. */ namespace Xibo\Service; use Carbon\Carbon; use Stash\Interfaces\PoolInterface; use Xibo\Entity\Display; use Xibo\Factory\ScheduleFactory; use Xibo\Storage\StorageServiceInterface; use Xibo\Support\Exception\DeadlockException; use Xibo\XMR\CollectNowAction; /** * Class DisplayNotifyService * @package Xibo\Service */ class DisplayNotifyService implements DisplayNotifyServiceInterface { /** @var ConfigServiceInterface */ private $config; /** @var LogServiceInterface */ private $log; /** @var StorageServiceInterface */ private $store; /** @var PoolInterface */ private $pool; /** @var PlayerActionServiceInterface */ private $playerActionService; /** @var ScheduleFactory */ private $scheduleFactory; /** @var bool */ private $collectRequired = false; /** @var int[] */ private $displayIds = []; /** @var int[] */ private $displayIdsRequiringActions = []; /** @var string[] */ private $keysProcessed = []; /** @inheritdoc */ public function __construct($config, $log, $store, $pool, $playerActionService, $scheduleFactory) { $this->config = $config; $this->log = $log; $this->store = $store; $this->pool = $pool; $this->playerActionService = $playerActionService; $this->scheduleFactory = $scheduleFactory; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function init() { $this->collectRequired = false; return $this; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function collectNow() { $this->collectRequired = true; return $this; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function collectLater() { $this->collectRequired = false; return $this; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function processQueue() { if (count($this->displayIds) <= 0) { return; } $this->log->debug('Process queue of ' . count($this->displayIds) . ' display notifications'); // We want to do 3 things. // 1. Drop the Cache for each displayId // 2. Update the mediaInventoryStatus on each DisplayId to 3 (pending) // 3. Fire a PlayerAction if appropriate - what is appropriate?! // Unique our displayIds $displayIds = array_values(array_unique($this->displayIds, SORT_NUMERIC)); // Make a list of them that we can use in the update statement $qmarks = str_repeat('?,', count($displayIds) - 1) . '?'; try { // This runs on the default connection which will already be committed and closed by the time we get // here. This doesn't run in a transaction. $this->store->updateWithDeadlockLoop( 'UPDATE `display` SET mediaInventoryStatus = 3 WHERE displayId IN (' . $qmarks . ')', $displayIds, 'default', false ); } catch (DeadlockException $deadlockException) { $this->log->error('Failed to update media inventory status: ' . $deadlockException->getMessage()); } // Dump the cache foreach ($displayIds as $displayId) { $this->pool->deleteItem(Display::getCachePrefix() . $displayId); } // Player actions $this->processPlayerActions(); } /** * Process Actions */ private function processPlayerActions() { if (count($this->displayIdsRequiringActions) <= 0) { return; } $this->log->debug('Process queue of ' . count($this->displayIdsRequiringActions) . ' display actions'); $displayIdsRequiringActions = array_values(array_unique($this->displayIdsRequiringActions, SORT_NUMERIC)); $qmarks = str_repeat('?,', count($displayIdsRequiringActions) - 1) . '?'; $displays = $this->store->select( 'SELECT displayId, xmrChannel, xmrPubKey FROM `display` WHERE displayId IN (' . $qmarks . ')', $displayIdsRequiringActions ); foreach ($displays as $display) { $stdObj = new \stdClass(); $stdObj->displayId = $display['displayId']; $stdObj->xmrChannel = $display['xmrChannel']; $stdObj->xmrPubKey = $display['xmrPubKey']; try { $this->playerActionService->sendAction($stdObj, new CollectNowAction()); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->log->notice( 'DisplayId ' . $display['displayId'] . ' Save would have triggered Player Action, but the action failed with message: ' . $e->getMessage() ); } } } /** @inheritdoc */ public function notifyByDisplayId($displayId) { $this->log->debug('Notify by DisplayId ' . $displayId); // Don't process if the displayId is already in the collection (there is little point in running the // extra query) if (in_array($displayId, $this->displayIds)) { return; } $this->displayIds[] = $displayId; if ($this->collectRequired) { $this->displayIdsRequiringActions[] = $displayId; } } /** @inheritdoc */ public function notifyByDisplayGroupId($displayGroupId) { $this->log->debug('Notify by DisplayGroupId ' . $displayGroupId); if (in_array('displayGroup_' . $displayGroupId, $this->keysProcessed)) { $this->log->debug('Already processed ' . $displayGroupId . ' skipping this time.'); return; } $sql = ' SELECT DISTINCT `lkdisplaydg`.displayId FROM `lkdgdg` INNER JOIN `lkdisplaydg` ON `lkdisplaydg`.displayGroupID = `lkdgdg`.childId WHERE `lkdgdg`.parentId = :displayGroupId '; foreach ($this->store->select($sql, ['displayGroupId' => $displayGroupId]) as $row) { // Don't process if the displayId is already in the collection if (in_array($row['displayId'], $this->displayIds)) { continue; } $this->displayIds[] = $row['displayId']; $this->log->debug( 'DisplayGroup[' . $displayGroupId .'] change caused notify on displayId[' . $row['displayId'] . ']' ); if ($this->collectRequired) { $this->displayIdsRequiringActions[] = $row['displayId']; } } $this->keysProcessed[] = 'displayGroup_' . $displayGroupId; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function notifyByCampaignId($campaignId) { $this->log->debug('Notify by CampaignId ' . $campaignId); if (in_array('campaign_' . $campaignId, $this->keysProcessed)) { $this->log->debug('Already processed ' . $campaignId . ' skipping this time.'); return; } $sql = ' SELECT DISTINCT display.displayId, schedule.eventId, schedule.fromDt, schedule.toDt, schedule.recurrence_type AS recurrenceType, schedule.recurrence_detail AS recurrenceDetail, schedule.recurrence_range AS recurrenceRange, schedule.recurrenceRepeatsOn, schedule.lastRecurrenceWatermark, schedule.dayPartId FROM `schedule` INNER JOIN `lkscheduledisplaygroup` ON `lkscheduledisplaygroup`.eventId = `schedule`.eventId INNER JOIN `lkdgdg` ON `lkdgdg`.parentId = `lkscheduledisplaygroup`.displayGroupId INNER JOIN `lkdisplaydg` ON lkdisplaydg.DisplayGroupID = `lkdgdg`.childId INNER JOIN `display` ON lkdisplaydg.DisplayID = display.displayID INNER JOIN ( SELECT campaignId FROM campaign WHERE campaign.campaignId = :activeCampaignId UNION SELECT DISTINCT parent.campaignId FROM `lkcampaignlayout` child INNER JOIN `lkcampaignlayout` parent ON parent.layoutId = child.layoutId WHERE child.campaignId = :activeCampaignId ) campaigns ON campaigns.campaignId = `schedule`.campaignId WHERE ( (`schedule`.FromDT < :toDt AND IFNULL(`schedule`.toDt, UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) > :fromDt) OR `schedule`.recurrence_range >= :fromDt OR ( IFNULL(`schedule`.recurrence_range, 0) = 0 AND IFNULL(`schedule`.recurrence_type, \'\') <> \'\' ) ) UNION SELECT DISTINCT display.DisplayID, 0 AS eventId, 0 AS fromDt, 0 AS toDt, NULL AS recurrenceType, NULL AS recurrenceDetail, NULL AS recurrenceRange, NULL AS recurrenceRepeatsOn, NULL AS lastRecurrenceWatermark, NULL AS dayPartId FROM `display` INNER JOIN `lkcampaignlayout` ON `lkcampaignlayout`.LayoutID = `display`.DefaultLayoutID WHERE `lkcampaignlayout`.CampaignID = :activeCampaignId2 UNION SELECT `lkdisplaydg`.displayId, 0 AS eventId, 0 AS fromDt, 0 AS toDt, NULL AS recurrenceType, NULL AS recurrenceDetail, NULL AS recurrenceRange, NULL AS recurrenceRepeatsOn, NULL AS lastRecurrenceWatermark, NULL AS dayPartId FROM `lkdisplaydg` INNER JOIN `lklayoutdisplaygroup` ON `lklayoutdisplaygroup`.displayGroupId = `lkdisplaydg`.displayGroupId INNER JOIN `lkcampaignlayout` ON `lkcampaignlayout`.layoutId = `lklayoutdisplaygroup`.layoutId WHERE `lkcampaignlayout`.campaignId = :assignedCampaignId '; $currentDate = Carbon::now(); $rfLookAhead = $currentDate->copy()->addSeconds($this->config->getSetting('REQUIRED_FILES_LOOKAHEAD')); $params = [ 'fromDt' => $currentDate->subHour()->format('U'), 'toDt' => $rfLookAhead->format('U'), 'activeCampaignId' => $campaignId, 'activeCampaignId2' => $campaignId, 'assignedCampaignId' => $campaignId ]; foreach ($this->store->select($sql, $params) as $row) { // Don't process if the displayId is already in the collection (there is little point in running the // extra query) if (in_array($row['displayId'], $this->displayIds)) { continue; } // Is this schedule active? if ($row['eventId'] != 0) { $scheduleEvents = $this->scheduleFactory ->createEmpty() ->hydrate($row) ->getEvents($currentDate, $rfLookAhead); if (count($scheduleEvents) <= 0) { $this->log->debug( 'Skipping eventId ' . $row['eventId'] . ' because it doesnt have any active events in the window' ); continue; } } $this->log->debug( 'Campaign[' . $campaignId .'] change caused notify on displayId[' . $row['displayId'] . ']' ); $this->displayIds[] = $row['displayId']; if ($this->collectRequired) { $this->displayIdsRequiringActions[] = $row['displayId']; } } $this->keysProcessed[] = 'campaign_' . $campaignId; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function notifyByDataSetId($dataSetId) { $this->log->debug('Notify by DataSetId ' . $dataSetId); if (in_array('dataSet_' . $dataSetId, $this->keysProcessed)) { $this->log->debug('Already processed ' . $dataSetId . ' skipping this time.'); return; } $sql = ' SELECT DISTINCT display.displayId, schedule.eventId, schedule.fromDt, schedule.toDt, schedule.recurrence_type AS recurrenceType, schedule.recurrence_detail AS recurrenceDetail, schedule.recurrence_range AS recurrenceRange, schedule.recurrenceRepeatsOn, schedule.lastRecurrenceWatermark, schedule.dayPartId FROM `schedule` INNER JOIN `lkscheduledisplaygroup` ON `lkscheduledisplaygroup`.eventId = `schedule`.eventId INNER JOIN `lkdgdg` ON `lkdgdg`.parentId = `lkscheduledisplaygroup`.displayGroupId INNER JOIN `lkdisplaydg` ON lkdisplaydg.DisplayGroupID = `lkdgdg`.childId INNER JOIN `display` ON lkdisplaydg.DisplayID = display.displayID INNER JOIN `lkcampaignlayout` ON `lkcampaignlayout`.campaignId = `schedule`.campaignId INNER JOIN `region` ON `region`.layoutId = `lkcampaignlayout`.layoutId INNER JOIN `playlist` ON `playlist`.regionId = `region`.regionId INNER JOIN `widget` ON `widget`.playlistId = `playlist`.playlistId INNER JOIN `widgetoption` ON `widgetoption`.widgetId = `widget`.widgetId AND `widgetoption`.type = \'attrib\' AND `widgetoption`.option = \'dataSetId\' AND `widgetoption`.value = :activeDataSetId WHERE ( (schedule.FromDT < :toDt AND IFNULL(`schedule`.toDt, UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) > :fromDt) OR `schedule`.recurrence_range >= :fromDt OR ( IFNULL(`schedule`.recurrence_range, 0) = 0 AND IFNULL(`schedule`.recurrence_type, \'\') <> \'\' ) ) UNION SELECT DISTINCT display.displayId, 0 AS eventId, 0 AS fromDt, 0 AS toDt, NULL AS recurrenceType, NULL AS recurrenceDetail, NULL AS recurrenceRange, NULL AS recurrenceRepeatsOn, NULL AS lastRecurrenceWatermark, NULL AS dayPartId FROM `display` INNER JOIN `lkcampaignlayout` ON `lkcampaignlayout`.LayoutID = `display`.DefaultLayoutID INNER JOIN `region` ON `region`.layoutId = `lkcampaignlayout`.layoutId INNER JOIN `playlist` ON `playlist`.regionId = `region`.regionId INNER JOIN `widget` ON `widget`.playlistId = `playlist`.playlistId INNER JOIN `widgetoption` ON `widgetoption`.widgetId = `widget`.widgetId AND `widgetoption`.type = \'attrib\' AND `widgetoption`.option = \'dataSetId\' AND `widgetoption`.value = :activeDataSetId2 UNION SELECT DISTINCT `lkdisplaydg`.displayId, 0 AS eventId, 0 AS fromDt, 0 AS toDt, NULL AS recurrenceType, NULL AS recurrenceDetail, NULL AS recurrenceRange, NULL AS recurrenceRepeatsOn, NULL AS lastRecurrenceWatermark, NULL AS dayPartId FROM `lklayoutdisplaygroup` INNER JOIN `lkdgdg` ON `lkdgdg`.parentId = `lklayoutdisplaygroup`.displayGroupId INNER JOIN `lkdisplaydg` ON lkdisplaydg.DisplayGroupID = `lkdgdg`.childId INNER JOIN `lkcampaignlayout` ON `lkcampaignlayout`.layoutId = `lklayoutdisplaygroup`.layoutId INNER JOIN `region` ON `region`.layoutId = `lkcampaignlayout`.layoutId INNER JOIN `playlist` ON `playlist`.regionId = `region`.regionId INNER JOIN `widget` ON `widget`.playlistId = `playlist`.playlistId INNER JOIN `widgetoption` ON `widgetoption`.widgetId = `widget`.widgetId AND `widgetoption`.type = \'attrib\' AND `widgetoption`.option = \'dataSetId\' AND `widgetoption`.value = :activeDataSetId3 '; $currentDate = Carbon::now(); $rfLookAhead = $currentDate->copy()->addSeconds($this->config->getSetting('REQUIRED_FILES_LOOKAHEAD')); $params = [ 'fromDt' => $currentDate->subHour()->format('U'), 'toDt' => $rfLookAhead->format('U'), 'activeDataSetId' => $dataSetId, 'activeDataSetId2' => $dataSetId, 'activeDataSetId3' => $dataSetId ]; foreach ($this->store->select($sql, $params) as $row) { // Don't process if the displayId is already in the collection (there is little point in running the // extra query) if (in_array($row['displayId'], $this->displayIds)) { $this->log->debug('displayId ' . $row['displayId'] . ' already in collection, skipping.'); continue; } // Is this schedule active? if ($row['eventId'] != 0) { $scheduleEvents = $this->scheduleFactory ->createEmpty() ->hydrate($row) ->getEvents($currentDate, $rfLookAhead); if (count($scheduleEvents) <= 0) { $this->log->debug( 'Skipping eventId ' . $row['eventId'] . ' because it doesnt have any active events in the window' ); continue; } } $this->log->debug( 'DataSet[' . $dataSetId .'] change caused notify on displayId[' . $row['displayId'] . ']' ); $this->displayIds[] = $row['displayId']; if ($this->collectRequired) { $this->displayIdsRequiringActions[] = $row['displayId']; } } $this->keysProcessed[] = 'dataSet_' . $dataSetId; $this->log->debug('Finished notify for dataSetId ' . $dataSetId); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function notifyByPlaylistId($playlistId) { $this->log->debug('Notify by PlaylistId ' . $playlistId); if (in_array('playlist_' . $playlistId, $this->keysProcessed)) { $this->log->debug('Already processed ' . $playlistId . ' skipping this time.'); return; } $sql = ' SELECT DISTINCT display.displayId, schedule.eventId, schedule.fromDt, schedule.toDt, schedule.recurrence_type AS recurrenceType, schedule.recurrence_detail AS recurrenceDetail, schedule.recurrence_range AS recurrenceRange, schedule.recurrenceRepeatsOn, schedule.lastRecurrenceWatermark, schedule.dayPartId FROM `schedule` INNER JOIN `lkscheduledisplaygroup` ON `lkscheduledisplaygroup`.eventId = `schedule`.eventId INNER JOIN `lkdgdg` ON `lkdgdg`.parentId = `lkscheduledisplaygroup`.displayGroupId INNER JOIN `lkdisplaydg` ON lkdisplaydg.DisplayGroupID = `lkdgdg`.childId INNER JOIN `display` ON lkdisplaydg.DisplayID = display.displayID INNER JOIN `lkcampaignlayout` ON `lkcampaignlayout`.campaignId = `schedule`.campaignId INNER JOIN `region` ON `lkcampaignlayout`.layoutId = region.layoutId INNER JOIN `playlist` ON `playlist`.regionId = `region`.regionId WHERE `playlist`.playlistId = :playlistId AND ( (schedule.FromDT < :toDt AND IFNULL(`schedule`.toDt, UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) > :fromDt) OR `schedule`.recurrence_range >= :fromDt OR ( IFNULL(`schedule`.recurrence_range, 0) = 0 AND IFNULL(`schedule`.recurrence_type, \'\') <> \'\' ) ) UNION SELECT DISTINCT display.DisplayID, 0 AS eventId, 0 AS fromDt, 0 AS toDt, NULL AS recurrenceType, NULL AS recurrenceDetail, NULL AS recurrenceRange, NULL AS recurrenceRepeatsOn, NULL AS lastRecurrenceWatermark, NULL AS dayPartId FROM `display` INNER JOIN `lkcampaignlayout` ON `lkcampaignlayout`.LayoutID = `display`.DefaultLayoutID INNER JOIN `region` ON `lkcampaignlayout`.layoutId = region.layoutId INNER JOIN `playlist` ON `playlist`.regionId = `region`.regionId WHERE `playlist`.playlistId = :playlistId UNION SELECT `lkdisplaydg`.displayId, 0 AS eventId, 0 AS fromDt, 0 AS toDt, NULL AS recurrenceType, NULL AS recurrenceDetail, NULL AS recurrenceRange, NULL AS recurrenceRepeatsOn, NULL AS lastRecurrenceWatermark, NULL AS dayPartId FROM `lkdisplaydg` INNER JOIN `lklayoutdisplaygroup` ON `lklayoutdisplaygroup`.displayGroupId = `lkdisplaydg`.displayGroupId INNER JOIN `lkcampaignlayout` ON `lkcampaignlayout`.layoutId = `lklayoutdisplaygroup`.layoutId INNER JOIN `region` ON `lkcampaignlayout`.layoutId = region.layoutId INNER JOIN `playlist` ON `playlist`.regionId = `region`.regionId WHERE `playlist`.playlistId = :playlistId '; $currentDate = Carbon::now(); $rfLookAhead = $currentDate->copy()->addSeconds($this->config->getSetting('REQUIRED_FILES_LOOKAHEAD')); $params = [ 'fromDt' => $currentDate->subHour()->format('U'), 'toDt' => $rfLookAhead->format('U'), 'playlistId' => $playlistId ]; foreach ($this->store->select($sql, $params) as $row) { // Don't process if the displayId is already in the collection (there is little point in running the // extra query) if (in_array($row['displayId'], $this->displayIds)) { continue; } // Is this schedule active? if ($row['eventId'] != 0) { $scheduleEvents = $this->scheduleFactory ->createEmpty() ->hydrate($row) ->getEvents($currentDate, $rfLookAhead); if (count($scheduleEvents) <= 0) { $this->log->debug( 'Skipping eventId ' . $row['eventId'] . ' because it doesnt have any active events in the window' ); continue; } } $this->log->debug( 'Playlist[' . $playlistId .'] change caused notify on displayId[' . $row['displayId'] . ']' ); $this->displayIds[] = $row['displayId']; if ($this->collectRequired) { $this->displayIdsRequiringActions[] = $row['displayId']; } } $this->keysProcessed[] = 'playlist_' . $playlistId; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function notifyByLayoutCode($code) { if (in_array('layoutCode_' . $code, $this->keysProcessed)) { $this->log->debug('Already processed ' . $code . ' skipping this time.'); return; } $this->log->debug('Notify by Layout Code: ' . $code); // Get the Display Ids we need to notify $sql = ' SELECT DISTINCT display.displayId, schedule.eventId, schedule.fromDt, schedule.toDt, schedule.recurrence_type AS recurrenceType, schedule.recurrence_detail AS recurrenceDetail, schedule.recurrence_range AS recurrenceRange, schedule.recurrenceRepeatsOn, schedule.lastRecurrenceWatermark, schedule.dayPartId FROM `schedule` INNER JOIN `lkscheduledisplaygroup` ON `lkscheduledisplaygroup`.eventId = `schedule`.eventId INNER JOIN `lkdgdg` ON `lkdgdg`.parentId = `lkscheduledisplaygroup`.displayGroupId INNER JOIN `lkdisplaydg` ON lkdisplaydg.DisplayGroupID = `lkdgdg`.childId INNER JOIN `display` ON lkdisplaydg.DisplayID = display.displayID INNER JOIN ( SELECT DISTINCT campaignId FROM layout INNER JOIN lkcampaignlayout ON lkcampaignlayout.layoutId = layout.layoutId INNER JOIN action on layout.layoutId = action.sourceId WHERE action.layoutCode = :code AND layout.publishedStatusId = 1 UNION SELECT DISTINCT campaignId FROM layout INNER JOIN lkcampaignlayout ON lkcampaignlayout.layoutId = layout.layoutId INNER JOIN region ON region.layoutId = layout.layoutId INNER JOIN action on region.regionId = action.sourceId WHERE action.layoutCode = :code AND layout.publishedStatusId = 1 UNION SELECT DISTINCT campaignId FROM layout INNER JOIN lkcampaignlayout ON lkcampaignlayout.layoutId = layout.layoutId INNER JOIN region ON region.layoutId = layout.layoutId INNER JOIN playlist ON playlist.regionId = region.regionId INNER JOIN widget on playlist.playlistId = widget.playlistId INNER JOIN action on widget.widgetId = action.sourceId WHERE action.layoutCode = :code AND layout.publishedStatusId = 1 ) campaigns ON campaigns.campaignId = `schedule`.campaignId WHERE ( (`schedule`.FromDT < :toDt AND IFNULL(`schedule`.toDt, UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) > :fromDt) OR `schedule`.recurrence_range >= :fromDt OR ( IFNULL(`schedule`.recurrence_range, 0) = 0 AND IFNULL(`schedule`.recurrence_type, \'\') <> \'\' ) ) UNION SELECT DISTINCT display.displayId, schedule.eventId, schedule.fromDt, schedule.toDt, schedule.recurrence_type AS recurrenceType, schedule.recurrence_detail AS recurrenceDetail, schedule.recurrence_range AS recurrenceRange, schedule.recurrenceRepeatsOn, schedule.lastRecurrenceWatermark, schedule.dayPartId FROM `schedule` INNER JOIN `lkscheduledisplaygroup` ON `lkscheduledisplaygroup`.eventId = `schedule`.eventId INNER JOIN `lkdgdg` ON `lkdgdg`.parentId = `lkscheduledisplaygroup`.displayGroupId INNER JOIN `lkdisplaydg` ON lkdisplaydg.DisplayGroupID = `lkdgdg`.childId INNER JOIN `display` ON lkdisplaydg.DisplayID = display.displayID WHERE schedule.actionLayoutCode = :code AND ( (`schedule`.FromDT < :toDt AND IFNULL(`schedule`.toDt, UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) > :fromDt) OR `schedule`.recurrence_range >= :fromDt OR ( IFNULL(`schedule`.recurrence_range, 0) = 0 AND IFNULL(`schedule`.recurrence_type, \'\') <> \'\' ) ) UNION SELECT DISTINCT display.DisplayID, 0 AS eventId, 0 AS fromDt, 0 AS toDt, NULL AS recurrenceType, NULL AS recurrenceDetail, NULL AS recurrenceRange, NULL AS recurrenceRepeatsOn, NULL AS lastRecurrenceWatermark, NULL AS dayPartId FROM `display` INNER JOIN `lkcampaignlayout` ON `lkcampaignlayout`.LayoutID = `display`.DefaultLayoutID WHERE `lkcampaignlayout`.CampaignID IN ( SELECT DISTINCT campaignId FROM layout INNER JOIN lkcampaignlayout ON lkcampaignlayout.layoutId = layout.layoutId INNER JOIN action on layout.layoutId = action.sourceId WHERE action.layoutCode = :code AND layout.publishedStatusId = 1 UNION SELECT DISTINCT campaignId FROM layout INNER JOIN lkcampaignlayout ON lkcampaignlayout.layoutId = layout.layoutId INNER JOIN region ON region.layoutId = layout.layoutId INNER JOIN action on region.regionId = action.sourceId WHERE action.layoutCode = :code AND layout.publishedStatusId = 1 UNION SELECT DISTINCT campaignId FROM layout INNER JOIN lkcampaignlayout ON lkcampaignlayout.layoutId = layout.layoutId INNER JOIN region ON region.layoutId = layout.layoutId INNER JOIN playlist ON playlist.regionId = region.regionId INNER JOIN widget on playlist.playlistId = widget.playlistId INNER JOIN action on widget.widgetId = action.sourceId WHERE action.layoutCode = :code AND layout.publishedStatusId = 1 ) UNION SELECT `lkdisplaydg`.displayId, 0 AS eventId, 0 AS fromDt, 0 AS toDt, NULL AS recurrenceType, NULL AS recurrenceDetail, NULL AS recurrenceRange, NULL AS recurrenceRepeatsOn, NULL AS lastRecurrenceWatermark, NULL AS dayPartId FROM `lkdisplaydg` INNER JOIN `lklayoutdisplaygroup` ON `lklayoutdisplaygroup`.displayGroupId = `lkdisplaydg`.displayGroupId INNER JOIN `lkcampaignlayout` ON `lkcampaignlayout`.layoutId = `lklayoutdisplaygroup`.layoutId WHERE `lkcampaignlayout`.campaignId IN ( SELECT DISTINCT campaignId FROM layout INNER JOIN lkcampaignlayout ON lkcampaignlayout.layoutId = layout.layoutId INNER JOIN action on layout.layoutId = action.sourceId WHERE action.layoutCode = :code AND layout.publishedStatusId = 1 UNION SELECT DISTINCT campaignId FROM layout INNER JOIN lkcampaignlayout ON lkcampaignlayout.layoutId = layout.layoutId INNER JOIN region ON region.layoutId = layout.layoutId INNER JOIN action on region.regionId = action.sourceId WHERE action.layoutCode = :code AND layout.publishedStatusId = 1 UNION SELECT DISTINCT campaignId FROM layout INNER JOIN lkcampaignlayout ON lkcampaignlayout.layoutId = layout.layoutId INNER JOIN region ON region.layoutId = layout.layoutId INNER JOIN playlist ON playlist.regionId = region.regionId INNER JOIN widget on playlist.playlistId = widget.playlistId INNER JOIN action on widget.widgetId = action.sourceId WHERE action.layoutCode = :code AND layout.publishedStatusId = 1 ) '; $currentDate = Carbon::now(); $rfLookAhead = $currentDate->copy()->addSeconds($this->config->getSetting('REQUIRED_FILES_LOOKAHEAD')); $params = [ 'fromDt' => $currentDate->subHour()->format('U'), 'toDt' => $rfLookAhead->format('U'), 'code' => $code ]; foreach ($this->store->select($sql, $params) as $row) { // Don't process if the displayId is already in the collection (there is little point in running the // extra query) if (in_array($row['displayId'], $this->displayIds)) { continue; } // Is this schedule active? if ($row['eventId'] != 0) { $scheduleEvents = $this->scheduleFactory ->createEmpty() ->hydrate($row) ->getEvents($currentDate, $rfLookAhead); if (count($scheduleEvents) <= 0) { $this->log->debug( 'Skipping eventId ' . $row['eventId'] . ' because it doesnt have any active events in the window' ); continue; } } $this->log->debug(sprintf( 'Saving Layout with code %s, caused notify on displayId[' . $row['displayId'] . ']', $code )); $this->displayIds[] = $row['displayId']; if ($this->collectRequired) { $this->displayIdsRequiringActions[] = $row['displayId']; } } $this->keysProcessed[] = 'layoutCode_' . $code; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function notifyByMenuBoardId($menuId) { $this->log->debug('Notify by MenuBoard ID ' . $menuId); if (in_array('menuBoard_' . $menuId, $this->keysProcessed)) { $this->log->debug('Already processed ' . $menuId . ' skipping this time.'); return; } $sql = ' SELECT DISTINCT display.displayId, schedule.eventId, schedule.fromDt, schedule.toDt, schedule.recurrence_type AS recurrenceType, schedule.recurrence_detail AS recurrenceDetail, schedule.recurrence_range AS recurrenceRange, schedule.recurrenceRepeatsOn, schedule.lastRecurrenceWatermark, schedule.dayPartId FROM `schedule` INNER JOIN `lkscheduledisplaygroup` ON `lkscheduledisplaygroup`.eventId = `schedule`.eventId INNER JOIN `lkdgdg` ON `lkdgdg`.parentId = `lkscheduledisplaygroup`.displayGroupId INNER JOIN `lkdisplaydg` ON lkdisplaydg.DisplayGroupID = `lkdgdg`.childId INNER JOIN `display` ON lkdisplaydg.DisplayID = display.displayID INNER JOIN `lkcampaignlayout` ON `lkcampaignlayout`.campaignId = `schedule`.campaignId INNER JOIN `region` ON `region`.layoutId = `lkcampaignlayout`.layoutId INNER JOIN `playlist` ON `playlist`.regionId = `region`.regionId INNER JOIN `widget` ON `widget`.playlistId = `playlist`.playlistId INNER JOIN `widgetoption` ON `widgetoption`.widgetId = `widget`.widgetId AND `widgetoption`.type = \'attrib\' AND `widgetoption`.option = \'menuId\' AND `widgetoption`.value = :activeMenuId WHERE ( (schedule.FromDT < :toDt AND IFNULL(`schedule`.toDt, `schedule`.fromDt) > :fromDt) OR `schedule`.recurrence_range >= :fromDt OR ( IFNULL(`schedule`.recurrence_range, 0) = 0 AND IFNULL(`schedule`.recurrence_type, \'\') <> \'\' ) ) UNION SELECT DISTINCT display.displayId, 0 AS eventId, 0 AS fromDt, 0 AS toDt, NULL AS recurrenceType, NULL AS recurrenceDetail, NULL AS recurrenceRange, NULL AS recurrenceRepeatsOn, NULL AS lastRecurrenceWatermark, NULL AS dayPartId FROM `display` INNER JOIN `lkcampaignlayout` ON `lkcampaignlayout`.LayoutID = `display`.DefaultLayoutID INNER JOIN `region` ON `region`.layoutId = `lkcampaignlayout`.layoutId INNER JOIN `playlist` ON `playlist`.regionId = `region`.regionId INNER JOIN `widget` ON `widget`.playlistId = `playlist`.playlistId INNER JOIN `widgetoption` ON `widgetoption`.widgetId = `widget`.widgetId AND `widgetoption`.type = \'attrib\' AND `widgetoption`.option = \'menuId\' AND `widgetoption`.value = :activeMenuId2 UNION SELECT DISTINCT `lkdisplaydg`.displayId, 0 AS eventId, 0 AS fromDt, 0 AS toDt, NULL AS recurrenceType, NULL AS recurrenceDetail, NULL AS recurrenceRange, NULL AS recurrenceRepeatsOn, NULL AS lastRecurrenceWatermark, NULL AS dayPartId FROM `lklayoutdisplaygroup` INNER JOIN `lkdgdg` ON `lkdgdg`.parentId = `lklayoutdisplaygroup`.displayGroupId INNER JOIN `lkdisplaydg` ON lkdisplaydg.DisplayGroupID = `lkdgdg`.childId INNER JOIN `lkcampaignlayout` ON `lkcampaignlayout`.layoutId = `lklayoutdisplaygroup`.layoutId INNER JOIN `region` ON `region`.layoutId = `lkcampaignlayout`.layoutId INNER JOIN `playlist` ON `playlist`.regionId = `region`.regionId INNER JOIN `widget` ON `widget`.playlistId = `playlist`.playlistId INNER JOIN `widgetoption` ON `widgetoption`.widgetId = `widget`.widgetId AND `widgetoption`.type = \'attrib\' AND `widgetoption`.option = \'menuId\' AND `widgetoption`.value = :activeMenuId3 '; $currentDate = Carbon::now(); $rfLookAhead = $currentDate->copy()->addSeconds($this->config->getSetting('REQUIRED_FILES_LOOKAHEAD')); $params = [ 'fromDt' => $currentDate->subHour()->format('U'), 'toDt' => $rfLookAhead->format('U'), 'activeMenuId' => $menuId, 'activeMenuId2' => $menuId, 'activeMenuId3' => $menuId ]; foreach ($this->store->select($sql, $params) as $row) { // Don't process if the displayId is already in the collection (there is little point in running the // extra query) if (in_array($row['displayId'], $this->displayIds)) { $this->log->debug('displayId ' . $row['displayId'] . ' already in collection, skipping.'); continue; } // Is this schedule active? if ($row['eventId'] != 0) { $scheduleEvents = $this->scheduleFactory ->createEmpty() ->hydrate($row) ->getEvents($currentDate, $rfLookAhead); if (count($scheduleEvents) <= 0) { $this->log->debug( 'Skipping eventId ' . $row['eventId'] . ' because it doesnt have any active events in the window' ); continue; } } $this->log->debug('MenuBoard[' . $menuId .'] change caused notify on displayId[' . $row['displayId'] . ']'); $this->displayIds[] = $row['displayId']; if ($this->collectRequired) { $this->displayIdsRequiringActions[] = $row['displayId']; } } $this->keysProcessed[] = 'menuBoard_' . $menuId; $this->log->debug('Finished notify for Menu Board ID ' . $menuId); } }