. */ namespace Xibo\Connector; use GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException; use Nyholm\Psr7\Factory\Psr17Factory; use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface; use Xibo\Event\MaintenanceRegularEvent; use Xibo\Event\WidgetEditOptionRequestEvent; use Xibo\Event\XmdsConnectorFileEvent; use Xibo\Event\XmdsConnectorTokenEvent; use Xibo\Support\Exception\GeneralException; use Xibo\Support\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Xibo\Support\Exception\NotFoundException; use Xibo\Support\Sanitizer\SanitizerInterface; /** * Xibo Dashboard Service connector. * This connector collects credentials and sends them off to the dashboard service */ class XiboDashboardConnector implements ConnectorInterface { use ConnectorTrait; /** @var string Used when rendering the form */ private $errorMessage; /** @var array Cache of available services */ private $availableServices = null; /** @var string Cache key for credential states */ private $cacheKey = 'connector/xibo_dashboard_connector_statuses'; /** @var array Cache of error types */ private $cachedErrorTypes = null; public function registerWithDispatcher(EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher): ConnectorInterface { $dispatcher->addListener(MaintenanceRegularEvent::$NAME, [$this, 'onRegularMaintenance']); $dispatcher->addListener(XmdsConnectorFileEvent::$NAME, [$this, 'onXmdsFile']); $dispatcher->addListener(XmdsConnectorTokenEvent::$NAME, [$this, 'onXmdsToken']); $dispatcher->addListener(WidgetEditOptionRequestEvent::$NAME, [$this, 'onWidgetEditOption']); return $this; } public function getSourceName(): string { return 'xibo-dashboard-connector'; } public function getTitle(): string { return 'Xibo Dashboard Service'; } public function getDescription(): string { return 'Add your dashboard credentials for use in the Dashboard widget.'; } public function getThumbnail(): string { return 'theme/default/img/connectors/xibo-dashboards.png'; } public function getSettingsFormTwig(): string { return 'xibo-dashboard-form-settings'; } /** * Get the service url, either from settings or a default * @return string */ public function getServiceUrl(): string { return $this->getSetting('serviceUrl', 'https://api.dashboards.xibosignage.com'); } /** * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\InvalidArgumentException */ public function processSettingsForm(SanitizerInterface $params, array $settings): array { // Remember the old service URL $existingApiKey = $this->getSetting('apiKey'); if (!$this->isProviderSetting('apiKey')) { $settings['apiKey'] = $params->getString('apiKey'); } // What if the user changes their API key? // Handle existing credentials if ($existingApiKey !== $settings['apiKey']) { // Test the new API key. $services = $this->getAvailableServices(true, $settings['apiKey']); if (!is_array($services)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException($services); } // The new key is valid, clear out the old key's credentials. if (!empty($existingApiKey)) { foreach ($this->getCredentials() as $type => $credential) { try { $this->getClient()->delete( $this->getServiceUrl() . '/services/' . $type . '/' . $credential['id'], [ 'headers' => [ 'X-API-KEY' => $existingApiKey ] ] ); } catch (RequestException $requestException) { $this->getLogger()->error('getAvailableServices: delete failed. e = ' . $requestException->getMessage()); } } } $credentials = []; } else { $credentials = $this->getCredentials(); } $this->getLogger()->debug('Processing credentials'); foreach ($this->getAvailableServices(false, $settings['apiKey']) as $service) { // Pull in the parameters for this service. $id = $params->getString($service['type'] . '_id'); $isMarkedForRemoval = $params->getCheckbox($service['type'] . '_remove') == 1; if (empty($id)) { $userName = $params->getString($service['type'] . '_userName'); } else { $userName = $credentials[$service['type']]['userName'] ?? null; // This shouldn't happen because we had it when the form opened. if ($userName === null) { $isMarkedForRemoval = true; } } $password = $params->getParam($service['type'] . '_password'); $twoFactorSecret = $params->getString($service['type'] . '_twoFactorSecret'); $isUrl = isset($service['isUrl']); $url = ($isUrl) ? $params->getString($service['type' ]. '_url') : ''; if (!empty($id) && $isMarkedForRemoval) { // Existing credential marked for removal try { $this->getClient()->delete($this->getServiceUrl() . '/services/' . $service['type'] . '/' . $id, [ 'headers' => [ 'X-API-KEY' => $this->getSetting('apiKey') ] ]); } catch (RequestException $requestException) { $this->getLogger()->error('getAvailableServices: delete failed. e = ' . $requestException->getMessage()); } unset($credentials[$service['type']]); } else if (!empty($userName) && !empty($password)) { // A new service or an existing service with a changed password. // Make a request to our service URL. try { $response = $this->getClient()->post( $this->getServiceUrl() . '/services/' . $service['type'], [ 'headers' => [ 'X-API-KEY' => $this->getSetting('apiKey') ], 'json' => [ 'username' => $userName, 'password' => $password, 'totp' => $twoFactorSecret, 'url' => $url ], 'timeout' => 120 ] ); $json = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents(), true); if (empty($json)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Empty response from the dashboard service'), $service['type']); } $credentialId = $json['id']; $credentials[$service['type']] = [ 'userName' => $userName, 'id' => $credentialId, 'status' => true ]; } catch (RequestException $requestException) { $this->getLogger()->error('getAvailableServices: e = ' . $requestException->getMessage()); throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Cannot register those credentials.'), $service['type']); } } } // Set the credentials $settings['credentials'] = $credentials; return $settings; } public function getCredentialForType(string $type) { return $this->settings['credentials'][$type] ?? null; } public function getCredentials(): array { return $this->settings['credentials'] ?? []; } public function isCredentialInErrorState(string $type): bool { if ($this->cachedErrorTypes === null) { $item = $this->getPool()->getItem($this->cacheKey); if ($item->isHit()) { $this->cachedErrorTypes = $item->get(); } else { $this->cachedErrorTypes = []; } } return in_array($type, $this->cachedErrorTypes); } /** * @return array|mixed|string|null */ public function getAvailableServices(bool $isReturnError = true, ?string $withApiKey = null) { if ($withApiKey) { $apiKey = $withApiKey; } else { $apiKey = $this->getSetting('apiKey'); if (empty($apiKey)) { return []; } } if ($this->availableServices === null) { $this->getLogger()->debug('getAvailableServices: Requesting available services.' . $apiKey); try { $response = $this->getClient()->get($this->getServiceUrl() . '/services', [ 'headers' => [ 'X-API-KEY' => $apiKey ] ]); $body = $response->getBody()->getContents(); $this->getLogger()->debug('getAvailableServices: ' . $body); $json = json_decode($body, true); if (empty($json)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Empty response from the dashboard service')); } $this->availableServices = $json; } catch (RequestException $e) { $this->getLogger()->error('getAvailableServices: e = ' . $e->getMessage()); $message = json_decode($e->getResponse()->getBody()->getContents(), true); if ($isReturnError) { return empty($message) ? __('Cannot contact dashboard service, please try again shortly.') : $message['message']; } else { return []; } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->getLogger()->error('getAvailableServices: e = ' . $e->getMessage()); if ($isReturnError) { return __('Cannot contact dashboard service, please try again shortly.'); } else { return []; } } } return $this->availableServices; } public function onRegularMaintenance(MaintenanceRegularEvent $event) { $this->getLogger()->debug('onRegularMaintenance'); $credentials = $this->getCredentials(); if (count($credentials) <= 0) { $this->getLogger()->debug('onRegularMaintenance: No credentials configured, nothing to do.'); return; } $services = []; foreach ($credentials as $credential) { // Build up a request to ping the service. $services[] = $credential['id']; } try { $response = $this->getClient()->post( $this->getServiceUrl() . '/services', [ 'headers' => [ 'X-API-KEY' => $this->getSetting('apiKey') ], 'json' => $services ] ); $body = $response->getBody()->getContents(); if (empty($body)) { throw new NotFoundException('Empty response'); } $json = json_decode($body, true); if (!is_array($json)) { throw new GeneralException('Invalid response body: ' . $body); } // Parse the response and activate/deactivate services accordingly. $erroredTypes = []; foreach ($credentials as $type => $credential) { // Get this service from the response. foreach ($json as $item) { if ($item['id'] === $credential['id']) { if ($item['status'] !== true) { $this->getLogger()->error($type . ' credential is in error state'); $erroredTypes[] = $type; } continue 2; } } $erroredTypes[] = $type; $this->getLogger()->error($type . ' credential is not present'); } // Cache the errored types. if (count($erroredTypes) > 0) { $item = $this->getPool()->getItem($this->cacheKey); $item->set($erroredTypes); $item->expiresAfter(3600 * 4); $this->getPool()->save($item); } else { $this->getPool()->deleteItem($this->cacheKey); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $event->addMessage(__('Error calling Dashboard service')); $this->getLogger()->error('onRegularMaintenance: dashboard service e = ' . $e->getMessage()); } } public function onXmdsToken(XmdsConnectorTokenEvent $event) { $this->getLogger()->debug('onXmdsToken'); // We are either generating a new token, or verifying an old one. if (empty($event->getToken())) { // Generate a new token $token = $this->getJwtService()->generateJwt( $this->getTitle(), $this->getSourceName(), $event->getWidgetId(), $event->getDisplayId(), $event->getTtl() ); $event->setToken($token); } else { // Validate the token we've been given try { $token = $this->getJwtService()->validateJwt($event->getToken()); if ($token === null) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Cannot decode token')); } if ($this->getSourceName() === $token->claims()->get('aud')) { $this->getLogger()->debug('Token not for this connector'); return; } // Configure the event with details from this token $displayId = intval($token->claims()->get('sub')); $widgetId = intval($token->claims()->get('jti')); $event->setTargets($displayId, $widgetId); $this->getLogger()->debug('Configured event with displayId: ' . $displayId . ', widgetId: ' . $widgetId); } catch (\Exception $exception) { $this->getLogger()->error('onXmdsToken: Invalid token, e = ' . $exception->getMessage()); } } } public function onXmdsFile(XmdsConnectorFileEvent $event) { $this->getLogger()->debug('onXmdsFile'); try { // Get the widget $widget = $event->getWidget(); if ($widget === null) { throw new NotFoundException(); } // We want options, so load the widget $widget->load(); $type = $widget->getOptionValue('type', 'powerbi'); // Get the credentials for this type. $credentials = $this->getCredentialForType($type); if ($credentials === null) { throw new NotFoundException(sprintf(__('No credentials logged for %s'), $type)); } // Add headers $headers = [ 'X-API-KEY' => $this->getSetting('apiKey') ]; $response = $this->getClient()->get($this->getServiceUrl() . '/services/' . $type, [ 'headers' => $headers, 'query' => [ 'credentialId' => $credentials['id'], 'url' => $widget->getOptionValue('url', ''), 'interval' => $widget->getOptionValue('updateInterval', 60) * 60, 'debug' => $event->isDebug() ] ]); // Create a response $factory = new Psr17Factory(); $event->setResponse( $factory->createResponse(200) ->withHeader('Content-Type', $response->getHeader('Content-Type')) ->withHeader('Cache-Control', $response->getHeader('Cache-Control')) ->withHeader('Last-Modified', $response->getHeader('Last-Modified')) ->withBody($response->getBody()) ); } catch (\Exception $exception) { // We log any error and return empty $this->getLogger()->error('onXmdsFile: unknown error: ' . $exception->getMessage()); } } public function onWidgetEditOption(WidgetEditOptionRequestEvent $event) { $this->getLogger()->debug('onWidgetEditOption'); $widget = $event->getWidget(); // get any options we have in this event $options = $event->getOptions(); if ($widget === null) { throw new NotFoundException(); } // only care about dashboard type Widgets here if ($widget->type === 'dashboard') { // get available services $services = $this->getAvailableServices(true, $this->getSetting('apiKey')); // add services to our options array and set options on the event. $options['serviceType'] = $services; $event->setOptions($options); } } }