. */ namespace Xibo\Connector; use Carbon\Carbon; use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface; use Xibo\Entity\SearchResult; use Xibo\Event\LibraryProviderEvent; use Xibo\Event\LibraryProviderImportEvent; use Xibo\Support\Sanitizer\SanitizerInterface; /** * Pixabay Connector * This connector acts as a data provider for the Media Toolbar in the Layout/Playlist editor user interface */ class PixabayConnector implements ConnectorInterface { use ConnectorTrait; public function registerWithDispatcher(EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher): ConnectorInterface { $dispatcher->addListener('connector.provider.library', [$this, 'onLibraryProvider']); $dispatcher->addListener('connector.provider.library.import', [$this, 'onLibraryImport']); return $this; } public function getSourceName(): string { return 'pixabay'; } public function getTitle(): string { return 'Pixabay'; } public function getDescription(): string { return 'Show Pixabay images and videos in the Layout editor toolbar and download them to the library for use on your Layouts.'; } public function getThumbnail(): string { return 'theme/default/img/connectors/pixabay_square_green.png'; } public function getSettingsFormTwig(): string { return 'pixabay-form-settings'; } public function processSettingsForm(SanitizerInterface $params, array $settings): array { if (!$this->isProviderSetting('apiKey')) { $settings['apiKey'] = $params->getString('apiKey'); } return $settings; } /** * @param \Xibo\Event\LibraryProviderEvent $event * @throws \GuzzleHttp\Exception\GuzzleException */ public function onLibraryProvider(LibraryProviderEvent $event) { $this->getLogger()->debug('onLibraryProvider'); // Do we have an alternative URL (we may proxy requests for cache) $baseUrl = $this->getSetting('baseUrl'); if (empty($baseUrl)) { $baseUrl = 'https://pixabay.com/api/'; } // Do we have an API key? $apiKey = $this->getSetting('apiKey'); if (empty($apiKey)) { $this->getLogger()->debug('onLibraryProvider: No api key'); return; } // We do! Let's get some results from Pixabay // first we look at paging $start = $event->getStart(); $perPage = $event->getLength(); if ($start == 0) { $page = 1; } else { $page = floor($start / $perPage) + 1; } $query = [ 'key' => $apiKey, 'page' => $page, 'per_page' => $perPage, 'safesearch' => 'true' ]; // Now we handle any other search if ($event->getOrientation() === 'landscape') { $query['orientation'] = 'horizontal'; } else if ($event->getOrientation() === 'portrait') { $query['orientation'] = 'vertical'; } if (!empty($event->getSearch())) { $query['q'] = urlencode($event->getSearch()); } // Pixabay either returns images or videos, not both. if (count($event->getTypes()) !== 1) { return; } $type = $event->getTypes()[0]; if (!in_array($type, ['image', 'video'])) { return; } // Pixabay require a 24-hour cache of each result set. $key = md5($type . '_' . json_encode($query)); $cache = $this->getPool()->getItem($key); $body = $cache->get(); if ($cache->isMiss()) { $this->getLogger()->debug('onLibraryProvider: cache miss, generating.'); // Make the request $request = $this->getClient()->request('GET', $baseUrl . ($type === 'video' ? 'videos' : ''), [ 'query' => $query ]); $body = $request->getBody()->getContents(); if (empty($body)) { $this->getLogger()->debug('onLibraryProvider: Empty body'); return; } $body = json_decode($body); if ($body === null || $body === false) { $this->getLogger()->debug('onLibraryProvider: non-json body or empty body returned.'); return; } // Cache for next time $cache->set($body); $cache->expiresAt(Carbon::now()->addHours(24)); $this->getPool()->saveDeferred($cache); } else { $this->getLogger()->debug('onLibraryProvider: serving from cache.'); } $providerDetails = new ProviderDetails(); $providerDetails->id = 'pixabay'; $providerDetails->link = 'https://pixabay.com'; $providerDetails->logoUrl = '/theme/default/img/connectors/pixabay_logo.svg'; $providerDetails->backgroundColor = ''; // Process each hit into a search result and add it to the overall results we've been given. foreach ($body->hits as $result) { $searchResult = new SearchResult(); // TODO: add more info $searchResult->source = $this->getSourceName(); $searchResult->id = $result->id; $searchResult->title = $result->tags; $searchResult->provider = $providerDetails; if ($type === 'video') { $searchResult->type = 'video'; $searchResult->thumbnail = $result->videos->tiny->url; $searchResult->duration = $result->duration; $searchResult->videoThumbnailUrl = str_replace('pictureId', $result->picture_id, 'https://i.vimeocdn.com/video/pictureId_960x540.png'); if (!empty($result->videos->large)) { $searchResult->download = $result->videos->large->url; $searchResult->width = $result->videos->large->width; $searchResult->height = $result->videos->large->height; $searchResult->fileSize = $result->videos->large->size; } else if (!empty($result->videos->medium)) { $searchResult->download = $result->videos->medium->url; $searchResult->width = $result->videos->medium->width; $searchResult->height = $result->videos->medium->height; $searchResult->fileSize = $result->videos->medium->size; } else if (!empty($result->videos->small)) { $searchResult->download = $result->videos->small->url; $searchResult->width = $result->videos->small->width; $searchResult->height = $result->videos->small->height; $searchResult->fileSize = $result->videos->small->size; } else { $searchResult->download = $result->videos->tiny->url; $searchResult->width = $result->videos->tiny->width; $searchResult->height = $result->videos->tiny->height; $searchResult->fileSize = $result->videos->tiny->size; } } else { $searchResult->type = 'image'; $searchResult->thumbnail = $result->previewURL; $searchResult->download = $result->fullHDURL ?? $result->largeImageURL; $searchResult->width = $result->imageWidth; $searchResult->height = $result->imageHeight; $searchResult->fileSize = $result->imageSize; } $event->addResult($searchResult); } } /** * @param \Xibo\Event\LibraryProviderImportEvent $event */ public function onLibraryImport(LibraryProviderImportEvent $event) { foreach ($event->getItems() as $providerImport) { if ($providerImport->searchResult->provider->id === $this->getSourceName()) { // Configure this import, setting the URL, etc. $providerImport->configureDownload(); } } } }