]*>.*?<\/span>|<(?:object|embed|svg|img|div|span|p|a)[^>]*>'; public $unicodeRegexp = '([#0-9](?>\\xEF\\xB8\\x8F)?\\xE2\\x83\\xA3|\\xC2[\\xA9\\xAE]|\\xE2..(?>\\xEF\\xB8\\x8F)?|\\xE3(?>\\x80[\\xB0\\xBD]|\\x8A[\\x97\\x99])(?>\\xEF\\xB8\\x8F)?|\\xF0\\x9F(?>[\\x80-\\x86].(?>\\xEF\\xB8\\x8F)?|\\x87.\\xF0\\x9F\\x87.|..))'; public $shortcodeRegexp = ':([-+\\w]+):'; protected $ruleset = null; public function __construct(RulesetInterface $ruleset = null) { if ( ! is_null($ruleset) ) { $this->ruleset = $ruleset; } } // ########################################## // ######## core methods // ########################################## /** * First pass changes unicode characters into emoji markup. * Second pass changes any shortnames into emoji markup. * * @param string $string The input string. * @return string String with appropriate html for rendering emoji. */ public function toImage($string) { $string = $this->unicodeToImage($string); $string = $this->shortnameToImage($string); return $string; } /** * Uses toShort to transform all unicode into a standard shortname * then transforms the shortname into unicode. * This is done for standardization when converting several unicode types. * * @param string $string The input string. * @return string String with standardized unicode. */ public function unifyUnicode($string) { $string = $this->toShort($string); $string = $this->shortnameToUnicode($string); return $string; } /** * This will output unicode from shortname input. * If Client/$ascii is true it will also output unicode from ascii. * This is useful for sending emojis back to mobile devices. * * @param string $string The input string. * @return string String with unicode replacements. */ public function shortnameToUnicode($string) { $string = preg_replace_callback('/'.$this->ignoredRegexp.'|('.$this->shortcodeRegexp.')/Si', array($this, 'shortnameToUnicodeCallback'), $string); if($this->ascii) { $ruleset = $this->getRuleset(); $asciiRegexp = $ruleset->getAsciiRegexp(); $string = preg_replace_callback('/'.$this->ignoredRegexp.'|((\\s|^)'.$asciiRegexp.'(?=\\s|$|[!,.?]))/S', array($this, 'asciiToUnicodeCallback'), $string); } return $string; } /** * This will replace shortnames with their ascii equivalent. * ex. :wink: --> ;^) * This is useful for systems that don't support unicode or images. * * @param string $string The input string. * @return string String with ascii replacements. */ public function shortnameToAscii($string) { $string = preg_replace_callback('/'.$this->ignoredRegexp.'|('.$this->shortcodeRegexp.')/Si', array($this, 'shortnameToAsciiCallback'), $string); return $string; } /** * This will output image markup (for png or svg) from shortname input. * * @param string $string The input string. * @return string String with appropriate html for rendering emoji. */ public function shortnameToImage($string) { $string = preg_replace_callback('/'.$this->ignoredRegexp.'|('.$this->shortcodeRegexp.')/Si', array($this, 'shortnameToImageCallback'), $string); if($this->ascii) { $ruleset = $this->getRuleset(); $asciiRegexp = $ruleset->getAsciiRegexp(); $string = preg_replace_callback('/'.$this->ignoredRegexp.'|((\\s|^)'.$asciiRegexp.'(?=\\s|$|[!,.?]))/S', array($this, 'asciiToImageCallback'), $string); } return $string; } /** * This will return the shortname from unicode input. * * @param string $string The input string. * @return string shortname */ public function toShort($string) { return preg_replace_callback('/'.$this->ignoredRegexp.'|'.$this->unicodeRegexp.'/S', array($this, 'toShortCallback'), $string); } /** * This will output image markup (for png or svg) from unicode input. * * @param string $string The input string. * @return string String with appropriate html for rendering emoji. */ public function unicodeToImage($string) { return preg_replace_callback('/'.$this->ignoredRegexp.'|'.$this->unicodeRegexp.'/S', array($this, 'unicodeToImageCallback'), $string); } // ########################################## // ######## preg_replace callbacks // ########################################## /** * @param array $m Results of preg_replace_callback(). * @return string Ascii replacement result. */ public function shortnameToAsciiCallback($m) { if((!is_array($m)) || (!isset($m[1])) || (empty($m[1]))) { return $m[0]; } else { $ruleset = $this->getRuleset(); $shortcode_replace = $ruleset->getShortcodeReplace(); $ascii_replace = $ruleset->getAsciiReplace(); $aflipped = array_flip($ascii_replace); $shortname = $m[0]; if(!isset($shortcode_replace[$shortname])) { return $m[0]; } $unicode = strtolower($shortcode_replace[$shortname]); return isset($aflipped[$unicode]) ? $aflipped[$unicode] : $m[0]; } } /** * @param array $m Results of preg_replace_callback(). * @return string Unicode replacement result. */ public function shortnameToUnicodeCallback($m) { if((!is_array($m)) || (!isset($m[1])) || (empty($m[1]))) { return $m[0]; } else { $ruleset = $this->getRuleset(); $unicode_replace = $ruleset->getUnicodeReplace(); $flipped = array_flip($unicode_replace); $shortname = $m[1]; if(!isset($flipped[$shortname])) { return $m[0]; } $unicode = $flipped[$shortname]; return $unicode; } } /** * @param array $m Results of preg_replace_callback(). * @return string Image HTML replacement result. */ public function shortnameToImageCallback($m) { if((!is_array($m)) || (!isset($m[1])) || (empty($m[1]))) { return $m[0]; } else { $ruleset = $this->getRuleset(); $shortcode_replace = $ruleset->getShortcodeReplace(); $shortname = $m[1]; if(!isset($shortcode_replace[$shortname])) { return $m[0]; } $unicode = $shortcode_replace[$shortname]; $filename = strtoupper($unicode); if($this->unicodeAlt) { $alt = $this->convert($unicode); } else { $alt = $shortname; } if($this->imageType == 'png') { if($this->sprites) { return '
'; } else { return '
'; } } if($this->sprites) { return '
'; } else { return '
'; } } } /** * @param array $m Results of preg_replace_callback(). * @return string Unicode replacement result. */ public function asciiToUnicodeCallback($m) { if((!is_array($m)) || (!isset($m[3])) || (empty($m[3]))) { return $m[0]; } else { $ruleset = $this->getRuleset(); $ascii_replace = $ruleset->getAsciiReplace(); $shortname = $m[3]; $unicode = $ascii_replace[$shortname]; return $m[2].$this->convert($unicode); } } /** * @param array $m Results of preg_replace_callback(). * @return string Image HTML replacement result. */ public function asciiToImageCallback($m) { if((!is_array($m)) || (!isset($m[3])) || (empty($m[3]))) { return $m[0]; } else { $ruleset = $this->getRuleset(); $ascii_replace = $ruleset->getAsciiReplace(); $shortname = html_entity_decode($m[3]); $unicode = $ascii_replace[$shortname]; // unicode char or shortname for the alt tag? (unicode is better for copying and pasting the resulting text) if($this->unicodeAlt) { $alt = $this->convert($unicode); } else { $alt = htmlspecialchars($shortname); } if($this->imageType == 'png') { if($this->sprites) { return $m[2].'
'; } else { return $m[2].'
'; } } if($this->sprites) { return $m[2].'
'; } else { return $m[2].'
'; } } } /** * @param array $m Results of preg_replace_callback(). * @return string shortname result */ public function toShortCallback($m) { if((!is_array($m)) || (!isset($m[1])) || (empty($m[1]))) { return $m[0]; } else { $ruleset = $this->getRuleset(); $unicode_replace = $ruleset->getUnicodeReplace(); $unicode = $m[1]; if(!isset($unicode_replace[$unicode])) { $unicode = substr($m[1], 0, 4); if(!isset($unicode_replace[$unicode])) { return $m[0]; } } return $unicode_replace[$unicode]; } } /** * @param array $m Results of preg_replace_callback(). * @return string Image HTML replacement result. */ public function unicodeToImageCallback($m) { if((!is_array($m)) || (!isset($m[1])) || (empty($m[1]))) { return $m[0]; } else { $ruleset = $this->getRuleset(); $shortcode_replace = $ruleset->getShortcodeReplace(); $unicode_replace = $ruleset->getUnicodeReplace(); $unicode = $m[1]; if(!isset($unicode_replace[$unicode])) { $unicode = substr($m[1], 0, 4); if(!isset($unicode_replace[$unicode])) { return $m[0]; } } $shortname = $unicode_replace[$unicode]; $filename = strtoupper($shortcode_replace[$shortname]); if($this->unicodeAlt) { $alt = $unicode; } else { $alt = $shortname; } if($this->imageType == 'png') { if($this->sprites) { return '
'; } else { return '
'; } } if($this->sprites) { return '
'; } else { return '
'; } } } // ########################################## // ######## helper methods // ########################################## /** * Converts from unicode to hexadecimal NCR. * * @param string $unicode unicode character/s * @return string hexadecimal NCR * */ public function convert($unicode) { if(stristr($unicode,'-')) { $pairs = explode('-',$unicode); return ''.implode(';',$pairs).';'; } else { return ''.$unicode.';'; } } /** * Get the Ruleset * * @return RulesetInterface The Ruleset */ public function getRuleset() { if ( $this->ruleset === null ) { $this->ruleset = new Ruleset; } return $this->ruleset; } }