh file entirely, or we could be a clone if ($this->cloned) { $this->getLog()->debug('Copying cloned file: ' . $libraryFolder . $this->fileName); // Copy the file into the library if (!@copy($libraryFolder . $this->fileName, $libraryFolder . $saveName)) { throw new ConfigurationException(__('Problem copying file in the Library Folder')); } } else { $this->getLog()->debug('Moving temporary file: ' . $libraryFolder . 'temp/' . $this->fileName); // Move the file into the library if (!$this->moveFile($libraryFolder . 'temp/' . $this->fileName, $libraryFolder . $saveName)) { throw new ConfigurationException(__('Problem moving uploaded file into the Library Folder')); } } // Set the storedAs $this->storedAs = $saveName; } else { // We have pre-defined where we want this to be stored if (empty($this->storedAs)) { // Assume we want to set this automatically (i.e. we are set to always copy) $this->storedAs = $saveName; } if ($this->isRemote) { $this->getLog()->debug('Moving temporary file: ' . $libraryFolder . 'temp/' . $this->name); // Move the file into the library if (!$this->moveFile($libraryFolder . 'temp/' . $this->name, $libraryFolder . $this->storedAs)) { throw new ConfigurationException(__('Problem moving downloaded file into the Library Folder')); } } else { $this->getLog()->debug('Copying specified file: ' . $this->fileName); if (!@copy($this->fileName, $libraryFolder . $this->storedAs)) { $this->getLog()->error(sprintf('Cannot copy %s to %s', $this->fileName, $libraryFolder . $this->storedAs)); throw new ConfigurationException(__('Problem copying provided file into the Library Folder')); } } } // Work out the MD5 $this->md5 = md5_file($libraryFolder . $this->storedAs); $this->fileSize = filesize($libraryFolder . $this->storedAs); // Set to valid $this->valid = 1; // Resize image dimensions if threshold exceeds // This also sets orientation $this->assessDimensions(); // Update the MD5 and storedAs to suit $this->getStore()->update(' UPDATE `media` SET md5 = :md5, fileSize = :fileSize, storedAs = :storedAs, expires = :expires, released = :released, orientation = :orientation, width = :width, height = :height, valid = :valid WHERE mediaId = :mediaId ', [ 'fileSize' => $this->fileSize, 'md5' => $this->md5, 'storedAs' => $this->storedAs, 'expires' => $this->expires, 'released' => $this->released, 'orientation' => $this->orientation, 'valid' => $this->valid, 'width' => ($this->width === null) ? null : $this->width, 'height' => ($this->height === null) ? null : $this->height, 'mediaId' => $this->mediaId, ]); } private function assessDimensions() { if ($this->mediaType === 'image' || ($this->mediaType === 'module' && $this->moduleSystemFile === 0)) { $libraryFolder = $this->config->getSetting('LIBRARY_LOCATION'); $filePath = $libraryFolder . $this->storedAs; list($imgWidth, $imgHeight) = @getimagesize($filePath); $resizeThreshold = $this->config->getSetting('DEFAULT_RESIZE_THRESHOLD'); $resizeLimit = $this->config->getSetting('DEFAULT_RESIZE_LIMIT'); $this->width = $imgWidth; $this->height = $imgHeight; $this->orientation = ($imgWidth >= $imgHeight) ? 'landscape' : 'portrait'; // Media released set to 0 for large size images // if image size is greater than Resize Limit then we flag that image as too big if ($resizeLimit > 0 && ($imgWidth > $resizeLimit || $imgHeight > $resizeLimit)) { $this->released = 2; $this->getLog()->debug('Image size is too big. MediaId '. $this->mediaId); } elseif ($resizeThreshold > 0) { if ($imgWidth > $imgHeight) { // 'landscape'; if ($imgWidth <= $resizeThreshold) { $this->released = 1; } else { if ($resizeThreshold > 0) { $this->released = 0; $this->getLog()->debug('Image exceeded threshold, released set to 0. MediaId '. $this->mediaId); } } } else { // 'portrait'; if ($imgHeight <= $resizeThreshold) { $this->released = 1; } else { if ($resizeThreshold > 0) { $this->released = 0; $this->getLog()->debug('Image exceeded threshold, released set to 0. MediaId '. $this->mediaId); } } } } } } /** * Release an image from image processing * @param $md5 * @param $fileSize */ public function release($md5, $fileSize) { // Update the MD5 and fileSize $this->getStore()->update('UPDATE `media` SET md5 = :md5, fileSize = :fileSize, released = :released, modifiedDt = :modifiedDt WHERE mediaId = :mediaId', [ 'fileSize' => $fileSize, 'md5' => $md5, 'released' => 1, 'mediaId' => $this->mediaId, 'modifiedDt' => Carbon::now()->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()) ]); $this->getLog()->debug('Updating image md5 and fileSize. MediaId '. $this->mediaId); } /** * Delete a Library File */ private function deleteFile() { // Make sure storedAs isn't null if ($this->storedAs == null) { $this->getLog()->error(sprintf('Deleting media [%s] with empty stored as. Skipping library file delete.', $this->name)); return; } // Library location $libraryLocation = $this->config->getSetting("LIBRARY_LOCATION"); // 3 things to check for.. // the actual file, the thumbnail, the background // video cover image and its thumbnail if (file_exists($libraryLocation . $this->storedAs)) { unlink($libraryLocation . $this->storedAs); } if (file_exists($libraryLocation . 'tn_' . $this->storedAs)) { unlink($libraryLocation . 'tn_' . $this->storedAs); } if (file_exists($libraryLocation . 'tn_' . $this->mediaId . '_videocover.png')) { unlink($libraryLocation . 'tn_' . $this->mediaId . '_videocover.png'); } if (file_exists($libraryLocation . $this->mediaId . '_videocover.png')) { unlink($libraryLocation . $this->mediaId . '_videocover.png'); } } /** * Workaround for moving files across file systems * @param $from * @param $to * @return bool */ private function moveFile($from, $to) { // Try to move the file first $moved = rename($from, $to); if (!$moved) { $this->getLog()->info('Cannot move file: ' . $from . ' to ' . $to . ', will try and copy/delete instead.'); // Copy $moved = copy($from, $to); // Delete if (!@unlink($from)) { $this->getLog()->error('Cannot delete file: ' . $from . ' after copying to ' . $to); } } return $moved; } /** * Download URL * @return string */ public function downloadUrl() { return $this->fileName; } /** * Download Sink * @return string */ public function downloadSink($temp = true) { return $this->config->getSetting('LIBRARY_LOCATION') . ($temp ? 'temp' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR : '') . $this->name; } /** * Get optional options for downloading media files * @return array */ public function downloadRequestOptions() { return $this->requestOptions; } /** * Update Media duration. * This is called on processDownloads when uploading video/audio from url * Real duration can be determined in determineRealDuration function in MediaFactory * @param int $realDuration * @return Media */ public function updateDuration(int $realDuration): Media { $this->getLog()->debug('Updating duration for MediaId '. $this->mediaId); $this->getStore()->update('UPDATE `media` SET duration = :duration WHERE mediaId = :mediaId', [ 'duration' => $realDuration, 'mediaId' => $this->mediaId ]); $this->duration = $realDuration; return $this; } /** * Update Media orientation. * For videos from Library connectors, update the orientation once we have the cover image saved. * @param int $width * @param int $height * @return Media */ public function updateOrientation(int $width, int $height): Media { $this->getLog()->debug('Updating orientation and resolution for MediaId '. $this->mediaId); $this->width = $width; $this->height = $height; $this->orientation = ($width >= $height) ? 'landscape' : 'portrait'; $this->getStore()->update(' UPDATE `media` SET orientation = :orientation, width = :width, height = :height WHERE mediaId = :mediaId ', [ 'orientation' => $this->orientation, 'width' => $this->width, 'height' => $this->height, 'mediaId' => $this->mediaId ]); return $this; } }