. */ namespace Xibo\Connector; use Carbon\Carbon; use GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException; use GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException; use GuzzleHttp\Exception\ServerException; use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface; use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface; use Xibo\Entity\User; use Xibo\Event\ConnectorReportEvent; use Xibo\Event\MaintenanceRegularEvent; use Xibo\Event\ReportDataEvent; use Xibo\Factory\CampaignFactory; use Xibo\Factory\DisplayFactory; use Xibo\Helper\DateFormatHelper; use Xibo\Helper\SanitizerService; use Xibo\Service\ConfigServiceInterface; use Xibo\Storage\TimeSeriesStoreInterface; use Xibo\Support\Exception\AccessDeniedException; use Xibo\Support\Exception\GeneralException; use Xibo\Support\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Xibo\Support\Exception\NotFoundException; use Xibo\Support\Sanitizer\SanitizerInterface; class XiboAudienceReportingConnector implements ConnectorInterface { use ConnectorTrait; /** @var User */ private $user; /** @var TimeSeriesStoreInterface */ private $timeSeriesStore; /** @var SanitizerService */ private $sanitizer; /** @var ConfigServiceInterface */ private $config; /** @var CampaignFactory */ private $campaignFactory; /** @var DisplayFactory */ private $displayFactory; /** * @param \Psr\Container\ContainerInterface $container * @return \Xibo\Connector\ConnectorInterface */ public function setFactories(ContainerInterface $container): ConnectorInterface { $this->user = $container->get('user'); $this->timeSeriesStore = $container->get('timeSeriesStore'); $this->sanitizer = $container->get('sanitizerService'); $this->config = $container->get('configService'); $this->campaignFactory = $container->get('campaignFactory'); $this->displayFactory = $container->get('displayFactory'); return $this; } public function registerWithDispatcher(EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher): ConnectorInterface { $dispatcher->addListener(MaintenanceRegularEvent::$NAME, [$this, 'onRegularMaintenance']); $dispatcher->addListener(ReportDataEvent::$NAME, [$this, 'onRequestReportData']); $dispatcher->addListener(ConnectorReportEvent::$NAME, [$this, 'onListReports']); return $this; } public function getSourceName(): string { return 'xibo-audience-reporting-connector'; } public function getTitle(): string { return 'Xibo Audience Reporting Connector'; } /** * Get the service url, either from settings or a default * @return string */ private function getServiceUrl(): string { return $this->getSetting('serviceUrl', 'https://exchange.xibo-adspace.com/api'); } public function getDescription(): string { return 'Enhance your reporting with audience data, impressions and more.'; } public function getThumbnail(): string { return 'theme/default/img/connectors/xibo-audience-reporting.png'; } public function getSettingsFormTwig(): string { return 'xibo-audience-connector-form-settings'; } public function getSettingsFormJavaScript(): string { return 'xibo-audience-connector-form-javascript'; } public function processSettingsForm(SanitizerInterface $params, array $settings): array { if (!$this->isProviderSetting('apiKey')) { $settings['apiKey'] = $params->getString('apiKey'); } // Get this connector settings, etc. $this->getOptionsFromAxe($settings['apiKey'], true); return $settings; } //
/** * @throws NotFoundException * @throws GeneralException */ public function onRegularMaintenance(MaintenanceRegularEvent $event) { // We should only do this if the connector is enabled and if we have an API key $apiKey = $this->getSetting('apiKey'); if (empty($apiKey)) { $this->getLogger()->debug('onRegularMaintenance: No api key'); return; } $event->addMessage('## Audience Connector'); // Set displays on DMAs foreach ($this->dmaSearch($this->sanitizer->getSanitizer([]))['data'] as $dma) { if ($dma['displayGroupId'] !== null) { $this->setDisplaysForDma($dma['_id'], $dma['displayGroupId']); } } // Handle sending stats to the audience connector service API try { $defaultTimezone = $this->config->getSetting('defaultTimezone'); // Get Watermark (might be null - start from beginning) $watermark = $this->getWatermark(); // Loop over 5000 stat records // Only interested in layout stats which belong to a parent campaign $params = [ 'type' => 'layout', 'start' => 0, 'length' => $this->getSetting('batchSize', 5000), 'mustHaveParentCampaign' => true ]; // If the watermark is not empty, we go from this point if (!empty($watermark)) { $params['statId'] = $watermark; } $this->getLogger()->debug('onRegularMaintenance: Processing batch of stats with params: ' . json_encode($params)); // Call the time series interface getStats $resultSet = $this->timeSeriesStore->getStats($params, true); // Array of campaigns for which we will update the total spend, impresssions, and plays $campaigns = []; $adCampaignCache = []; $listCampaignCache = []; $displayCache = []; $displayIdsDeleted = []; $erroredCampaign = []; $rows = []; $updateWatermark = null; // Process the stats one by one while ($row = $resultSet->getNextRow()) { try { $sanitizedRow = $this->sanitizer->getSanitizer($row); $parentCampaignId = $sanitizedRow->getInt('parentCampaignId', ['default' => 0]); $displayId = $sanitizedRow->getInt('displayId'); $statId = $resultSet->getIdFromRow($row); // Keep this watermark, so we update it later $updateWatermark = $statId; // Skip records we're not interested in, or records that have already been discounted before. if (empty($parentCampaignId) || empty($displayId) || in_array($displayId, $displayIdsDeleted) || array_key_exists($parentCampaignId, $erroredCampaign) || array_key_exists($parentCampaignId, $listCampaignCache) ) { // Comment out this log to save recording messages unless we need to troubleshoot in dev //$this->getLogger()->debug('onRegularMaintenance: Campaign is a list campaign ' // . $parentCampaignId); continue; } // Build an array to represent the row we want to send. $entry = [ 'id' => $statId, 'parentCampaignId' => $parentCampaignId, 'displayId' => $displayId, ]; // -------- // Get Campaign // Campaign start and end date if (array_key_exists($parentCampaignId, $adCampaignCache)) { $entry['campaignStart'] = $adCampaignCache[$parentCampaignId]['start']; $entry['campaignEnd'] = $adCampaignCache[$parentCampaignId]['end']; } else { // Get Campaign try { $parentCampaign = $this->campaignFactory->getById($parentCampaignId); } catch (\Exception $exception) { $this->getLogger()->error('onRegularMaintenance: campaign with ID ' . $parentCampaignId . ' not found'); $erroredCampaign[$parentCampaignId] = $entry['id']; // first stat id continue; } if ($parentCampaign->type == 'ad') { $adCampaignCache[$parentCampaignId]['type'] = $parentCampaign->type; } else { $this->getLogger()->debug('onRegularMaintenance: campaign is a list ' . $parentCampaignId); $listCampaignCache[$parentCampaignId] = $parentCampaignId; continue; } if (!empty($parentCampaign->getStartDt()) && !empty($parentCampaign->getEndDt())) { $adCampaignCache[$parentCampaignId]['start'] = $parentCampaign->getStartDt() ->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()); $adCampaignCache[$parentCampaignId]['end'] = $parentCampaign->getEndDt() ->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()); $entry['campaignStart'] = $adCampaignCache[$parentCampaignId]['start']; $entry['campaignEnd'] = $adCampaignCache[$parentCampaignId]['end']; } else { $this->getLogger()->error('onRegularMaintenance: campaign without dates ' . $parentCampaignId); $erroredCampaign[$parentCampaignId] = $entry['id']; // first stat id continue; } } // Get Display // ----------- // Cost per play and impressions per play if (!array_key_exists($displayId, $displayCache)) { try { $display = $this->displayFactory->getById($displayId); $displayCache[$displayId]['costPerPlay'] = $display->costPerPlay; $displayCache[$displayId]['impressionsPerPlay'] = $display->impressionsPerPlay; $displayCache[$displayId]['timeZone'] = empty($display->timeZone) ? $defaultTimezone : $display->timeZone; } catch (NotFoundException $notFoundException) { $this->getLogger()->error('onRegularMaintenance: display not found with ID: ' . $displayId); $displayIdsDeleted[] = $displayId; continue; } } $entry['costPerPlay'] = $displayCache[$displayId]['costPerPlay']; $entry['impressionsPerPlay'] = $displayCache[$displayId]['impressionsPerPlay']; // Converting the date into the format expected by the API // -------- // We know that player's local dates were stored in the CMS's configured timezone // Dates were saved in Unix timestamps in MySQL // Dates were saved in UTC format in MongoDB // The main difference is that MySQL stores dates in the timezone of the CMS, // while MongoDB converts those dates to UTC before storing them. // -----MySQL // Carbon::createFromTimestamp() always applies the CMS timezone // ------MongoDB // $date->toDateTime() returns a PHP DateTime object from MongoDB BSON Date type (UTC) // Carbon::instance() keeps the timezone as UTC try { $start = $resultSet->getDateFromValue($row['start']); $end = $resultSet->getDateFromValue($row['end']); } catch (\Exception $exception) { $this->getLogger()->error('onRegularMaintenance: Date convert failed for ID ' . $entry['id'] . ' with error: '. $exception->getMessage()); continue; } // Convert dates to display timezone $entry['start'] = $start->timezone($displayCache[$displayId]['timeZone'])->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()); $entry['end'] = $end->timezone($displayCache[$displayId]['timeZone'])->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()); $entry['layoutId'] = $sanitizedRow->getInt('layoutId', ['default' => 0]); $entry['numberPlays'] = $sanitizedRow->getInt('count', ['default' => 0]); $entry['duration'] = $sanitizedRow->getInt('duration', ['default' => 0]); $entry['engagements'] = $resultSet->getEngagementsFromRow($row); $rows[] = $entry; // Campaign list in array if (!in_array($parentCampaignId, $campaigns)) { $campaigns[] = $parentCampaignId; } } catch (\Exception $exception) { $this->getLogger()->error('onRegularMaintenance: unexpected exception processing row ' . ($entry['id'] ?? null) . ', e: ' . $exception->getMessage()); } } if (count($erroredCampaign) > 0) { $event->addMessage(sprintf( __('There were %d campaigns which failed. A summary is in the error log.'), count($erroredCampaign) )); $this->getLogger()->error('onRegularMaintenance: Failure summary of campaignId and first statId:' . json_encode($erroredCampaign)); } $this->getLogger()->debug('onRegularMaintenance: Records to send: ' . count($rows) . ', Watermark: ' . $watermark); $this->getLogger()->debug('onRegularMaintenance: Campaigns: ' . json_encode($campaigns)); // If we have rows, send them. if (count($rows) > 0) { // All outcomes from here are either a break; or an exception to stop the loop. try { $response = $this->getClient()->post($this->getServiceUrl() . '/audience/receiveStats', [ 'timeout' => $this->getSetting('receiveStatsTimeout', 300), // 5 minutes 'headers' => [ 'X-API-KEY' => $this->getSetting('apiKey') ], 'json' => $rows ]); $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode(); $this->getLogger()->debug('onRegularMaintenance: Receive Stats StatusCode: ' . $statusCode); // Get Campaign Total if ($statusCode == 204) { $this->getAndUpdateCampaignTotal($campaigns); } $event->addMessage('Added ' . count($rows) . ' to audience API'); } catch (RequestException $requestException) { // If a request fails completely, we should stop and log the error. $this->getLogger()->error('onRegularMaintenance: Audience receiveStats: failed e = ' . $requestException->getMessage()); throw new GeneralException(__('Failed to send stats to audience API')); } } // Update the last statId of the block as the watermark if (!empty($updateWatermark)) { $this->setWatermark($updateWatermark); } } catch (GeneralException $exception) { // We should have recorded in the error log already, so we just append to the event message for task // last run status. $event->addMessage($exception->getMessage()); } } /** * Get the watermark representing how far we've processed already * @return mixed|null * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\GeneralException */ private function getWatermark() { // If the watermark request fails, we should error. try { $this->getLogger()->debug('onRegularMaintenance: Get Watermark'); $response = $this->getClient()->get($this->getServiceUrl() . '/audience/watermark', [ 'headers' => [ 'X-API-KEY' => $this->getSetting('apiKey') ], ]); $body = $response->getBody()->getContents(); $json = json_decode($body, true); return $json['watermark'] ?? null; } catch (RequestException $requestException) { $this->getLogger()->error('getWatermark: failed e = ' . $requestException->getMessage()); throw new GeneralException(__('Cannot get watermark')); } } /** * Set the watermark representing how far we've processed already * @return void * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\GeneralException */ private function setWatermark($watermark) { // If the watermark set fails, we should error. try { $this->getLogger()->debug('onRegularMaintenance: Set Watermark ' . $watermark); $this->getClient()->post($this->getServiceUrl() . '/audience/watermark', [ 'headers' => [ 'X-API-KEY' => $this->getSetting('apiKey') ], 'json' => ['watermark' => $watermark] ]); } catch (RequestException $requestException) { $this->getLogger()->error('setWatermark: failed e = ' . $requestException->getMessage()); throw new GeneralException(__('Cannot set watermark')); } } /** * @param array $campaigns * @return void * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\GeneralException */ private function getAndUpdateCampaignTotal(array $campaigns) { $this->getLogger()->debug('onRegularMaintenance: Get Campaign Total'); try { $response = $this->getClient()->get($this->getServiceUrl() . '/audience/campaignTotal', [ 'headers' => [ 'X-API-KEY' => $this->getSetting('apiKey') ], 'query' => [ 'campaigns' => $campaigns ] ]); $body = $response->getBody()->getContents(); $results = json_decode($body, true); $this->getLogger()->debug('onRegularMaintenance: Campaign Total Results: ' . json_encode($results)); foreach ($results as $item) { try { // Save the total in the campaign $campaign = $this->campaignFactory->getById($item['id']); $this->getLogger()->debug('onRegularMaintenance: Campaign Id: ' . $item['id'] . ' Spend: ' . $campaign->spend . ' Impressions: ' . $campaign->impressions); $campaign->spend = $item['spend']; $campaign->impressions = $item['impressions']; $campaign->overwritePlays(); $this->getLogger()->debug('onRegularMaintenance: Campaign Id: ' . $item['id'] . ' Spend(U): ' . $campaign->spend . ' Impressions(U): ' . $campaign->impressions); } catch (NotFoundException $notFoundException) { $this->getLogger()->error('onRegularMaintenance: campaignId ' . $item['id']. ' should have existed, but did not.'); throw new GeneralException(sprintf(__('Cannot update campaign status for %d'), $item['id'])); } } } catch (RequestException $requestException) { $this->getLogger()->error('Campaign total: e = ' . $requestException->getMessage()); throw new GeneralException(__('Failed to update campaign totals.')); } } /** * Request Report results from the audience report service */ public function onRequestReportData(ReportDataEvent $event) { $this->getLogger()->debug('onRequestReportData'); $type = $event->getReportType(); $typeUrl = [ 'campaignProofofplay' => $this->getServiceUrl() . '/audience/campaign/proofofplay', 'mobileProofofplay' => $this->getServiceUrl() . '/audience/campaign/proofofplay/mobile', 'displayAdPlay' => $this->getServiceUrl() . '/audience/display/adplays', 'displayPercentage' => $this->getServiceUrl() . '/audience/display/percentage' ]; if (array_key_exists($type, $typeUrl)) { $json = []; switch ($type) { case 'campaignProofofplay': // Get campaign proofofplay result try { $response = $this->getClient()->get($typeUrl[$type], [ 'headers' => [ 'X-API-KEY' => $this->getSetting('apiKey') ], 'query' => $event->getParams() ]); $body = $response->getBody()->getContents(); $json = json_decode($body, true); } catch (RequestException $requestException) { $this->getLogger()->error('Get '. $type.': failed. e = ' . $requestException->getMessage()); $error = 'Failed to get campaign proofofplay result: '.$requestException->getMessage(); } break; case 'mobileProofofplay': // Get mobile proofofplay result try { $response = $this->getClient()->get($typeUrl[$type], [ 'headers' => [ 'X-API-KEY' => $this->getSetting('apiKey') ], 'query' => $event->getParams() ]); $body = $response->getBody()->getContents(); $json = json_decode($body, true); } catch (RequestException $requestException) { $this->getLogger()->error('Get '. $type.': failed. e = ' . $requestException->getMessage()); $error = 'Failed to get mobile proofofplay result: '.$requestException->getMessage(); } break; case 'displayAdPlay': // Get display adplays result try { $response = $this->getClient()->get($typeUrl[$type], [ 'headers' => [ 'X-API-KEY' => $this->getSetting('apiKey') ], 'query' => $event->getParams() ]); $body = $response->getBody()->getContents(); $json = json_decode($body, true); } catch (RequestException $requestException) { $this->getLogger()->error('Get '. $type.': failed. e = ' . $requestException->getMessage()); $error = 'Failed to get display adplays result: '.$requestException->getMessage(); } break; case 'displayPercentage': // Get display played percentage result try { $response = $this->getClient()->get($typeUrl[$type], [ 'headers' => [ 'X-API-KEY' => $this->getSetting('apiKey') ], 'query' => $event->getParams() ]); $body = $response->getBody()->getContents(); $json = json_decode($body, true); } catch (RequestException $requestException) { $this->getLogger()->error('Get '. $type.': failed. e = ' . $requestException->getMessage()); $error = 'Failed to get display played percentage result: '.$requestException->getMessage(); } break; default: $this->getLogger()->error('Connector Report not found '); } $event->setResults([ 'json' => $json, 'error' => $error ?? null ]); } } /** * Get this connector reports * @param ConnectorReportEvent $event * @return void */ public function onListReports(ConnectorReportEvent $event) { $this->getLogger()->debug('onListReports'); $connectorReports = [ [ 'name'=> 'campaignProofOfPlay', 'description'=> 'Campaign Proof of Play', 'class'=> '\\Xibo\\Report\\CampaignProofOfPlay', 'type'=> 'Report', 'output_type'=> 'table', 'color'=> 'gray', 'fa_icon'=> 'fa-th', 'category'=> 'Connector Reports', 'feature'=> 'campaign-proof-of-play', 'adminOnly'=> 0, 'sort_order' => 1 ], [ 'name'=> 'mobileProofOfPlay', 'description'=> 'Mobile Proof of Play', 'class'=> '\\Xibo\\Report\\MobileProofOfPlay', 'type'=> 'Report', 'output_type'=> 'table', 'color'=> 'green', 'fa_icon'=> 'fa-th', 'category'=> 'Connector Reports', 'feature'=> 'mobile-proof-of-play', 'adminOnly'=> 0, 'sort_order' => 2 ], [ 'name'=> 'displayPercentage', 'description'=> 'Display Played Percentage', 'class'=> '\\Xibo\\Report\\DisplayPercentage', 'type'=> 'Chart', 'output_type'=> 'both', 'color'=> 'blue', 'fa_icon'=> 'fa-pie-chart', 'category'=> 'Connector Reports', 'feature'=> 'display-report', 'adminOnly'=> 0, 'sort_order' => 3 ], // [ // 'name'=> 'revenueByDisplayReport', // 'description'=> 'Revenue by Display', // 'class'=> '\\Xibo\\Report\\RevenueByDisplay', // 'type'=> 'Report', // 'output_type'=> 'table', // 'color'=> 'green', // 'fa_icon'=> 'fa-th', // 'category'=> 'Connector Reports', // 'feature'=> 'display-report', // 'adminOnly'=> 0, // 'sort_order' => 4 // ], [ 'name'=> 'displayAdPlay', 'description'=> 'Display Ad Plays', 'class'=> '\\Xibo\\Report\\DisplayAdPlay', 'type'=> 'Chart', 'output_type'=> 'both', 'color'=> 'red', 'fa_icon'=> 'fa-bar-chart', 'category'=> 'Connector Reports', 'feature'=> 'display-report', 'adminOnly'=> 0, 'sort_order' => 5 ], ]; $reports = []; foreach ($connectorReports as $connectorReport) { // Compatibility check if (!isset($connectorReport['feature']) || !isset($connectorReport['category'])) { continue; } // Check if only allowed for admin if ($this->user->userTypeId != 1) { if (isset($connectorReport['adminOnly']) && !empty($connectorReport['adminOnly'])) { continue; } } $reports[$connectorReport['category']][] = (object) $connectorReport; } if (count($reports) > 0) { $event->addReports($reports); } } //
public function dmaSearch(SanitizerInterface $params): array { try { $response = $this->getClient()->get($this->getServiceUrl() . '/dma', [ 'timeout' => 120, 'headers' => [ 'X-API-KEY' => $this->getSetting('apiKey'), ], ]); $body = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents(), true); if (!$body) { throw new GeneralException(__('No response')); } return [ 'data' => $body, 'recordsTotal' => count($body), ]; } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->getLogger()->error('activity: e = ' . $e->getMessage()); } return [ 'data' => [], 'recordsTotal' => 0, ]; } /** * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\InvalidArgumentException * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\GeneralException */ public function dmaAdd(SanitizerInterface $params): array { $startDate = $params->getDate('startDate'); if ($startDate !== null) { $startDate = $startDate->format('Y-m-d'); } $endDate = $params->getDate('endDate'); if ($endDate !== null) { $endDate = $endDate->format('Y-m-d'); } try { $response = $this->getClient()->post($this->getServiceUrl() . '/dma', [ 'timeout' => 120, 'headers' => [ 'X-API-KEY' => $this->getSetting('apiKey'), ], 'json' => [ 'name' => $params->getString('name'), 'costPerPlay' => $params->getDouble('costPerPlay'), 'impressionSource' => $params->getString('impressionSource'), 'impressionsPerPlay' => $params->getDouble('impressionsPerPlay'), 'startDate' => $startDate, 'endDate' => $endDate, 'daysOfWeek' => $params->getIntArray('daysOfWeek'), 'startTime' => $params->getString('startTime'), 'endTime' => $params->getString('endTime'), 'geoFence' => json_decode($params->getString('geoFence'), true), 'priority' => $params->getInt('priority'), 'displayGroupId' => $params->getInt('displayGroupId'), ], ]); $body = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents(), true); if (!$body) { throw new GeneralException(__('No response')); } // Set the displays $this->setDisplaysForDma($body['_id'], $params->getInt('displayGroupId')); return $body; } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->handleException($e); } } /** * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\InvalidArgumentException * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\GeneralException */ public function dmaEdit(SanitizerInterface $params): array { $startDate = $params->getDate('startDate'); if ($startDate !== null) { $startDate = $startDate->format('Y-m-d'); } $endDate = $params->getDate('endDate'); if ($endDate !== null) { $endDate = $endDate->format('Y-m-d'); } try { $response = $this->getClient()->put($this->getServiceUrl() . '/dma/' . $params->getString('_id'), [ 'timeout' => 120, 'headers' => [ 'X-API-KEY' => $this->getSetting('apiKey'), ], 'json' => [ 'name' => $params->getString('name'), 'costPerPlay' => $params->getDouble('costPerPlay'), 'impressionSource' => $params->getString('impressionSource'), 'impressionsPerPlay' => $params->getDouble('impressionsPerPlay'), 'startDate' => $startDate, 'endDate' => $endDate, 'daysOfWeek' => $params->getIntArray('daysOfWeek'), 'startTime' => $params->getString('startTime'), 'endTime' => $params->getString('endTime'), 'geoFence' => json_decode($params->getString('geoFence'), true), 'priority' => $params->getInt('priority'), 'displayGroupId' => $params->getInt('displayGroupId'), ], ]); $body = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents(), true); if (!$body) { throw new GeneralException(__('No response')); } // Set the displays $this->setDisplaysForDma($body['_id'], $params->getInt('displayGroupId')); return $body; } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->handleException($e); } } /** * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\InvalidArgumentException * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\GeneralException */ public function dmaDelete(SanitizerInterface $params) { try { $this->getClient()->delete($this->getServiceUrl() . '/dma/' . $params->getString('_id'), [ 'timeout' => 120, 'headers' => [ 'X-API-KEY' => $this->getSetting('apiKey'), ], ]); return null; } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->handleException($e); } } //
/** * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\InvalidArgumentException * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\GeneralException */ public function getOptionsFromAxe($apiKey = null, $throw = false) { $apiKey = $apiKey ?? $this->getSetting('apiKey'); if (empty($apiKey)) { if ($throw) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Please provide an API key')); } else { return [ 'error' => true, 'message' => __('Please provide an API key'), ]; } } try { $response = $this->getClient()->get($this->getServiceUrl() . '/options', [ 'timeout' => 120, 'headers' => [ 'X-API-KEY' => $apiKey, ], ]); return json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents(), true); } catch (\Exception $e) { try { $this->handleException($e); } catch (\Exception $exception) { if ($throw) { throw $exception; } else { return [ 'error' => true, 'message' => $exception->getMessage() ?: __('Unknown Error'), ]; } } } } private function setDisplaysForDma($dmaId, $displayGroupId) { // Get displays $displayIds = []; foreach ($this->displayFactory->getByDisplayGroupId($displayGroupId) as $display) { $displayIds[] = $display->displayId; } // Make a blind call to update this DMA. try { $this->getClient()->post($this->getServiceUrl() . '/dma/' . $dmaId . '/displays', [ 'headers' => [ 'X-API-KEY' => $this->getSetting('apiKey') ], 'json' => [ 'displays' => $displayIds, ] ]); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->getLogger()->error('Exception updating Displays for dmaId: ' . $dmaId . ', e: ' . $e->getMessage()); } } /** * @param \Exception $exception * @return void * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\GeneralException * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\InvalidArgumentException */ private function handleException($exception) { $this->getLogger()->debug('handleException: ' . $exception->getMessage()); $this->getLogger()->debug('handleException: ' . $exception->getTraceAsString()); if ($exception instanceof ClientException) { if ($exception->hasResponse()) { $body = $exception->getResponse()->getBody() ?? null; if (!empty($body)) { $decodedBody = json_decode($body, true); $message = $decodedBody['message'] ?? $body; } else { $message = __('An unknown error has occurred.'); } switch ($exception->getResponse()->getStatusCode()) { case 422: throw new InvalidArgumentException($message); case 404: throw new NotFoundException($message); case 401: throw new AccessDeniedException(__('Access denied, please check your API key')); default: throw new GeneralException(sprintf( __('Unknown client exception processing your request, error code is %s'), $exception->getResponse()->getStatusCode() )); } } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Invalid request')); } } elseif ($exception instanceof ServerException) { $this->getLogger()->error('handleException:' . $exception->getMessage()); throw new GeneralException(__('There was a problem processing your request, please try again')); } else { throw new GeneralException(__('Unknown Error')); } } }