. */ namespace Xibo\Controller; use Carbon\Carbon; use League\OAuth2\Server\AuthorizationServer; use League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\OAuthServerException; use League\OAuth2\Server\Grant\AuthCodeGrant; use League\OAuth2\Server\RequestTypes\AuthorizationRequest; use Slim\Http\Response as Response; use Slim\Http\ServerRequest as Request; use Stash\Interfaces\PoolInterface; use Xibo\Entity\ApplicationScope; use Xibo\Factory\ApplicationFactory; use Xibo\Factory\ApplicationRedirectUriFactory; use Xibo\Factory\ApplicationScopeFactory; use Xibo\Factory\ConnectorFactory; use Xibo\Factory\UserFactory; use Xibo\Helper\DateFormatHelper; use Xibo\Helper\Session; use Xibo\OAuth\AuthCodeRepository; use Xibo\OAuth\RefreshTokenRepository; use Xibo\Support\Exception\AccessDeniedException; use Xibo\Support\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; /** * Class Applications * @package Xibo\Controller */ class Applications extends Base { /** * @var Session */ private $session; /** * @var ApplicationFactory */ private $applicationFactory; /** * @var ApplicationRedirectUriFactory */ private $applicationRedirectUriFactory; /** @var ApplicationScopeFactory */ private $applicationScopeFactory; /** @var UserFactory */ private $userFactory; /** @var PoolInterface */ private $pool; /** @var \Xibo\Factory\ConnectorFactory */ private $connectorFactory; /** * Set common dependencies. * @param Session $session * @param ApplicationFactory $applicationFactory * @param ApplicationRedirectUriFactory $applicationRedirectUriFactory * @param $applicationScopeFactory * @param UserFactory $userFactory * @param $pool * @param \Xibo\Factory\ConnectorFactory $connectorFactory */ public function __construct( $session, $applicationFactory, $applicationRedirectUriFactory, $applicationScopeFactory, $userFactory, $pool, ConnectorFactory $connectorFactory ) { $this->session = $session; $this->applicationFactory = $applicationFactory; $this->applicationRedirectUriFactory = $applicationRedirectUriFactory; $this->applicationScopeFactory = $applicationScopeFactory; $this->userFactory = $userFactory; $this->pool = $pool; $this->connectorFactory = $connectorFactory; } /** * Display Page * @param Request $request * @param Response $response * @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|Response * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\ControllerNotImplemented * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\GeneralException */ public function displayPage(Request $request, Response $response) { // Load all connectors and output any javascript. $connectorJavaScript = []; foreach ($this->connectorFactory->query(['isVisible' => 1]) as $connector) { try { // Create a connector, add in platform settings and register it with the dispatcher. $connectorObject = $this->connectorFactory->create($connector); $settingsFormJavaScript = $connectorObject->getSettingsFormJavaScript(); if (!empty($settingsFormJavaScript)) { $connectorJavaScript[] = $settingsFormJavaScript; } } catch (\Exception $exception) { // Log and ignore. $this->getLog()->error('Incorrectly configured connector. e=' . $exception->getMessage()); } } $this->getState()->template = 'applications-page'; $this->getState()->setData([ 'connectorJavaScript' => $connectorJavaScript, ]); return $this->render($request, $response); } /** * Display page grid * @param Request $request * @param Response $response * @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|Response * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\ControllerNotImplemented * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\GeneralException */ public function grid(Request $request, Response $response) { $this->getState()->template = 'grid'; $sanitizedParams = $this->getSanitizer($request->getParams()); $applications = $this->applicationFactory->query($this->gridRenderSort($sanitizedParams), $this->gridRenderFilter([], $sanitizedParams)); foreach ($applications as $application) { if ($this->isApi($request)) { throw new AccessDeniedException(); } // Include the buttons property $application->includeProperty('buttons'); // Add an Edit button (edit form also exposes the secret - not possible to get through the API) $application->buttons = []; if ($application->userId == $this->getUser()->userId || $this->getUser()->getUserTypeId() == 1) { // Edit $application->buttons[] = [ 'id' => 'application_edit_button', 'url' => $this->urlFor($request,'application.edit.form', ['id' => $application->key]), 'text' => __('Edit') ]; // Delete $application->buttons[] = [ 'id' => 'application_delete_button', 'url' => $this->urlFor($request,'application.delete.form', ['id' => $application->key]), 'text' => __('Delete') ]; } } $this->getState()->setData($applications); $this->getState()->recordsTotal = $this->applicationFactory->countLast(); return $this->render($request, $response); } /** * Display the Authorize form. * @param Request $request * @param Response $response * @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|Response * @throws InvalidArgumentException * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\ControllerNotImplemented * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\GeneralException */ public function authorizeRequest(Request $request, Response $response) { // Pull authorize params from our session /** @var AuthorizationRequest $authParams */ $authParams = $this->session->get('authParams'); if (!$authParams) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Authorisation Parameters missing from session.'), 'authParams'); } if ($this->applicationFactory->checkAuthorised($authParams->getClient()->getIdentifier(), $this->getUser()->userId)) { return $this->authorize($request->withParsedBody(['authorization' => 'Approve']), $response); } $client = $this->applicationFactory->getClientEntity($authParams->getClient()->getIdentifier())->load(); // Process any scopes. $scopes = []; $authScopes = $authParams->getScopes(); // if we have scopes in the request, make sure we only add the valid ones. // the default scope is all, if it's not set on the Application, $scopes will still be empty here. if ($authScopes !== null) { $validScopes = $this->applicationScopeFactory->finalizeScopes($authScopes, $authParams->getGrantTypeId(), $client); // get all the valid scopes by their ID, we need to do this to present more details on the authorize form. foreach ($validScopes as $scope) { $scopes[] = $this->applicationScopeFactory->getById($scope->getIdentifier()); } } // if the request does not contain any valid scopes, default to all scopes assigned to this Application. if (count($scopes) <= 0) { $validScopes = $client->getScopes(); foreach ($validScopes as $scope) { $scopes[] = $this->applicationScopeFactory->getById($scope->getIdentifier()); } } // update scopes in auth request in session to scopes we actually present for approval $authParams->setScopes($validScopes); $this->session->set('authParams', $authParams); // Get, show page $this->getState()->template = 'applications-authorize-page'; $this->getState()->setData([ 'forceHide' => true, 'authParams' => $authParams, 'scopes' => $scopes, 'application' => $client ]); return $this->render($request, $response); } /** * Authorize an oAuth request * @param Request $request * @param Response $response * @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|Response * @throws \Exception */ public function authorize(Request $request, Response $response) { // Pull authorize params from our session /** @var AuthorizationRequest $authRequest */ $authRequest = $this->session->get('authParams'); if (!$authRequest) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Authorisation Parameters missing from session.'), 'authParams'); } $sanitizedQueryParams = $this->getSanitizer($request->getParams()); $apiKeyPaths = $this->getConfig()->getApiKeyDetails(); $privateKey = $apiKeyPaths['privateKeyPath']; $encryptionKey = $apiKeyPaths['encryptionKey']; $server = new AuthorizationServer( $this->applicationFactory, new \Xibo\OAuth\AccessTokenRepository($this->getLog(), $this->pool, $this->applicationFactory), $this->applicationScopeFactory, $privateKey, $encryptionKey ); $server->enableGrantType( new AuthCodeGrant( new AuthCodeRepository(), new RefreshTokenRepository($this->getLog(), $this->pool), new \DateInterval('PT10M') ), new \DateInterval('PT1H') ); // Default scope $server->setDefaultScope('all'); // get oauth User Entity and set the UserId to the current web userId $authRequest->setUser($this->getUser()); // We are authorized if ($sanitizedQueryParams->getString('authorization') === 'Approve') { $authRequest->setAuthorizationApproved(true); $this->applicationFactory->setApplicationApproved( $authRequest->getClient()->getIdentifier(), $authRequest->getUser()->getIdentifier(), Carbon::now()->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()), $request->getAttribute('ip_address') ); $this->getLog()->audit( 'Auth', 0, 'Application access approved', [ 'Application identifier ends with' => substr($authRequest->getClient()->getIdentifier(), -8), 'Application Name' => $authRequest->getClient()->getName() ] ); } else { $authRequest->setAuthorizationApproved(false); } // Redirect back to the specified redirect url try { return $server->completeAuthorizationRequest($authRequest, $response); } catch (OAuthServerException $exception) { if ($exception->hasRedirect()) { return $response->withRedirect($exception->getRedirectUri()); } else { throw $exception; } } } /** * Form to register a new application. * @param Request $request * @param Response $response * @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|Response * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\ControllerNotImplemented * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\GeneralException */ public function addForm(Request $request, Response $response) { $this->getState()->template = 'applications-form-add'; $this->getState()->setData([ 'help' => $this->getHelp()->link('Services', 'Register') ]); return $this->render($request, $response); } /** * Edit Application * @param Request $request * @param Response $response * @param $id * @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|Response * @throws AccessDeniedException * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\ControllerNotImplemented * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\GeneralException * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\NotFoundException */ public function editForm(Request $request, Response $response, $id) { // Get the client $client = $this->applicationFactory->getById($id); if ($client->userId != $this->getUser()->userId && $this->getUser()->getUserTypeId() != 1) { throw new AccessDeniedException(); } // Load this clients details. $client->load(); $scopes = $this->applicationScopeFactory->query(); foreach ($scopes as $scope) { /** @var ApplicationScope $scope */ $found = false; foreach ($client->scopes as $checked) { if ($checked->id == $scope->id) { $found = true; break; } } $scope->selected = $found ? 1 : 0; } // Render the view $this->getState()->template = 'applications-form-edit'; $this->getState()->setData([ 'client' => $client, 'scopes' => $scopes, 'users' => $this->userFactory->query(), 'help' => $this->getHelp()->link('Services', 'Register') ]); return $this->render($request, $response); } /** * Delete Application Form * @param Request $request * @param Response $response * @param $id * @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|Response * @throws AccessDeniedException * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\ControllerNotImplemented * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\GeneralException * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\NotFoundException */ public function deleteForm(Request $request, Response $response, $id) { // Get the client $client = $this->applicationFactory->getById($id); if ($client->userId != $this->getUser()->userId && $this->getUser()->getUserTypeId() != 1) { throw new AccessDeniedException(); } $this->getState()->template = 'applications-form-delete'; $this->getState()->setData([ 'client' => $client, 'help' => $this->getHelp()->link('Services', 'Register') ]); return $this->render($request, $response); } /** * Register a new application with OAuth * @param Request $request * @param Response $response * @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|Response * @throws InvalidArgumentException * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\ControllerNotImplemented * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\GeneralException */ public function add(Request $request, Response $response) { $sanitizedParams = $this->getSanitizer($request->getParams()); $application = $this->applicationFactory->create(); $application->name = $sanitizedParams->getString('name'); if ($application->name == '') { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Please enter Application name'), 'name'); } $application->userId = $this->getUser()->userId; $application->save(); // Return $this->getState()->hydrate([ 'message' => sprintf(__('Added %s'), $application->name), 'data' => $application, 'id' => $application->key ]); return $this->render($request, $response); } /** * Edit Application * @param Request $request * @param Response $response * @param $id * @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|Response * @throws AccessDeniedException * @throws InvalidArgumentException * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\ControllerNotImplemented * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\GeneralException * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\NotFoundException */ public function edit(Request $request, Response $response, $id) { $this->getLog()->debug('Editing ' . $id); // Get the client $client = $this->applicationFactory->getById($id); if ($client->userId != $this->getUser()->userId && $this->getUser()->getUserTypeId() != 1) { throw new AccessDeniedException(); } $sanitizedParams = $this->getSanitizer($request->getParams()); $client->name = $sanitizedParams->getString('name'); $client->authCode = $sanitizedParams->getCheckbox('authCode'); $client->clientCredentials = $sanitizedParams->getCheckbox('clientCredentials'); $client->isConfidential = $sanitizedParams->getCheckbox('isConfidential'); if ($sanitizedParams->getCheckbox('resetKeys') == 1) { $client->resetSecret(); $this->pool->getItem('C_' . $client->key)->clear(); } if ($client->authCode === 1) { $client->description = $sanitizedParams->getString('description'); $client->logo = $sanitizedParams->getString('logo'); $client->coverImage = $sanitizedParams->getString('coverImage'); $client->companyName = $sanitizedParams->getString('companyName'); $client->termsUrl = $sanitizedParams->getString('termsUrl'); $client->privacyUrl = $sanitizedParams->getString('privacyUrl'); } // Delete all the redirect urls and add them again $client->load(); foreach ($client->redirectUris as $uri) { $uri->delete(); } $client->redirectUris = []; // Do we have a redirect? $redirectUris = $sanitizedParams->getArray('redirectUri'); foreach ($redirectUris as $redirectUri) { if ($redirectUri == '') { continue; } $redirect = $this->applicationRedirectUriFactory->create(); $redirect->redirectUri = $redirectUri; $client->assignRedirectUri($redirect); } // clear scopes $client->scopes = []; // API Scopes foreach ($this->applicationScopeFactory->query() as $scope) { /** @var ApplicationScope $scope */ // See if this has been checked this time $checked = $sanitizedParams->getCheckbox('scope_' . $scope->id); // Assign scopes if ($checked) { $client->assignScope($scope); } } // Change the ownership? if ($sanitizedParams->getInt('userId') !== null) { // Check we have permissions to view this user $user = $this->userFactory->getById($sanitizedParams->getInt('userId')); $this->getLog()->debug('Attempting to change ownership to ' . $user->userId . ' - ' . $user->userName); if (!$this->getUser()->checkViewable($user)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('You do not have permission to assign this user'), 'userId'); } $client->userId = $user->userId; } $client->save(); // Return $this->getState()->hydrate([ 'message' => sprintf(__('Edited %s'), $client->name), 'data' => $client, 'id' => $client->key ]); return $this->render($request, $response); } /** * Delete application * @param Request $request * @param Response $response * @param $id * @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|Response * @throws AccessDeniedException * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\ControllerNotImplemented * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\GeneralException * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\NotFoundException */ public function delete(Request $request, Response $response, $id) { // Get the client $client = $this->applicationFactory->getById($id); if ($client->userId != $this->getUser()->userId && $this->getUser()->getUserTypeId() != 1) { throw new AccessDeniedException(); } $client->delete(); $this->pool->getItem('C_' . $client->key)->clear(); $this->getState()->hydrate([ 'httpStatus' => 204, 'message' => sprintf(__('Deleted %s'), $client->name) ]); return $this->render($request, $response); } public function revokeAccess(Request $request, Response $response, $id, $userId) { if ($userId === null) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('No User ID provided')); } if (empty($id)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('No Client id provided')); } $client = $this->applicationFactory->getClientEntity($id); // remove record in lk table $this->applicationFactory->revokeAuthorised($userId, $client->key); // clear cache for this clientId/userId pair, this is how we know the application is no longer approved $this->pool->getItem('C_' . $client->key . '/' . $userId)->clear(); $this->getLog()->audit( 'Auth', 0, 'Application access revoked', [ 'Application identifier ends with' => substr($client->key, -8), 'Application Name' => $client->getName() ] ); $this->getState()->hydrate([ 'httpStatus' => 204, 'message' => sprintf(__('Access to %s revoked'), $client->name) ]); return $this->render($request, $response); } }