baseUrl: http://php-di.org scripts: before: - lessc --clean-css website/less/main.less website/css/all.min.css exclude: - vendor - website - src - tests - logo menu: items: introduction: section: Introduction items: getting-started: text: Getting started url: doc/getting-started.html understanding-di: text: Understanding dependency injection url: doc/understanding-di.html best-practices: text: "\"Best practices\" guide" url: doc/best-practices.html usage: section: Usage items: container-configuration: text: Configuring the container url: doc/container-configuration.html container: text: Using the container url: doc/container.html definition: section: Definitions items: definition-introduction: text: Introduction url: doc/definition.html autowiring: text: Autowiring url: doc/autowiring.html php-definitions: text: PHP definitions url: doc/php-definitions.html annotations: text: Annotations url: doc/annotations.html definition-overriding: text: Definition extensions and overriding url: doc/definition-overriding.html frameworks: section: Frameworks items: slim: text: Slim url: doc/frameworks/slim.html symfony: text: Symfony url: doc/frameworks/symfony2.html zf2: text: Zend Framework 2 url: doc/frameworks/zf2.html zf1: text: Zend Framework 1 url: doc/frameworks/zf1.html ze: text: Zend Expressive url: doc/frameworks/zend-expressive.html silly: text: Silly url: doc/frameworks/silly.html silex: text: Silex url: doc/frameworks/silex.html demo: text: Demo application absoluteUrl: https://github.com/PHP-DI/demo advanced: section: Advanced topics items: performances: text: Performances url: doc/performances.html lazy-injection: text: Lazy injection url: doc/lazy-injection.html inject-on-instance: text: Inject on an existing instance url: doc/inject-on-instance.html environments: text: Injections depending on the environment url: doc/environments.html ide-integration: text: IDE integration url: doc/ide-integration.html migration: section: Migration guides items: v4: text: From PHP-DI 3.x to 4.0 url: doc/migration/4.0.html v5: text: From PHP-DI 4.x to 5.0 url: doc/migration/5.0.html v6: text: From PHP-DI 5.x to 6.0 url: doc/migration/6.0.html support: section: Support items: enterprise-support: text: Enterprise support url: support.html internals: section: Internals items: contributing: text: Contributing url: contributing.html how-it-works: text: How PHP-DI works url: doc/how-it-works.html versions: section: Old documentation items: docv3: text: PHP-DI 3.x absoluteUrl: https://github.com/PHP-DI/PHP-DI/tree/3.x/doc docv4: text: PHP-DI 4.x absoluteUrl: https://github.com/PHP-DI/PHP-DI/tree/4.x/doc docv5: text: PHP-DI 5.x absoluteUrl: https://github.com/PHP-DI/PHP-DI/tree/5.4/doc frameworks: zf1: Zend Framework 1 zf2: Zend Framework 2 ze: Zend Expressive symfony2: Symfony silex: Silex slim: Slim silly: Silly