. */ namespace Xibo\Controller; use Slim\Http\Response as Response; use Slim\Http\ServerRequest as Request; use Xibo\Entity\Widget; use Xibo\Factory\ActionFactory; use Xibo\Factory\LayoutFactory; use Xibo\Factory\ModuleFactory; use Xibo\Factory\RegionFactory; use Xibo\Factory\WidgetFactory; use Xibo\Support\Exception\GeneralException; use Xibo\Support\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Xibo\Support\Exception\NotFoundException; /** * Class Action * @package Xibo\Controller */ class Action extends Base { /** * @var ActionFactory */ private $actionFactory; /** @var LayoutFactory */ private $layoutFactory; /** @var RegionFactory */ private $regionFactory; /** @var WidgetFactory */ private $widgetFactory; /** @var ModuleFactory */ private $moduleFactory; /** * Set common dependencies. * @param ActionFactory $actionFactory * @param LayoutFactory $layoutFactory * @param RegionFactory $regionFactory * @param WidgetFactory $widgetFactory * @param ModuleFactory $moduleFactory */ public function __construct($actionFactory, $layoutFactory, $regionFactory, $widgetFactory, $moduleFactory) { $this->actionFactory = $actionFactory; $this->layoutFactory = $layoutFactory; $this->regionFactory = $regionFactory; $this->widgetFactory = $widgetFactory; $this->moduleFactory = $moduleFactory; } /** * Returns a Grid of Actions * * @SWG\Get( * path="/action", * operationId="actionSearch", * tags={"action"}, * summary="Search Actions", * description="Search all Actions this user has access to", * @SWG\Parameter( * name="actionId", * in="query", * description="Filter by Action Id", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="ownerId", * in="query", * description="Filter by Owner Id", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="triggerType", * in="query", * description="Filter by Action trigger type", * type="string", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="triggerCode", * in="query", * description="Filter by Action trigger code", * type="string", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="actionType", * in="query", * description="Filter by Action type", * type="string", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="source", * in="query", * description="Filter by Action source", * type="string", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="sourceId", * in="query", * description="Filter by Action source Id", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="target", * in="query", * description="Filter by Action target", * type="string", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="targetId", * in="query", * description="Filter by Action target Id", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Response( * response=200, * description="successful operation", * @SWG\Schema( * type="array", * @SWG\Items(ref="#/definitions/Action") * ) * ) * ) * @param Request $request * @param Response $response * @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|Response * @throws GeneralException */ public function grid(Request $request, Response $response) : Response { $parsedParams = $this->getSanitizer($request->getQueryParams()); $filter = [ 'actionId' => $parsedParams->getInt('actionId'), 'ownerId' => $parsedParams->getInt('ownerId'), 'triggerType' => $parsedParams->getString('triggerType'), 'triggerCode' => $parsedParams->getString('triggerCode'), 'actionType' => $parsedParams->getString('actionType'), 'source' => $parsedParams->getString('source'), 'sourceId' => $parsedParams->getInt('sourceId'), 'target' => $parsedParams->getString('target'), 'targetId' => $parsedParams->getInt('targetId'), 'widgetId' => $parsedParams->getInt('widgetId'), 'layoutCode' => $parsedParams->getString('layoutCode') ]; $actions = $this->actionFactory->query($this->gridRenderSort($parsedParams), $this->gridRenderFilter($filter, $parsedParams)); foreach ($actions as $action) { $action->widgetName = null; $action->regionName = null; if ($action->actionType === 'navWidget' && $action->widgetId != null) { $widget = $this->widgetFactory->loadByWidgetId($action->widgetId); $module = $this->moduleFactory->createWithWidget($widget); // dynamic field to display in the grid instead of widgetId $action->widgetName = $module->getName(); } if ($action->target === 'region' && $action->targetId != null) { $region = $this->regionFactory->getById($action->targetId); // dynamic field to display in the grid instead of regionId $action->regionName = $region->name; } if ($this->isApi($request)) { continue; } $action->includeProperty('buttons'); $action->buttons = []; $action->buttons[] = [ 'id' => 'action_edit_button', 'url' => $this->urlFor($request,'action.edit.form', ['id' => $action->actionId]), 'text' => __('Edit') ]; $action->buttons[] = [ 'id' => 'action_delete_button', 'url' => $this->urlFor($request,'action.delete.form', ['id' => $action->actionId]), 'text' => __('Delete') ]; } $this->getState()->template = 'grid'; $this->getState()->recordsTotal = $this->actionFactory->countLast(); $this->getState()->setData($actions); return $this->render($request, $response); } /** * Action Add Form * @param Request $request * @param Response $response * @param string $source * @param int $id * @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|Response * @throws GeneralException */ public function addForm(Request $request, Response $response, string $source, int $id) : Response { $sourceObject = $this->checkIfSourceExists($source, $id); if ($source === 'layout') { /** @var \Xibo\Entity\Layout $layout */ $layout = $sourceObject; } elseif ($source === 'region') { /** @var \Xibo\Entity\Region $region */ $region = $sourceObject; $layout = $this->layoutFactory->getById($region->layoutId); } else { /** @var Widget $widget */ $widget = $sourceObject; $region = $this->regionFactory->getByPlaylistId($widget->playlistId)[0]; $layout = $this->layoutFactory->getById($region->layoutId); } // Make sure the Layout is checked out to begin with if (!$layout->isEditable()) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Layout is not checked out'), 'publishedStatusId'); } $layout->load(); // all widgets $widgets = $layout->getDrawerWidgets(); foreach ($widgets as $widget) { $module = $this->moduleFactory->createWithWidget($widget); // if we don't have a name set in the Widget $widget->name = sprintf('%s [%s]', $module->getName(), $module->getModuleType()); } $this->getState()->template = 'action-form-add'; $this->getState()->setData([ 'sourceObject' => $sourceObject, 'source' => $source, 'id' => $id, 'regions' => $layout->regions, 'widgets' => $widgets, ]); return $this->render($request, $response); } /** * Add a new Action * * @SWG\Post( * path="/action/{source}/{sourceId}", * operationId="actionAdd", * tags={"action"}, * summary="Add Action", * description="Add a new Action", * @SWG\Parameter( * name="source", * in="path", * description="Source for this action layout, region or widget", * type="string", * required=true * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="sourceId", * in="path", * description="The id of the source object, layoutId, regionId or widgetId", * type="integer", * required=true * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="triggerType", * in="formData", * description="Action trigger type, touch or webhook", * type="string", * required=true * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="triggerCode", * in="formData", * description="Action trigger code", * type="string", * required=true * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="actionType", * in="formData", * description="Action type, next, previous, navLayout, navWidget", * type="string", * required=true * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="target", * in="formData", * description="Target for this action, screen or region", * type="string", * required=true * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="targetId", * in="formData", * description="The id of the target for this action - regionId if the target is set to region", * type="string", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="widgetId", * in="formData", * description="For navWidget actionType, the WidgetId to navigate to", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="layoutCode", * in="formData", * description="For navLayout, the Layout Code identifier to navigate to", * type="string", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Response( * response=201, * description="successful operation", * @SWG\Schema(ref="#/definitions/Action"), * @SWG\Header( * header="Location", * description="Location of the new record", * type="string" * ) * ) * ) * @param Request $request * @param Response $response * @param string $source * @param int $id * @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|Response * @throws GeneralException */ public function add(Request $request, Response $response, string $source, int $id) : Response { $sanitizedParams = $this->getSanitizer($request->getParams()); $triggerType = $sanitizedParams->getString('triggerType'); $triggerCode = $sanitizedParams->getString('triggerCode', ['defaultOnEmptyString' => true]); $actionType = $sanitizedParams->getString('actionType'); $target = $sanitizedParams->getString('target'); $targetId = $sanitizedParams->getInt('targetId'); $widgetId = $sanitizedParams->getInt('widgetId'); $layoutCode = $sanitizedParams->getString('layoutCode'); // this will return Layout|Region|Widget object or throw an exception if provided source and sourceId does not exist. $sourceObject = $this->checkIfSourceExists($source, $id); if ($source == 'layout') { /** @var \Xibo\Entity\Layout $layout */ $layout = $sourceObject; } elseif ($source == 'region') { /** @var \Xibo\Entity\Region $region */ $region = $sourceObject; $layout = $this->layoutFactory->getById($region->layoutId); } else { /** @var Widget $widget */ $widget = $sourceObject; $region = $this->regionFactory->getByPlaylistId($widget->playlistId)[0]; $layout = $this->layoutFactory->getById($region->layoutId); } // Make sure the Layout is checked out to begin with if (!$layout->isEditable()) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Layout is not checked out'), 'statusId'); } // restrict to one touch Action per source if ($this->actionFactory->checkIfActionExist($source, $id, $triggerType)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Action with specified Trigger Type already exists'), 'triggerType'); } $action = $this->actionFactory->create($triggerType, $triggerCode, $actionType, $source, $id, $target, $targetId, $widgetId, $layoutCode); $action->save(['notifyLayout' => true, 'layoutId' => $layout->layoutId]); // Return $this->getState()->hydrate([ 'message' => __('Added Action'), 'httpStatus' => 201, 'id' => $action->actionId, 'data' => $action, ]); return $this->render($request, $response); } /** * Campaign Edit Form * @param Request $request * @param Response $response * @param int $id * @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|Response * @throws GeneralException */ public function editForm(Request $request, Response $response, int $id) : Response { $action = $this->actionFactory->getById($id); $sourceObject = $this->checkIfSourceExists($action->source, $action->sourceId); if ($action->source == 'layout') { /** @var \Xibo\Entity\Layout $layout */ $layout = $sourceObject; } elseif ($action->source == 'region') { /** @var \Xibo\Entity\Region $region */ $region = $sourceObject; $layout = $this->layoutFactory->getById($region->layoutId); } else { /** @var Widget $widget */ $widget = $sourceObject; $region = $this->regionFactory->getByPlaylistId($widget->playlistId)[0]; $layout = $this->layoutFactory->getById($region->layoutId); } $layout->load(); // all widgets, assigned to this layout or drawer $widgets = $layout->getDrawerWidgets(); foreach ($widgets as $widget) { $module = $this->moduleFactory->createWithWidget($widget); // if we don't have a name set in the Widget $widget->name = $module->getName(); } // Make sure the Layout is checked out to begin with if (!$layout->isEditable()) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Layout is not checked out'), 'statusId'); } try { $code = (($action->layoutCode != null) ? [$this->layoutFactory->getByCode($action->layoutCode)] : []); } catch (NotFoundException $notFoundException) { $code = []; } $this->getState()->template = 'action-form-edit'; $this->getState()->setData([ 'help' => $this->getHelp()->link('Action', 'Edit'), 'action' => $action, 'source' => $action->source, 'regions' => $layout->regions, 'widgets' => $widgets, 'layout' => $code ]); return $this->render($request, $response); } /** * Edit Action * * @SWG\PUT( * path="/action/{actionId}", * operationId="actionAdd", * tags={"action"}, * summary="Add Action", * description="Add a new Action", * @SWG\Parameter( * name="actionId", * in="path", * description="Action ID to edit", * type="integer", * required=true * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="triggerType", * in="formData", * description="Action trigger type, touch, webhook", * type="string", * required=true * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="triggerCode", * in="formData", * description="Action trigger code", * type="string", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="actionType", * in="formData", * description="Action type, next, previous, navLayout, navWidget", * type="string", * required=true * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="target", * in="formData", * description="Target for this action, screen or region", * type="string", * required=true * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="targetId", * in="formData", * description="The id of the target for this action, regionId if target set to region", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="widgetId", * in="formData", * description="For navWidget actionType, the WidgetId to navigate to", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="layoutCode", * in="formData", * description="For navLayout, the Layout Code identifier to navigate to", * type="string", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Response( * response=201, * description="successful operation", * @SWG\Schema(ref="#/definitions/Action"), * @SWG\Header( * header="Location", * description="Location of the new record", * type="string" * ) * ) * ) * * @param Request $request * @param Response $response * @param int $id * @return Response * @throws GeneralException */ public function edit(Request $request, Response $response, int $id) : Response { $action = $this->actionFactory->getById($id); $sanitizedParams = $this->getSanitizer($request->getParams()); $sourceObject = $this->checkIfSourceExists($action->source, $action->sourceId); if ($action->source == 'layout') { /** @var \Xibo\Entity\Layout $layout */ $layout = $sourceObject; } elseif ($action->source == 'region') { /** @var \Xibo\Entity\Region $region */ $region = $sourceObject; $layout = $this->layoutFactory->getById($region->layoutId); } else { /** @var Widget $widget */ $widget = $sourceObject; $region = $this->regionFactory->getByPlaylistId($widget->playlistId)[0]; $layout = $this->layoutFactory->getById($region->layoutId); } // Make sure the Layout is checked out to begin with if (!$layout->isEditable()) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Layout is not checked out'), 'statusId'); } // restrict to one touch Action per source if ($this->actionFactory->checkIfActionExist($action->source, $action->sourceId, $action->triggerType, $action->actionId)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Action with specified Trigger Type already exists'), 'triggerType'); } $action->triggerType = $sanitizedParams->getString('triggerType'); $action->triggerCode = $sanitizedParams->getString('triggerCode', ['defaultOnEmptyString' => true]); $action->actionType = $sanitizedParams->getString('actionType'); $action->target = $sanitizedParams->getString('target'); $action->targetId = $sanitizedParams->getInt('targetId'); $action->widgetId = $sanitizedParams->getInt('widgetId'); $action->layoutCode = $sanitizedParams->getString('layoutCode'); $action->save(['notifyLayout' => true, 'layoutId' => $layout->layoutId]); // Return $this->getState()->hydrate([ 'message' => __('Edited Action'), 'id' => $action->actionId, 'data' => $action ]); return $this->render($request, $response); } /** * Shows the Delete Group Form * @param Request $request * @param Response $response * @param int $id * @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|Response * @throws GeneralException */ function deleteForm(Request $request, Response $response, int $id) : Response { $action = $this->actionFactory->getById($id); $sourceObject = $this->checkIfSourceExists($action->source, $action->sourceId); if ($action->source == 'layout') { /** @var \Xibo\Entity\Layout $layout */ $layout = $sourceObject; } elseif ($action->source == 'region') { /** @var \Xibo\Entity\Region $region */ $region = $sourceObject; $layout = $this->layoutFactory->getById($region->layoutId); } else { /** @var Widget $widget */ $widget = $sourceObject; $region = $this->regionFactory->getByPlaylistId($widget->playlistId)[0]; $layout = $this->layoutFactory->getById($region->layoutId); } // Make sure the Layout is checked out to begin with if (!$layout->isEditable()) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Layout is not checked out'), 'publishedStatusId'); } $this->getState()->template = 'action-form-delete'; $this->getState()->setData([ 'action' => $action, 'source' => $action->source, ]); return $this->render($request, $response); } /** * Delete Action * @param Request $request * @param Response $response * @param int $id * @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|Response * @throws GeneralException * * @SWG\Delete( * path="/action/{actionId}", * operationId="actionDelete", * tags={"action"}, * summary="Delete Action", * description="Delete an existing Action", * @SWG\Parameter( * name="actionId", * in="path", * description="The Action ID to Delete", * type="integer", * required=true * ), * @SWG\Response( * response=204, * description="successful operation" * ) * ) */ public function delete(Request $request, Response $response, int $id) : Response { $action = $this->actionFactory->getById($id); $sourceObject = $this->checkIfSourceExists($action->source, $action->sourceId); if ($action->source == 'layout') { /** @var \Xibo\Entity\Layout $layout */ $layout = $sourceObject; } elseif ($action->source == 'region') { /** @var \Xibo\Entity\Region $region */ $region = $sourceObject; $layout = $this->layoutFactory->getById($region->layoutId); } else { /** @var Widget $widget */ $widget = $sourceObject; $region = $this->regionFactory->getByPlaylistId($widget->playlistId)[0]; $layout = $this->layoutFactory->getById($region->layoutId); } // Make sure the Layout is checked out to begin with if (!$layout->isEditable()) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Layout is not checked out'), 'statusId'); } $action->notifyLayout($layout->layoutId); $action->delete(); // Return $this->getState()->hydrate([ 'httpStatus' => 204, 'message' => sprintf(__('Deleted Action')) ]); return $this->render($request, $response); } /** * @param string $source * @param int $sourceId * @return \Xibo\Entity\Layout|\Xibo\Entity\Region|\Xibo\Entity\Widget * @throws InvalidArgumentException * @throws NotFoundException */ public function checkIfSourceExists(string $source, int $sourceId) { if (strtolower($source) === 'layout') { $object = $this->layoutFactory->getById($sourceId); } elseif (strtolower($source) === 'region') { $object = $this->regionFactory->getById($sourceId); } elseif (strtolower($source) === 'widget') { $object = $this->widgetFactory->getById($sourceId); } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Provided source is invalid. ') , 'source'); } return $object; } }