. */ namespace Xibo\Connector; use Carbon\Carbon; use GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException; use Illuminate\Support\Str; use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface; use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface; use Xibo\Event\ConnectorDeletingEvent; use Xibo\Event\ConnectorEnabledChangeEvent; use Xibo\Event\MaintenanceRegularEvent; use Xibo\Support\Exception\GeneralException; use Xibo\Support\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Xibo\Support\Sanitizer\SanitizerInterface; class XiboSspConnector implements ConnectorInterface { use ConnectorTrait; /** @var string */ private $formError; /** @var array */ private $partners; /** @var \Xibo\Factory\DisplayFactory */ private $displayFactory; /** * @param \Psr\Container\ContainerInterface $container * @return \Xibo\Connector\ConnectorInterface */ public function setFactories(ContainerInterface $container): ConnectorInterface { $this->displayFactory = $container->get('displayFactory'); return $this; } public function registerWithDispatcher(EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher): ConnectorInterface { $dispatcher->addListener(MaintenanceRegularEvent::$NAME, [$this, 'onRegularMaintenance']); $dispatcher->addListener(ConnectorDeletingEvent::$NAME, [$this, 'onDeleting']); $dispatcher->addListener(ConnectorEnabledChangeEvent::$NAME, [$this, 'onEnabledChange']); return $this; } public function getSourceName(): string { return 'xibo-ssp-connector'; } public function getTitle(): string { return 'Xibo SSP Connector'; } public function getDescription(): string { return 'Connect to world leading Supply Side Platforms (SSPs) and monetise your network.'; } public function getThumbnail(): string { return 'theme/default/img/connectors/xibo-ssp.png'; } public function getSettingsFormTwig(): string { return 'xibo-ssp-connector-form-settings'; } public function getSettingsFormJavaScript(): string { return 'xibo-ssp-connector-form-javascript'; } public function getFormError(): string { return $this->formError ?? __('Unknown error'); } public function processSettingsForm(SanitizerInterface $params, array $settings): array { $existingApiKey = $this->getSetting('apiKey'); if (!$this->isProviderSetting('apiKey')) { $settings['apiKey'] = $params->getString('apiKey'); } $existingCmsUrl = $this->getSetting('cmsUrl'); if (!$this->isProviderSetting('cmsUrl')) { $settings['cmsUrl'] = trim($params->getString('cmsUrl'), '/'); if (empty($settings['cmsUrl']) || !Str::startsWith($settings['cmsUrl'], 'http')) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( __('Please enter a CMS URL, including http(s)://'), 'cmsUrl' ); } } // If our API key was empty, then do not set partners. if (empty($existingApiKey) || empty($settings['apiKey'])) { return $settings; } // Set partners. $partners = []; $available = $this->getAvailablePartners(true, $settings['apiKey']); // Pull in expected fields. foreach ($available as $partnerId => $partner) { $partners[] = [ 'name' => $partnerId, 'enabled' => $params->getCheckbox($partnerId . '_enabled'), 'isTest' => $params->getCheckbox($partnerId . '_isTest'), 'currency' => $params->getString($partnerId . '_currency'), 'key' => $params->getString($partnerId . '_key'), 'sov' => $params->getInt($partnerId . '_sov'), 'mediaTypesAllowed' => $params->getString($partnerId . '_mediaTypesAllowed'), 'duration' => $params->getInt($partnerId . '_duration'), 'minDuration' => $params->getInt($partnerId . '_minDuration'), 'maxDuration' => $params->getInt($partnerId . '_maxDuration'), ]; // Also grab the displayGroupId if one has been set. $displayGroupId = $params->getInt($partnerId . '_displayGroupId'); if (empty($displayGroupId)) { unset($settings[$partnerId . '_displayGroupId']); } else { $settings[$partnerId . '_displayGroupId'] = $displayGroupId; } $settings[$partnerId . '_sspIdField'] = $params->getString($partnerId . '_sspIdField'); } // Update API config. $this->setPartners($settings['apiKey'], $partners); try { // If the API key has changed during this request, clear out displays on the old API key if ($existingApiKey !== $settings['apiKey']) { // Clear all displays for this CMS on the existing key $this->setDisplays($existingApiKey, $existingCmsUrl, [], $settings); } else if (!empty($existingCmsUrl) && $existingCmsUrl !== $settings['cmsUrl']) { // Clear all displays for this CMS on the existing key $this->setDisplays($settings['apiKey'], $existingCmsUrl, [], $settings); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->getLogger()->error('Failed to set displays '. $e->getMessage()); } // Add displays on the new API key (maintenance also does this, but do it now). $this->setDisplays($settings['apiKey'], $settings['cmsUrl'], $partners, $settings); return $settings; } /** * @throws InvalidArgumentException * @throws GeneralException */ public function getAvailablePartners(bool $isThrowError = false, ?string $withApiKey = null) { if ($this->partners === null) { // Make a call to the API to see what we've currently got configured and what is available. if ($withApiKey) { $apiKey = $withApiKey; } else { $apiKey = $this->getSetting('apiKey'); if (empty($apiKey)) { return []; } } $this->getLogger()->debug('getAvailablePartners: Requesting available services.'); try { $response = $this->getClient()->get($this->getServiceUrl() . '/configure', [ 'headers' => [ 'X-API-KEY' => $apiKey ] ]); $body = $response->getBody()->getContents(); $this->getLogger()->debug('getAvailablePartners: ' . $body); $json = json_decode($body, true); if (empty($json)) { $this->formError = __('Empty response from the dashboard service'); throw new InvalidArgumentException($this->formError); } $this->partners = $json; } catch (RequestException $e) { $this->getLogger()->error('getAvailablePartners: e = ' . $e->getMessage()); if ($e->getResponse()->getStatusCode() === 401) { $this->formError = __('API key not valid'); if ($isThrowError) { throw new InvalidArgumentException($this->formError, 'apiKey'); } else { return null; } } $message = json_decode($e->getResponse()->getBody()->getContents(), true); $this->formError = empty($message) ? __('Cannot contact SSP service, please try again shortly.') : $message['message']; if ($isThrowError) { throw new GeneralException($this->formError); } else { return null; } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->getLogger()->error('getAvailableServices: e = ' . $e->getMessage()); $this->formError = __('Cannot contact SSP service, please try again shortly.'); if ($isThrowError) { throw new GeneralException($this->formError); } else { return null; } } } return $this->partners['available'] ?? []; } /** * Get the number of displays that are authorised by this API key. * @return int */ public function getAuthorisedDisplayCount(): int { return intval($this->partners['displays'] ?? 0); } /** * Get a setting for a partner * @param string $partnerKey * @param string $setting * @param $default * @return mixed|string|null */ public function getPartnerSetting(string $partnerKey, string $setting, $default = null) { if (!is_array($this->partners) || !array_key_exists('partners', $this->partners)) { return $default; } foreach ($this->partners['partners'] as $partner) { if ($partner['name'] === $partnerKey) { return $partner[$setting] ?? $default; } } return $default; } /** * @throws InvalidArgumentException * @throws GeneralException */ private function setPartners(string $apiKey, array $partners) { $this->getLogger()->debug('setPartners: updating'); $this->getLogger()->debug(json_encode($partners)); try { $this->getClient()->post($this->getServiceUrl() . '/configure', [ 'headers' => [ 'X-API-KEY' => $apiKey ], 'json' => [ 'partners' => $partners ] ]); } catch (RequestException $e) { $this->getLogger()->error('setPartners: e = ' . $e->getMessage()); $message = json_decode($e->getResponse()->getBody()->getContents(), true); throw new GeneralException(empty($message) ? __('Cannot contact SSP service, please try again shortly.') : $message['message']); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->getLogger()->error('setPartners: e = ' . $e->getMessage()); throw new GeneralException(__('Cannot contact SSP service, please try again shortly.')); } } /** * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\NotFoundException * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\GeneralException */ private function setDisplays(string $apiKey, string $cmsUrl, array $partners, array $settings) { $displays = []; foreach ($partners as $partner) { // If this partner is enabled? if (!$partner['enabled']) { continue; } // Get displays for this partner $partnerKey = $partner['name']; $sspIdField = $settings[$partnerKey . '_sspIdField'] ?? 'displayId'; foreach ($this->displayFactory->query(null, [ 'disableUserCheck' => 1, 'displayGroupId' => $settings[$partnerKey . '_displayGroupId'] ?? null, 'authorised' => 1, ]) as $display) { if (!array_key_exists($display->displayId, $displays)) { $resolution = explode('x', $display->resolution); $displays[$display->displayId] = [ 'displayId' => $display->displayId, 'hardwareKey' => $display->license, 'width' => trim($resolution[0] ?? 1920), 'height' => trim($resolution[1] ?? 1080), 'partners' => [], ]; } switch ($sspIdField) { case 'customId': $sspId = $display->customId; break; case 'ref1': $sspId = $display->ref1; break; case 'ref2': $sspId = $display->ref2; break; case 'ref3': $sspId = $display->ref3; break; case 'ref4': $sspId = $display->ref4; break; case 'ref5': $sspId = $display->ref5; break; case 'displayId': default: $sspId = $display->displayId; } $displays[$display->displayId]['partners'][] = [ 'name' => $partnerKey, 'sspId' => '' . $sspId, ]; } } try { $this->getClient()->post($this->getServiceUrl() . '/displays', [ 'headers' => [ 'X-API-KEY' => $apiKey, ], 'json' => [ 'cmsUrl' => $cmsUrl, 'displays' => array_values($displays), ], ]); } catch (RequestException $e) { $this->getLogger()->error('setDisplays: e = ' . $e->getMessage()); $message = json_decode($e->getResponse()->getBody()->getContents(), true); throw new GeneralException(empty($message) ? __('Cannot contact SSP service, please try again shortly.') : $message['message']); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->getLogger()->error('setDisplays: e = ' . $e->getMessage()); throw new GeneralException(__('Cannot contact SSP service, please try again shortly.')); } } /** * Get the service url, either from settings or a default * @return string */ private function getServiceUrl(): string { return $this->getSetting('serviceUrl', 'https://exchange.xibo-adspace.com/api'); } //
/** * Activity data */ public function activity(SanitizerInterface $params): array { $fromDt = $params->getDate('activityFromDt', [ 'default' => Carbon::now()->startOfHour() ]); $toDt = $params->getDate('activityToDt', [ 'default' => $fromDt->addHour() ]); // Call the api (override the timeout) try { $response = $this->getClient()->get($this->getServiceUrl() . '/activity', [ 'timeout' => 120, 'headers' => [ 'X-API-KEY' => $this->getSetting('apiKey'), ], 'query' => [ 'cmsUrl' => $this->getSetting('cmsUrl'), 'fromDt' => $fromDt->toAtomString(), 'toDt' => $toDt->toAtomString(), 'displayId' => $params->getInt('displayId'), 'campaignId' => $params->getString('campaignId'), ], ]); $body = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents(), true); if (!$body) { throw new GeneralException(__('No response')); } return $body; } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->getLogger()->error('activity: e = ' . $e->getMessage()); } return [ 'data' => [], 'recordsTotal' => 0, ]; } //
public function onRegularMaintenance(MaintenanceRegularEvent $event) { $this->getLogger()->debug('onRegularMaintenance'); try { $this->getAvailablePartners(); $partners = $this->partners['partners'] ?? []; if (count($partners) > 0) { $this->setDisplays( $this->getSetting('apiKey'), $this->getSetting('cmsUrl'), $partners, $this->settings ); } $event->addMessage('SSP: done'); } catch (\Exception $exception) { $this->getLogger()->error('SSP connector: ' . $exception->getMessage()); $event->addMessage('Error processing SSP configuration.'); } } public function onDeleting(ConnectorDeletingEvent $event) { $this->getLogger()->debug('onDeleting'); $event->getConfigService()->changeSetting('isAdspaceEnabled', 0); } public function onEnabledChange(ConnectorEnabledChangeEvent $event) { $this->getLogger()->debug('onEnabledChange'); $event->getConfigService()->changeSetting('isAdspaceEnabled', $event->getConnector()->isEnabled); } //