. */ namespace Xibo\Service; use Carbon\Carbon; use GuzzleHttp\Client; use GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException; use Mimey\MimeTypes; use Slim\Routing\RouteParser; use Stash\Interfaces\PoolInterface; use Stash\Invalidation; use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface; use Xibo\Entity\User; use Xibo\Event\MediaDeleteEvent; use Xibo\Factory\MediaFactory; use Xibo\Helper\ByteFormatter; use Xibo\Helper\DateFormatHelper; use Xibo\Helper\Environment; use Xibo\Helper\SanitizerService; use Xibo\Storage\StorageServiceInterface; use Xibo\Support\Exception\ConfigurationException; use Xibo\Support\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Xibo\Support\Exception\LibraryFullException; /** * MediaService */ class MediaService implements MediaServiceInterface { /** @var ConfigServiceInterface */ private $configService; /** @var LogServiceInterface */ private $log; /** @var StorageServiceInterface */ private $store; /** @var SanitizerService */ private $sanitizerService; /** @var PoolInterface */ private $pool; /** @var MediaFactory */ private $mediaFactory; /** @var User */ private $user; /** @var EventDispatcherInterface */ private $dispatcher; /** @inheritDoc */ public function __construct( ConfigServiceInterface $configService, LogServiceInterface $logService, StorageServiceInterface $store, SanitizerService $sanitizerService, PoolInterface $pool, MediaFactory $mediaFactory ) { $this->configService = $configService; $this->log = $logService; $this->store = $store; $this->sanitizerService = $sanitizerService; $this->pool = $pool; $this->mediaFactory = $mediaFactory; } /** @inheritDoc */ public function setUser(User $user) : MediaServiceInterface { $this->user = $user; return $this; } /** @inheritDoc */ public function getUser() : User { return $this->user; } /** @inheritDoc */ public function setDispatcher(EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher): MediaServiceInterface { $this->dispatcher = $dispatcher; return $this; } /** @inheritDoc */ public function fontCKEditorConfig(RouteParser $routeParser): string { // Regenerate the CSS for fonts $css = $this->installFonts($routeParser, ['invalidateCache' => false]); return $css['ckeditor']; } /** @inheritDoc */ public function libraryUsage(): int { $results = $this->store->select('SELECT IFNULL(SUM(FileSize), 0) AS SumSize FROM media', []); return $this->sanitizerService->getSanitizer($results[0])->getInt('SumSize'); } /** @inheritDoc */ public function initLibrary(): MediaServiceInterface { MediaService::ensureLibraryExists($this->configService->getSetting('LIBRARY_LOCATION')); return $this; } /** @inheritDoc */ public function checkLibraryOrQuotaFull($isCheckUser = false): MediaServiceInterface { // Check that we have some space in our library $librarySizeLimit = $this->configService->getSetting('LIBRARY_SIZE_LIMIT_KB') * 1024; $librarySizeLimitMB = round(($librarySizeLimit / 1024) / 1024, 2); if ($librarySizeLimit > 0 && $this->libraryUsage() > $librarySizeLimit) { throw new LibraryFullException(sprintf(__('Your library is full. Library Limit: %s MB'), $librarySizeLimitMB)); } if ($isCheckUser) { $this->getUser()->isQuotaFullByUser(); } return $this; } /** @inheritDoc */ public function checkMaxUploadSize($size): MediaServiceInterface { if (ByteFormatter::toBytes(Environment::getMaxUploadSize()) < $size) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( sprintf(__('This file size exceeds your environment Max Upload Size %s'), Environment::getMaxUploadSize()), 'size' ); } return $this; } /** @inheritDoc */ public function getDownloadInfo($url): array { $downloadInfo = []; $guzzle = new Client($this->configService->getGuzzleProxy()); // first try to get the extension from pathinfo $info = pathinfo(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH)); $extension = $info['extension'] ?? ''; $size = -1; try { $head = $guzzle->head($url); // First chance at getting the content length so that we can fail early. // Will fail for downloads with redirects. if ($head->hasHeader('Content-Length')) { $contentLength = $head->getHeader('Content-Length'); foreach ($contentLength as $value) { $size = $value; } } if (empty($extension)) { $contentType = $head->getHeaderLine('Content-Type'); $extension = $contentType; if ($contentType === 'binary/octet-stream' && $head->hasHeader('x-amz-meta-filetype')) { $amazonContentType = $head->getHeaderLine('x-amz-meta-filetype'); $extension = $amazonContentType; } // get the extension corresponding to the mime type $mimeTypes = new MimeTypes(); $extension = $mimeTypes->getExtension($extension); } } catch (RequestException $e) { $this->log->debug('Upload from url head request failed for URL ' . $url . ' with following message ' . $e->getMessage()); } $downloadInfo['size'] = $size; $downloadInfo['extension'] = $extension; $downloadInfo['filename'] = $info['filename']; return $downloadInfo; } /** @inheritDoc */ public function installFonts(RouteParser $routeParser, $options = []) { $options = array_merge([ 'invalidateCache' => true ], $options); $this->log->debug('Install Fonts called with options: ' . json_encode($options)); // Drop the entire font cache as we cannot selectively tell whether the change that caused // this effects all users or not. // Important to note, that we aren't regenerating each user at this point in time, we're only clearing the cache // for them all and generating the current user. // We then make sure that subsequent generates do not change the library fonts.css if ($options['invalidateCache']) { $this->log->debug('Dropping font cache and regenerating.'); $this->pool->deleteItem('fontCss/'); } // Each user has their own font cache (due to permissions) and the displays have their own font cache too // Get the item from the cache $cssItem = $this->pool->getItem('fontCss/' . $this->getUser()->userId); $cssItem->setInvalidationMethod(Invalidation::SLEEP, 5000, 15); // Get the CSS $cssDetails = $cssItem->get(); if ($options['invalidateCache'] || $cssItem->isMiss()) { $this->log->debug('Regenerating font cache'); // lock the cache $cssItem->lock(60); // Go through all installed fonts each time and regenerate. $fontTemplate = '@font-face { font-family: \'[family]\'; src: url(\'[url]\'); }'; // Save a fonts.css file to the library for use as a module $fonts = $this->mediaFactory->getByMediaType('font'); $css = ''; $localCss = ''; $ckEditorString = ''; $fontList = []; // Check the library exists $libraryLocation = $this->configService->getSetting('LIBRARY_LOCATION'); MediaService::ensureLibraryExists($this->configService->getSetting('LIBRARY_LOCATION')); if (count($fonts) > 0) { // Build our font strings. foreach ($fonts as $font) { // Skip unreleased fonts if ($font->released == 0) { continue; } // Separate out the display name and the referenced name // (referenced name cannot contain any odd characters or numbers) $displayName = $font->name; $familyName = strtolower(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', preg_replace('/\d+/u', '', $font->name))); // Css for the player contains the actual stored as location of the font. $css .= str_replace('[url]', $font->storedAs, str_replace('[family]', $familyName, $fontTemplate)); // Test to see if this user should have access to this font if ($this->getUser()->checkViewable($font)) { // Css for the local CMS contains the full download path to the font $url = $routeParser->urlFor('library.download', ['type' => 'font', 'id' => $font->mediaId]); $localCss .= str_replace('[url]', $url, str_replace('[family]', $familyName, $fontTemplate)); // CKEditor string $ckEditorString .= $displayName . '/' . $familyName . ';'; // Font list $fontList[] = [ 'displayName' => $displayName, 'familyName' => $familyName ]; } } // If we're a full regenerate, we want to also update the fonts.css file. if ($options['invalidateCache']) { // Pull out the currently stored fonts.css from the library (if it exists) $existingLibraryFontsCss = ''; if (file_exists($libraryLocation . 'fonts.css')) { $existingLibraryFontsCss = file_get_contents($libraryLocation . 'fonts.css'); } // Put the player CSS into the temporary library location $tempUrl = $this->configService->getSetting('LIBRARY_LOCATION') . 'temp/fonts.css'; file_put_contents($tempUrl, $css); // Install it (doesn't expire, isn't a system file, force update) $media = $this->mediaFactory->createModuleSystemFile('fonts.css', $tempUrl); $media->expires = 0; $media->moduleSystemFile = true; $media->isSaveRequired = true; $media->save(['saveTags' => false]); // We can remove the temp file @unlink($tempUrl); // Check to see if the existing file is different from the new one if ($existingLibraryFontsCss == '' || md5($existingLibraryFontsCss) !== $media->md5) { $this->log->info('Detected change in fonts.css file, dropping the Display cache'); // Clear the display cache $this->pool->deleteItem('/display'); } else { $this->log->debug('Newly generated font cache is the same as the old cache. Ignoring.'); } } $cssDetails = [ 'css' => $localCss, 'ckeditor' => $ckEditorString, 'list' => $fontList ]; $cssItem->set($cssDetails); $cssItem->expiresAfter(new \DateInterval('P30D')); $this->pool->saveDeferred($cssItem); } else { $cssDetails = [ 'css' => '', 'ckeditor' => '', 'list' => [] ]; } } else { $this->log->debug('CMS font CSS returned from Cache.'); } // Return a fonts css string for use locally (in the CMS) return $cssDetails; } /** @inheritDoc */ public static function ensureLibraryExists($libraryFolder) { // Check that this location exists - and if not create it.. if (!file_exists($libraryFolder)) { mkdir($libraryFolder, 0777, true); } if (!file_exists($libraryFolder . '/temp')) { mkdir($libraryFolder . '/temp', 0777, true); } if (!file_exists($libraryFolder . '/cache')) { mkdir($libraryFolder . '/cache', 0777, true); } if (!file_exists($libraryFolder . '/screenshots')) { mkdir($libraryFolder . '/screenshots', 0777, true); } if (!file_exists($libraryFolder . '/attachment')) { mkdir($libraryFolder . '/attachment', 0777, true); } if (!file_exists($libraryFolder . '/thumbs')) { mkdir($libraryFolder . '/thumbs', 0777, true); } // Check that we are now writable - if not then error if (!is_writable($libraryFolder)) { throw new ConfigurationException(__('Library not writable')); } } /** @inheritDoc */ public function removeTempFiles() { $libraryTemp = $this->configService->getSetting('LIBRARY_LOCATION') . 'temp'; if (!is_dir($libraryTemp)) { return; } // Dump the files in the temp folder foreach (scandir($libraryTemp) as $item) { if ($item == '.' || $item == '..') { continue; } // Has this file been written to recently? if (filemtime($libraryTemp . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $item) > Carbon::now()->subSeconds(86400)->format('U')) { $this->log->debug('Skipping active file: ' . $item); continue; } $this->log->debug('Deleting temp file: ' . $item); unlink($libraryTemp . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $item); } } /** @inheritDoc */ public function removeExpiredFiles() { // Get a list of all expired files and delete them foreach ($this->mediaFactory->query( null, [ 'expires' => Carbon::now()->format('U'), 'allModules' => 1, 'length' => 100 ] ) as $entry) { // If the media type is a module, then pretend it's a generic file $this->log->info(sprintf('Removing Expired File %s', $entry->name)); $this->log->audit( 'Media', $entry->mediaId, 'Removing Expired', [ 'mediaId' => $entry->mediaId, 'name' => $entry->name, 'expired' => Carbon::createFromTimestamp($entry->expires) ->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat()) ] ); $this->dispatcher->dispatch(new MediaDeleteEvent($entry), MediaDeleteEvent::$NAME); $entry->delete(); } } }